10:03am Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 10:04am Mar 19 2010)
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((Sequel to my roleplay, 'How Terrible to Love Something Death Can Touch'.)) Welcome. Plot: **SPOILERS!!** Allen Walker is falling into the control of The Musician. His friends can do little more than stand by him and watch as the Noah within gains the upper hand in his mind. Or is there more? Can they save him? But the Fourteenth isn't the only problem: Allen now finds himself 'flirting with danger'. There's another Noah in his life who is driving him mad. How odd it is that he isn't struggling to get away from his enemy but finds a certain solace in being with him. After all, Tyki Mikk is the only one who understands the feeling of having two sides...right?
And so Allen and the Fourteenth perform a deadly dance from which only one can emerge. Rules: 1. No PPing/Gming. 2. BE LITERATE. I hate one-liners and bad grammar. This includes 'txt tlk'. 3. You may roleplay as many characters as you can handle and roleplay well. 4. Post “I dance with your cards” so I know you read these rules. 5. BOOKMARK this page. That way you can always post...and there will not be the "I lost the thread" excuse when this board is deleted. Characters: Be anyone that you want, OCs as well. Please post this info (though we know them if they're a Canon): [Picture] NAME: AGE: GENDER: PERSONALITY (try not to put one-word answers here): ROLE (exorcist, akuma, finder, etc.. If unknown, put misc. here): SPECIAL ABILITIES: PAST (if you want to type it out): OTHER: Character List: Canons: ~Allen Walker (Scissorhands) ~Lavi (Scissorhands) ~Tyki Mikk (Tyki) ~Yuu Kanda (Tyki) ~Lenalee Lee (Kurokayce) ~Cyril Kamelot (Kurokayce) ~Rhode Kamelot (lutinofeather) OCs: ~Maya Sienna (Kurokayce) Let me know if I missed anyone? D: I can't seem to do anything right these days, lawl. Bios coming in second post~!
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

10:06am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 341
((I'm only going to roleplay two characters: Allen Walker and Lavi.  Better picture here~ NAME: Allen Walker AGE: 15 GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: Allen is kindhearted and true. He is a friendly and kindhearted soul, and is fiercely loyal to his friends. He is very well-mannered and has a habit of speaking formally, a trait he took to from his adoptive father, Mana Walker. ROLE: Exorcist SPECIAL ABILITIES: The black cross embedded in his left hand is an Innocence, to whom he is the Accommodator. His left eye can see the human soul bound within an akuma, allowing him to decipher between akuma and human. PAST: (Note that I am using the manga plot.) Allen Walker was born with a deformed arm and was abandoned by his parents. Mana Walker found and adopted him, raising him until he died. Distraught and inconsolable, Allen used the power of the Millennium Earl to bring his stepfather back as an Akuma, who proceeded to slash his left eye and put a curse on him. Allen’s left arm was invoked, and it destroyed Mana. Allen was then found by General Cross, who took him as an understudy and trained him to be an Exorcist. OTHER: Eats a lot.
 Better pictures tle="Lavi">here and tle="Lavi">here~ NAME: Lavi (his 49th alias, his real name is unknown) AGE: 18 GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: Lavi is cheerful and intelligent. He is carefree and has a great sense of humor. He is lighthearted and happy, always making jokes and flirting with girls. He doesn't easily get close to people, but he is starting to warm up to the exorcists of the Black Order whether he likes it or not. JOB/ROLE: Exorcist, Bookman-in-training SPECIAL ABILITIES: His Innocence comes in the form of a hammer, which is called Tettsui or Tessei (apparently this is its official ti tle, stated in the fanbook), but he doesn't like the name. He affectionately calls it Ōzuchi Kozuchi (Big Hammer, Little Hammer). It can grow or shrink to any size he wants. This does affect its weight, but that has no effect on Lavi. The weapon allows him to use "seals" that control several elements in nature, including (but not limited to) fire, wood, and thunder. PAST: Not much is known about Lavi's past. His 48th alias was Deak. He became the Bookman's successor and renounce his true name at age 6, and learned the martial arts and medication skills needed by a Bookman. He was shot by a stray bullet and was on the brink of death at age seven (NO JOKE! Read it in the official fanbook). At age 16, he joined the Black Order as "Lavi". At age 18, he met Allen Walker and began keeping records about him. OTHER: He has an astounding memory, and is capable of remembering the smallest things about his surroundings or any ob ject that he has only looked at once. As a Bookman, an unbiased recorder of history, he cannot afford to bond with anyone.))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

11:00am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 79
(( “I dance with your cards” 
NAME: Yuu Kanda AGE: 18 GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: He is very cold hearted, rude, murderous intent,and solitary. Though he doesn't speak much, he has a rough tongue and a foul mouth.Kanda seems to be much kinder to Lenalee as well, though he often doesn't act as such unless Lenalee forces him through either yelling or hitting. However, it is clear that Kanda does care for his fellow Exorcists and even the Finders. He masks his emotions and often claims, "It's none of my business." Likes: Soba noodles, Tempura,and meditation Dislikes: ...basically everything, but he hates people with naive personalities (Allen), people who can't keep their mouths shut (General Tiedoll), people calling him by his given name (Lavi), and "sweet things".
