[Open Pokemon] The Outskirts [Gang RP]

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10:52pm Aug 1 2013 (last edited on 9:16pm Oct 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Pokemon isn't what it used to be. Instead of friendly competition that ended with one side or the other fainting and returning to full health after being healed, a group of Pokemon have taken "battling" to the next level. Whether it's for glory, fame or even just entertainment, some Pokemon have learned the cruel and violent game of murder. These Pokemon have a large bounty over their heads, for they are reeking havoc and chaos in the city. No one knows when they're going to be the next victim.
This group calls themselves The Mafia.

Another group of Pokemon are truly fed-up with the constant murders and death. Instead of trying to forcefully take out The Mafia, they are attempting to stop The Mafia by leading protests and sending in Pokemon of their group to try and reason with The Mafia. They also try to find out who the next victims are by eavesdropping and warn them before they're killed. Their goal is to stop any more killings from happening, but doing it peacefully.
They have named themselves The Peacemakers.

Shortly after the murders began, a third group decided that they'd had enough as well; but instead of attempting to peacefully find a solution, they decided to put a stop to the gang immediately. They recruited spies to act like part of The Mafia, when really, they were just collecting information so they could find the perfect moment to bring in an army to wipe out The Mafia for good.
These Pokemon have been named The Government.

Basically, there are three groups of Pokemon; an evil group that's only goal is to murder and two groups that are attempting to stop them in their own way. You can play any of the three (you could even play a victim if you want, although I was planning for these to be more of NCPs). This takes place in some city in whatever region; there's no real set setting. The whole roleplay is basically a game of life-and-death; your goal is to live and cause death on the other side.
Good luck. 

1. All normal Res rules apply.
2. Violence is necessary but don't get into too deep of details. Keep things PG-13 or less.
3. Romance? Definitely not what the RP is supposed to be focused on, but if the time feels right, feel free to slip a little romance in. Forbidden romance would be fun.
4. Have as many characters as you can write a literate post for each. So if you can write a literate post for fifteen characters, you can have fifteen characters. But if not, just make as many as you know you can handle.
5. Following up on the fourth rule, be literate! I know how literate most of the RPers are on Res, so I will make the decision whether or not to accept you. If you aren't accepted, don't whine or complain, please and thank you.
6. Following up on the two rules above, I'm going to say that your posts don't need to be a certain length; but anything less than three decent paragraphs with proper grammar and spelling is not appropriate for this Roleplay. I will tell you if I think you need to lengthen your posts, but if you don't listen, I might have to kick you out. :c
7. Please type your Username backwards in the "Other" section of the bio to show that you've read the rules.
8. If you make a gang member, try to make a member of the government (<--- example). This rule isn't set in stone; if you really don't want to make a gang member and would prefer to have two peacemakers, for example, that's cool. But I'd prefer for things to be spaced out a little more.
9. There are no trainers in this unless the RP dies and we need some drama (I'll decide whether or not to bring them in and not).
10. I will close this when I feel like I have enough players, but I want this to be a somewhat small-group RP.
11. Have fun! 8D Because murder, Pokemon and fun all go so well together!

Which group?-

(Feel free to use your own bio, but make sure to add which group their in if you do.)

The Mafia:
Leader (highest level, was the first member of the group, organizes attacks, gets the largest pay at the end of a kill, only one of these)-
Currently unoccupied.
Betas (higher level Pokemon, usually attack first, get a larger payment, unlimited amount of these)-
Nex (Sonador, Riolu, lvl. 46)
Mioda (Souda, Sableye, lvl. 53)
Omegas (higher level Pokemon, usually attack last, get the smallest pay, unlimited amount of these)-
Nani (Nomzisaur, Umbreon, lvl. 58)

The Peacekeepers:
Leader (usually the highest level, was the first member of the group, organizes petitions and stuff, only one of these)-
Currently unoccupied.
Protesters (usually higher level, only one of these)-
Currently unoccupied.
Reasoners (usually higher level, unlimited amount of these)-
Currently unoccupied.
Eavesdroppers (usually lower level, unlimited amount of these)-
Shale (Souda, Sandshrew, lvl. 28)

The Government:
Leader (highest level, was the first member of the group, recruits spies, assigns missions, gets the largest pay, only one of these)-
Therand (Souda, Infernape, lvl. 76)
Spies (more powerful Pokemon, usually attack first, get a larger payment, unlimited amount of these)-
Hircine (Nomzisaur, Noivern, lvl. 40)
Backup spies (less powerful Pokemon, usually attack last, get the smallest pay, unlimited amount of these)-
Nazi (Sonador, Houndour, lvl. 18)

Current members-


12:07am Aug 2 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((-giggles like an idiot-

Name- Mioda
Pokemon- Sableye
Level- 53
Gender- Female
Which group?- Mafia (Beta?)

Appearance- Mioda is a normal Sableye in every way, aside from her eyes being two different colors - one a ruby, the other a topaz. Her forearms are wrapped in lengths of bandages, protecting them from any scrapes.

