The Legacy of the Crystals (Private, me and Ribunny)

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11:13pm Mar 23 2012

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Posts: 5,279
This is a private roleplay between myself and ribunny123. We are good friends who roleplayed on this site a lot a while ago, but we've become something of a stranger to the roleplaying community at present. (Or at least I have) The reason that this is private isn't because we don't know anyone, but we share the concern that no one would be able to follow the plot as well as us, and might get left behind. However, if you feel that you can get the hang of it, rmail me and ribunny and convince us to let you join.

The war among canines and felines has passed, and the canines won by a landslide. The capital in the middle of the lake grows as the center of an empire, ruled by a canine and a feline in cooperation, though it's obvious who is in control. Racism is like a plague throughout the empire. Will tensions ever ease? Or is another war in the making?

Crystal: (If any)


12:15pm Mar 24 2012 (last edited on 12:52pm Mar 24 2012)

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Posts: 4,848
Name: Rainstorm
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown, looks like she's in her early twenties.
Species: Wolf/unknown
Crystal: Shadow/Zyth (That's how you spelled it, right?  :3)
Looks: A strange looking wolf, with her blue colored fur and snake-like red eyes, she is one to acquire stares.  Though, a lot of those living in the capital know who she is.  Or at least they think they do.. 
Personality: RP it out
History: Unknown
Name: Amber
Gender: Female
Age: I'd imagine she'd be in her late twenties by now, maybe early thirties.
Species: Orange tabby cat <3
Crystal: too badass for one
Looks: She has orange tabby fur with amber eyes (for which she was named.)  The bandages that she wore on her shoulders to around the middle of her arm are now probably up to a little away from her wrists, since all the time has passed.  Her amber eyes are filled with tiredness and stress from, well, everything.  Dark circles under her eyes broadcast her lack of sleep.
Personality: Rarely showing emotions other than anger and hate, she tends to stay quiet most of the time, talking only when she feels necessary.  Most think it's because it's just because she's the quiet type, but it's really because since all the time has passed her condition has gotten worse, causing her sometimes to slur her words.  All of her pent up emotions cause her to have almost "attacks" of anger, where she tends to break things and get almost crazy, almost always breaking down crying afterwards.  She of course does this when she's alone, holding it when she's around others, causing it to usually be worse when she finally is.
History: She used to work for Rainstorm, who used her magic to turn her from a normal Unsophisticated kitten into a Sophisticated killing machine, giving her enchanted gauntlets so that she could turn enemies into stone.  However, Amber slowly started realizing how horrible she was and how bad her acts were.  She tore off the gauntlets, but in doing so, she cursed herself.  Causing her arms and legs to have stone encasing them, luckily Rainstorm was considerate enough to give her enchanted bandages to make her still able to move her appendages, though the stone grows very slowly about a few centimeters a year.  Also, without Rainstorm, she is slowly losing her sophistication too.
Other: Do you know orange cats have only a 1% chance of being female?  ouo  SHE IS THE ONE PERCENT.
Name: Swift
Gender: Male
Age: Mid-teens, maybe fifteenish sixteenish.  He acts a lot younger though.  (Not like he acts like a baby or in a bad way, he just is really shy and doesn't know as many things as an older cat would.)
Species: Grey tabby cat/were-deamon
Crystal: No.
Looks: He has grey fur and darker grey/blackish tabby markings.  His eyes are greenish blue, almost a hazelish color.  His ears are usually down, and he tends to always stand in a submissive position.  He's very skinny even though he eats.
Deamon (That's how we spelled it, right?  .3.) Forme- You know how the werewolves look in Skyrim?  Like that, but furless, and very bony looking.  In this forme, he has a forked tongue and red slitted eyes.  He can stand on his hind legs, though he usually goes on all fours when he runs.  Very big too, with sharp claws and teeth.  He has spikes on his back, and a stegosaurus-like tail that he can use to fight.  He also still retains his tabby markings, although they're just on his skin.  
Personality: Very shy and socially awkward.  He usually comes at a loss for words when he's around new people, and tends to hide behind his mother-figure, Shasta.  (Hope you don't mind that.  xD) He tries to avoid conflict, and gets slight anxiety when he's alone, or when it's too dark.  Although he is extremely gifted in intelligence.
History: He doesn't really remember much of his young childhood, though with help he has gathered together that he was in the woods at one point and was bitten by a were-deamon, which lead to both his were-deamon..ness and his memory loss.  He was found when he was a very young kitten attacking the Canine base back when the war was going on while a deamon. They would have killed him if it wasn't for Shasta calming him, and he has bonded with Shasta since then.
Other: He sees Shasta as his mother, which tends to cause racist stares from Canines and Felines alike when he is with her.
Name: Slasher
Gender: Male
Age: Probably around his late twenties by now..
Species: black cat/demon
Crystal: Nope
Looks: A black cat with three scars on one side of his face.  The eye on the side of his face with the scars turns red at random times, the rest of the time they are both green.  one of his ears is also bitten off.  His claws are very sharp has he has replaced them with small knifes, and he has a butcher knife attacked to his tail.  He has become progressively more skinny as time went on.
Personality: He has a very odd personality.  He can be insane and almost psychotic sometimes.  Other times he is angry and murderous.  very rarely his "true" personality shows, which is strangely a lot like Swift's. 
History: As a young kitten he was possessed by a demon that took over him.
Other: The demon is getting stronger, and can even leave Slasher's body for a short period of time, leaving Slasher in a comatose like state while it is gone.
Name: Miles
Gender: Male
Age: Around Fifteen
Species: Black tabby cat
Crystal: Fire
Looks: Black tabby cat with hazel eyes more on the green side.  He wears a red bandanna that is almost like his security blanket.  He has a few scars on his back and one on his shoulder.
Personality: He can be a bit snappish, but most of the time can act pretty immature.  He can be racist to all besides his few Canine friends.
History: Not much is known about his history.
Name: Ribunny
Gender: Female
Age: around sixteen-seventeen
Species: Chihuahua/dragon-like creature
Crystal: Air.
Looks: You know what she looks like.  xD  I'm getting a little lazy, and hungry.
Personality: RP it out
History: Eh
Other: She is the brunt of a lot of hate, since she has friggin dragon wings.  It's hard not to have bad noticing with those.  ouo;


