10:23pm Jul 24 2012
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Posts: 2,422
So yea. Fail ti tle is fail.
Mmk. So Creatu turned semi human no plot romantic rp, yus? :3
Bios or no?
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:25pm Jul 24 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ LOL
No fail ti tle. Legit ti tle.
Uhm, I can do with or without bios. I just describe usually if no bios. Up to you, really.
And yeah. Did you want to do, like, Res setting? Like, we're on a Res planet, or regular human world? |D -shot- ]]
10:29pm Jul 24 2012
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Posts: 2,422
OOC//: I think regular world would be easier. And I'm usually better with bios, if that's alright with you ^3^ I'm also usually better at roleplaying males but I can do both, so you choose :3
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:34pm Jul 24 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ I'll play the girl. c: I'll edit my bio in here~ ]]
10:46pm Jul 24 2012
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(Except. Of course, he's got fangs, and horns, and devil wings and a tail, ect.) Name: Erol McKlaine Nickname: Bear Age: Teen Gender: Male Personality: Much like his creatu, he prefers to be solitary. He is sly and quick, but he mostly comes across as antisocial and odd, until he finds that one person he can trust and bond to. Other: His creatu is a black ebbie. He is actually missing one eye and his tail is mostly skeletal.
OOC//: Tell me if I need to change anything, please. :D Bear's one of my favorite characters to rp with. Every time I use him, the rp ends up super heated. ;D
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:13pm Jul 24 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ :o I love him >3 ]]
[[ Credit goes to photographer]] She's got the blonde, floppy bunny ears, and a few tentacles on her head, blending nicely with her hair, as well as a fairly short tail.
Name: Callie Jenson Age: Teen Gender: Uhm. Female. Personality: Callie is a shy person, the one who always blushes at little things and is shocked when someone makes a dirty comment. [xD] She likes to keep to herself mostly, but will always enjoy the presence of others around. She respects peoples privacy, and wishes they do the same for her. But, if wants information from someone, she's not above trying to seduce it out of them. Other: Her Creatu is a Blonde Leverene. c: Complete with the whole 'nibble' when she eats thing.
[[ Do I need to change anything?
Also: Erollie? Or Callerol? xD ]]
8:52am Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,422
OOC//: Sorry I poofed x3 Was cleaning the rest of my room and ended up falling asleep. >.<
And whut about Ballie? |D Bear x Callie, he doesn't ever bother with his first name. :3
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:45pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Omg. I love it. Ballie.
And you clean your room? -shot-
Anyways. You start, or me? ]]
8:35pm Jul 25 2012 (last edited on 8:35pm Jul 25 2012)
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Posts: 2,422
A strange, strange looking boy found himself leaning against a grey stone building, his one good eye closed and his oddities hidden under a dark grey sweatshirt, even his tail. In this cruel world, humans didn't take kindly to creatu morphs. A pair of large headphones covered his ears and what some would call emo-pop blasted through them. Under his hoodie, he flicked the tip of his tail with the beat, causing an odd formation in the side of it. A few people glanced at him, but kept walking. Good for them, he thought, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone today anyways. It's best they keep their distance.
Lightning flashed over head and thunder announced the ominous presence of pelting rain, cold on his skin. He shook his head as the droplets cascaded into the empty indention where his eye used to be, growling and accidentally letting his hood fall down, revealing his demonic horns and ears. The people around him screamed and scattered and he sighed, lonely.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:18pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie walked down the street, wearing her pastel colored skinny jeans and her bright yellow T-shirt. Sure, it was raining pretty badly, thunder rolling and lightening flashing, but she loved it. A little rain never hurt anyone.
The girl's bun, successfully hiding her tentacles, was getting soaked, but she didn't mind. Her long ears flopped on her cheeks as she walked/skipped through the streets, her tail bobbing with each step she took. How did she explain her little deformities? They were fake ears and a fake tail. Because she just loved bunnies THAT much.
