8:40am May 24 2010 (last edited on 8:57am May 24 2010)
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Plot The small little kingdom, under the rule by the young new leader, has to cope with the new arrival of the new members of the empire, a small vampire clan. There is a tension between the vampires and the other members of the kingdom, while their leader courts with the ruler of the kingdom. Will war break out between the ever growing vampire clan and the kingdom, or will they set aside their differences and live together in peace? Character Guide Fairy - A fairy is basically a human with wings. Most fairies have control over a certain element, and most of the time fairies are carefree, naive and gullible, believing that every one has good residing in their heart and soul. Witch - A witch is a human endowed with magical powers. Black witches tend to be closer to the vampires, while the white witches, are sometimes a-ssociated with fairies, as they are a symbol of goodness. Vampire - A human with superhuman abilities, and sharp fangs... Come on, really? Do I have to explain this? These vampires, however, are not 'allergic' to the sun. They do prefer night, though. Their bite will turn you into a vampire, and no, they don't sparkle. No Edward Cullens, please. Demon - Something like a human, or at least, has a humanoid form. Demons also tend to hang around vampires, but one could meet the occasional kind demon, though those are rare. Demons do not have red skin, though they do control the flames. And they have a tail with a pointed end. Demons, like vampires, possess superhuman abilities. Rules - General rules apply -Ages 18-25, please! Unless there is a special request -Since this is a romance RP, yes, romance is encouraged -Be literate. No chatspeak. If I see a little bit, your form will NOT be accepted -PLEASE be active. If you do not post in one week, I will mail you. If you do not reply/post in another week, I will ban you from this role-play. If you will be gone for more than a week, please notify us. -Character limit is three -Post the word 'EPIC' if you have read the rules Bio Name: [Obvious. Please delete these little messages, as they will clutter up the form] Gender: [Again, obvious] Age: [18-25, unless there is a reason] Species: [Fairy, Witch, Vampire or Demon?] Deion: [Minimum of 3 sentences] Personality: [Minimum of 3 sentences.] Close Friends: [Quite self-explanatory. Some people your character is close to] History:[What happened to your character, and shaped them.] Crush: [Romance is encouraged!] Other: [Did I miss anything?]

8:57am May 24 2010
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Name: Arlori Mairea Gender: Female Age: 20 Species: New queen of the Fairies Deion: Arlori has a petite body, since she is a fairy. She has sleek blond hair that reaches half way down her back, and it is straight, no signs of curls. Arlori has almond-shaped eyes, the color of green leaves in the spring. Personality: Arlori is naive, and she sees hope for the vampires. She is constantly trying to explain to her subjects that they are misunderstood, but they did not get the message. Arlori sometimes is tough, and can deal with troublesome problems, a trait that helped her get on the throne. History: Arlori just came on the throne, and is slightly inexperienced in ruling. Close Friends: Open! Crush: Being courted by the leader of the vampires, but still open. Other: EPiC
4:58am May 25 2010
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Posts: 5,998
12:31pm May 25 2010 (last edited on 1:36pm May 27 2010)
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Posts: 2,264
EPIC Name: Serace Mill
Gender:female Age:19
Species:demond Deion: Personality:she is dangerous and cunning.She lies and knows how to get out of trouble.she is brave and will stand up for only herself Close Friends:none History:rping it out Crush:open Other:none
3:26am May 27 2010
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4:50am May 27 2010 (last edited on 3:36am May 28 2010)
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Posts: 1,588
Name: Willow May Gender: Female Age: 17 (Pwease) Species: white witch, but prefers the term Wicca to witch Deion: Long, straight, black hair with dark blue streaks. Pale skin, leafy green eyes, tall for her age. Usually wears long pale grey dresses and black cloaks. Personality: shy, quiet and hardworking, loves the outdoors, all plants and animals. spends a lot of time reading and not that much talking to others, tends to get bullied because of her magic. Close Friends: will rp out History: was left on a witch's doorstep as a baby, the witch raised Willow as her own and when she turned 13, the witch started to train Willow as a witch. Crush: Lucido Other: has a black and white kitten called Sage and EPIC
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
