2:18pm Jan 14 2012 (last edited on 2:31pm Jan 14 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
I a sooo bored. :/ So Lets RP. Anyone can join, first come, first serve. Edit: Guiven has taken the spot. :)
Please no special powers or anything, just normal wolves. You can rMail me, or just post here. Romance welcome. :D
2:27pm Jan 14 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
I'd be interested in joining this.
2:30pm Jan 14 2012 (last edited on 2:39pm Jan 14 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
(( You got it. :) Post a BIO? ))
2:31pm Jan 14 2012 (last edited on 3:23pm Jan 14 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
Name: Cin (pronounced "Sin")
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has chocolate brown fur, with a large, white patch on her left hip.rn Her eyes are a bright, glowing ice-blue, and they tend to betray here emotions even when she tries to hid them.
Personality: Sweet and quiet, with an innocent look about her. Still, on the inside, she is spirited, strong-willed, and stubborn. She is an excellent fighter, and has a lot of strength welled inside her. She is passionate, and would stick to her word no matter the consequences.

2:38pm Jan 14 2012
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Posts: 733
Name: Quint
Gender: Male Looks: Quint is a dark, russet colored wolf. He has stunning, golden eyes, and his right ear has a golden/blond tip. His underbelly and chest are white. His eyes seem to freeze-burn anything they look at, they seem warm, but can fry somebody. Personality: Quint is a strange wold. He's quiet and keeps to himself. He has a very sharp senses, which others find creepy. He sometimes doesn't even open his eyes, because they tend to make other uncomfortable, and he can get around just fine by relying on his other senses. HIs howl is rarely heard, it's musical tone makes others stop and stare. Quint can be quite gentle though, despite his gaze. He is fully capable of taking care of himself, he's lived on his own all his life, and can fight and hunt just fine. He's good at scaling cliffs, and climbing up rocks. Other: N/A
2:45pm Jan 14 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Perfect. Do you want to start? ))
2:59pm Jan 14 2012
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Posts: 733
Quint slid quietly through the pine branches, pacing himself. The Gathering of Wolves would take place tomorrow at midnight, when all pack leaders came to share news of their pack's, and he was going to be there. He wasn't allowed to be there, but he would make sure he was. The leaders would hold a conference, in this way they would learn of anything important that might endanger their packs. Quint had once gotten into trouble with one of the leaders as a young wolf, he had found a dead pup from the leader's pack, and the leader had blamed him. Quint's presence in the woods was not unknown, wolves scented him from time to time, but hey never saw him. He kept up with the pack by hiding in their territories and listening to passing patrols. Most of the packs had strict orders to kill him on the spot if he was found in their territory, but to Quint, these orders were of no concern. The chances of him being caught were less than zero. The moon was high in the sky, bathing the forest floor in its light. Where the canopy was too think for light to fall completely, little shafts of moonlight streamed through, illuminating small details that most wolves would have overlooked. But Quint was attentive, and always watching for signs of danger or food. His life didn't revolve around these two factors of survival, he got up to plenty of mischief, but they still played a very important role in his life. As he loped over the forest floor, Quint began to wonder, as he sometimes did, what would become of his life in the end. He hoped to someday settle down with a mate, but he still had plenty of time for that, he wasn't old. But how would he ver find one among the packs here? Pondering these thoughts, Quint continued his tireless treck across the forests of the Durin Mountain range. ((I made some stuff up for the setting and all, if that's okay with you?))

3:47pm Jan 14 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Cin stalked through the moonlit forest on silent feet, gazing around curiously. Her ears were alert, and her eyes almost seemed to glow in the shadows. The moon was almost full tonight, but it didn't matter to her. Mountains loomed overhead, casting eerie shadows on the landscape below. She held to the darkness, sliding in and out of sight as she wove her way through the trees. As she broke from the dense, overgrown forest and looked out into a tiny meadow, her chocolate fur was bathed in the silvery gleam of the stars. She might have looked beautiful at the moment, but she was alone. Besides, she had never been one to care much what others thought of her anyway.
Her eyes flicked from side to side, her breathing slow and even. She had been running, and her body was still trying to relax from the strain of the chase. Then again, she had been running for longer than she cared to remember. She was more than used to the burning of her sleek muscles as they rippled under soft flesh; she had come to love the sensation. To her, it was the very taste of freedom.
She paused at the treeline, crouching low to the ground as she listened. In an instant, she slid back into the shadows, waiting, listening. She could smell someone coming, and before long, she burst forward from the darkness, pouncing on the other wolf. She let out a snarl as she jumped off to one side, bristling as she stared the stranger in the eye.
(( No, that's perfect! ))

