6:53pm Aug 6 2010
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I had an idea while looking at my two favorite roleplay characters: They're perfect opposites. And this brought to my attention that noone has done a roleplay on the thing that every (straight) girl secretly wishes: For two beautiful boys to fight over a girl. Especially when those two are enemies. And so, if someone will join me, will shall roleplay this scenario. It won't be an instalove kind of thing, but throughout the roleplay the two boys (played by me) will fall for the girl more and more. It'll be lovely, and the poor girl will have to choose between them. I will now take volunteers. Once I have a girl, I will post the boys. Oh, and Background: The school is a first cl*censored* school the the children of the cream of society. Simply going their requires the child to be heir or heiress to a fortune. So naturally, it isn't your average high school. The uniforms are Victorian style, although few actually abide by it. It's simply there to give the parents something to spend money on. Name: Golden Horizon Academy.
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6:55pm Aug 6 2010
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I'll do it..
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6:58pm Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 6:59pm Aug 6 2010)
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((I'll join. Edit: Late post. Sorry. I guess I forgot to hit the post button.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:07pm Aug 6 2010
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ooc:// Tribecka gets it, cause she was here first. Alright, I get the boys... *rubs hands together evily*
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7:09pm Aug 6 2010
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((I'll post my bio.))
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7:11pm Aug 6 2010
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Darkness Name: Scott Hastings Gender: Male Age: 17 Grade: Senior Personality: Around those he doesn't know he is quiet, shy, and rather withdrawn. To those who do, however, he's a barrel of laughs, with his crazy sense of humor, endless wealth of knowledge, and extreme gutter mind. He never spares a detail, has a gift for story-telling, keeping quite a captivated audiences. Being the only pagan in the school, he's tormented as a worshiper of the Devil. If anyone took the time to get to know him, they'd see how truly kind and comp*censored*ionate he is. He's very musically gifted, very polite, and very proper. He can't wait to be rid of the small town and all its prejudice. Appearance: 
I've decided that Scott has a love for dressing in the clothing of his favorite anime character, partially because he feels like it, but mostly because it gives the Anime Club something to talk about when they think he's not listening. Dating: Noone (open) Roles in the school: Prez of the Anime club, and a member of the Drama club.
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7:13pm Aug 6 2010
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Light Name: James Adelaide Gender: Male Age: 16 Grade: Junior Personality: Think Prince Charming. James is sweet, chivalrous, always looking out for those in need of *censored*istance, daring, extroverted to the max, charming, bright, and, from the outside, perfect. But he's a horrible flirt, and in truth as much of a nerd as Eva and Scott, just without the surrounded rumors. He is, in fact, whatever religion suits him. The only reason the girls of the school don't hate him is because they're all too smitten to see how callous and vain he is under all that glitter and show. He's a born performer, able to make just about anything look at if its true, and he can fake sincerity so well that he even had Eva in his hand for a little while. He dresses opposite Scott, wearing Victorian era clothing, though in the style of nobility rather than the working cl*censored*, and always in white with any color accent or jewel. Appearance: 
Dating: Noone (open) Role in the school: The Hunk
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7:24pm Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm Aug 6 2010)
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Name: Akila Monteik Age: 16 Grade: Junior Personality: Akila is very sweet but can be mean. She loves animals and hates animal abusers. She hates it when people wear, even fake, animal fur. She's not a vegitarian though. She is very coulorful and musical. Looks:
tle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="200" /> ((Ignore the wings. The girl in the pink is her sister.)) History: Nothing special because she never talks about it. Family: Her sister September(The one in the picture), her brother Shane and her parents. Dating:No one, yet Role in school: The singing newbie Other: Nope.