ROLE: Exorcist SPECIAL ABILITIES: Anti-akuma weapon; Mugen that is takes form as a katana. It is capable of unleashing several techniques (dubbed illusions).Kaichū: Ichigen (First Illusion: Hell's Insects): which releases a small swarm of supernatural creatures to devour his opponents. Nigentou (Two Illusion Blades): covers his sword and scabbard in a coat of energy while creating an energy blade, making two impossibly sharp weapons. Hakka Tourou Eight Flowers Praying Mantis): Using the Ningentou, Kanda makes a movement that quickly slash the enemy eight times. The slashes, together, resemble a flower; Shouka (Sublimate): Activating the power of his tattoo, his pupil changes into three dots. After this, he can activate the Kinki Sangenshiki. Veins also rise around his eyes. Kinki Sangenshiki ( Taboo Three Illusions): drastically increases his speed and strength at the cost of some of his life. PAST: He was born/ created in the Asian branch, as a second generation exorcist. Becoming this, means he can recover much faster than ordinary humans, due to a tattoo above his heart. He and another boy were put through painful sychnorization test in order to be one with the innocence. When Kanda was nine he was ordered to kill that boy who he had grown up with. OTHER: From the anime/manga D.Gray-man ~~~~~~ (<-noah) (<-human) NAME: Tyki Mikk AGE: ~26 GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: He has a split personality. He's “human” side is friendly and caring. As a human he works as a miner and on his free time he likes to play poker with his friends. His “noah” side though is exact opposite from the human side making him, cruel and deceiving. Tyki is very formal like in his Noah form, while in his human form he's more laid back and outgoing. Being able to suppress his Noah subconsciously, he is able to live both these life styles. Likes: Poker, living both the life of a Noah and a Human.... Dislikes: Exorcists..... ROLE: Noah SPECIAL ABILITIES: He has the ability to “choose” what he wants to touch, giving him the ability to walk on water, on air, or pas.s through walls, with the exception of Innocence. Also he can “reject” the atmosphere by creating a vaccum. He has man-eating golems that take form of butterflies, called the Teeze.They obey him and only him and can be used as a powerful weapon. OTHER: Younger sibling of Cyril Kamelot and Uncle of Rhode Kamelot. From the anime/manga D.Gray-man ))
1:50pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 1:57pm Mar 19 2010)
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~(“I dance with your cards”)~ 
NAME: Lenalee Lee AGE: 16 GENDER: Female PERSONALITY: Kind, caring, considerate and much more besides ROLE: Exorcist SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Dark Boots, her anti-akuma weapon, takes the form of a pair of black boots capable of running at high speeds, walking on water, and using sound waves as footholds PAST Her parents were killed by an akuma when she was very young. Due to her ability to use the Innocence, Lenalee Lee was forced to become an Exorcist to use her strength. Because she was separated from her single, remaining family member at a young age, she went insane and had to be restrained due to repeated attempts of escape. During that time, she witnessed experiments involving implanting Innocence into non-accommodators, and Rouvelier became a source of fear. However, her brother Komui joined the Order, easing her loneliness. Therefore, sanity restored, she fights for her brother as well as her friends as she knows she has a home to return OTHER: She invoked the Black boots beyond her ability and lost the ability to use her Innocence as well as most of her mobility. When she later drinks the liquefied form of the Innocence, the Dark Boots "evolved" from their Equipment Type into an entirely new Crystal Type, which is supposedly the first of said type. - Not gonna write much here involving this yet, havnt yet had time to read the manga quite this far- ------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Maya Sienna AGE: 18 GENDER: Female PERSONALITY: Maya, in general, prefers to keep to herself, However, she is perfectly sociable towards those people she gets to know. She is feisty, tough and intuitive, alongside calm and quick thinking. She is merciless with her enemies, meaning she can come across as being quite cold hearted towards those who dont know how she works. Maya is very loyal to her friends and comrades even though it doesnt often come across as "obvious". She can be very sarcastic and witty, but not usually in a hostile manner, and she harbors very little "girliness" in