[Lips Of] A Vampire Roleplay [An Angel]

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4:43pm Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 5:09pm Jan 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Honey, why you calling me so late?
It's kinda hard to talk right now
Honey, why you crying? Is everything okay?
I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud
Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And, yes, I've dreamt of you too
And does he know you're talking to me?
Will it start a fight?
No, I don't think she has a clue
Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

Honey why you calling me so late?
~Lyrics to "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder~
I can't get on much, so please don't post very much while I'm not on.
EDIT::: chance437 is my co-owner.
Ask to be a human.
 Be literate.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:43pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
 Name: Demonic (Dem for short)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Species: Vampire
Looks: Short, spiky black hair, deathly-pale skin, crimson eyes
Crush: OPEN
Soulmate: OPEN
Mate: OPEN
Weapons: Two shurikens, two daggers, two swords, and a bow & arrows
Powers: Pyrokinesis, telekinesis
Other: You'll see c:

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:51pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:58pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067


4:58pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067


 Name:Damon Salvatore


Age:Over 500,but looks 20

Species:Homo Nus Nocturnus

Personality:(Bear with me,it's from his Wiki))Damon is self-contained and reserved on the surface most of the time, only letting his emotions through when he's angry - usually at Stefan. He generally acts flippant and arrogant, and constantly plays word games, especially when it comes to dancing around an issue, and even more especially when that issue involves his true feelings on a serious subject.

Damon has an aristocratic, elegant demeanor, and a very pragmatic outlook on life. He believes that the vampire nature is inherently dark, and that Stefan's attempts to not feed on humans are therefore unnatural. He has no problem with killing humans, although he generally won't go out of his way to do so. He kills Mr. Tanner, but claims he did so only because Tanner pulled a knife on him and that it was thus self-defense. He has no problem threatening children, though - since Elena gives in to his blackmail - it'll never be known whether he really would've gone through with his threats to hurt Margaret.

He has a significantly violent history due to his early vampire life, when he started his own mercenary company. Although we are given no glimpses into this mercenary life, it is strongly implied that he did immoral things with no regrets, and would have little to no problem doing them again.

During the course of the original four books, it is implied that Damon may have a renewed respect for human beings as something other than food. As he spends more time around the human characters, he seems to warm up to them a bit more and treat them less like potential meals and more like acquaintances, almost even friends. He sometimes even seems frustrated by his own unwillingness to be straight with them, as exemplified by his inability to rescue Vickie in book 4; Stefan reams him out for several paragraphs before Damon finally explains the real reason he couldn't help her.



History:Didn't want to tell me,and I didn't want to press the issue

Looks:((Pic))Hair black with rainbow lights in it, like a crow's feathers, or 'like liquid, too soft and fine for human hair.' Eyes that are black, 'fathomless and full of strange lights' and which have a tendency to 'fill the universe.' He's middling-verging-on-short, and has 'dark beauty and grace and the sensuality that drew women to him like moths to a flame.' He tends to lounge in a way that should get him done for har*censored*ment but can take 'lithe stalking steps.' He usually wears all black, mirrored sungl*censored*es and drives a black Ferrari with 'illegally tinted' windows. He has a 'very engaging' laugh and a 'charming' smile.


5:07pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
((OMG IT'S DAMON!!!!! --Can you tell that I'm obsessed with the Vampire Diaries?-- Accepted.))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:09pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,931

Join as a vampie and a human?


Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

5:10pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:11pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 950
((Join as two humans and two vampires?))

Aiden cannot get on until she gets her G.E.D... sorry friends... Don't click here!