Screams from down the street caught the girl's attention. Usually, a person in her position would run away with the others, but she was no normal person. Her curiosity had peaked. She crept around the corner, looking for what people were screaming about. Her eyes found themselves settling on the strange looking boy who was leaning against the wall.
Callie gasped, a short sound. Her hand flew to her mouth as she blatantly stared at the boy. Was he... Like her? It couldn't be! The bunny girl crept forwards towards the boy, not caring that she was getting completely soaked.
"Hey, kid," Callie stage-whispered to the boy. "Are you what I think you are?" Her voice wasn't judging, or cruel. She wasn't taunting him or making fun of him. The girl was merely curious at the fact another like her could be out there.

9:28pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear glanced sideways at the girl, disgusted with her...bright-ness. He sighed again, and turned to face her full-on, nodding.
"Since the cat's out of the bag..." He smiled gloomily at his own joke and pulled his hoodie off, freeing his torn wings and skeletal tail. He threw the hoodie at the girl, pulling his headphones down to rest around his neck. "Put that on. I wont have the responsibility of getting you sick, what with this weather."
The rain quickly soaked his thin white shirt, so he rid himself of that as well, tossing it aside and letting the rain splatter over his bare chest.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:46pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie felt her cheeks noticeably heat up when the boy shed his sweatshirt. That was... Very kind of him. Actually, very sweet. Not many guys would shed their protective clothing just for her. How gentlemanly of this creepy looking man.
Callie slid the boy's sweatshirt over her head, making sure her ears didn't get stuck in the fabric. When she finally turned to the boy, he had shed his shirt as well. Callie's face turned brick red as she caught a glimpse of his body. His very nice... very, very nice body.
Callie pulled her arms around her, a sort of self-hug. She gently nibbled her lip, taking in the jacket's scent. Man. It smelled pretty damn good.
Callie walked up to the Ebilia man and looked him over, including an extra peek at his bare chest. Her eyes lingered on his wings, then his tail. He was so... evil looking. She loved it.
"Won't you get sick, though?" She asked him, looking up to meet his eyes. She had to look up, seeing how her 5' 2" didn't match his height. That, and she was only about a foot away from him as well.

9:58pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear stared down at the girl, golden eye glowing. Finally, he leaned down and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply, getting her scent and letting a guttural growl from his chest before withdrawing and smiling like the cat that caught the canary.
"Nah. I wont get sick. I'm already dead." He shrugged it off as if it were completely normal for a rotting cat corpse to be walking and breathing as if it were alive.
As he straightened up fully, a cop car, sirens full blast, wailed from down the street and screeched to a stop where the two stood. The ebilia boy flicked his torn ear and glanced down at the girl from the side of his eye. "We'd better get going, unless you're willing to get thrown in the slammer. I've got a...hide out of sorts near here to ditch them at." Without a word, he turned and fled, beckoning her to follow with his tail.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:08pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie stared wide eyed at the boy as he got closer to her. He leaned in, smelled her an- Wait. Smelled her? What a creep! And was that a growl she just heard? This guy had major issues. And that grin? It gave her shivers. In two ways...
Dead? Really? How was he walking then? Did he eat? Was he like a vampire? Did he sparkle like in that one crappy book series? The girl's head was about to explode from the amount of questions she had. But, they had to wait. Sirens stopped her train of thought.
Callie was about to respond to the boy when he turned and walked away. She brought the sweatshirt sleeve to her mouth and gently nibbled on the edge, a nervous habit of hers. Perhaps it came from her bunny side, as well. She, hand still in mouth, followed the half dead thing.
Callie watched the boy's movements as she walked behind him. The way his tail swished and his wings.... She wondered if he could fly. And if he could, could she hang onto his chest? Like, a kite or something? Because that would be really, really cool.
"So, are you really dead?"

10:16pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear slanted an ear back towards her as he ran, and chuckled.