History- Straight from Dewford, Mioda came to the mainland as a stowaway on Mr. Briney's yacht. Training around Slateport, she eventually grew strong enough to venture out to Mauville and beyond. She eventually met up with a member of the Mafia who boasted about how much stronger they had grown since joining - intrigued, Mioda set out to become a member herself. She steadily rose up in ranks, achieving where she is today through had work and a large amount of luck.

Personality- Mioda is not necessarily a bad Pokémon. She merely has a thirst for power, whatever the cost. She forms few friendships due to the brutality of her life, but she does highly value her allies - so long as she can gain something from the partnership. Mioda specializes in stealth and is not above stooping to pickpocket level when times are rough. (Okay, maybe she is a bit of a bad 'mon, haha.)

Other- Aduos


Name- Shale
Pokemon- Sandshrew
Level- 28
Gender- Male
Which group?- Peacekeepers (Eavesdropper)

Appearance- Normal coloration, notched ears.

History- After losing his older brother to the Mafia, Shale's eyes were opened to the cruelty of the Pokémon world as it stood. Knowing of the Peacekeepers and their efforts to stop the violence, the young Sandshrew readily joined with big dreams of making the world a better place.

Personality- Shale is timid, though well-thought. He uses a clever word here and there to gain his opponent's trust, then leaves the actual barrage up to his comrades. While he finds this to be largely ineffectual, his desire to help is enough to keep his lips sealed from pro*censored* against the Peacekeepers themselves. As he is so shy, friendships come with great difficulty and as such he prefers to be left alone most of the time.

Other- Aissur


Name- Therend
Pokemon- Infernape
Level- 76
Gender- Male
Which group?- Government (Leader? Spy if not~)

Appearance- Normal coloration, has several scars under his right eyes

History- Therend was happy, living as a trainer's beloved partner, traveling the world as a formidable tag team. However, upon arrival to a new region, they were ambushed by a small mob and the Infernape's trainer was left for dead behind a dumpster. Luckily, Therend managed to attract the attention of some good Samaritans who took his partner to a nearby hospital. Therend, believing himself useless for not being able to better protect his human, vanished before the other people's attention was drawn to him. He lived in solace for years, working up strength and gaining the trust of the native Pokémon. Through them he learned of both the Mafia and the Peacekeepers. Therend, moved by their struggle (and not just a little bored), grew determined not to let anything happen to other Pokémon as what did to him and set about founding the Government.

Personality- Therend is a strong-willed creature and once his sights are set on a goal, he won't let anything persuade him away from it. He's a stubborn, thickheaded ass however, and refuses to listen to any advice no matter how much sense it makes. This has gotten him caught in a few tight spots, though the allies he has always help him pull through. He trusts his subordinates completely, however, and would be willing to lay down his own life in order to protect theirs.

Other- Nomodod

((Let me know if I need to change anything uwu))


12:19am Aug 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{All three are accepted. <3
I'll add them up right now.
I'm currently working on my forums~}


5:20am Aug 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
I'm so sorry. ;o;
This took forever, I know.
We just gotta wait for some more people and then we can start. :3

Nex (pronounced like "necks"), which is Latin for murder
Which group?-
The Mafia; a beta
Nex looks just like your average Riolu; however, a few things make him stand out. He wears a black bandanna around his and silver-spiked gloves, which have been responsible for many deaths. Another weapon that causes the end of many of his victims is his trusty dagger that he keeps around his waist. His wears a silver anklet that it practically impossible to pry off, although he doesn't like talking about where it's from. He had a scar across his snout and one right above his right eye
Nex began as an egg given to a small boy by the name of Mason for his eighth birthday from the boy's parents. As soon as he hatched, Mason and he became inseparable; more best friends than trainer and Pokemon. Time went on, and eventually, Mason and he went on their journey together. Mason gave Nex the silver anklet as a gift when he defeated his first opponent, and he's kept it on every since. When Nex was well-leveled and nearly happy enough to evolve into a Lucario, a few Pokemon from The Mafia killed Mason when the boy accidentally stumbled into their alleyway. Nex was so infuriated he killed one of the gang members, but instead of ganging up on him, they asked him if he wanted to join The Mafia. Without a purpose any longer, Nex decided to join their group and turned to a life of a criminal. He was never truly "happy" again, so therefore, he never evolved
Nex is your typical gang member stereotype; violent, short-tempered, rude and impatient. He acts like he is in charge at all times, even when he obviously is not. He has no time for the weak and injured, believing solely in "survival of the fittest". He's well-known for provoking unnecessary fights and killing his opponent to diminish his constant crave of blood-loss. He loses fights as well, though, and when he does, he'll go into a shameful seclusion for days and won't speak or communicate with anyone. In other words, he hates losing. At one point, he didn't even like violence and just wanted his trainer back, but he's gone into a somewhat insane mode and it'd be much to difficult to bring back his old self now
Rodanos. c:
Sprite by wolfspirit25 and drawing by SugarRush~