5:12pm Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 5:13pm Jan 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,931


Age:18/stuck at 18
Species:Human/Vampie!!!!!! :3
Looks:ta:image/jpg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCABeAH0DASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYCBAcDAQD/xAA9EAABAwMCBAMFBQUIAwAAAAABAgMEAAUREiEGEzFBIlFhFDJxgaEHFUKRsRYjYsHRJDNSgpKy4fAlRIP/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwEEBQAG/8QAJREAAgICAwACAgIDAAAAAAAAAQIAEQMhBBIxE0EUIjJhQlGB/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwB7Ck5I7jtU1qZEdLgdBWT7tVw02GypJ2PU56VWXynX2+aSlvsE9968uclDc2+t7BnZp5LwGjqSRtQ+XMbD3KXILbah0Sfeoq2PaJKUsJWiM0krCk9yKVuIXYDSFrU4qRJSSQMaQnJoHYsKkrRMLokqdSBqb5Og7jyoQ5dsuFjGkafC55UFjXMKYPMltsdtJSTtQqbceWSmMsKUrqoDrQriJNQjQjLLvUOHDKXvG4tR0Z65896Xps9+RL5zLWhtY8WlJI+m/wAqgqOhTinpDmUsgggH3lAZP1z/AKRU1ArWA6dENSuWo9AjASdefTUCfSr+PCq/W4qMFgksPIS08lLoUNnm+iPhnrX1+tf3epPPdMoP55SwnwJHfbt6/Ggtsu67bzUIQlas+NQSSD13T/CrST8vhUlcSGO84l797GUg/plCvLO+PmfSofE16nFgZ62wllwclsO4GQoHwpG+amm03O8NfeEKLqaLgSpkq0lSfMZoU1e0x4SnWzhtajt3SSOgqzYr0n2yPERICUO6lNhSj5YwcetR0cbqBYmu2Nm3RorEYxSlbQSFcw/3ase7UL9zEPIuDC0pASUqCUBRx5elKMp2VamWZc1+Utt4EA46Hoc/TFDrjxSWIq478hL4f06C0rSdB2wT26b/ABoe7svWoAx03aObV7LzyC6tKRpGFBOc7757Cht6ucSXK/dsI0oyNQG6vU4oDep9tj2tPKffLvLHi6pJPTB7gedBolwKkEeE6cDJUd6VTMLuOVR21NCamFyK6lKckJ37VGK/yktuZSVBJ2O9fIQEPzgUqOtICQB1NB1PItqQ5IS4Mk9qrvLBFg1Czl7ejtK5oUCobDGAKCyFmeytTcRopWnSorIGD51XncTNuHS2wVpxgleKFT7q062G9wkHoD+vnRKrQQtQBMiSG3i2tshWe4/Sqel1s83TnQc/lTRzEzYZWlTaHE9AdqoKhpeiYLiEqV1APnmr+Nj9xbiAVynmmS2FEqS5vv13UD/uP503fZ8zCu0ly1XN8LfeY1tp14IOnAUBnclAwR2Cd6S5qS06Fkgg4Uog9CdiPiNzTLwJfLbaLi27c4rACArkS1IJLSle8lRG+Ntj2yR3q+AOtiVCT2qOV2+zyaZkJy1XLEcZTJZeUUJUnJOQU758R2O2d6zotqZTLjvZAjr0hR6hOTj6EVtFt4pt0ptZVcY7zaQTltwE+enA9OlZvcIiZ3E0th9stMz1NqLaTgpa8IA+OCKWr2KM4KwMR3beovFGrSEnBHROagqEtCg4h0oKTkEbEHzrf4/BfDjIaxABDfiClOqJOyQM75IA7GlX7RuC7dBtQu9my3HCgl9rUVBIUdlJz67You5v2Ra/YikONLoIYhKcW/oRhJXk5OaWp1xeeVuvUonJAGMelXjHbbQDkczpjH1rguK1qyoDNLU4wbqMYGqE4S586WxHadIMdv3MDHyNdok5yNrSQvJO+4q4ywgBCdQ0asnJ2qDsdt1alnGSc1xyIdVCCEbub5ItjateJLo1HOM9KHyrI3JcEZ15RRo1AqHrRJ61vI0rbfQvfqlzH60Gu0uTGWNeykggBW2oZFZDIy/yFRqNfhgB7hlvnLQhxPhBKiroN6DqtCGnSVBC1DpvtRd+4Tm1rV7Kf3gxua4ILiMc9OpZUAEI8ROaJCfsxpJ8nJhqTs2ltoNkfWu0m2TQwHHXIrTfQ75/6aIPrYt7aecNb591nqQf++VQt1