8:47pm Jun 5 2012
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And here it is~ ... Not all fancy or anything. But, whatever. <3432423423
So, I'm playing a vampire. You're a human. And a whole lotta romannnnceeeeee.
Bios or no? If so, I don't put much in mine. So ya... C:
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8:50pm Jun 5 2012
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Eh, I don't really need a bio. I'm pretty good at just explaining things actually.
And yes, always lots of romance. c:
8:52pm Jun 5 2012
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[[ Oh thank God. I hate bios. -.-
So, we're just winging it, I presume. So... Any ideas on where we should start it? C: ]]
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8:58pm Jun 5 2012
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[[ Hmm... Let's say it's a Friday night, summer break so my character has lots of free time, and... Well, yeah. o.o That sound like a well enough setting for you? xD ]]
9:00pm Jun 5 2012
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Bahahahaha, yes! Thanks. You start, or me? If you'd like me to start, I'll most likely post later. :)
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9:02pm Jun 5 2012 (last edited on 9:18pm Jun 5 2012)
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"Shaela, I'm ready to go. As in now." A petite blonde said to her friend. They were standing in line, ready to go into some new rage the blonde's friend got her into.
"Oh come on, Callie!" Shaela replied, rolling her eyes. She threw the stub of her cigarette on the ground and smashed it into the pavement with her black stiletto. "You know I can't get into the club unless you're with me... It's not like your cousin is the bouncer or anything."
Callie, the blonde, cringed at Shaela's extreme sarcasm. "Kale might work here, but that doesn't mean I want to go. Plus, I have work tomorrow." She paused. "You know, work? Something you have to do for rent money and food. Oh wait, I forgot you don't eat." Callie was getting pissed, starting to lose her temper. It was never a good thing to be around her when that happened.
"Callie!" Shaela snapped, grabbing the girl with her arm. "Stop it, right now." Her eyes darted at the onlookers from the ever growing crowd. "You're embarrassing me!"
"Poor Shaela." Callie said through gritted teeth. "I'll walk home." With that, Callie turned on her three-inch heels and walked away from her flabbergasted friend.
"God, she KNOWS I hate crowds." Callie muttered to herself, walking down a lonely street, heels in hands. "And she made me wear this stupid little dress... So much freakin' lace... It's ridiculous." The girl tugged down at the bottom of her short black lace dress. Her hair, usually wavy and down to her elbows, was curled and poofed into a rat's nest that made her look like a lion, not to mention her eyes were so light green they looked yellow.
Callie sighed and kept walking, knowing that in a few hours she would text Shaela and apologize, like she always did. That girl had no backbone, always letting people walk on her. It was the only reason her and Shaela were still friends, otherwise, with her out-of-control anger episodes and hot and cold personality, Callie would lose her only friend. Surprise. It's not like that had ever happened before or anything.
[[ ... Okay, not my best work, but I hope you have something to work with here. xD ]]

12:01pm Jun 6 2012
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[[ Seeing as it's Friday night, and Callie seems like the type to make a scene with something like this: we should have like a couple of gangster guys try to get up all on her. You know, like how those druggies do on the corners with random girls at night O_O_O_O_O_O_O.
And then Nicholas comes and saves the day. -cough cough-
Plus, I didn't purposely make Nich's eyes green and hair color blonde like Callie. He's been like that since I first made him. Don't think I'm copying D: ]
I could tell that school had just gotten out for this town, with every girl walking down the street, drunken and wild, wearing close to nothing. And every guy hoping he'd get lucky tonight with a girl, I could tell it was a celebration. It hurt to realize that all these mortals are wasted away by addictions and passion. Though being who I am today is nothing short of a curse, even the worst things in life can teach you the most important lessons. Like how to live like it's your last, without being a run - down, self - destructive human being with nothing left to give but a season of good times.
Sticking my hands into the pockets of my jeans, I walked down the street with a sorrowful glance at two girls passing by. They couldn't be any older then 16, yet were walking around half naked, reeking from cigarettes, and bottles of beer in hand. I gave a glance behind my shoulder just a moment to watch a couple of guys come up to them.
