So, I'm thinking that Lions and panthers are getting waaay too much attention, and I am aching for a big cat RP, but most of them have VERY uneven gender ratios.
It's mating season! But the Jaguars, Leopards and Cheetahs are finding it hard to find a mate, since most of the pack has gone missing for a strange reason. Could you find your group, or find a new mate and create your own?
A forest... Yeshh... Outside the forest, there is a savannah. Yes, big terrain difference, blahblahblah. I bet I'm more technical than you, anyway. I'LL TAKE YOUR CHALLENGE ANYTIME.
Hoboy, I am SO miffed by many RPs and plots because of characters that irk me. So very strict rules. Not really. Depends on your literacy rate, really.
-No PP/GM. Obvoiusly.
-Gender ratios EVEN. Seriously. If it gets out of proportion, I will MAKE everyone even it out. That's right, you heard me. MAKE. Like a CAKE.
-NO Mary/Gary Stus. I cannot stress how ANNOYING it is.
-Place the word 'My character is not handicapped ' in your bio to prove that you have read this.
-NO characters that need special treatment. Aww, your cheetah is blind because her mentally crazy mother ripped out her eyes to feed baby hyenas? TOO BAD.
-NO exceptions. No hyenas, no African Wild dogs. I know they're cute, but would you want a wild one running around your home? I will accept the occasional lion, but nothing more.
-Haha, just kidding about the handicapped thing. Place 'My character is not an annoying little unsocial freak that has a dead mother' to prove that you have read this.
-NO sob story backgrounds. I don't care if your jaguar watched its mother die a slow and agonizing death, and witness the brutal and cruel murder of their father and brother. Too bad, move on. That's how life goes.
-Romance is encouraged
-I only accept completed bios.
-No bisexual/gay/lesbian characters. Sorry, but I find them a little cliché.
-NO same character romances. This doesn't even need explanation. If you want that, go talk to yourself.
Appearance: [Pictures preferred.]
Personality: [At least three words]
Crush: [Romance is encouraged.]
Other: [No pets. You're a big cat, geez.]