muvEMnmSNUeKkndYIz02A605FZjqQaAtolcQQo3sMhbOCpJBJO2VHIOB2znp6elB7PbHJkpuG8SlSglzSTpKm1eRxgb6SM7b56Zxtz3B1sVZ5EbSpqO5+JZyo7jJz22BA+PnSc5a1q41MuSlKGpbZbQBsEFISEpH+X9D2FaKt8aUTuVWAd9DULRGISIbcG3NtNNhONBbPhI8/XrnP1O9FrVw+y1cl3SRnnLISyk7nCdGDvv1QDn1qVoiui7rbcwocsZ2A1qIUM/HYdx1PnTIbSjJWtzlDO5JAHbH8+/l160tQW3Iy5Av6QPeGnoFuedbKlNgJCik+6CRg469vPpXk2M5L4UubKGkurW2S20r8RBB/lTBc/ZPul9kqQULSUnBG5/rQaxvLkJUhWxUjRp8j7p+ua56DUIGMlsZsTF1wbv40mAkqJ6A9AKsMWq/LUMWpJ1DIBSOlNrE9Mp5aigoCT4gSBjFTk8VgANsMBHbKj/SqZzN4BLQQe3FeNapaJsQXK1IYZXIQhSwMZztiudzt0hiQWxZGUYJHnn61cu1/feWzzFDCX21BI3Gys1zuVzVOukuShxaEOOkoSOgHaiUsdmSxAGpu4tsZLmtCSlXoevyqjIsanZpd5jamuWUaFpz360ZCk+YqWRW0ePiYeTJGbIvhi7J4UhOY5bDKMDB8NUF8HvNpWIciOwpQwFpa3FOIr7vQHh4WN1GLysoGjExdjhWKFqcjGRIcH97oK8L8+mQKV5kyQ+8VuyGQEApaRodSMnBydt/8AmtcOMb0Fu8nTJjtNtJcTzdK0nb8Od/QbbUrLwwdqajcXJJNEXMzQ6uPAUy9cVF1CioJ9rUAc/EUKmuXB1KE8tmQoDdXtCCUj03G/rWl3AGQ9zvuhsJYOVKcRnmp7jpjHr5gdqJ/s5w/NaS792xFocSCFBsDIO9IHCJOjcceSqj9li1CmPyrPHuaW9ElA0vN6wTkd8j8/nUmbu9edaG25CltbKBAASf0+dMH3DAtkZxu3R0sodOVpBOM42NKzNkt5TPuLrr7S4qgEqQ5hKgQMAj41DYmB6zlfGylp2WzMeV/aXAEp91rI058zgb10smqNM0cwuHm5KiMZJ3/X9ahAcecAQ9EmHO4UnTv/AJqshDEeS2UqGs7BAOrSeuSaQARuGGBJWB7jBZhT5TRhqVhxR1Jaz3yPoRQWclExhaYUF4uefKI/WtEvFlZvrDLy5cmG4keJ1hzTntg9iM0NH2fqwMcQXTY59+p/Ddj2WCnJxqvVjsTLpNvlRwkyorqQTt4KgiNI3ww4lPbwHf6Vpbv2eSFHbiC4kA5GVZqA+z6WnOL/AHDf1/5oxx8tbEn5cR+4ts6k6wqQ5hKsZS6oZGfjRO1cQT7RILTTipDBOXA8oqI27EnY4qDfA3EMVKgZNu0E5JU8r+lC5tiuMRwrfulrKxtj2k5H5Cqi4s2Jr8/7HFsOT+5rVkvMS8R+bFUdQHiQoYUn40SyKyf7MZjjd2kplOpSFjQ0E6jzCO4OMYrT1u5QrQM7EDbbNbPH5BfHbezLz4ej0PJYUdqXYq5EtKnQnQSVKCynPUkjB+GKF8KXS7yrlJjXaRHU02lSP3QGywRkfIGmNyJACitTmFEBJw4U7D4GmX8q6k9DhajF66SS9aZbbc9txbQ0uhCcHdWNJ+VE+CZ3tloWg5/cOqbHw6/1pd4iTEZamLbUOalSBlPVQ/ix1O53NB7VcZ8VhcFgFhqQ7zFPEEbHy86SjfGxJ8lj4hlTqI/Xu6JVqiQgH5GDq0nZG3c0ny0ymZC4oV7QtWFBgIyM/D5daJLiz4a4sWOUaHk552+objIO+5361dkRl2qPzgUKZAJdCU4UR3Oe9Jdu7WY3GExJ19uC4DVz0pS7ADSFHfU+OmR+H4A9fMUwhlxcRKX9IRo2ShsbHGe3/elcpk5MWIy+1hbagcrHUDGxH5VQfv4djAsuJbCk5y6gjA/P9KGlGoPR8mwIShyP/GrLgSFMnfWSAD3z6UVs8gvWxh1wjUU4PbcEj+VItudkXOe9EVJbTGkow+lB1KI6eE9gcdxTM2wu2w2ojCi4hoEJV33Od6Zhy9IvkYB2r7h/mpHevOcjzFLqZMpxJ0NOLwcHQNX6VHnTj/6z/wA2j/Sm/k/1Fjij/YmOzeJpz5Ota1k91uE0x2u2OPWGDcU2729yQVa0DOlABx23pDcGDW0cAHHCVuH8Cv8Acazlxq00cjlRqD4d8ulrZIZ4YaZQkZJSyoYA8zVZ/wC0/mtFLjEZKfNEjSacLgcwZIIGOUofQ1gF2YaTbVlKB+D9RTgWBC