4:49pm Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
Name: Shasta
Gender: Female
Age: Late thirties, early forties
Species: Mexican Wolf
Crystal: Pink/Emotions
Looks: Shasta is a typical sophisticated wolf, though she is a little smaller than others, but she shares the typical patterns of a grey wolf, and only she has eyes that match her crystal.
Personality: Shasta is smart but careful, and extremely protective of Swift, her adopted son. She is gentle and kind to those she meets, and always assumes the best of them.
History: During the war, Shasta helped to organize the canine side of the war. She arrived just before the soldiers killed Swift, and calmed him down to turn him to his original form, a helpless kitten. Having lost a litter of pups herself as well as her mate before arriving, she took Swift in as her own and refused to allow harm to come to him, and still does.
Other: Nope

Name: Iceblink
Gender: Male
Age: Late twenties, early thirties perhaps?
Species: Sophisticated Wolf
Crystal: Light Blue/ Ice
Looks: Fluffy white sophisticated wolf with pale blue eyes that match his crystal, and his fur to a degree.
Personality: Iceblink is cold and withdrawn, and sarcastic at times. He rarely laughs, and enjoys feeling superior to others. He especially hates most felines, because they caused the death of his brother, Flare. Of course, he hates everyone to a degree.
History: Iceblink and Flare came to the canine camp with Shasta, though they didn't know her before. Flare died in the war trying to protect the underwater base from penetration by the enemy. Iceblink serves Rainstorm for one reason or another, but he's not exactly sure why.
Other: Ni

Name: Vendetta
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Species: Sophisticated black cat
Crystal: None
Looks: Vendetta has thick black fur with white speckles on her face to frame her pale green eyes.
Personality: Vendetta is flirtatious and sarcastic, and isn't afraid to get what she wants by any means necessary. She was born into a litter of unsophisticated cats, and the basis upon which her sophistication is based is debatable. She certainly has tendencies that are more animalistic.
History: As previously mentioned, Vendetta was born with an unsophisticated family, and acquired her sophistication when she got older.
Other: I'm thinking of turning Vendetta into a were-deamon :3 Thoughts?