I didn't mean to sound old - though I was quite old - back in my day, girls wouldn't smell nor look like that. And men wouldn't find woman like that attractive. They'd find girls like that what I found them like - trash. I shook my head and kept going. A slight breeze pushed my blonde hair over one hazel eye, and I ran my fingers through it to have it go back.
Was it really just one hundred years ago that people had something they lacked in this day and age? Self respect. I sighed, sticking my hand back in my jeans pockets and walking on down the street. With my vampiric senses, I could hear music blasting from a club, and could imagine the horrific stuff going on inside. Call me old fashioned - which I always was and always will be - but I found those things horrendous.
Sometimes, I wished I wasn't a vampire - not because I was a monster. But so I didn't have to watch the world slowly fall apart.
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12:07am Jun 7 2012
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[[ CH makes a good idea... We shall do this. xD
And you worry too much! I don't think you'd ever copy a character just because you could. o.o It seems too... odd, for you. xD ]]
Callie stopped walking for a moment, finally realizing where she was: No where close to home. In her random burst of rage, she had walked in the wrong direction, but there was no way she was going to give Shaela the satisfaction of seeing her walk past her again. She was, in a word, stubborn.
A noise behind Callie made the girl jump; it was a trashcan moving. The girl thought nothing of it, probably just some person taking there dog on a night walk. Or, so she could hope, right? Callie patted her sides down, looking for her cell phone. "Crap..." She muttered to herself, realizing she had left her phone, and mace, in her purse. That purse was currently resting in the glove box of Shaela's car.
"Well hey, pretty lady," A voice said from behind Callie. She froze. Perfect. Perfect timing for her to lose her phone and mace, at the same time! Callie silently cursed to herself for putting her stubborn nature over her paranoid one. She turned on her bare heel, ignoring the small stones grabbing and cutting her feet. Her eyes widened at the sight of not only one guy behind her, but three. One she could take out with a knee to the groin, or a quick jab to his throat, but three was asking a bit much of her.
"Hey!" The man, presumably the one who had spoken before, barked at her. "I'm talking to you, bit-"
His words were cut off by Callie's mangled laugh. Only she could laugh in the face of danger. Laughter was the only way she could deal with things she was frightened of, and right now, fear was all she felt. "I heard you." She snapped at him suddenly, glowering in his general direction. Unfortunately, it was dark and she couldn't make out any facial features, something to help with her police report she'd be filing the moment she got out of there. "Can I help you with something?" Callie crossed her arms over her chest, trying to look as unappetizing as she could.
The men didn't say anything; they only stepped closer.
"I... I'll scream if you touch me," Callie warned, her tough-front disappearing in a second. Her words didn't slow the men. Big surprise there! "I'm not joking."
"Neither are we," One of the guys in the back muttered. They were close now; Callie could smell the alcohol on them and it made her sick. The man closest to her grabbed her arm tightly, a grin played on his lips. Callie looked at the hand that grasped her, sucked in a deep breath, then let go of a bloodcurdling scream worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster movie. Well, the most she could hope for was someone coming to rescue her. Damn. She hated being the damsel in distress.

11:21am Jun 8 2012
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I was at the end of the street, just about to turn when I heard a bloodcurdling scream that echoed from the other end of the street. I wasn't the hero or Prince Charming that this damsel might hope to be saved from, but I didn't care as I turned and ran the way only kinds like me could back to where I had heard the scream. It was alright to use my vampiric speed to run since no one else was on this road.
Finally going to a stop, I could easily smell the owner of the scream. Turning the corner, I thought of how much of a fool I'd feel if it was just a couple of drunken kids screaming for fun.
Finally, my eyes found three guys and a small girl. This was no joke. Clenching my jaw, I eased my temper. "Hey there, boys."