her nature. She is also known for being quite shameless and has a big lack of regard for what anyone might think of her. When it comes down to it however, Maya will always put her comrades first. Likes: Sushi/Seafood, time to herself, and the people she works with generally. Dislikes: Maya, being laid back as she is, tends to get along with most people, however, she cant stand people she considers "full of it" or stuck up and tends to get over the irritation by annoying them. Also girls who spend way too much time looking in the mirror, oh, and the colour pink XD ROLE: Exorcist SPECIAL ABILITIES: Maya's primary ability is her innocence manipulation. Her anti akuma weapon consists of a pair of black gloves, which she wears constantly, and when invoked, extend towards her shoulders, the material becoming a purple/black metal. This form of her weapon evokes an ability which drastically increases Maya's speed and agility by decreasing her weight. With her innocence invoked, her aura becomes a form of energy that she uses as ammunition in a number of ways. For example, she is capable of creating vine-like or ropes of innocence which she uses to bind and restrain, although she can also use them to puncture or even in a whiplike manner. When aura is forced to Maya's wrists, the pressure gives her the ability of flight, and quite literally grants her enough speed to seemingly vanish when she moves, all alongside a general killer punch. The strength in her arms also is increased dramatically, being able to break through a number of materials without has.sle, and blades can be formed from each arm, which she uses for close combat and attacks. Innocence can be released from her palms at a constant rate, slicing through most obstacles without much of a problem. She can also coat her entire form in her aura, which, naturally, repels dark matter it comes into contact with, creating a formidable form of protection. PAST: Maya lost her parents at a very, very young age, later losing her twin sister and grandfather to the akuma, her twin by her own hands. Her grandfather owned the guns that held Maya's dormant innocence. Maya once took the guns into her own hands in order to look at it closely, of course, activating the innocence in them. Akuma, as they do, targeted the innocence, and thanks to chance that Maya had become a host she was able only to hold them off, her innocence infected aura providing protection. She ended up losing her grandfather mere weeks after losing her parents, and accidentally shooting her own sister when her sister was disguised as an akuma, eventually escaping with injuries. She was later found by a member of the black order, already in posession of her innocence (which was recrafted into the glove form she currently uses), and here she started her life as an exorcist, gaining a huge independence with her first few difficult years with the order. OTHER: OC
1:53pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 1:56pm Mar 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
 NAME: Cyril Kamelot AGE: Unknown? GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: Cyril is a person who is quite seedy and he is a womanizer as he is often seen with women around him. He is flirtatious, even towards Tyki Mikk. Around his family he is comical and ridiculous. On his own, he is more serious, and is more threatening. ROLE: Noah SPECIAL ABILITIES: The only ability of Cyril's shown thus far is to break the bones in a human's body simply by touching them. Exactly how he performs this is unclear. As a Noah family member he can control Akuma. It has also been shown he has a type of telekinesis, able to control multiple people at once through invisible strings. He does this to immobilize Bak, Johnny, Zhu, Epsteine, Reever, and Malcolm. He can also move and manipulate objects in this way. PAST: Yea, cant find much on this guy XD OTHER: Has a wife named Tricia, whom he supposedly only married to adopt Road. He also usually stays at his estare with said wife. Although, he moves around in order to *censored*ist the other Noah's of his family.
2:40pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 341
((Hey, guys. *waves* So...who wants to start~? I'm too lazy. xD))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

3:14pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 3:18pm Mar 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
~(I say we make Tyki do it <3 xD seeing as he was supposed to do it last >3 *proceeds to argue with him about it* xD)~
3:18pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 79
(( NO~..I am not good with starting things....))
