{No Plot} Some Love ((shounen ai/yaoi)) Is Forbidden {RP}

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2:38pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 11:06pm Jul 21 2010)

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Before I go any further, please read the ti
tle. I don't want anyone to skip it and post, not knowing that this roleplay is Y

So, let's get started, shall we?

1. Follow Res Rules
2. Swear as much as you want, it gets censored. 
3. Be polite to others, if you don't, your getting banned.
4. Be semi - literate. Atleast one paragraph. No one liners. I understand not knowing what to post. But it doesn't happen every post.
5. RM me your character's Bio.
6. :) so I know you've read the rules.
7. It doesn't matter to me how many times you post. I know some people will be gone, so if you won't be able to be online for a while, message me, or post saying your won't be on for a couple of days.
8. No text talk. Keep it literate!
9. I like Ramen.
10. Have fun!



People with my power!!
1. kogalover34
2. Tribecka 
3. ssgarcia
4. wildboykubbi
5. caaaitlyn
6. Skunkers
7. DevilAngelKia
8. RikaTheFallen


A boy's boarding school in California. This school is only for boys.
-Red Rose Academy-
::: Room 503 :::
James Alexander and Rimerd Clasik and Jae Hartz
::: Room 507 ::
Nemian Campbell and 
Matthias Noern and HaruMaru 
If you want to be someone's roommate Add that to your Rmail!

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

4:04pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 11:43pm Jul 20 2010)

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Posts: 7,187
-Accepted Charries-

James Alexander
17 1/2

He works at a Coffee Shop on Campus, its small and is located inside of a book store but it gets plenty of customers.
Music, Video Games, and Sleeping. The cat that hangs out behind the coffee shop every night, he feeds her. His favorite pastime would have to be sleeping, second only to hanging out with his best pals. He's an animal lover and loves to read, write, and draw in his spare time. He plays guitar and personally he thinks he's exceptionally good at it. He's a huge flirt, though he never takes his flirting too seriously. Black is his favorite color and Red and Black is his favorite color mix. 
 Loud noises, stupid questions, cl*censored*ical music, and pointless drama. He hates to see people cry, it usually makes him want to beat the crap out of anyone that did it to them, especially if its because of sexual preferences. He hates light colors 'They're too "GIRLY" ' is his opinion and he sticks to it. And he absolutely hates the silence, and even though he hates to be the one to really cause noise he'll do it to get away from the silence.
Calm, cool, and collected. He's usually the first one to get bored of something and make up some new game to occupy his ever wondering mind. And 'unfortunately' (in his opinion) he's really smart and has an uncanny ability to understand mostly everything he comes into contact with. Especially people. And even though he's really smart, he's easy to talk and has a gift to become friends witheveryone he meets. He's loyal and understanding. 
He was kicked out of his house when he told his mother abut is sexual preferences. Being the preachers wife, she had to tell he husband. His father wasn't as accepting as his mother and refused to harbor a 'creature from hell'. once his school heard this he was kicked out of there as well, it being a christian school and his father being a huge contributer in funds.
:Name: Alex Parker
:Age: 17
:Gender: Male
:S.O: Gay and PROUD!!
:Occupation: He workes at the Coffee Shop inside of the bookstore on campus with James
 :Likes: Lots of things!! :D
:Dislikes: Not a lot :D
:Persona: RP it out :D
:History: He didn't tell meh !! D:
:Name: Matthias Noern 

:Age: 18 
:Gender: Male 
:S.O: Gay c: 
:Looks: Matthias is very tall and well built, and also has soft black hair that reaches an inch past his shoulders. His eyes are two different colors, his right eye colored a deep brown with silver flecks while the left is a pale blue flecked with gold. He tends to cover his blue eye with his hair, liking the color of his brown eye better. He has lightly tanned skin, showing he is perfectly healthy, and he likes wearing semi-bright colors. Not quite rainbow, but not quite dull, if you get what I mean. 
:Occupation: He works at a pet shop. <3 
:Likes: Animals, people who have kind hearts, close friends, people who care about others. 
islikes: Animal cruelty, mean-spirited people, people who have no regards for anyone but themselves. 
:Persona: Matthias is a very kind, sweet boy who loves nothing more than to be around friends and animals. He is willing to do anything for anyone and will nurse an injured creature back to health at whatever cost. 
:History: Nothing out of the ordinary.

Name: Nemian Campbell 

Age: 17 

Gender: male 

S.O: bi 

Pink Haired Anime Boy Pocky 


Occupation: student/works at a book store 

Likes: candy, fruit, the cat he keeps in his dorm named MayMay, fire works. 

Dislikes: when May-May breaks things, people who taunt others, loud noises 

Persona: Nemian is the quiet type, who prefers to not speak unless spoken to first. He is a pretty nice guy if you get to know him. 