"As far as I know, I really am dead. Or...at least, decaying for some reason." He shrugged and took a hard left, stopping in what looked like a dead end, a stone brick wall going much taller over their heads. He grinned again, glancing back at her over his shoulder.
"You were wondering if I could fly, right?" His eye took on a mischevious gleam and made as to pick her up, but paused and pointed up.
"May I?"
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:26pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Oh my frucking lord. He can read minds?? :o Dude. ]]
Callie shrugged at his comment. Dead, decaying... What's the difference? Either way, they were both gross, but totally bad ass. She had a decaying friend! Who else in the world could say that? No one. That's right. No one.
"How did you know I if I was wondering that?" Callie asked him, eyeing the boy suspiciously. She hoped to god that he couldn't read minds. That would be... So, utterly embarrassing. She had already thought of some dirty images that he might act upon if he knew of them. Either to her delight, or dismay.
"Uhm, sure?" The girl finally commented, nibbling on the edge of the sweater again. She couldn't stop. She always had to be doing something with her teeth. Biting, eating, talking, kissing? Perhaps. If he was good to her, she guessed.
10:50pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear grinned at her again, flashing his fangs.
"Who ever said we were friends?" He picked her up, supporting her with an arm behind her back and another under her knees, before spreading his decayed wings and shooting upwards, never really even flapping them. He held her close to himself, suddenly wondering how in the world this managed to happen to him. He was usually so...antisocial, and here this bright, all to sunny bunny girl comes and she's got him shedding his clothes for her already.
The boy frowned, stopping suddenly and landing on the edge of the brick wall, where a man-made entrance to an abandoned building lay hidden. He carried the leverene girl inside and set her down before shaking his hair and wings free of the water. He then flopped back onto a broken down pillow and let his vision adjust to the darkness.
"So. Care to tell me who I've manage to steal this time?"
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:08pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie scrunched her nose at the man at his friend comment. Where had that come from? Damn. She have to watch what she thought... So, no imagining make out scenes between the two. Though, it would be the perfect scene... Meeting another like her after all this time, then they kiss passionately in the rain. Then he wou-
Woah, Callie. Down, girl. No more bad thoughts about sexy, decaying man and her doing som-
Woah, again!
Callie chewed on the jacket, attempting to ignore the fact she was pressed against this guy's chest. His sculpted chest... Wondering if he would stay that way all night, because she certainly wouldn't mind. No, bad girl!
Callie nibbled on her lip as she watched the boy disappear into the cave. She took a few cautious steps forward, knowing she'd be likely to trip and fall. She didn't even mind the fact she was dripping wet. And so was he...
"Oh, do you steal girls and fly them to your cave very often?"
11:17pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,422
Bear actually found himself blushing at what she thought. He stood, and 'reappeared' just in front of the girl, pressing himself close to her and tilting her chin up, finding himself lost in her thoughts and...detailed mental images. He leaned in close, stopping just inches away and staring into one of her eyes with his own glowing golden orb.
Suddenly, he tore himself away from her, growling and moving for the numerous candles placed throughout the room.
"Actually, you're the first that hasn't...run away in terror at the sight of me." His voice dripped with loneliness as he lit the candles one by one, illuminating the room in dancing light.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:31pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Callie held her breath as the boy appeared suddenly in front of her. He tilted her head up, pressing his body close. The girl couldn't form a thought if she wanted to at that moment. This was what she was thinking of only a few minutes ago... Just a little closer and they'd have it.
But, he pulled away, lighting candles as he went. Callie heard the sadness in his voice and frowned. She's kiss all his pains away, if he'd let her. She would do so much more to take his pains away... She wou-
Bad Callie! Bad! Bad! Bad!
Callie bit her lip, snapping the hair tie on her wrist. The little snap of pain brought her back to reality. She walked up behind him, hands entwined behind her back.
"I don't find you terrifying." She said honestly, smiling as she looked at his wings and tail. "Interesting, yes. Terrifying, no." Attractive? You bet his sweet butt, yes!