4:09pm Jan 14 2012
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Posts: 733
Quint cursed as the other olf landed on top of him. Okay, correction, pack wolves couldn't catch him. But a loner, loners were much harder to avoid. A snarl rose in his throat, and with a heave, he flung the she-wolf off. He didn't bother to survey his enemy, he leaped again, and swiped at the intruder. His paw brushed her fur, but he landed squarely on her, pinning her down.
Quint's golden eyes blazed full-furry at the chocolate wolf, the moonlight briefly dancing across her face. To him she was just another wolf, to any other male his age, she would have looked quite beautiful. But for all Quint knew, she might have killed him if he hadn't responded quick enough. There were a lot of wolves out there that would kill given the chance. Many had the idea that females were not as vicious as males, but Quint knew better. In fact, the statement or rumor, whichever had come first, he could dissprove. He had been clawed within an inch of his life as a pup by a lone she-wolf. The forest seemed to be covered in glowing frost, but it was the middle of spring. Yet Quint never took his raging eyes off the she-wolf. "Look, I'm not going to ask questions, but if you know what's good for you, you'll let me pass," he sneered to her, a growl hidden in his voice. He wondered briefly if she'd notice it.

4:36pm Jan 14 2012 (last edited on 5:53pm Jan 14 2012)
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She struggled underneath him for a minute, the ground cold to her back. The moonlight pouring down danced off his features, his russet fur gleaming in the silvery light. Her eyes burned as she glared up at him, snarling as menacingly as she could manage. She was afraid, however, that her eyes might have betrayed her fear.
He wasn't a pack wolf, that now seemed obvious. And frankly, the fact that he had managed to get here off her feet was a surprise. Still, she snapped and snarled at him ruthlessly, baring her gleaming, white teeth. Another thing that caught her off-guard was his eyes. A pair of bright, golden orbs stared down at her, meeting her infuriated glare.
"Get...off...me..." she panted, kicking at his stomach. She managed to throw him off, and she backed up into the meadow, her head low as she growled. She knew he was too strong for her to openly attack again, so she bristled, waiting for him to make a move. The stories of what male loners like this one would do if they caught you raced through her head, her ears slanting back.
Yes, she had been running, but now she was afraid that what she had run into was worse than what she had expected. The others were still chasing her, she knew it.

4:47pm Jan 14 2012
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Posts: 733
The she-wolf was backing away. This pleased Quint. The fear in her eyes when she'd looked at him, he'd almost laughed. She was smaller, not as heavy as he would have expected. This female was a pack wolf, she'd happened across him by chance. Pack wolves were always smaller, their days of providing for others had to show in some way. The wolf had surprised Quint when she'd thrown him off, but then again, she seemed pretty desperate.
Quint shook himself, and a mischievious thought crossed his mine. Why not give the she-wolf another good scare. She deserved it in the least for attacking him. Feinting to one side, assuming she'd lash out, Quint trotted over the dead leaves toward the other wolf. As soon as he got within striking distance of her paws, he slipped to the other side, shifting his weight. As Quint passed by the she-wolf, not a hair moved on her pelt, he whispered in her ear "I'm not a pack wolf, but hanging around here will get you caught." After Quint had finished his sentence, he leapt forward, and broke into a graceful lope. He had somewhere to be. The problems of a silly pack wolf were not of his concern.

5:13pm Jan 14 2012 (last edited on 5:15pm Jan 14 2012)
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She glared into the forest long after he left, her heart still pounding. She tried to shake the lingering dread, closing her eyes. She didn't like the way he had looked at her. Like she was less than him. It had always frustrated her, but this time, it was something more. She could still see those eyes in the back of her mind. They seemed to haunt her. She listened silently, the wind rustling the leaves on the trees around her. Everything was so quiet.
It took a while for her to compose herself, then she glanced around the meadow. There wasn't anything of interest, so she set off towards the gorge between the two peaks of the mountain, trying to forget the wolf. There would be a council meeting tomorrow night; the perfect event for her to slip away unnoticed. But for now, she knew that it would be best to head back to the pack. She started to run, eager to get away from that meadow. Her paws thudded against the forest floor, throwing up rotted leaves in her wake. She might not have been strong, but she could run. She streaked through the forest in a blur, not so much as stirring a leaf.