I said, my voice laced with a friendly, happy - go - lucky tone. It was a good thing that I had loved acting when I was human. "I see you found my sister." I said, stepping toward them and letting my hand gently wrap around the crook of her elbow. Gently tugging I said, "I think I can take it from here." The three reeked of beer, and I was surprised the blonde could take the stench. I could smell it one hundred times better then she could and I couldn't stand it. With a millisecond tight smile that showed the tips of my fangs, I glanced at the girl before looking back at them. I hadn't fed in a while. If they didn't cooperate...
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6:02pm Jun 8 2012
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Callie's head snapped up at the sound of a voice, another male. Great. She called in some of their friends, or so she thought. The scrunched her eyebrows in concentration as the guy called her his sister. Was she missing something here? Then, it suddenly clicked as he grabbed her arm, pulling her away from others.
Callie sighed in relief as the one holding her arm, the threatening one, let her arm slide from his grasp, though it seemed like he hadn't wanted to let go. Callie kept her face down, hiding her blushing cheeks. Of course, the one time she forgets her pepper spray, she gets attacked. What are the odds of that?
Callie took a quick peak at her rescuer and examined his features. With the blonde hair and hazel green eyes, it did look like they could be siblings, a few years apart or so. At least his call was somewhat believable. "Thanks, bro," She said, flashing the stranger a grin even though he wasn't even looking at her; his gaze was on the men in front of them.
"Uhm... We should get out of here." Callie said quickly, backing up a few feet, further from the men and the blonde's grasp. Hey, she didn't know this guy and wasn't about to trade one capture for another. She'd politely thank him and leave once they were off this street. That sounded plausible to Callie, safe.

10:45am Jun 9 2012
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Guys can I be in the roleplay how about I'm a roming Werewolf who has a boyfriend ok
11:45am Jun 9 2012 (last edited on 11:46am Jun 9 2012)
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[[Sorry, this is private. :u ]
Vin: I will respond soon. I burnt my finger and can only type with one hand DDDD: ]
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11:49am Jun 9 2012 (last edited on 11:50am Jun 9 2012)
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[[ Sorry, ILUV, but CH is right. This is private.
CH: Oh, it's fine. :3 Take your time! ]]
5:47pm Jun 9 2012
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If there was one thing anyone would learn from the few minutes they've known me, it is that I can be super protective. When she tried to pull away from my grasp, I tried to be gentle as I squeezed tighter. No sense in scaring the girl from me when I was trying to help her.
My (muscular...) shoulders eased as the other guy let go of her other arm. "Mom's gunna' kill you for being out this late."
I said in a more stern brotherly voice, only keeping the facade going as I saw one of the other guys give both the blonde and me a suspicious look. Tugging gently and pulling her away from the street and to the other side, my jaw clenched as everything in me wanted to go back to those sick perverts and give them what they deserved. But I didn't want to scar the little human girl.
After going on the side of the road, I looked at her. The anger in my features diminishing, though I planned on meeting every one of those men later tonight. "I'm glad I got there when I did." I said, a fake smile on my face so that I wouldn't make her think I was just like those sick men. "Did they hurt you at all?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing at the thought of not getting there in time. Oh, if she had one bruise...
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10:26pm Jun 9 2012
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[[ Muscular... xD ]]
Callie's eyes widened as the man tightened his grip on her arm, but she remained silent. Now was definitely not the time to go questioning him, that was for sure. When he talked, Callie looked at him, a combination of surprise and curiosity on her face. That's right. He was her 'brother' for the moment, now she remembered.
"Mom shouldn't suffocate me..." Callie muttered to herself as the stranger pulled her away. Without the watchful eyes of the group, Callie felt a little more relaxed, which was weird for her. Shouldn't warning bells be going off in her head about this guy right now? They had always been there before. Maybe she just needed to trust her guy on this one... Maybe.
Callie looked up at the man and took in his features once more. It took her a moment to answer, for she had to think out her words before she spoke. "I'm glad you got there when you did too," Callie said in a small voice. "And no, I'm not hurt." She added quickly. The girl glanced down at her arm, which was stilll in his grasp. Gently, she removed her arm and held out her hand in greeting. "Well, I'm Callie, and thank you for rescuing me," She said with a grin.