History: He came from a family of 5 sisters, so he really needed to get away from that nightmare. 

 :Name: Rimerd Clasik

:Age: 17 and 1 month
:Gender: Female XD Nah male~
:S.O: Gay
:Looks: He has light brown shaggy hair but it doesn't go over his face. Its quite short and likes to keep it messy. He wears a striped red and yellow jacket alot and weres Game logo T-shirts if not wearing the jakcet [unless hes wearing a uniform? Then he has a jacket] He likes bracelets alot and seems to be wearing a different one evryday. His hair has a tint of orange in it and his eyes a a pretty green. He has freckles only on his faces and alittle bit every other place. His skin is tan but just alittle bit more pale then normal. Hes quite skinny, he eats alot but doesn't get fat.
:Occupation: He has a part time job at his Aunts Flower shop.
 :Likes: The color Red, yellow, purple, and blue. Flowers, the smell of freshly baked bread, people who aren't immature, music, and games.
Dislikes: People who are immature, gaybashers, loud loud noises, people playing with his hair or clothes, and strawberries
:Persona: He likes to walk around with someone, but usually doesn't, and talk. Talking is his favorite. Hes sweet once you get to know him and loves to smile. He seems to be allergic to strawberries so doesn't go around people that eat strawberries 'cept for some odd reason he can eat strawberry banana smoothies o3o
:History: Well grew up like ever other kid and he has an older sister who is Greece right now studing about the ruins up close.

 :Name: Jae Hartz                                                                                           :Age: 17
:Gender: Male
:S.O: Bi                                                                                                    :Looks: ...In intro?
:Occupation: Student
:Likes: Tea,music,relaxing                                                                            islikes: Mud,fighting,rude people
:Persona: RP it out?                                                                                   History: He won't tell me.


 Name-HaruMaru a.k.a Maru

Looks-Anime Boy Pictures, Images and Photos
Occupation-He works in a book store^^
Likes-Books,boys,and nice people
Dislikes-rude people and teachers
Persona-Rp it out
History-He hates to speak of it

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

4:27pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 4:38pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 735


If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.

5:03pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 11,785
(I think Imma like this Rp. Cx)


5:12pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 735
[ ah same here, very rare to find any yaoi D: ]

If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.

5:23pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 5:28pm Jul 18 2010)

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Posts: 7,187
(( Let me set up the rooms now ^^ I'll start if no one else wants to? =3 ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

5:39pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((Im so excited! Kudos lady Hokage on the thread))

5:51pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 735
[[ :U I would if I knew where to start from, so i'd be best if you would :o ]]

If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.

5:54pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 7,187
(( Thanks Dream ^^ ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:09pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 7,187

James woke with the light murmur from his alarm clock and quickly rolled over so that it didn't wake up his still sleeping roommate. He sighed quietly and layed on the bed for a few more seconds before shrugging out from underneath his thick comforter and slowly push himself up and out of the warm bed.

he went straight to the bathroom and took a quick shower, he had to get to work early so that he could set up before customers came in every morning before school. After the shower he came back into the room and tied his hair back into the usual style and the base of his neck. He turned and grabbed his messenger bag and slipped out the door, locking it behind him before hurrying to work without actually running. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:25pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 735
Rimard woke up hazyish and looked around. His roomate was gone and when he yawned he didn't relize he was on the edge of his bed and slipped off making a loud Thud noise. "Awooww" He sat up and rubbed his head. He got up and he was only in his p.j pants. He might as well get up. He quickly made his bed and and looked around scratching his stomache. Oh I'm tired.. Rimerd squinted as he looked out the window to a greeting sun.

He walked over to his clothes and looked for something to wear before remembering he had no work today. That put some load off his mind. He just softly sighed and continued rumaging through his stuff.

If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.

6:50pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 7,187
James pulled the door to the Coffee Shop open and walked in. It still smelled like Coffee from yesterday as he walked through the small store. "You're late!" A mans voice called from somewhere in the back, "I'm early!!" James argued, laying his messenger bag down just behind the counter. He groaned, the guy that was supposed to close up shop didn't clean the pots. 
"Man! Why do you fire Gary?" James called. The voice got closer, "Because we're already low n staff!" James picked up the pot, "We're about to be even lower.." He grumbled, thinking seriously about quitting. He dumped the old coffee out and started to fill up the pots with steaming hot water. He put some dish soap in it and left it to fill with water and white bubbles as he got ready to open. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:56pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Matthias grinned as he got ready to go to school, making sure he had his hair styled the way he wanted, over his blue eye, and then slipped into a bright red shirt and a pair of blue-jeans. He stretched out his arms and yawned a little.