Name: Vex
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Sophisticated Fox
Crystal: Red
Looks: Vex has blasing red fur and a white underbelly, and his eyebrows and the inside of his ears are white as well. He has brown eyes and a fiery red crystal on his forehead. He also has a thin black scar across his throat where no fur grows.
Personality: Vex is quiet and prefers to stick to the shadows, and refuses to talk about his scar. No one is really sure what they think of him, since he is neither canine nor feline. He has problems with sophisticated otters though, even though many have moved away from the crowded lake.
History: Rp it out. Vex preforms a fire dancing show on weekends :3
Other: Nada

((Do you want to start, or shall I?))


5:06pm Mar 24 2012

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Posts: 4,848
((Flare died?!  DD8  Nooo Flare.  ;w;
Ooh, If there was another were-deamon it'd be pretty interesting.  8D
Would you mind starting?  ;~;  xD;))


5:19pm Mar 24 2012

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Posts: 5,279
((I'll start no probs. ;) He was a martyr, don't worry.))

Fire. Vex gave a sly smile as he shot the star high into the middle of the dome, making it dissipate before it melted the strong plastic that kept the city alive. His eyes glittered with excitement as he caught the eyes of some of the felines in the crowd puff up with anxiety at the idea of water leaking on to their precious heads. He swept a tongue of fire in front of himself, singing the fur of the closest watchers. The town square of the capital was aglow as night fell, and he made a point to rain sparks upon the crowd. Not enough to harm anyone, of course, but they had quite a fright. As he drew his performance to a close, he let loose an inferno the shape of a bird, his signature phoenix, and he took a bow. The feather behind his ear hung over his face, stark blue and black against his red and white.


Vendetta lounged on one of the benches at the edge of the square, watching the fire glow in the distance. She didn't know the performer very well, but she knew that he was a fox. Her lip curled in distaste at the thought of her last encounter with Vex, and she left in a huff down the winding tubes as darkness fell. Within a few moments, she bumped into a pair of tough-looking canines, rottweiler or doberman by the look with their black bodies and tan spots accentuating their snarls.

"Watch where you're going panther," the doberman barked, his white teeth catching the dim lighting. Vendetta smiled coolly and purred, flicking her tail. "That's not a nice way to speak to a lady," she cooed.


5:46pm Mar 24 2012 (last edited on 5:46pm Mar 24 2012)

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Posts: 4,848
((asdf.  ;w;  I'm so proud of him.  /shot))
Ribunny's eyes were wide as the fire show went on in front of her.  "Wow.."  She involuntarily whispered as her eyes reflected the orange flames.  She had gone to every showing since she first found out about it, though this was the first time she was in the front row.  She didn't even care her fur got singed either, she was just happy to be there. 

Swift was curled up with his tail around himself, watching as the top of the dome seemed to glow from the fire's reflection.  His eyes were wide in astonishment, unable to grasp just how someone would be able to have power such as the fox did.  Swift, of course, was far away from the show itself, though he could see it, since he still had his slight fear of being in crowds from his kitten-hood.  "Shasta."  He murmured in his still young sounding soft voice, "You think you could do anything like that with your crystal?  I mean..  I know you can't control fire of course.."  He looked back up to the direction where the show was just in time to see the phoenix dissipate, flinching as if it could fly over to him at any second and swallow his skinny body up.  