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7:44pm Aug 6 2010
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ooc:// Alright! Now for the boys to make their grand entrance... *rolls up sleeves, even though she's wearing short sleeves already* Darn figures of speech... *mutters off to type the killer intro* Golden Horizon Academy. For the cream of society, the future of business. Wealthy families from all over the world sent their little angels to study here. A typical trip for ski club was a little stint to the Swiss Alps. The scuba diving club has been to every exotic coral reef in the world at least twice in the club's history. With a group specializing in just about every activity deemed acceptable for the children of world powers and some that weren't so acceptable, the school screams clas.s. Each dorm room was the size and appearance of a five-star suite, pretty much a high-riser flat. Only 4 hundred students are accepted yearly, and the genders are always kept even, fifty of each gender to each cl*censored*. That way, parents can begin making good matches while the students are in this setting. It was to the school's gold, marble, and Brazilian cherrywood exterior that James was approaching, smiling cheerily at every face he p*censored*ed. Girl's swooned left and right, all elbowing for a space in the eyes of the school's Prince Charming. He was surrounded by an aura of light and grace as he moved to the decadent building, as rich and slendid at its students. Sky blue eyes flashed with gentle, self-expressive joy, setting of his pale gold hair and fair skin. Today his usual white suit was paired with a fresh light blue cravat, gloves to match, white kidskin shoes and a deep, almost black sapphire hold the cravat's center. A very striking image, as was his goal. His vest was a pale, shimmering silver, as was the kerchief in his breast pocket. He wore a white rose in his buttonhole, and to all of this he added his proud bearing, making him a true prince. Of course, for every ray of light their must be a cloud, and Scott was the cloud to James' sunshine. His deep red eyes flashed, daring any to question him. Though he shared James' regal air air and ability to draw attention to him wherever he went, it was, for the most part, the wrong kind of attention. Although, girls being what they were, a great many swooned for his dark mysteriousness, dreaming after the shadow that followed him and what it hid. A simple suit of stark black did justice to his ivory skin, matching perfectly his black hair. Sharp, feline features added to the slinky grace with which he moved, blood red cravat and rose a contrast against the rest of him, all black but for his white shirt and gloves. In the middle of his cravat sat an opal, shining with its many colors. And so, the King of Light and King of Shadow entered their domain, though which was which had yet to be decided.
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7:50pm Aug 6 2010
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ooc:// That is a seriously long intro. I have surp*censored*ed myself in this feat.
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7:52pm Aug 6 2010
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The sun was up and shining. Akila grabbed September, her twin. September grabbed her bag and Akila dragged her. Akila let go of September as she saw to guys. She put her lip. She heard September fall. She ran to her and helped her. "I'm so sorry, Sept."Akila said. "It's okay, Aki."September replied, laughing. The went through the doors. "This is really nice."Akila said. They went into their domian, laughing quietly.
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8:04pm Aug 6 2010
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Akila drew both their eyes, as if a magnet. Garnet and aquamarine, shining fiercely. James, being lighter on his feet and less burdened with the need to actually talk to people, reached her first. For a moment he simply walked beside her, silent, before offering her a smile that would have been normal for James, but on Scott's face it was a light in the darkness, shattering his stern countenance. "Excuse me, but I believe your sister dropped this out of her bag." He held out the offending paper with a pristine, white-gloved hand, not meeting the gaze of either girls. Thirty feet behind them James fumed, having been beaten to the chase by this upstart. Of course, noone but he noticed, except for the group of girls dedicating themselves as Scott's fan club.
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8:08pm Aug 6 2010
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Akila blinked. "Thank you."She blushed. September pinched her and left. All Akila did was giggle. "I'm Akila Monteik."She said. "That was my sister, September."She smiled.She moved her black bangs out of her face and semi- sighed."I should get going to my sister."She finally said after some silence.
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8:24pm Aug 6 2010
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The smile grew at the sight of her blush, and he gave a sweeping bow. "I'm Scott Hastings. It's my pleasure to meet you, Akira. As as loathe as I am to part ways with you, you're right. Homeroom awaits. Perhaps we shall see each other again later." He gave a brief nod to dismiss himself, shooting her one last dazzling look over his shoulder as he walked away. ooc:// More Background! Junion Cl*censored*es The last two years at Golden Horizon are dedicated to grooming the students for life in high society, and therefore the school is authorized to only require two years of core clas.ses, freeing the uppercl*censored*men to pursue clas.ses that are more suitable. Monday/Wednesday 1 Period: Home Room Each grade is seperated into four home room clas.ses, and it's from these groups that they host most culture fairs, contests, and parties. Therefore, this period is dedicated to planning, talking, and relaxing before the first cl*censored* if no events are coming. 2 Period: Cl*censored* Depending on which rotation you're in, you'll have: A: Royal Etiquette B: Advanced Equestry C: Fine Art D: Economics 3 Period: Depending on rotation: A: Economics B: Royal Etiquette C: Advanced Equestry D: Fine art 4 Period: Lunch After this is whatever electives the student has chosen and the time for Clubs to gather. Tuesday/Thursday clas.ses complete the rotation, and Friday the students have all the cl*censored*es in rotation order at half-length.