5:25pm Jan 14 2012
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Posts: 733
It wasn't until after he'd put several miles between himself and the meadow, when Quint slowed to a trot. He was standing on the bank of a small stream, the water throwing the moonlight back into the sky as it bounced off the surface. Quint crouched and lapped at the water. It left his mouth cold and moist, tasting of fresh-melted snow.
Quint stood and leapt lightly across the river, but didn't start running again. A faint breeze lifted the fur on his back, almost as if it was trying to warn him of danger. He allowed the image of the she-wolf to slide back into his mind, starting with that frosty glare. Her gaze hadn't really unsettled him that much, but he supposed it made her a little odd-ball among her pack. There was some random thought that began naggine at Quint as he thought the word 'pack'. That was strange. The thought seemed to come from deep within his concience, and it worried Quint greatly fro some unknown reason. It felt like an old friend had just died. But I've never had a friend, a little voice whimpered in Quint's head. Suddenly, Quint wished the she-wolf was still there. For the first time in his life, he wanted to be close to someone, to comfort them, or to have them comfort him. Was this what being in a pack felt like?

5:49pm Jan 14 2012
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Posts: 1,652
As she ran, the cold wind bit into her side. Tears had begun to well in her eyes as she stormed through the forest, leaping over fallen trees. Moss sparkled with frost, the moon making everything seem to glisten. Still, she didn't pay the beauty of the woods any attention. Her vision was blurred from the stinging water, but she let it come.
She wasn't sad. She wouldn't let herself be.
Would she?
No. She stared angrily ahead, her paws beginning to hurt from the sticks that she swept aside underfoot. Still, she kept running. As she thundered forward, she came upon the creek that marked the border into the pack territory. Suddenly, she skidded to an abrupt halt, spreading her feet to keep herself from sliding. A heartbeat later she slowed to a complete stop, her toes inches away from the tiny brook. It burbled and splashed quietly, and she stared down at it. She shook away the tears, staring into the clear, mountain water. She hesitated, her rippling reflection staring back at her. As she met her own gaze, she froze.
No. No, I'm not going back! she screamed at herself, kicking herself onto her haunches as she turned, shooting off upstream. As the border streaked away from her, she glared ahead once more, running away from everything she had known. Why wait? She knew she would never see the pack again as the tore across the landscape, leaving behind everything she knew as she set off towards the mountain pass.

6:01pm Jan 14 2012 (last edited on 4:14pm Mar 18 2012)
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Posts: 733
((Sorry for the small font, it won't work for me D:<)) Quint began to fight with himself. He tried moving forwards, then backtracked, in a feeble attempt to return to the meadow. This pattern of forward, backward, eventually evened out into his pacing along the bank of the stream. Quint was frustrated, unsure of himself for the first time. Why? Why did all these new sensations have to be coming to him now? He had somewhere he needed to be! Snarling angrily to himself, he kicked a stone, but recoiled as his pad began to sting from the impact.
Growling and snarling, the russett colored wolf shook himself, fur fluffed up against the now cruel breeze. Quint finally gave up trying to win himself over like this, and jumped headfirst into the stream. The icy water calmed him somehow. Steadily, Quint hauled himself out on the opposite bank, shaking his soaked pelt. He took a few moments' time to compose himself. Kneading the moss with his muzzle, Quint settled down into the shallow impression he'd made, and closed his eyes. Quint allowed his thoughts to wander, and quite suddenly, they made a bee-line for the shadow that had fastened itself at the back of his weary mind. Scents, sounds, emotions surged over him. He was drowning in what seemed to be his own memories. He smelled a warmth, one that reminded him of his mother. But there were other scents too, ones that weren't supposed to be there.