[[ Eh, fail post. Sorry 'bout that. ]]

4:07am Jun 10 2012
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Ok I was just asking
9:42am Jun 12 2012
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[[ This slipped to the next page. ;-; Sorry! And ohhhhh yes. Muscular, baby <3 ]]
The ache in my shoulders released when she said she was alright. The relief was noticeable as I gave her a crooked grin. "Wasn't a problem at all, Callie." I said, my (Hot. xD) English accent creeping in for a moment. "My name is Nicholas Dawson." I added, putting my hand on my stomach and doing a slight bow in a teasing way. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Callie, even though the circumstances weren't."
I said, lifting my tall frame and looking back at her with a smirk. Acting teasingly reminded me of when I was human. Oh, I was that smooth talking guy that every one thought was a jerk and every guy hated for stealing their girls. Maybe it wasn't the nicest memory of those times, but I always thought it was funny. Because I never really was the jerk, by conduct just made me seem that way "Well, I guess I should take my leave now."
It took everything in me not to grab her hand and kiss her fingers like I did in the good ol' days of mortality. The way the girls blushed would only make me want to get more of there attention. Oh, those were the days...
"Good bye, Callie."
I stopped short of turning around with a frown. All manner of teasing completely wiped from my face. "Do you live close by?" After seeing what just happened, what kind of gentlemen would I be if I let her go by herself now?
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11:29pm Jun 14 2012
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Callie watched the stranger in interest. He seemed to be genuinely relieved when she had told him she wasn't harmed. Did most guys act like this? No. Huh. Callie found that quite odd. She should feel relieved, and she knew that, relieved that HE had found, and rescued, her instead of some creep.
Callie's eyes went wide as the man - Nicholas - bowed to her, though it was more a comical bow than a serious one. The girl retracted her extended arm and grasped them back behind her back, making her look more like an innocent teenager than the sex-lion look she had going on at the moment. Again, she cursed herself for letting Shaela dress her like that.
Callie's face remained blank as Nicholas announced his leaving. For some odd reason, she didn't want him to go. It wasn't the fact that he saved her or was being so... well, nice. He just peaked her interest, which didn't happen very often. A radiant smile beamed across the petite blonde's when Nicholas asked her if she lived close.
"Well," Callie said, looking at the streetside across the road. "I just happen to live a little over a mile in that direction." She pointed to her right. "North," She added, mostly for her sake than his. The girl always knew which way she faced and rarely got lost, with the exception of being extremely angry at her friends, of course.

4:21pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ I decided to post now, bahahaha. :) LOL. Sex-lion... Bahahaha. ]]
The first thing I noticed when she responded to me was the way her eyes brightened with her smile. When was the last time I've seen a smile so beautiful? No matter how beautiful her smile, her response made my own lips frown. "A mile?"
I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable with me knowing where she lived, but, obviously, I couldn't just leave her knowing the long walk.
"Would you mind me walking you home? Or at least close by? I don't feel comfortable leaving you here with that long walk of yours."
[[Short. Sorry! It's harder for me to put more in once character's start talking to each other. ]]
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4:47pm Jun 15 2012 (last edited on 4:48pm Jun 15 2012)
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[[ Understandably. ^^ And yes, Sex-lion... I couldn't think of a good adjective to describe her looks, then that popped into my mind... Gah. xD ]]
Callie looked North, towards her house as she debated Nicholas' offer. Should she, or shouldn't she? Well, she was fairly certain that he wasn't going to hurt her. And he didn't insist... He asked. Politely, at that. How could she refuse an offer so kind? She simply couldn't.
"I'd very much appreciate that, Nicholas," Callie said, turning back to her new... Friend? No, they weren't friends. Acquaintances was more like it. She turned back to her new acquaintance and gave him a shy grin. "Thank you very much," She added quickly, remembering her manners, for once. With another small grin, she turned, heels in hand, and started walking towards her house.
[[ Haha... Fail post. xD ]]