Miles, who oddly like Swift, had the same fur patterns and eye color, though a lot bulkier and with a more aggressive posture, slowly walked along the dome's street/tubes in the dark.  He did this often, finding this a great time to think to himself like he rarely did at other times.  His life had become quite boring after the war, he lost contact with everyone he knew, and had barely a thing to amuse himself with.  His ears pricked up at the sound of a canine-sounding growl, though he couldn't tell what he or she had said.  He peeked around the corner of the tube that did a sharp turn, seeing a conflict between a black cat and some canines.  They hadn't noticed him yet, so he proceeded to sit and curl his tail around his legs, waiting to see how it would play out.

((Bah, I don't know how good these are, I haven't RPed- Or wrote much at all- in a while.  ;w;))


6:18pm Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((You're doing swell Ribunny ^.^ I actually haven't written much in a while either. I missed your characters))

The doberman gave a cruel laugh, and the rottweiler joined in after a few seconds, "You're not a lady," the doberman growled, "You're a feline." Vendetta gave a low growl and then swiped the doberman's face with her sharp claws, ducking to avoid a blunt hit by the muscular rottweiler.

"Cats have nine lives, you only have one each. I have all mine left. Do you like those odds?" Vendetta sneered, baring her teeth and laying her ears flat.

Shasta shrugged and leaned back as the show came to a close. "Maybe if I practiced mind-controlling unsophisticated animals, like birds or bats, but I think that would be unnecessarily cruel. No, I'd best leave it to the fox. Do you remember Flare, Swift? He taught you a few things, if I remember correct."


Vex waited for the crowd to disperse before he made for the edge of the common rooms. He had a little place-- above the waterline-- that he rented. (I assume that eventually, the lake would run out of room and would be expanded above the water and in the earth.) He didn't walk quickly, and it was easy to blend in to the crowd. A few canines and felines that he knew said hello in fleeting, but most everyone had something to do.


6:58pm Mar 24 2012 (last edited on 6:59pm Mar 24 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,848
((Thanks a lot.  ;w;  That means so much.  <333))

Miles' eyes narrowed with hatred, his pupils dialating into slits from anger, this cat was brave, but she would stand no chance of a fight between two big canines like them.  He stood up, making a conscious effort to stay quiet and in the shadows.  He had learned much from the battles he had been in, though they were few, and one was the usefulness of the surprise element.  He padded softly, thanking the heavens yet again that he wasn't a canine so he didn't click his claws on the ground and cause alertness.  He stopped when he was sure that if he went any further he'd be detected and raised his paw to just before the legs of the two dogs using his paw to cover his crystal so they wouldn't be alerted by its glow when he used its power

"Leave her alone you filthy mutts!"  He snarled in a voice that had deepened from his older age, blasting a fireball at the canines that landed just in front of their paws.  He made sure it was nice and loud.


"Yeah, you're right."  Swift replied, thinking of poor little birds and bats being forced to do things.  He wouldn't like if that happened to him.  He flinched at Flare's name, memories of one of the few canines that were nice and friends with him.  "Yeah..  He did."  He looked at the ground, sadness clouding his eyes.  "Shasta..  Why did Flare have to die?"  He whispered, looking back up at Shasta, "He was a nice wolf..  He shouldn't have.."


Ri watched as Vex left for wherever he went after his shows.  She put her paws together, unable to help a smile.  Maybe I should follow him!  She thought, her smile widening, Oh no, no, what would I say?  Ask for his autograph?  Psh.  Though she found her legs carrying her to follow him anyway.  What's the worse that could happen?  She could always fly away if it got awkward and always stand in the back from then on..  Right?  Her only fear was what he would think of her wings, though, that was a fear she was used to, since she felt it with everyone.  Since the racism was already really bad, her wings were even more ridiculed than before.


8:32pm Mar 24 2012

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Posts: 5,279
Vendetta hissed in surprise as fire sprang up before her paws, and there was suddenly a dark tabby tom with a blazing red bandanna behind the dogs. It didn't take her long to realize that he had a crystal, and was on her side. Taking advantage of the dogs' surprise, she boxed the rottweiler in the face, careful to dig her claws deep in his eye as he howled in pain. As she released him, she noticed that Miles had already taken care of the doberman, who was running after his friend whimpering like a coward with his docked tail tucked as far between his legs as it would go

Vendetta adjusted her short hair and let out a triumphant sigh. "Thanks love," she meowed, getting a better look at the other cat. "But I could have handled it." She gave a half-smile and then smoothed her loose shirt.