6:22pm Jan 14 2012 (last edited on 1:15pm Jan 15 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
Cin had slowed to a trot when she was satisfied that she was far enough away from the pack. She had followed the brook upstream a few miles, and now she found herself nearing the foothills of the Durin Mountains. She had never been this far east before, and the area was unfamiliar to her. The pack had always hunted further to the west...
She stopped herself from her train of thought, focusing on the small game trail that wound through the trees by the water. Everything was surprisingly dark under the shadow of the mountains. Not even the moonlight seemed to slip through. She found herself following her ears instead of her eyes, sniffing as she walked blindly ahead.
She found herself thinking about the wandering wolf again.
Of all the things I have to think about, why him? she asked herself, whimpering quietly. The terrain was much rockier than she was used to, sharp shards of stone making small cuts in her pads. She could smell the blood, and worried whether or not the others would be able to track her because of the paw prints she left behind. She looked hesitantly to where she knew the creek to be, complaining quietly to herself. She slowly walked over to the brook, stepping down into the shallow water.
Yup, freezing.
She shook her head, rinsing all four of her feet. She was happy to crawl up onto the bank and lay down on a large slab of rock, thinking. No matter how hard she tried, her thoughts kept winding up back on the male.
I wonder if he would help me? she mused, resting her head on her paws. She felt something clawing at her gut as she thought of him; perhaps she was jealous. Jealous of how he could wander free, without a care in the world. He only had to look out for himself, he could look out for himself and do only as he pleased.
Then again, part of her wondered if he had always been alone. She wondered what it would be like not to ever have had a family, as most lone wolves had. Cin let out a soft sigh, closing her eyes.
I hope, for his own sake, the pack doesn't find him.
(( It's no problem. :) You are so much better than writing than me... XD ))

1:04pm Jan 15 2012 (last edited on 1:07pm Jan 15 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((You're doing fine.))
Thunder rumbled in the distance, and Quint squirmed nervously. "Hush, little one, you're safe here," came the soft voice of the mother Quint hadn't been able to remember until now. Taking comfort from her soft words, Quint settled himself against his mother's warm fur, pressed against another warm body. The other pup was his sister, though Quint was unsure how he knew. The night was chilly, the breeze seemed to come from all around. Quint didn't know where he and is family were, only that they were safe. For now. Almost as sudden as a violent breeze, barks and snarls erupted around them. Quint's mother flinched, and he felt, rather than heard, a growl coming from deep inside her. Determined to know, to understand, Quint opened his eyes for the first time, as his mother's warmth left his side. Quint's mother was standing, she was a beautiful silver wolf with amber eyes, his sister was still beside him. She was a pale, redish color, with a silver diamond on her forehead. Her eyes were half open, they were the same gold color as Quint's. A fourth wolf stood in the entrance to what appeared to be a cave, which Quint's family was nestled in. This was a male, a large, fox-colored wolf., he too, had golden eyes. On his forhead, he had a pale blond streak of fur, similar to Quint's sister's diamond. Quint gave a little whimper of fright, he could smell blood in the distance. The fox-wolf looked at him, his gaze full of love and pain. "They're beautiful," he whispered to Quint's mother, not taking his eyes off the pups. "Take them Qisa, they'll find me here, and these two will never be safe," Quint's mother urged. "They're your pups, you have a duty to protect them." The male stared at Quint's mother, his ex pression full of fear and determination. He nodded, and dropped his gaze, padding into the cave towards Quint. "The male is Quint, after you. I want you to name the female." Those were the last words of the silver she-wolf as she brushed past Quint's father, out into the storm. Quint began to cry. With a jolt, Quint awoke. He realized he had tear tracks staining his face. The moss around him was shredded, and he figured he'd been clawing at it in his sleep. He felt numb with shock. Those were memories, he was sure, but why hadn't he realized they were even there, before now? Confusion had settled in every corner of Quint's exhausted mind, all he could do was lay his head on his paws. He had always thought that he'd been born a loner, but the memories told a completely different story. He was sure that had been his pack fighting outside the den. What was more, Quint realized, was that he had a sister. Without him realizing it, Quint's swirling thoughts were beginning to form a plan. He wouldn't go to the Wolf Council, he'd have to return to the pack grounds. It would be dangerous, but he had to find out more about his past. Most importantly, find out if his sister was still alive. Grunting, Quint stood up, shaking from head to paw. He set his eyes back across the river, southwest, flicking his gaze across the Durin Mountains that rose up against the sky in the distance. On the horizon, Quint could just make out a faint glow that signaled the arival of the sun's light. He needed to get moving.