3:19pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 3:20pm Mar 19 2010)
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~(NEITHER am I D< and I dont want to spam Allens board xD so ima go back to MSN and continue to argue with you <3)~
7:35am Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 5:13am Mar 24 2010)
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(( i dance with your cards ;D oh noes. im late ;-; i'll do the bio now and post it soon, and before you ask, im NOT starting. D:  NAME: Rhode Kamelot AGE: 13, real age unknown GENDER: female PERSONALITY : Usually light hearted and cheery towards everyone, often standing on her father's side when he disturbs Tyki. She can be considered mysterious and sadistic during fights. It is rare that she gets truely angry. ROLE : Noah SPECIAL ABILITIES: She is gifted with the ability to travel through and control certain dimensions using large heart shaped, checkered doors, she is also gifted with regeneration, telekinesis, and telepathy. Sharpened candles are used both offensively and defensively, she is able to make them appear and disappear at her own will, the candles usually float around, but can be sent flying towards a target. She and the Earl are the only ones who are able to control the ark at this point. PAST: unknown OTHER: Adopted daughter of Cyril and Tricia, she is also Tyki's niece. ))
2:41pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 2:42pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 341
((ARGH. *flails* Fine, fine. Allen will do it. D: Sheesh... Tyki will remember most of this. :D *nudges Tyki* From my fanfiction. I'm not creative enough to pull something out of my butt at the moment.)) BIC|| "When you look at me, what do you see?" The question had been a simple one, yet the redheaded exorcist could not find an intelligent answer. He had done nothing but stare blankly at the very flustered-looking Allen Walker in front of him. He had done nothing but turn and walk away, shutting the younger exorcist out of his mind. He had done nothing but try to piece together the floating pieces of Allen's question. But nothing in the world, nothing he had witnessed in his forty-eight previous aliases had hurt him as much as the silence that hung in the air between them. Allen had done nothing, just like he had done earlier, but watch him walk away and listen to the echo of his footsteps in the abandoned hallway. ------ 'What do I see?' Lavi sighed heavily and pushed the headband up on his forehead, his tired green eye looking lazily up at the dark sky. A few scattered clouds broke the deep navy abyss into little puzzle pieces which hung over his head like the pieces of Allen's awkward question. The stars that remained above him were now fading back into the endless sky, receding like the tides of the ocean that Lavi longed to visit. The dawn was coming, tinting the clouds with a warm sunrise that greeted the Bookman-to-be happily, as though God was trying to make him smile. That day, that question, seemed so far away now. It had been weeks since Lavi had seen the white-haired exorcist, who had been called away on a long mission to Canada, but that darned question still clung to the redhead's exhausted mind. What did he see? He hadn't ever thought about that. He always saw Allen as just…Allen, nothing more and nothing less. Lavi furrowed his brows as he thought hard about this. Why would Allen feel compelled to ask a question like that? Was he struggling with his identity? No, that couldn't be right; if everyone in the Black Order knew the name 'Allen Walker,' then he must know it as well. Lavi's brows furrowed even further, and his lips twisted down in a frustrated frown. Why indeed was the silver-eyed critical asking him questions like "When you look at me, what do you see?", and why was he thinking so hard about the matter? As a Bookman, little things like this should not matter; he was taught to look at things in an unbiased manner, but try as he may, this was one thing that he waffled on ever since it had been posed to him. So now…did it matter to him? Lavi grimaced. He had no one to talk to about the silver-eyed exorcist, no one to visit to get advice about the issue, and no one to help him put together the pieces of Allen's question. If Bookman knew he was out here thinking so hard about something so pointless, he would almost certainly be hanged. Not only was it stupid of him to be concentrating on Allen Walker at the moment, but it was roughly four-thirty in the morning on a Sunday and Lavi hadn't gotten any sleep. This would set him back on his reading and translating, to be certain… Footfalls on the gras.s snapped the redhead out of his fearful stupor. Worried that Bookman had found him, he tried to quiet his breathing and stay as still as possible to avoid being seen. This presence had to be Bookman, right? No one else in the Order got up this early…well, Kanda did, but he would just sit somewhere and meditate without a care about the activities around him. Lavi's single eye narrowed; was there a chance that he was wrong? As if God was answering his prayers, Lavi found himself looking up at a familiar face. Like karma coming back to bite him, the person who had found him was none other than the one he had been thinking about for the past month. Allen Walker's silver eyes stared intently down at him as though they were looking into his very core, trying to look into his soul and read his encrypted emotions. His lips were parted slightly in a childish manner, and his white hair framed his pale face like the halo of light that glows around the moon. He seemed so fake, so otherworldly that the redhead had to reach up and touch him to know that he was real. His calloused fingers brushed through a strand of the young exorcist's hair, and he shivered at the softness that enveloped his shot senses. This action