5:43am May 27 2010 (last edited on 4:24am May 30 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
[[Willow is accepted! I guess we can start!]] [[I will add another character, to try to even out the characters]] Name: Lucido Lupin Gender: Male Age: 18 Species: Undecided Witch [amazed by Necromancers] Deion: Lucido has pale white hair and bright blue eyes. He specializes in ice magic, and he usually wears a navy blue cape woven by his master, who had taught him all of his magic tricks. Lucido cherishes the cape, because it protects him from magic. Personality: Lucido has not very social, but will reach out when he wants to. He will snap out sometimes, but he treasure his friends. Close Friends: Open/Offers History:Lucido was brought up by his father and his master, to become a skilled warlock. He believed in good, though sometimes he would rather join the bad. Crush:Offers? Other: Epiiic
11:24pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 1,588
(( Can Willow have a crush on Lucido))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
3:16am May 28 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Okay (: ]]
3:49am May 28 2010
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Posts: 1,588
((i'm not starting, i suck at starting))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
10:47am May 28 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((i cant start i make it lame when i do))
10:48am May 28 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[I stink at starting too.. Nyeh.]]
10:53am May 28 2010
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Posts: 2,264
i will start then it might suck but i warned you)) running and padding on the ground filled the forrest as Serace chaced a human she jumped and landed on it it ripping it to shreds sendind it to the under world she got up and went to a lake and took her clothes off to take a bath and wash off she jumped in and swam around...
4:55pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Joinage? EPIC! ;3 Name: Damien Encragus
Gender: Male [to even things out for you people ^^] Age: 20 Species: Demon Deion: Damien stands tall at around 6 foot 4. He has a good build. His eyes are the colour of rubies; deep, crimson red. He wears extremely tight black jeans and a tight black shirt. You might say that he fancies the colour black ;3 On his left ear he wears a solid gold earing. Oh yeah, and the tail. ^^ Personality: Damien is fairly friendly for a demon, but he is occasionally quite michievous... He is carefree and actually kind of lazy (he even admits it).. Close Friends: Not too many close friends yet... History: Nothin of importance. Crush: Open... Other: Nothing at all. Well, he is really talented with music and all that stuff but that has absolutely nothing at all to do with this roleplay.
10:58pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Damien is accepted :d]]
11:41pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 1,588
(( Sage looks like this, and for the record. the pic isn't mine)) Willow leaned agaist a tree, boredly flicking though a large, old book of spells and charms, watching as Sage chased after a butterfly. The black and white kitten was the only thing that kept her from bordom these days.
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
11:46pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 2,264
Serace got out and got dressed she walked slowly and came upon a girl leaning against a tree she hid behind a tree and spied.
3:56am May 30 2010
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Posts: 1,588
The fine hairs on the back of Willow's neck started to prickle, she knew she was being watched. Willow's flicking of the pages became more focused, trying to find a spell that would teleport her or at least make he invisable.
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
4:27am May 30 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Lucido was walking through the forest. It was sunny, a nice day to be outside. He sighed, and sat down on a rather bulky rock. Bored, he flicked his fingers, writing symbols in the air. Soon, a white mist rose from the ground, forming a hawk. It looked up expectantly at him. Lucido smiled at the little spirit. It was his 'familiar', or spirit he summoned often. The hawk fluttered its wings, and squawked. "Sorry, little guy." Lucido was grinning. "I got bored." The spirit took off, and landed lightly on Lucido's shoulders. Then it looked eastward, near the stream, taking off again. Lucido rolled his eyes. "Small prey." He muttered to himself, and trailed after the hawk.
4:56am May 30 2010
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Posts: 2,264
Serace jumped out in front of the girl and showed her vampire teeth and grabbed the girl"i will send you to the under world"((she realy wont cause that means killing her but sh just thinks it for now))