((Feel free to roleplay the doberman ***-kicking with miles ;) ))


"It's okay Swift," Shasta said quietly, projecting calmness to him carefully, "Flare died protecting what he believed in. He was one of the major reasons that the canines actually won," Shasta soothed, "for all the good its done us though," she added sarcastically. "The fire show just reminded me of him is all."


Vex stopped and pricked his ear on the stair to the upper levels of the city. He heard the soft and speedy clicking of paws on the light plastic tube-floors coming towards him. He turned around and, with the ghost of a smile, he saw a sophisticated chihuahua running up to him. He at first didn't notice the bat wings, but when he did, he cocked his head with curiosity and stopped to talk to her.


8:47pm Mar 24 2012 (last edited on 8:48pm Mar 24 2012)

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Posts: 4,848
((Oh crap, sorry I took so long, the alert thing didn't tell me you posted for some weird reason.  Good thing I checked to make sure.  D:
EDIT- LOL I forgot the res-clock was an hour late, so I thought it had been an hour since I replied or something.  xD  /failfailfail))

The doberman jumped a few inches backwards in fear, tail between his legs.  Though it only took him a few moments to (pretend) regain his composure.  He turned to whoever had started the fire, baring his teeth when he saw it was a feline.  "You'll make a fine rug, cat."  he snarled, cracking his knuckles.

Miles snorted.  "You really think you can get a single swing in?"  He blasted another fireball, this time aiming for his face.  The doberman let out a scream as he shook and pawed at his head, finally running off with his friend, still with some flames continuing to burn on him.  He turned his head to Vendetta,  "Well, it's still always pretty fun to fight a couple of crooks, especially canine ones."  He smirked, crossing his arms.  "So, what's your name pretty she-cat?"


Swift sighed as he felt the familiar warmth of Shasta calming him.  "You're right.."  He sighed, wiping his face of the one stray tear that managed to creep out.  "I bet Flare would have really liked the show, he'd probably want to join in too.."  He smiled a little, imagining Flare jumping in mid-show to show his own power.


"Eep!"  Ri said, stopping when Vex turned to her.  She considered running or flying away, but he looked like he was smiling..  sorta.  Besides, she wanted to be able to be in the front row again, running would just make it even more awkward.  She breathed deeply, remembering some meditation skills she learned a while back.  "H.. Hi."  She said, mentally chastising herself for sounding so...  fangirlish.

((NOW I remember where I heard the name Vex from.  xDD;  It was killing me before, I knew I've heard it somewhere.  That Thieves Guild girl I think.))


9:22pm Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((I took a while to reply myself, since I forgot to press the button before I left to watch Supernatural -_-
And yes, you saw through my riddle :P' Vex is from the Guild.
OMG OMG You'll make a fine rug, cat'. Isn't that a line from Skyrim that bandits say when you attack them if you play a khajit?))

"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine," Vendetta purred, flicking her tail. She put her hands on her hips. "I've seen you around this place. Not a canine fan?" she guessed.


"He probably would have given that fox quite a fright," Shasta chuckled. "It's getting late. Tomorrow morning, why don't we go to the courtyard and meet some new people?" she asked. As much as she loved Swift as her son, she did eventually want him to find someone to start a family with. He was a shy boy, and it was difficult to get accepted, but she knew that somewhere out there, a she cat would love him more than she ever could, and Swift needed another connection in his life. She couldn't always be the only family he had.


"Those are some interesting wings you've got there, mate," Vex said, tilting his head and smiling a bit more. "You look to have some chihuahua and bat in ya."