1:41pm Jan 15 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Cin felt herself stir, waking herself from a shallow sleep. She yawned, stretching out as she let her stiff muscles relax. Part of her was surprised when she didn't feel the soft pelt of another wolf at her paws, and as she took a moment to remember where she was. She looked around, the rocky outcrop looking far different now that she could see. Morning light was beginning to seep into the blue sky, painting the mountains a cool lavender.
She blinked, her icy eyes flickering down to her paws. She was surprised to see small streaks of blood trickling down the granite rocks, staining the grey stone a deep red. Although she was startled, she didn't let herself stare. She whimpered, rising slowly to her feet as she limped over to the stream for a drink. The cool water flowed soothingly over her tongue, chilling her throat as she lapped it quietly.
She listened around for the flitting of a bird, or the angry chattering of a squirrel, but to her confusion everything was unnaturally quiet. With a start, she began cursing herself. How could she have gone the wrong way? What was wrong with her? As she looked around, she realized exactly where she was. Then, she stared out down the pass ahead, her heart sinking when she saw the sandy, white-on-red hills of the badlands.
I've never been so turned around in my life!
She shook her head, beating her reflection away.
There's no was I'll be able to get to the forest without being caught by the pack...
She felt she should be angry, but without a second thought she set off back to where she had come. She soon found herself running, knowing that something more than her pack would be waiting back in those woods.

2:00pm Jan 15 2012
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Posts: 733
Oh, how pleasant, Quint thought, annoyed. He had somehow managed to get himself stuck on a ridge, half way up a rocky slope. A combination of mud, and blood was smeared on the rocks below him. He had grazed his shoulder on a sharp stone jutting out from the ledge on the way up, and it was bleeding ever so slightly.
Oh well, stupid, stupid me. Now I'm going to have to jump, and I'll be lucky if I don't snap my neck. Quint gathered himself, bunching his muscles... and leaped. The impact shook him, but other than that, Quint found himself whole, and unbroken. Well, he wasn't comming this way again. Besides, it wasn't like he had any idea where he was, so why shouldn't he panic? Maybe he'd just settle down for a nice nap, and when he awoke, it would turn out this had all been a bad dream. But it wasn't a dream. Isn't a dream, and you know it, spoke a sly little voice in Quint's head. He shook himself, and padded forward again. He had to keep moving. For some reason, another little voice in his head was telling him to find the she-wolf from the previous night. In your dreams, Quint thought. There was no way he was going to find a wolf, who just might have killed him, with an injured shoulder. She might know, she might help you, said the softer voice in Quint's head, confusing him even more. Quint broke into a fast lope, trying to leave his messed up thoughts behind. It worked. Sort of. He was so intent on forgetting everything, that he didn't realize he'd stumbled across the pass that would take him into the heart of the badlands. Surprised, Quint stood there, dumbfounded. It took him several moments to realize that a familiar scent was tickling his cold nose. The she-wolf! She had been here recently, and the softer voice soon won Quint over. Snorting, he flicked his tail, and began to search for the start of the scent trail.

2:22pm Jan 15 2012 (last edited on 2:24pm Jan 15 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
She worked her way down the rocky ledge, bounding into the treeline of the familiar forest. So lost in her thoughts, she didn't think twice before leaping over a fallen tree trunk, and suddenly felt her heart stop in her chest. Her back paw was caught in a forked bough, and although it wouldn't have been enough to hold her, it was enough to snap her ankle when her momentum pulled her forward. She let out a strangled yelp as she tumbled forward, smashing her sensitive nose into the dirt before continuing to tumble forward a few feet. She finally came to a stop, whining at the pain in her muzzle for a minute. When she tried to sit up, she realized her paw was still stuck in the branch.
She expected the pain, so at least she wasn't caught off guard when the dull throbbing turned into a sharp, crippling pain. She whimpered, grimacing as she lay her head in the rotten leaves. She knew she had to get her paw out, but was hesitant, knowing how badly it would hurt. Pulling herself together for a moment, she lifted her leg just a little. It was just enough to pull her paw out, but by then she realized it was her entire leg that had been injured. It was all she could do to hold back a cry of agony as she lay her body out flat, trying to relax the strained muscles.
She lay still, panting quietly as she tried to recover. She cursed herself, trying to move her body back against the tree to hide. She didn't know why, but she felt something was coming.