must not have been so alien to Allen, who just stared down at him with his tired eyes. To Lavi, it was like staring up at the moon on a midsummer's night, and he relished the feeling for a moment or two. "Allen-kun!" Lavi finally breathed, releasing all of his pent-up breath in a sigh of relief. Startled as he was to see the younger exorcist, he was very thankful that he wasn't looking up into the livid face of his mentor. His hand continued absentmindedly toying with the smooth strands of Allen's white hair, the calm feeling they brought washing over him like soft ocean waves that lapped against sandy sho.res. "Hi," Allen spoke softly, a small smile pulling up the corners of his pale lips. "It's early. Why are you out here?" "Couldn't sleep," Lavi groaned, placing his free hand under his head and sighing again. "You just got back, eh? How did the mission go?" "Badly," Allen knelt in the gras.s at the redhead's side, his cheek brushing against Lavi's fingertips when he moved. The redhead mentally jumped at the unexpected contact, light though it was. "We retrieved the Innocence, but my finders were badly wounded. They had to stay back at the North America branch for medical help." Allen continued on and on, explaining the tall and short of his mission. Lavi gave the occasional soft hum of acknowledgment, but found himself unable to speak because he was so enraptured by the exorcist looking down at him. His mind was practically swimming in the soothing feeling surrounding him, this feeling that was totally Allen. He drank in the sight of the silver-eyed exorcist, watching his lips move but not hearing what they were saying. He loved the way the rising sun faintly touched Allen's pale skin and white hair, tinting them a warm red color that made him look more alive than ever. His gaze strayed up to Allen's expressive eyes; they were the only windows into his tormented soul, mirrors that reflected his every feeling. There was nothing in them now…Allen must have figured out how to mask his feelings after he became a critical. Or was it that he wasn't feeling anything right now? This was another one of those moments in life when Lavi wished he could use both eyes rather than just one; Allen was so…so…so what? What was the word for it, the word that would encapsulate all that was racing around Lavi's mind? ((Forgive the Laven references. >.>))
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

9:11am Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 9:23am Mar 21 2010)
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Lenalee shifted as the first of dawn's shafts of light filtered through the glas.s of a small window of her room. It was a very pale light, very early dawn, and the young chinese exorcist opened an eye to glance at the clock some distance away from her, stood on a desk to one side, her uniform slung over the back of a chair that rested beneath the desk. She closed her eyes again and sighed, before deciding to pull herself up into a sitting position. It had been strange, these past few weeks... months. The Noah's had not shown up for awhile, and Allen had been called off on some other mission, leaving Lenalee to worry, as usual. Not that she could help it, after everything that had happened all those weeks ago, not to mention she was concerned about the lack of Noah activity. She sighed again, and swung herself from the bed. It didn't take her long to get into her uniform, and she left her room in a very short space of time, the light of dawn had only got a little brighter by the time she was heading down the corridor towards the cafeteria. Her mind was still on the Noah's when she came to a standstill just outside the cafeteria door, smiling at the sight of Kanda and Maya, arguing. Well that was normal. She strolled straight and and came to a stop beside Maya. The blonde haired exorcist had fit into this place incredibly well, and considering she'd been involved since she'd got here Lenalee supposed it only made sense. She waved at Kanda and spoke with a smile in her voice. "You two at it again?..." Maya threw a dirty look at Kanda and turned to Lenalee, smiling as though nothing had happened. "It's not my fault he's being a jerk." She shrugged. Lenalee couldn't help but giggle slightly, so typical. She looked around the cafteria before turning back to the two older exorcists. "Where's Lavi this morning?" Usually he'd be here with them, but the past couple of days he seemed alittle off to Lenalee, and she wasn't certain as to why. Oh well... He could most likely handle it, he was good with certain situations, but still... She sighed once more, before smiling in a cheerful manner, determined to not show her worry, despite how she felt. ~~~ It had been another busy week for Cyril, which would not nearly have been so bad had it not been for the fact it was the same routine most days. He pulled a face, and put his pen to paper for the 5th time that morning, the quicker he got this done the better. The Earl had been on his case lately, wanting more chances at creating akuma, the usual request. It took little over an hour to complete that last form, by which time the sun was pretty much up. He dropped the pen, leaned back and glanced out into the gardens of the manor, the multitude of colours glinting with morning dew. Funny really... how such beauty can exist and yet someone like him existed to completely ruin it. Not that he minded all that much, it made life interesting, and he rather enjoyed bending people to his will. The perks of being the Noah of Greed, eh. He snorted slightly to himself before turning his back on the arched window, awaiting the arrival of his daughter. Ah, she always made him feel better on mornings like these. He lifted his face to the ceiling, allowing a subject he'd left awhile to cross his mind. Those exorcists. What were they going to do about them...