"Mm, I wonder if I have to go open up the pet shop...?" he asked himself curiously, tilting his head slightly. "Ah, I might as well. I can feed the animals while I'm there so that the other guy doesn't give the kittens dog food again," he murmured, grabbing the keys and heading out with a soft hum, heading to the pet store to open up and feed the animals.



6:58pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((I think I know why I got the roommate I got o3o))

The sound of jingling bells is heard.
A black cat with a silver bell and silver I.D. tag reowed loudly.
She was hungry and wanted to be fed befor her humans left for school.
She scratched and yowled at the bathroom door where her main human, Nemian, was showering.
Over the sound of the rushing hot water Nemian managed to hear May-May, the worlds most neediest cat.

He tried to ignor her, but she sounded so annoying.
He turned the shower off and dried himself off.
He put on a plain white t-shirt and his school pants, then walked out of the bathroom while towl drying his light pink hair.

7:02pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 735

(( giving kittens dog food? XD ]]

Rimerd found a Left 4 Dead 2 T- shirt and put that on. He got some of he tan shorts and got his jacket. He put his hands threw his hair making it messy, but good and smiled at his work. Then walking in the bathroom to brush his teeth and grabbed his tooth brush and the tooth paste.

After brushing his teeth he walked out to get his bag only to fall over it,"Ah today is not my day.." The theme of mario started going off. He looked up at his bed and his phone was going off. He quickly crawled over and grabbed it, answering," 'Ello?" He then heard his Aunt,"Hun Today after school your gonna have to come on over... Geeda quit." He sighed as she then hung up without him answering."Really.. Not my day."He just sat there and closed his eyes.

If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.

7:29pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 7,187

James was behind schedule today, having to do someone else's job plus your own tended to do that. He scrubbed the inside of the pots thoroughly and rinsed them out completely before he dried them and set them back up. He pulled his hair into a higher ponytail to get it out of the way. He pured the ground coffee into and added the water to the top and the familiar sound of broiling Coffee Filled the store.The man came through the store, wearing a uniform for the Coffee Shop. he worked here all day, he didn't go to the school.

"Good job, James." he said, coming behind the counter to make sure everything was set up correctly."Thanks Jack." James said, watching him apprehensively. "I did it right. i always do." he sighed. "Just making sure." Jack replied. James huffed and pulled his hair down out of the high ponytail, not bothering to redo it again. "You should leave it up like that." jacl said, walking out from behind the counter. "Yeah? Why?" James said, picking up his bag. "It makes you look all... pretty... or whatever." Jack said.

James laughed, pulling the bag over his head, "Thanks. Gotta go or i'll be late to clas$." James said as he left the store. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

8:04pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 3,029
Nemian bended down and picked the cat up with his right arm.
He cradled her in his arm as he made his way to a corner where a purple fluffy pillow lay along with two white ceramic bowls.
He put May-May down on the pillow and got out a bag of dry cat food and a can of wet food.
"Just like you like it girl. One part wet and one part dry."he said mixing her food with a plastic spoon.
He didnt go to work until after school so he enjoyed taking care of his cat at the beginning of his day.
As May-May ate, Nemian brushed her with the brush he got his roomy to speacil order from his pet shop catalog.

9:09pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Matthias smiled as he did as he had to do at the pet shop, grinnong as one of the kittens walked up to him and mewed. He stopped to pet the kitten before sitting down to wait for the other guy to show up. He soon got up and picked up the fluffy calico that roamed around in the pet shop and placing her on his lap to pet her. He smiled as the cat meowed and flicked her tail at him.


12:01pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 3,029
While going over his Romeo & Juliet as.signment for cl*censored*, Nemian looked up to the clock on the wall.
"Woah, time flys, aye May-May?"he said scratching behind the cats ear.
The clock read 7:15 and cl*censored* began at 8:00.
Nemian grabbed up his brown backpack and shoved his books and papers into it.
"Be a good girl today and dont break anything ok?"he said to the cat as he finished getting dressed for cl*censored*.
May simply rolled around in his bed, replying with a lazy "Neow."
Nemian shut the dorm door behind him and left heading twards the cl*censored* building.

5:13pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 7,187

"I LOVE your HAIR!" James' friend teased, clasping his hands to his face. "Haha... funny!" James said pushing him as they walked. "Why isn't it up? Don't you like... usually have it up?" He asked James. "Yeah, I just haven't put it back up yet." James said, getting the rubber band ready to pull his hair back. "Well, you better do something about it, you know that they don't like your hair in a ponytail because it's too long." James nodded, pulling his hair up higher than usual. 

"You look like girl when you put your hair up that high." James' friend teased. "I've been told." James answered. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
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