((I saw this thread, then clicked it without hesitation. <3 Chancey, you are awesome!! *tackleglomps*))
Name: Batflame
Age: Immortal, looks like a young adult-adult kind of wolf
Clan: BatPack?
Looks: Dark, midnight black fur that's smooth, shiny, soft, and silky. His eyes are fiery red, burning like actual fire especially when he's fighting. His bat wings and learge, leathery, and black.
Personality: He is kind, sarcastic sometimes, and occasionally aggressive.
Mate/Crush: Scourge?
Gender: Male
Species: Fire Curse Wolf (remember? X3 And he's like a curse wolf, but with the fire element. It's like being able to hex but usng fire so your meal's cooked. ^^;)
History: He was born with his sister, Rhea, on a crow's nest. The crow was taking care of their mother and when she died, the crow managed to squeeze the newborns into her nest. She had no eggs or experience, but she loved the pups as much as their mother did. Knowing about wolf dens, the mother crow let them sleep only on the softest bedding and her fluffy down feathers that came off. Rhea was the older one. It didn't take long for her pelt to become fluffy and help provide extra warmth to the family in the harsh, cold winter. Batflame grew his sleeker pelt, which was still warm. Because their family was risky, Rhea self-appointed herself as the nest guard. W?henever a predator or threat came by, she would alert her family. Batflame knew how to use his hexfire powers as soon as he tumbled out of his mother's belly. When predators got too close, he spat out a ball of hexfire onto the predator, usually stunning it. Eventually, the pups grew too large for the nest. They managed to last on the small thing until the warmth of midspring came along. By then they were a bit stronger and knew how to walk, so they were playing on the forest gras,s most of the time. The crow mother led them to an abandoned wolf den, which was large a roomy. Their crow mother was always guarding their home on her nest. The pups lived in the wolf den, feeling much better than up high in the nest. Then one night, a loner wolf came by their home and climbed into the tunnel. The loner heard soft breathing sounds. The cannibal grabbed the nearest pup and took off. Rhea shrieked as soon as she felt fangs sinking into her scruff a little too harshly. Batflame snapped awake and toasted the predator. However, the loner managed to get out of the den quickly and escape. Batflame clamboured out and dashed after the loner, trying to ignore his sister's cries. The loner ducked under some undergrowth, but Batflame tracked him down. By the time he found the loner and his sister, she had been eaten by the cannibal. Batflame swallowed his sorrow and slaughtered the loner, using only his claws and fangs, which were dripping in blood by the time the loner died. He burned the body and shook his bloodsoaked fur angrily. He stormed off with her remains, which were mostly bones, to tell his mother. After the incident, Batflame has lived a pretty solitary life in a cave, visiting his crow mother everyday until he found her dead in her nest. He brought her limp body and nest back to his cave. Batflame formed BatPack, after he grew his large, powerful bat wings.
Anything Else: No.
Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): Hexfire, described in "Species".
Picture: I don't have one. Never did.
Name: Shadowhex
Age: Young adult; 6 and�a half years
Clan:�None. Loner.
Looks: Smooth, sleek�black fur, gorgeous fiery purple eyes. Sharp claws and fangs. In her demon form, she has long, sharp spines sprouting out of her back, her fangs elongate until they look like a smilodon's, her claws grow bigger and sharper, and she turns evil. Her demonic bat wings are a�dark silver.
Personality: RP it out? If you were in the old RP, you should have an idea about how she's like.
Mate/Crush: PSHHH.
Gender: Female
Species: Dark Curse Wolf (Self-explanatory, eh?)
History: She was born in the Underworld. Because there were too many down there, the demon wolves were forced to banish her for that reason only. Her parents were so devestated that they went with her. The claws of fire scraped her soft, fluffy pup fur as her parents flew out of the Underworld with her. They touched sunlight immediately, therefore killing themselves. Their spirits drfited to Heaven, because of their huge sacrifice for their thirteenth pup. Shadowhex hated it without her parents in the lghit. She crawled as well as she could under a tree. She felt weak and vulnerable. Luckily, a hawk flew by and landed beside her. He was curious to see such a�young, helpless wolf just lying there, half-dead. He brought her back to his nest and began taking care of her. When she was about�a year old, the hawk told her he wasn't her father and that he found her�in the forest when she was very little.�Shadowhex told him about her exile for no reason. The hawk was very sympathetic. As the�years went on, they began to appreciate each other more and more.One day, a sudden disease hit the poor hawk. He told her to go before she got it, too. So she fled from her home to live as a young loner. Months later, she came back to him to see how he was doing. She climbed into his nest and saw that he was gone. Just gone. Had some scavengers taken his rotting flesh? She sniffed around. Her eyes widened when she saw a pile of bones, talons, and�a beak sitting on the shadowed part of the nest. A note scrawled in blood on a brown oak leaf was honey-glued onto the pile. "Shadowhex, I have always lvoed you and I don't want to leave. But the heavens pulled me up too soon and took my rotting flesh for some reason. Please don't hurt yourself to come after me. I am content up here, watching you live. -Lyle" She wailed at the note, shuddering in despair. Gathering up her stregth, Shadowhes grabbed the remains of her beloved and trotted back to her den. She ahs been living there ever since.
Anything Else: Because of the huge sacrifices she has suffered, Shadowhex is sometimes,�often in battle, transformed into some demonic wolf with super strength and everything. This is a very terrible thing because it is never done because she wants it to happen. It just does.
Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): She can hex anything/anyone. Effects can and will differ.
Picture: I can't find them, or they won't work...
Name: Twinkle/Starlight
Age: Pups (both 1 and a half yeas old)
Clan: Loners.
Looks: Twinkle has soft silver fur and sky blue eyes. Starlight has fluffy white fur and amber eyes. They both have angelic wings, pale silver in colour.
Personality: Both are kind, caring, compas.sionate, friendly, sly, devious and shy.
Mate/Crush: No one.
Gender: Females.
Species: Both are Star Wolves. (They are born in the night sky, on a star. They bear the powers of the stars in their paws. Very rare. Their eyes and pelts sparkle like stars.)
History: They were both born on the star closest to earth, then their soft wings took them to earth. "The pair don't have an eventful past. They've been living in a familiar abandoned wolf den ever since they arrived. This den was also used by Rhea and Batflame.
Anything Else: No.
Special Abilities(Limit it to two,But all may have wings): Starry stuff.
(Remember darling Moonlight? :D This is Twinkle.)
(Starlight looking sad.)