12:48pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 12:48pm Mar 23 2010)
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Posts: 79
(( guh sorry it's short...couldn't think of anything to write D| )) It was too early in the morning to bothered with people. Yet, any time of the day seemed like the wrong time to talk to the Japanese exorcist. The slightest mistake in a person's wording towards him could end up having the exorcist loath you for all of eternity. The Blonde however, deliberately tries to annoy him. What a brave soul for her to talk to the anger filled Japanese male like that. He sent the blonde a death glare, as she called him a "jerk", how dare she be so up front about everything. He quickly turned and looked the other way, damn blonde was almost as annoying as the white-haired exorcist.
Lenalee had mentioned the red-head, letting out a slight "che..." in reply to her question. Knowing that he was probably with that certain white-haired kid. He grew tense, and closed his eyes trying to block out the irritating topic of those two. Why was he to wait for them to show up anyway. Kanda stood up, leaving the table and walked to Jerry to get something to drink. He had ordered a cup of green tea and walked back to the table, sitting across the table, far away from everyone else. Taking tiny sips of the warm beverage, he rested his elbow on the table and his head in a hand. Everything was such a pain, he stared down at the reflection within the tea.
Letting a sigh he drank more of the beverage and closed his eyes. Waiting, for the two nuisances to return.
The morning sun beamed down on upon the resting, Portuguese male; who lied down in the gras.s; with a light cigarette in his mouth and his hands behind his head. His dark curly hair covered his closed eyes. It was such a beautiful morning; opening his eyes, he stared up at the blue sky above him. A smile formed upon his lips, as he felt a cool breeze blow around him.
"Oi, Tyki~" voices called for him. He sat up and turned to look at those who were calling his name. It was no other than his fellow miners. Tyki gave them a friendly smile and stood up, brushing off any remaining gr*censored* that was on his clothing. "Time for work." they told him, Tyki nodded, with slight disappointment, though he never would show it, that they had to work on a day like this. He took in one last drag of his cigarette and threw it on the floor, grinding it out with his foot. The disguised Noah placed his hands in his pockets, walking towards his friends and followed them back to the mines.
9:34am Mar 24 2010 (last edited on 9:36am Mar 24 2010)
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The white-haired exorcist cocked his head to one side in a curious manner, silver eyes blinking down at him with deliberate slowness. "Hey…are you even listening to me?" "Huh?" Lavi gave himself an inward shake, trying to pull some response out of his dizzied mind. "Yeah, Allen. I'm just thinking." Allen's head tilted further to the left, exposing the dark pentacle etched into his forehead. "What about?" "You asked me something a few weeks ago," Lavi murmured hesitantly. "You asked me what I see when I look at you." Allen flinched and averted his gaze to Lavi's right, his intense eyes narrowing in a hurt manner. "…oh. That." "Yeah," Lavi scratched the back of his head with the had he was laying on before continuing, "Well…I've finally come up with an answer." Allen did not look him in the eye. The Bookman-to-be narrowed his single eye before cupping the white-haired exorcist's cheek and forcing their eyes to meet. "Will ya at least hear me out, Allen?" It was Allen's turn to feel strange. He nodded weakly, and the redhead smiled before he began explaining that he had been thinking about the question every day since they had parted. But what he was saying had little impact on Allen; he had shut out all of Lavi's words, only catching the occasional string that had some meaning to him, because his gaze was focused on his partner's beautiful eye. The silvery exorcist was paralyzed by the stern honesty in Lavi's single green eye, the raw emotion of it stopping