3EhFcFis0QcfxC9zeTqO+yZaMb9fw17+3kJeAYDyydvDJTuf8ATWL8tH+EUW4UbQOJrSQkZExr/eKeVIumgfqf8ZqKONLUyor+5HFvKIKVSHkqSk+eMVOOJt5lCTJUpx50gIz0Qn08hTVdZK2ITrg3XjAJ7EnFTsMVtmOHQBkJwPQUnuW0TGr1xKXAgjii5rYuEKCw4dTLXjI7E4wfp9aONl28WBxBOHi0UZ/iFIinVTXrlPVs4VlKf4Rn/gflTzwu/wA6Ck4wCkKx64qCdycmPriVh7FWHPfdhJiPaQttRTlSc43wRigc95cSSUxXClJ8SACNs9hRzjFg2++iRFVoLyeZgdj0NAvZhPcQ7gICNIKevU9vzqa3ctYyGQEfc6wLpb4kz2iZehDlNn3TGW7q+JSMUw/tlZX9AevjKP8AEUR3d/XSpH86VW7RbX2g4/DQpxedSgSM7moLsFqJI9lx8Fmg7pfkTkwuxu4/23jLh2PJ1q4iiqbI8SeW4CT26jajSeOuFlDIvkL5uYrHl8P23qGXBv2dNcDYYGdg8P8A6VYXldRQErNwGJsz/9k=" border="1" alt="" ti
tle="http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/7086985/into-the-shadows-part-15-strang-incounters" width="125" height="94" align="middle" />


Weapons:She is good with bows and arrows/a big sushi knife!

Powers:Shes a human/He can sort of manipulate emotions


Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?

5:15pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
((Yes, Gothic.))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:17pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 950
((Thanks. Bios in shortly.))

Aiden cannot get on until she gets her G.E.D... sorry friends... Don't click here!

5:24pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:36pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:56pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


6:53pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Imoutochan... I ish lonely...

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:35pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
((I'm back. I had to go eat dinner. Why is Onee-chan lonely?))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


8:50pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Oneechan is lonely because there is nothing to do in mah house other than watch TV and read Manga.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:00pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,991
((Hey can I join as two maybe three vampires?))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

10:45pm Jan 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 934
((Join as single male vampire?))

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
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