4:21pm Jan 11 2012 (last edited on 8:46am Jan 19 2012)
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Changed my mind. We both know the plot. :D
~My Bio~
Name Lancelot Ashford
Age: What would be good for a pirate? D:
Gender: Male
Appearance:  rn
Other: Omg. He doesn't have that weird pirate accent. It's not cute enough for him. D; Bahaha.
^^ Just post yours, and I'll put it here. :D
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7:36pm Jan 11 2012
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I actually prefer bios, but whichever Earthy prefers :3 I'll do my own bios lD I don't know, which would you prefer? Just a warning, if we do play one character, I'll be using a female since I'm more accustomed to my female characters :c
7:39pm Jan 11 2012
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Hmmm. How about I just play a hottie guy pirate, then. :DDDDDD And, I can do bios. I just don't have them very... Nice and amazing like others on the site. Just name and... Stuff like that. D:
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2:28am Jan 12 2012
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Haha, okey :3 Before we start, should we settle on the background, like setting and time frame? o-o
2:44am Jan 14 2012
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[[ bump? :c ]]
5:34am Jan 15 2012
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[[ bump - - ]]
12:53pm Jan 15 2012
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[[Sorry! I have to only come online on the weekends now. :c But thanks for keeping it bumped. :D
We shouldn't do it in modern times... Unless pirates with technology actually works. O_O No. I dun like it D: Anyways, when were pirates around? We should probably just do it in the time when they are around. :D Buuuuuut, if you have any ideas, I'd like to hear them too. :DDDD ]]
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12:01am Jan 16 2012
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[[ Hrmm, like during the period of Blackbeard and those kind of famous pirates? I guess we should settle a location also x3 ]]
7:19am Jan 16 2012
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[[Yeah, I don't really know much - anything - about those times, but we can try if you want to. |D
And, I also don't really know where pirates were at, so I have no idea for location. Do you? :D ]]
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8:13pm Jan 16 2012
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[[Up. ^^^ ]]
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6:15am Jan 17 2012
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[[ Alrighty, I was researching up some pirate facts'n'stuff :u The main pirating era was during the 1600-1800, and they mainly raided trading ships and towns. They would sometimes stop at the ports to pick up supplies/sell stuff. Pirates were mainly English and Spanish, and would raid from each other. They never attacked navy ships because they were too strong. Pirates usually sailed the Atlantic Ocean and around the Caribbean, but I'm not sure how long a single voyage would take. We could base pirate life off Pirates of the Caribbeans, since I didn't reach the pirate life part yet xD They would trade gold, silver, maps (valuable), fish and spice. And to maybe make the plot interesting later on, one of the pirate tactics for raiding a ship was to have the crew dress up as women and fool the merchant ships into thinking they were harmless. ]]
7:04pm Jan 17 2012
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[[Ohh, wow, you're good. ;D So, maybe, during one of their stops at the ports, the girls could sneak in? ]]
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7:36pm Jan 17 2012
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[[ That's fine with me :3 So would the pirates be English? And I'll leave it up to your character to choose which areas they'll be raiding :D ]]
7:38pm Jan 17 2012
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[[ Oh, yes, English! I love their accents. <3
Andddd, what do you mean by raiding? Like, since their English, their 'raiding' to the Spanish? D: ]]
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2:02am Jan 18 2012
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[[ Sure :D Umm, I'm not sure about specifically who they raided, but the English and Spanish weren't on good terms, so I think that would give the English pirates a reason to focus on raiding Spanish merchant ships. There were also Dutch and Portuguese ships sailing around the area during those times, so... Yeah ._. ]]
2:16pm Jan 18 2012
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[[Ohh okay. So we have English Pirates stopping by a port, where you're girl comes, and then they leave and sail off to raid Spanish ships? :DDDDD Just making sure I have it. :P
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1:06am Jan 19 2012
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[[ Yup, sure! And I'll come up with a backstory to explain her escape later. ]]
8:34am Jan 19 2012
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I'm sick, so that's my excuse for you to start. ;D ]]
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9:35am Jan 19 2012
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[[ Sorry CH, it's late and I've gotta work on my essay D: May we start this tomorrow? :D ]]
9:35am Jan 19 2012
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[[Perrrfect. :D ]]
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