((Gumball. The pictures below are found off of Photobucket; I had no involvement in their creation.
And no, shinies aren't realistic. I own every game since FireRed, and with the exception of the red Gyrados, which doesn't count, have gotten no shinies whatsoever. I know, it's sad. You're just really really lucky. Or something.))
On Paper
Name: Melissa “Lissa” Harrow
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Lissa is not a serious person. At all. She’s silly, goofy, excited, and generally in a very cheery mood. She dislikes negative emotions and does her best to appear happy and cheerful at all times, which can make it difficult to tell how she really feels. Despite her rather eccentric emotional habits, Lissa is highly intelligent and can prove it if she so chooses by making people feel very, very stupid (only when they deserve it, of course). She tends to be very relaxed and doesn’t particularly care whether she wins or loses.
Kingdra – male – level 43: His thing is water. He loves being allowed to swim freely in lakes and other bodies of water, though he always returns to Lissa, and he likes to dunk people in the water at random intervals if he’s giving them a ride. If they’re at the edge of the lake that he’s in, he will splash them mercilessly until they fall in or get to a splash-free zone.
Mawile – female – level 42: She is a vain attention hog, pure and simple. Mawile will make puppy eyes shamelessly at people until they give her hugs and pet her. Mirrors are her obsession, and she’ll stand in front of them for hours if Lissa lets her, which she usually doesn’t. Despite this, Mawile highly enjoys being outside, especially if sunshine-y naps are involved.
Dusclops – female – level 44: Probably the only ghost-type in the world to fear the dark, Dusclops will hide in places like closets and under people’s beds if her Pokeball is not readily acessable when it gets dark. A flashlight carries with Lissa at all times solves the problem quite nicely if she’s traveling at night. Dusclops likes sugar.
Sneasel – male – level 43: A kleptomaniac whose obsession is shiny things, it is not uncommon for people around him to find themselves missing paperclips, keys, tinfoil… He gives it back if he’s caught and if people make him, but since nobody really cares about supershiny old washers, he’s usually allowed to keep his ‘treasures’. He also loves to be scratched behind the ears.
Off The Paper
Rivals: I don’t think so… (Open.)
Crush: Um, no. (Open.)
Estimated Level of Expertise: I’m gooooood! Kidding! I’m okay.
On Paper
Name: Quinn Overick
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Quinn is very antisocial. And quiet. Antisocial and quiet, and can sometimes (oh, fine… most of the time) come off as a giant jerkface since he tends to ignore people that talk to him, mostly because he doesn’t like people in general and he doesn’t like talking to people unless they’re talking about something somewhat important or interesting. People babbling on about a lesson they just had, for example, will be ignored. However, speculation on whether lunch will be eatable might be responded to. Getting through his outer shell is difficult, but possible, and to his friends Quinn shows his caring and kind side far more often. He’s always willing to lend a hand to people who need it, so long as they ask nicely.
Jigglypuff – female – level 45: A very curious Pokemon who sticks her nose into everything. She enjoys hitching a ride on Quinn’s shoulder or head when she’s not in her Pokeball, in a battle, or wandering around (close to Quinn) to look and poke at things. She likes strawberry pudding. Quinn’s trying to find her a Moonstone, but it probably won’t happen.
Banette – male – level 46: An silly Pokemon who likes to let himself out of his Pokeball and scare the bejeezuz out of random people. Quinn’s long given up on trying to break him of the habit. Besides startling people, his favorite game is to steal something of someone’s and float just above reach with it. He never does it for long, though, and he always gives the stuff back just the way he found it.
Skarmory – male – level 43: A very prim and proper Pokemon who is constantly annoyed by his comrades’ antics. He requires an offering of Cheri berries before letting anyone other than Quinn fly him. He loves to listen to music and he will try to get people to share their earphones with him so he can listen to whatever they’re listening to.
Bellossom – female – level 44: She’s the sweetheart of Quinn’s group. Though her temper is likened to a very hot place on earth when unleashed, she’s usually sweet and relaxed. She loves being stroked and petted, and is not above dancing for attention. Her dislike of Pecha berries is practically legendary.
Off The Paper
Rivals: Not that I can think of. (Open.)
Crush: …No. (Open.)
Estimated Level of Expertise: I’m decent.
On Paper
Name: Erisa “Eri” Relis
Gender: Female
Age: 17
At first, second, and third glances, Eri seems to be cold and cool, the sort of person that would brush off people like flies. Most people never get up the courage to speak to her, so this common misconception is very common. In actuality, Eri is a very approachable person, and she enjoys talking to people – so long as they aren’t stupid. She has no patience for people who act stupid (not knowing something is completely different) and once she deems someone to be idiotic, she will ignore them. Eri is known to hold a wicked grudge, and if someone manages to make her mad, she will plan and execute revenge on them. It will work. And they will regret it. But as a general rule, she’s nice, fun-loving, and helpful.
Metagross – genderless – level 57: Calm and introverted, it will only listen to Eri. It won’t do anything if someone else asks it to. It is very lazy, very intelligent, and has a thing for apples. Being so very calm, it won’t get itself into meaningless fights, and will only fight if Eri asks it to or if another Pokemon has sorely offended it – which takes effort, as it tends to ignore everyone other than its own teammates.
Walrein – male – level 58: The only member of Eri’s group that doesn’t have any issues, he enjoys sunbathing, Oran berries, and doesn’t care if someone naps against him. It’s not unusual to see a pile of sleeping Pokemon with him as the base. Hitmontop – male – level 56: A workaholic who eats and trains and sleeps. That’s about it. He does, however, enjoy irritating other people, mainly by poking them. He’s highly immature, but is terrifically strong, and has a huge ego. Which is then usually promptly deflated by his teammates, but it always pops back up again.
Houndoom – female – level 57: Selfish and vain, she embodies the phrase ‘does not play well with children’, meaning that she does not get along well with other Pokemon. She will do anything to get treats, pets, compliments – but at the same time, she has a vicious temper. Thankfully it cools down quickly. Her favorite toy is a red baton that Eri got her.
Sandslash – female – level 55: Generally annoyed by the antics of her teammates, she tends to be somewhat antisocial. However, this doesn’t stop her from ‘spying’ on other people. She has a habit of wandering off to watch other Pokemon and trainers as they train. She also has romance issues.
Off The Paper
Rivals: I don’t believe so. (Open.)
Crush: No. (Open.)
Estimated Level of Expertise: I’m better than the average Joe, not great.