Which group?-
The Government; a spy
He looks just like any other Houndour, although a few things are unlike most other Houndours. He wears a gray hoodies and a backwards red-and-white baseball cap he found in the trash, along with a black chain necklace that has the Nazi symbol strung onto the end. None of his clothing is actually beneficial to him in any way, shape or form, but he thinks it all looks stylish, so he keeps it on, even when he gets hot
Nazi never had a trainer, although he has secretly always wanted someone to train him up to be stronger and love him. He was born to two Houndooms that lived out in the streets, and shortly after his egg hatched, his mother and father abandoned him. He lived as a stray for as long as he could remember, eating whatever he could dig out of the garbage, taking shelter beneath cardboard boxes or whatever he could find. He was never named, so he named himself after he found the necklace in the trash. One night, he got in a scrap with a Growlithe over a pile of bones and ended up losing. He was left out in the rain to die, but when he awoke, he was fully healed and surrounded by members of The Government. They offered him a place in their group, so he took them up on their offer 
Nazi is pretty convinced that he's a big deal and isn't afraid to show it. When he walks, he has a sort of strut in his step and keeps his head higher than necessary; basically telling everyone around them that he's cooler than them and they should know that. Although he's really nothing but a pup, he acts like he's much, much bigger. He tends to be annoying with his "big-boy" talk, constantly trying to talk like he's much older than he really is. He provokes fights often and takes on much bigger enemies than he can handle, often leaving him injured. He hates it when others call him a "kid" or "baby" and will pout afterwards. Deep down, though, he's just a little Pokemon that lost his way and just wants a family. He'd never admit it, though. He'd never admit anything that would make him seem weak
Rodanos. c:
Sprite by wolfspirit~


5:48am Aug 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
please don't let this fail. ;~;


7:56pm Aug 6 2013 (last edited on 12:18am Aug 7 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 185
((I'm working on my bio.

TistraYkcul will be in my other part
Are shinies alowed?))


Name- Diopside
Nickname- Di
Pokemon- Shiny Espeon
Level- 56
Gender- Female
Which group?- The Government-Spies

History- Hatched in Sandgem town, she was traded between trainers, because of her shinyness, before eventually escaping an evil human who enslaved her and made her kill pokemon who were weak and defenseless. She destroyed the pokeball she was captured in and roamed the land until she eventually found the mafia, but after spying on them for a few days, she realized they were no better than the place she had left. Running away from her hiding place, she bumped into the leader of the government and, seeing the fire in her eyes, invited her to join. She accepted and has been with them ever since, evolving into espeon after she became best friends with a a peacemaker. As they were both on the same side, just different ways of dealing with it, nobody had a problem with it. Unfortunately, on a peacetalk with the mafia, her love-interest was brutally murdered. Since then, she has put all her time and energy into causing the mafia to collapse.

Personality- Her innocent looks and acting skills made her a perfect candidate to be a spy. The mafia took her in willingly after she went to them with the body of a rattata. Yes, she had killed it, but it was collateral damage and it was supposed to be just her food. (You thought all pokemon were vegetarian) She convinced them that she was a bounty hunter. She tends to be cold-hearted around everybody in the mafia and never opens up to anybody. Though many have pursued her for love, she has turned down everybody, even going as far to maim a pokemon who wouldn't quit stalking her. Since then, she is left alone by most pokemon in the mafia. Because of this, she can report back to The Government her findings. She loves the night, even though she is an espeon, because she finds that she can hide much easier in the night than she can in the day. When she isn't with the mafia, she stays inside the government, because while espeons aren't that rare, shinies are. Behind the cold mask, she is actually very friendly and loves to interact with other females. She has a hole in her heart when her best friend died and hasn't been willing to love anybody else, so she tends to avoid males, of course, this has brought out her bisexual tendencies and she finds herself looking at females in the same way she examines males.

Other- TistraYkcul
Drawing by me (No one else may use it) (She was always bi, she just didn't realize it.)


10:56pm Aug 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{Shinies are indeed allowed; although I'm only going to allowed a few, so if you must have one, you can only have one. c:}


1:45pm Aug 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 185
((Hey Souda, can my other charrie be the leader of the Mafia? There is a catch: There are two of them, but they are twins and psychic, so they are always together and finish eachother's sentences. If one dies, the other will die from heartache. So... basically... ummm... they are the same pokemon.))


3:10pm Aug 7 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((-whispers- I think you meant Sona c:))


3:11pm Aug 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{If Souda is okay with it, then sure. c:}


4:38pm Aug 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 185
((Oops, I meant Sona XD))


4:56pm Aug 7 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((But it's totes fine with me too xD))


1:05pm Aug 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 185
((bump. I decided not to make another one.))


4:37pm Aug 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 185


6:16pm Sep 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 174
((omg I feel like I need to join this.))


12:52am Sep 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{You know, I wouldn't mind reviving this. c:
You can join if you want, up to you~}


7:57pm Oct 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 863
*psst* may I join? :3


8:01pm Oct 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{If you think you're literacy level is appropriate for the RP, of course! <3}


8:07pm Oct 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 863
{Well my literacy level is slightly rusty. But my history in English would prove me worthy I believe ^^ This sounds like lots of fun! I'll post my bio right away.}


8:11pm Oct 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{Alright, I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. c:
Just post it whenever~}

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