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8:35pm Aug 6 2010
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((Okay.)) Akila went to homeroom. She didn't have the same homeroom as September. She sat down, hoping to see Scott or the other guy, since she didn't get his name yet. She bit her lip, looking around. She put her head back so she could relax.She sighed and closed her eyes. She was exhasted. She already missed eevryone at her home. Mostly her brother Shane.
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8:47pm Aug 6 2010
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ooc:// Time skip to second period. Maybe, since your homeroom has nothing to do with your rotation, she, Scott, and James can all have Advanced Equestry next? Sighing heavily Scott suffered through homeroom, fiddling with his silver pocket watch. Nearby a small gaggle of girls cooed over him, only to recieve total annoyance. Both Scott and James, oblivious that they shared next period with each other or that entrancing young woman from the morning, were looking forward to their next period: Horse-back riding. As soon as the bell rang they were off, walking as quickly as possible without looking at all rushed, a difficult feat to accomplish. They made it to the school's stables within moments, though both were too absorbed in their own thoughts to notice one another. Scott's steed was, of course, black. Save it For the Knock-out was purebred friesian, with her thick neck, high crest, long wavy mane and tail and light feathering about the hoof. "Good morning, Swish." His deep voice was filled with adoration as he stroked her outstretched head, earning a choir of sighs from his fanclub. James, needless to say, rode a princely steed indeed. His white thoroughbred stallion was a born racer, tall and slender with a deep chest and gossamer coat. Prince Charming greeted his mount with a carrot and a brush, rubbing the stallion down until he shone like moonlight. As he wrapped his arms around Dynamo's neck his entourage of adoring fans cooed.
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8:56pm Aug 6 2010
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Akila and September got to the stables. They got showed their horses. Akila got a gold Paint named Snakeheart because it had a snake bite right next to his heart. She put a halter on Snakeheart and got on. She told the teacher that she only does bare- back horse riding. She had a huge smile on her face. She rode Snakeheart out. The teacher nodded at her. Akila went to the track.
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9:31pm Aug 6 2010
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With a little nudge to Swish's sides Scott lept forward, the black leather of his sadle and bridle sharp against the black stitching and detailing, as well as the white and red sadle blanket. It was quite easy to see a theme here. He brought his mare to trot alongside Snakeheart, whom he recognized as one of the school's horses. He rode the stallion on occasion, when Swish was at shows. From his seat he gave her a nod, smiling. "Ah, we meet again. You ride a fine steed. He's brave and a little brash, though. Don't let him run away with you." On Akila's left James appeared, his tack white where Scott's was black, blue where Scott's was red, and gold where Scott's was white. "I don't believe we've met. I'm James. James Adelaide." He managed to bow from in the saddle, giving a sweep of his arm. "My friend is right. Snakeheart is a spirited beast. It would take a woman of equal beauty and spirit to sit upon him as calmly as you do."
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9:36pm Aug 6 2010
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"I know my ways."She said to them as she ran off with Snakeheart. She wasn't wearing a helmet, either was September. Snakeheart did a very sharp turn where she would've fell off, she stayed on. It was a miracle to the teacher. They jumped over a beautiful gorge.
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9:44pm Aug 6 2010
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Both of the young men watched her with awe, and a little bit of concern. They couldn't be shown up by the one the sought. James brought Mo into a rear, hooves striking at air. When those hooves came down the stallion took off at a breakneck gallop, mane and tail whipping behind him like a cloud. After a moment to gain his center James stood surfer-style on the rocking back, then straightened out with hands outstretched. The racer reached his top speed, and still James stood. Reaching the end of the track James crouched, and Mo made a sharp u-turn back to where they stood astride. Not to be outshone Scott repeated the trick, though half-way down the track he shifted his weight. With practiced ease he held himself aloft with his hands, beaming with pride. He came back down with a whoop of excitement, racing back to where James was watching, his usually beautiful features twisted into a grimace. On Scott's face was a smile of joy so pure one or two in the cl*censored* gasped, but most just watched. He took a moment to realize how he looked before going back to looking serious, straightening out his cravat. "Well. That certainly did get the blood flowing."
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