all time moving forward around them. The care that was attached to Lavi's words was not lost on him, and it tugged at his fraying heartstrings like he used to tug on Mana's hand. He trembled as the comforting feeling of Lavi's words wrapped around his aching heart, evicting a bit of the pain that lived there. The aura around them was so…relaxing. It actually felt like Lavi cared. Shameful tears came to Allen's eyes, and he leaned into Lavi's touch in an attempt to heal more of his damaged soul. His trembling hands rested upon Lavi's as he tried to reas.sure himself of the reality of the Bookman's heart. "…so, to sum it up, I've always seen you as you, Allen-kun." Lavi concluded, beaming as a small laugh slipped past his lips. "You are who you are, who the history books will rant about: the one Hevlaska prophesied as the--" he was cut off by the sound of sobbing. He blinked, confused. "Allen?" the Bookman-to-be slowly lifted his head to look at the other exorcist. Allen was crying softly into the hand upon his cheek, and his slim body was being wracked by stifled sobs of relief. Seeing this made Lavi immediately pull himself into a sitting position and rest his other hand on the side of Allen's neck. "Allen-kun? You gonna be okay? Did I say something wrong?" Allen shook his head weakly, clutching onto Lavi's hand more tightly. The redhead hesitantly scooted closer to the distressed exorcist and rested his forehead against his left shoulder comfortingly, like a dog would do to its master. "I'm here, Allen. Whatever it is, it's gonna be okay." Those words, so softly spoken, so honest and clear, only made Allen's tears flow more quickly and his sobs reach an almost hysterical level. He relocated his shaking grip onto the redhead's shoulders, clutching the fabric of Lavi's jacket in his trembling hands as though Lavi would fade away into nothing if he didn't. His face came to rest against the redhead's right shoulder as Lavi curled his arms around his middle, holding him close in a warm hug. Lavi blinked, feeling extremely confused. He was about to open his mouth to say something when Allen spoke, his soft voice, breaking with sobs, muffled by the fabric of his jacket. "Th-thank you…" he mumbled, giving a pitiful sniff as he nuzzled his way further into the redhead's uniform. "I d-did not mean t-to frighten you by…letting this out all of the s-sudden…it's just that…" He pulled away and looked up into Lavi's eye, searching him for forgiveness, "…I'm r-really relieved to h-hear that from you…that you s-see me for who I am. But it isn't just that…" He smiled weakly and wiped his face on the back of his sleeve, "…I feel lonely…no one really treats me the same as they used to because I'm a critical now…" Lavi gave a lopsided grin and ruffled Allen's hair. "It doesn't matter to me if you're a critical or not, Allen-kun~" he laughed. Allen's smile grew slightly, and he lowered his face back to Lavi's shoulder. So Lavi could care. "There's something else, Lavi…" Lavi blinked down at him, his smile turning down at the corners a bit. "I'm…I feel like I'm falling…all the time," tears sprang back into Allen's eyes as he spoke, but he tried hard not to show them. "I think I'm becoming the Musician…"
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

6:16am Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 3:45am Mar 26 2010)
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The morning sun was shining though the window and onto her table. Rhode looked looked up towards the sun, shading her eyes from it with her hands. Then she looked at the pieces of paper on her table, homework. She had spent the past hour munching on cookies and daydreaming, her long overdue homework was piling up. Ah, but the noah din't care about small matters like that, her father could always write some excuse for her, not like anyone would fault Cyril's ever wonderful daughter anyways.
The young girl walked down the stairs and to her father's office room. "Hey Cyril~!" She smiled as she pushed the door open. Rhode walked in and sat herself down. Taking a paper from her fathe's desk, she asked "Will Tyki be coming over today?"
