8:50pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 8:50pm Mar 2 2011)
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Posts: 534
Yes. This is a pokemon roleplay. You may be a pokemon or a pokemon trainer. Me and Turtle121 have control of this roleplay, so listen to us. >:U Plot: Team Rocket is at it again. ... What? You expect more? We can make one as we go along, okay? Form to join: Username: Pokemon or trainer: Gender: Name/type of pokemon you are: Pokemon you own (if you are a trainer):
Other: Here's mine. Username: Otterfrost
Pokemon or trainer: Trainer
Gender: Female
Name/type of pokemon you are: Katherine. Likes to go by Kat. Pokemon you own (if you are a trainer): Zangoose, Zoroark, Umbreon, Sandslash, Lucario, Typlosion
Other: Kat is a 12 year old girl with long blonde hair and brown eyes. She's a trainer with a lot of spunk and personality.
8:53pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 9:13pm Mar 2 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 567
Oh noez Katz is here :O HI SPARKLE AND CLOVER AND DIAMOND AND THE OTHERS *Sways hands* Ahem sorry sprite attack. Username: Turtle121
Pokemon or trainer: Pokemon
Gender: Female
Name/type of pokemon you are: Ninetales Pokemon you own (if you are a trainer): HO JEEZ Other: Has a broken paw :0
8:53pm Mar 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
8:57pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 534
Kat walked along the dirt path, her Pokeball tight in her hand. The cold autumn wind twisted through her hair, leaving it in knots. Zoroark stood by her side, keeping watch. He sniffed the air, trying to find Pokemon or any Team Rocket Grunts. Kat knew they were around here. Somewhere. Too much activity was coming from this area for it to be just a regular forest. Suddenly, Zoroark started to bark. Kat looked at her Pokemon in alarm. "What is it, boy? Did you find some?" He nodded and ran off in the direction he was barking at, Kat on his trail.
8:58pm Mar 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 567
A rule if I may add: It atleast has to be a line long.
8:59pm Mar 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
Okay. XD Make your intro.
9:02pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 9:03pm Mar 2 2011)
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Posts: 567
(Nickname will be Tales) As the cold wind blew into the hollow tree hole Tales shivered and licked her paw. She poked her head out the hole. She sniffed the air and smelled a Zoroark and a... Trainer? Tales put her head back in. She was in no mood for fighting or getting caught. But maybe just a trainer friend... But she couldn't get what she wanted. She licked her paw once more and curled up curling her tails around her face and back. Hearing foot steps and paw steps coming close, then pas.sing by. Phew.. That was close. She thought, but she wasn't always right.
9:05pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 534
Zoroark stood in front of the hollow tree and barked loudly. "Is this it, buddy? Is this where the Pokemon is?" Zoroark gave a nod, showing his positivity. Kat leaned over and looked into the tree. "Well, you're right! It looks like we've found ourselves a Ninetales!"
9:07pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 567
Tales looked out and snarled and jumped out another hole in the tree and tried to run. But it was hard with a hurt paw, she ran with only three legs trying to find somewhere to hide. She tried climbing a tree but slid down. When it came to this, she freaked out. Tales gave a mighty leap up into a low branch and climbed to a high branch and wanted to hide.
9:09pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 534
Kat looked carefully at the wild Pokemon. "It looks like it has a hurt paw!" Kat gasped. "Zoroark, make an illusion. Make it see that we're friendly." Zoroark nodded and let it's powers get to work. He created an illusion for the Ninetales, showing it humans and Pokemon working together as partners, side by side.
9:13pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 567
Tales tilted her head at the illusion. She carefully climbed down and limped closer. She whined a little and fell down, she put weight on her paw on mistake. She whimpered and raised her tails telling them she still was alert and willing to defend herself. She tightly closed one eye in pain, the image of her falling off the cliff was horrible. It was amazing that she only broke her paw, she should of died from the fall.
9:15pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 9:16pm Mar 2 2011)
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Posts: 534
The illusion dissapeared, showing the Ninetales reality once more. Zoroark was as confused as Kat was, so he decided to ask the Pokemon. "Why are you limping? Why are you scared?" asked Zoroark in Pokenese. (Pokenese shall be the Pokemon language. XD)
9:18pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 1,289
Can I join as my preshuss shiny espeon Zim design?XD
9:19pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 534
( Yes, Sasori. Yes you may. )
9:20pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 567
(Okey Dokie, POKENESE! And can Death Cliff be a cliff that nobody has survived a fall on) Tales whined, "Because I..." She decided to keep falling off Death Cliff a secret. "I got in a fight with another Ninetales.. And I'm scared because I feel weak and defenceless..." She scowled and got up.
9:22pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 534
Zoroark nodded and barked to Kat. The human seemed to understand her partner. Then, Kat leaned down and looked right at Ninetales. "Hello! My name is Kat." She reached out her hand, expecting Tales to whine or bite.
9:22pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 9:23pm Mar 2 2011)
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Posts: 1,289
((YAY!XD)) Username: Sasori
Pokemon or trainer: Pokemon
Gender: Male
Name/type of pokemon you are: Zim((LOL)), Shiny Espeon, looks like This: Pokemon you own (if you are a trainer): N/A
Other: Nope.o3o
9:25pm Mar 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
( So random. XD )
9:25pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 1,289
((ARGH guys. I won't be able to post until tomorrow.;w; CYA!))
9:26pm Mar 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 567
Tales stopped whining and opened her eyes wide at the hand. She just stood still, staring at the hand. It reminded her of the hand that had pushed her off Death Cliff. She stared wide eyed for a long time then looked up at the human. She barked quietly not caring if the human understood, "Hi, I'm Tales..."