9:38pm Mar 24 2012 (last edited on 9:38pm Mar 24 2012)

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Posts: 4,848
((x3  It's fine, I watch youtube as I wait and check in the middle and at the end of every video so it's not like I'm just sitting here constantly refreshing and waiting for you.  xDD;
Wait, do you mean your Vex or Skyrim Vex?  ouo
Lolyup.  xD  I was hoping you'd get it!  <33))

"Miles."  He replied, "what gave that away?"  He swayed his tail back and forth slowly and crossed his arms, feeling the comfortable warmth of the crystal on his chest against them.


Swift ducked his head shyly at Shasta's idea.  "Okay.."  He murmured, his voice becoming lighter and whispery like it always did when he was shy or hesitant.  Though of course it would be fun to go with Shasta and meet friends, it still was a frightening thought to talk to someone he had no idea about.  Though, he also knew that the more he talked the better he would be in social situations.  "Just, make sure no scary animals are there.."  He added childishly, smiling with nervousness when he realized how much of a little kid he still sounded like.


Ribunny blushed, turning her tan fur a more pinkish hue, though the dark mostly hid it.  "Th..  Thanks."  She stammered, scolding herself in her mind again for sounding so shy around people.  "They're dragon wings, actually.  Very far back in my family tree dragons were in the linage, and my crystal.."  She trailed off, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to start rambling, I'm sure you have more important things to do."


9:55pm Mar 24 2012

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Posts: 5,279
((I love having a Skyrim buddy <3 I meant that the Skyrim Vex is in the guild. Not my Vex. :P))

"No, no, by all means tell me. I'm highly interested in the powers and peculiarities of others. I'm just a humble fire wielder," Vex said eagerly, sitting down and getting comfortable in the hall. He blinked at Ribunny curiously, and he lit the chamber a little brighter and warmer than before.


"Vendetta," Vendetta purred, licking her claw absently. "Just a hunch. Well, either way," Vendetta stretched and then straightened her posture, "Thanks for saving me," she said sarcastically, "Just don't get in my way again," she said, and with a wink, she headed towards her own room. Like most other felines, she lived closer to the top of the dome. Those were a bit cheaper to build. It was dark, and there weren't any other felines about.


Shasta chuckled. "You're scarier than most anything that could possibly be in the courtyard," she teased, batting Shift's nose and then standing. The town square was mostly abandoned. "Let's go home."


10:15pm Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,848
((Me too hun.  <3  And lol, I was about to ask if there was a fire guild or something.  xD  Actually, it'd be pretty cool if there was a secret guild.  o3o))

Ribunny blinked a few times to get used to the new light, welcoming the warmth into her fur.  "Thank you."  She murmured, smiling at Vex.  "Well, what I was saying was, well, dragons were in my linage when they still existed, but dragon hybrids have since died out.  However, my crystal seems to have reactivated the dormant gene that used to be in my family that allowed us wings."  She paused, "I like to think that the crystal was.. "attracted" to me because of that, like I belong with it, you know?  That's what my mother always used to tell me."  She sighed, feeling like she felt more free, since she never really told anyone about how and why she had her wings, and it felt good she was able to find someone actually interested.


Miles smirked as Vendetta walked away.  "I wouldn't count on that.."  He murmured, walking off in another direction to continue thinking to himself.  Miles often didn't sleep until very late at night, sometimes not at all until the sun just started to hit the water around the dome.  This, contrary to what he would tell, was not because of choice.  He often found it extremely hard to sleep at night, having to resort to staying up for long periods of time so his body almost was forced to sleep.  He wasn't quite sure why, and there probably was some sort of solution, but of course, he was far too mighty to see a doctor.


Swift giggled, but was cut off by his yawn.  Realizing how tired he was, he stood up from his before sitting position, stumbling a little from his drowsiness.  "Oof, well, at least I'm tired now.."


10:50pm Mar 24 2012

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Posts: 5,279
"What kind of crystal do you have?" Vex asked, adjusting his feather again.