((there, happy? :c ))
12:40pm Mar 26 2010
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~(I is happy <3 xD Thankyou Rhode :3)~ Lenalee was glancing around the cafeteria, exorcists were steadily drifting in by this time and helping themselves to breakfast and the like. She pouted, her head turning in all directions. Just where was he? Lavi was usually up by this point. Eventually she gave up and sighed, trying to ignore that burning tension that was building up behind her. Honestly, Kanda and Maya never seemed to have anything better to do other than stare eachother down and curse eachother's existance. They naturally annoyed eachother, even without being in the same room, and if it weren't for Lenalee having that constant, nagging worry somewhere in her mind, she would have found it funny. It wasn't like Lenalee to worry this much... But heck, after what happened not long ago, what with the appearance of those Noah's and so forth. She sighed again, and turned to look at the two exorcists behind her, having to suppress a giggle as she did so. It was amusing, really, considering just how similar the two of them were, and even how well they actually worked together. Despite all that though, in any situation besides that of a mission, they were constantly at eachothers throats, even though there were times they could speak to eachother as plainly as anyone else. Maya was glaring openly at Kanda by this point, and simply nodded as Lenalee explained she was going to go look for the read headed exorcist. It took a moment to decide where she thought Lavi might be, standing outside in the hallway and looking both ways. For some reason, anywhere inside the building seemed unlikely. He'd have been in the cafeteria had that been the case. On impulse, she headed to the hallway that led outside, spending a good few minutes roaming beyond the walls before she finally spotted Lavi some distance away... Well, Lavi and Allen, to be more precise. The worry she had been carrying dissapeared that instant, Allen was back, and he looked fine, although a little distraught. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, and, raising a hand to wave, called across the space between them. "Lavi!... Allen-kun!" ~~~ The eyes of the Noah were still on the ceiling when he heard the office door open. He didn't bother shifting his gaze until he heard his daughter's voice. Ah~ He felt better already. When he laid his eyes on Rhode, he smiled and rested his head on a hand, his elbow on the desk, completely disregarding the papers beneath. She always looked so adorable in the morning~ Ah hell, she looked adorable all of the time~ He waved with his spare hand, and continued to smile even as Rhode asked her question. "I really wouldn't know Rhode~ He hasn't given me any warning he was planning on showing up. Then again, he rarely gives me warning anyway." Cyril stood at this point, walking around the desk and leaning against it when he came to a stop in front of Rhode, his face remaining exactly how it was since his daughter had entered the room. "However, it has been awhile... He really should visit more often~"
9:06pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 79
(( Ugh.. I couldn't think >> so I just kinda threw up on the page... basically ))
Kanda simply ignored the blonde, keeping his eyes closed while taking sips of his tea. That girl had one hell of a nerve, looking at him like that. He could feel her glare running straight through him. The Japanese male wanted to curse out the blonde, with ever swear word known to man; but instead he simply ignored her. For some reason he was just too tired, from his countless sleepless nights, that he didn't want to bother starting anything that would end the same way. Lenalee...Lenalee would always interfere and stop him from doing what he truly wanted to do, to some of the people in this building.
If only he got his way, without anyone there to prevent him from unleashing his anger. The Black Order would be missing, a lot of pesky exorcists.These images filled the Japanese exorcist's mind; that a faint smirk appeared on his face. He enjoyed thinking of these things; these things which consist of probably having the white-haired exorcist; perhaps the blonde as well; out of the Black Order and out of his life.
Working in the mines, was such a bore sometimes. Tyki looked over at the phone; wishing that he would get a call for his "other" job. He sighed and continued to swing the pickaxe at a mound of coal.
Soon it was time for his first break. Getting out of the scorching heat he quickly took cover under some shade and grabbed a gl*censored* of water. Tyki downed the gl*censored* and wiped the corners of his mouth off with the sleeve of his long white shirt. He stared off into the distance, watching the other miners hack at the coal. He thought about his family, his real family, and how he hasn't seen them in a while "Perhaps I should pay them a visit. Cyril is always looking forward to some company."
6:06am Mar 29 2010
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6:23pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 6:27pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 341
Allen's eyes lit up at the sound of Lenalee calling to him. "Lenalee-chan!" He raised his head and gave her a wave, quickly wiping the guilty tears off of his cheeks with his other hand. "You look well!" Lavi chuckled. Leave it to Lenalee to bring a smile onto Allen's face. He sighed heavily and removed himself from the white-haired exorcist's side, getting to his feet and brushing the gr*censored* off of the backs of his thighs. "Well," he spoke, saluting the younger exorcist, "I'd best go back inside. Gettin' kinda sleepy." Why did he lie? He wasn't tired at all. He quickly walked into HQ and disappeared down the hallway, then broke into a run and skidded into his room, slamming the door shut and leaning against it as he panted to regain his breath. The room was empty; Bookman must have gone to breakfast. Lavi sighed with relief and tossed himself down on his bed, closing his bloodshot eye and letting his vision rest. ~*'*~
Allen got hurridly to his feet and walked over to Lenalee. "Has Lavi been all right lately?" he asked softly. "He seems...distant."
"Nothing worth doing is ever simple."

7:41am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,326
(( skip me would you? ._. ))