Vendetta waited until no one was looking before entering her own room. She locked the various locks on her door and then allowed herself to relax. She had no injuries, no problems, so what was she worried about? She couldn't make her heart slow down for some reason. She expected someone to jump out of her closet. She locked that door too, just in case. At length, she managed to calm herself down enough for a catnap.


(I'll assume that Shasta and Swift just scurry off to their house or whatever.))


10:58pm Mar 24 2012 (last edited on 10:59pm Mar 24 2012)

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Posts: 4,848
"Blue, the Air one."  Ribunny replied, sitting down with her legs crossed to make herself more comfortable.  She lifted her hand and pushed it forward lightly, then rotated it in a circle.  This caused wind to spring up and circle around Vex, though it wasn't strong enough to cause a small storm of course.  Just strong enough to move his fur and be noticed.  She stopped after a moment or too, smiling.  "It's been a while..  Since I've done that.  I guess there's just no reason for me to use my crystal much anymore.  Isn't much room to fly in here, and it's too cold outside.  Causes ice to form on my wings when I go high, not very safe."

((Dunno what to do with Miles lolol xD))


11:03pm Mar 24 2012 (last edited on 11:20pm Mar 24 2012)

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Posts: 5,279
"You work the air with good precision," Vex complimented, "It took me a while to be able to control flames well enough to keep it away from whiskers. Oh, my name's Vex. I can warm up the courtyard tomorrow so that you can fly, if you'd like. It's be a pleasant surprise for anyone there too."

((We'll skip to the next day after we finish Vex and Ribunny's conversation
EDIT** I'm actually going to bed now. Toodles~ I'll probably be on tomorrow, but not as late at night as today. Spring Break is over :C
EDIT~ Un-editting. One more reply!))


11:19pm Mar 24 2012

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Posts: 4,848
"Oh that sounds amazing!"  Ribunny replied, jumping up happily.  "Thank you so much Vex, I'm Ribunny, but you can call me Ri if you'd prefer."  Her eyes shined with happiness and excitement, "I'll meet you tomorrow in the courtyard then?"

((Mkay.  ^^))


11:27pm Mar 24 2012

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Posts: 5,279
Vex chuckled, "Bright and early. Though, you'd best be getting to bed so we can both be waking up at a decent hour. You can crash at my place tonight. I have a guest room, and it'll be warm."


Vendetta awoke that morning with a yawn and she stretched in her bed like her feral littermates would have. She wondered where they were now. From what she knew, sophisticated animals lived longer then ferals. She shrugged off the idea and got dressed for the day, not too modest, obviously, and she left her room. There were a few cats about, but none took notice of her except for an orange tom who made no effort to disguise his looks. Made Vendetta want to smack him, but she saved her claws for any canines who decided to harass her today.

Shasta gave a great yawn as she and Swift ate the last of their breakfast. "Are you ready to go to the courtyard, dear?" she asked, fluffing out her fur slightly.

((NOW, I'll be going to bed. See my previous confusion for details XD I'll make a few new characters tomorrow too. I wanted to bring one in today, but I'm still thinking of another male to balance her. ttyl~))


11:44pm Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,848
((Yeah, I should be going off to bed too, after this post.  x3  Have sweet dreams~  <3))

Miles' eyes shot open as he simultaneously sat up, his quickness making him momentarily dizzy.  He looked around wildly, claws unsheathed, as he tried to figure out where he was.  Luckily, his memories came back quickly.  He had been walking, and sat down for a minute, must've dozed off.  "I must look like a hobo.."  He hissed under his breath, standing up and brushing himself off, then starting to walk to find somewhere to get food.


Swift smiled shyly and nodded.  "Yup."  He replied, flicking his tail back and forth in a mixture of anxiety and excitement.


Ribunny opened her eyes, lifting her head up to be confused about her surroundings.  Though she quickly remembered about Vex and the promise of flight.  She smiled widely at the thought.  It has been so long since she last flied, the wind in her fur, the feel of the speed, just thinking about it made her energized.  She pulled off her covers and slid to the ground, wondering if Vex was up.  She could always sleep a little while longer while she waited, even though she was already getting pumped.

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