4:24am May 1 2011
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Plot In the small world of Eceria, there is one ruler: Cain. Cain is a cruel man with an extremely strong power, controlling the entire population of Eceria, people without powers. For decades, Cain ruled with unrelenting pain and torture. The citizens prayed that they would one day be released from their cruel leader. The Heavens heard their prayer, and granted them, giving four children the power to overpower Cain and slay him. Their powers were minor at first, but became truly powerful when the children became 17. Now Cain has heard of these four children, and has sent a spy to befriend and travel with them on their journey to kill him. But the spy is one of the four children! etc. -too lazy- Rules - Meh. No Mary Sues, be active, etc. Bios Name: Gender: Age: 17 Appearance: Personality: Power [before 17]: Power [after 17] : Other:
4:29am May 1 2011
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Name: Sanae Katana Age: 16 [turning 17 in a few days] Gender: Female note: This was drawn for me by the lovely Gerychi [cos she loves me :U] I paid for this, and if I see anyone else using this... then face my wraith ._. Personality: Sanae, overall, has a gentle and generally kind nature. She's fiercely competitive, and always wants to be in first-place, however, and Sanae is also terribly dense, unable to figure out if she's in trouble or not. She believes in her own version of justice, and does anything she could to have it delivered. She's rather adventurous, and overly curious. Sanae's rather stubborn, and has a one-track mind. If she has her mind set on something, it will be incredibly hard to stop her. Power [before 17]: Sanae has the ability to grow whatever part of any animal on any part of her body to any size. She can only do it one at a time, and mainly sticks to crow wings. [was this worded funny? I think it was o.o] Power [after 17]: Sanae is able to transform her entire body into an animal of whatever size she wishes it to be. When she truly masters the ability, she'll be able to 'splice' and turn into a mutated form of two animals [... That sounds more disgusting than it should sound o,o] Other: None --- Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Personality: Marco is a very playful and energetic boy. He's rather outgoing and doesn't like silence or sitting still. He has a short attention span and easily trails off. Marco adores food and sleeping, and he doesn't like responsibility. He is sweet, but comes off looking like a child instead of a teen. He loves his powers, no matter how sinister it looks to others. Power [before 17]: Able to bend shadows Power [after 17] : Has the ability to control and transform shadows into whatever he wants, and it can physically hurt/burn/wound [e.g. A wolf with a mind of its own or a sword] Other: None

4:47am May 1 2011 (last edited on 4:52am May 1 2011)
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Name: Angela Winston (Ange) Gender: Female Age: 17 (Just turned about a week ago.) Appearance: Angela is pretty short and small for her age: She's only 5' 2" And weighs about 110lbs. Her hair is rather long, she hates to cut it, it goes about to her elbow. You wouldn't be able to notice though, for she always keeps it up in a messy-bun or a pony-tail. Her bangs are cut straight across and hang down while the rest of her hair is up. The color of her hair is a dirty blonde to a light brown, it compliments her pale, almost ivory, skin tone quite well. Her eyes are a peircing emerald-color and seem to accent the light row of golden-brown freckles that reach across the bridge of her nose, to the end of both her cheek-bones. -Usually seen in jeans and a loose-fitting hoodie.- Personality: Angela finds it hard to trust anyone; it takes a while to truely gain her trust. Once you're under her 'bubble', you will remain in her life, as someone truely important, for the rest of her life. The girl doesn't have a lot of friends, mostly because many give up on getting her friendship. (For the length of time it takes to gain her trust.) At first glance, the girl seems to be cold and uncaring, or, should I say, emotion-less if not the first two. Once you get to know her, as I've said before, she's kind, caring, and lovable. Power [before 17]: Ange had small healing abilities: She was able to cure small cuts and burns on herself easily. Whenever she tried to help someone else, it took a lot of energy out of her, but she managed. Power [after 17] : After her birthday, Ange could feel her power grow. She was able to cure others, with non-severe wounds, without losing much energy. She has to be touching the wound though for her powers to work. Other: None really~
Name: Leo Cambridge
Gender: Male Age: 17 (And a half.) Appearance: Leo is strong and muscular, about 5' 10" in height. He has naturally olive-colored skin, and has not a whole lot of blemishes on his skin. Leo's eyes are a chocolate brown, but seem to fit him perfectly. His hair is black and untidy, never doing what he wants no matter how much 'hair product' he puts in it. Because of this, Leo usually cuts his hair rather short. Not too short, so he can skill 'spike' it with hair gel, but not too long it looks aweful. Leo, like I said before, is muscular, mostly because he tried to build stamina to stop from pa.ssing out from controlling his powers. Personality: Leo is... Well, self-loving to say the least. Egotistical is a word often used to describe this young lad. Leo feels the need to take the lead, mostly because he desires the feeling of being better than everyone else. He craves control, but in the midsts of everything, he should not have it. Leo felt intot he lieing and trickery of Cain. Cain convinced him that with his help, he could become the ruler of Eceria, sitting on his master's right hand. Wearing a crown of solid gold and jewels always appealed to Leo, and now he thought he was going to have it. Despite this, at first glance, Leo seems to be perfectly normal. Though a bit arrogant at times, he's rather nice. He jokes at times, loves to flirt, and seems like a bit of a jerk: Though many could say anyone could be like this. He conceals most of his desires he expressed to Cain, not wanting to cause panic, or suspicion. Power [before 17]: Leo could mildly shift and form the elements to do his will. He strugged immensely with air and had a hard time with water as well. He exceded what he expected with fire and earth. Power [after 17] : The boy can make the four basic elements do his will, and quite well. He controlls fire and earth a lot better than before, but he doesn't even bother messing with air anymore. He still struggles a bit with water. Whenever he does something big, a whole lot of energy just drains out of him. Takes him a rather long time to recover as well. Other: He's the spy... >3
((Dude, I totally failed. |D Sorry, changed~))
5:20am May 1 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Yay :3 Should we set this in medieval-ish times, as in no guns, or modern? ]]
5:25am May 1 2011
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((Oh yes! :D Shay would very much like that... xD Anyways, that means Angela most definantly does not wear jeans and a hoodie. Lawl. Anyways, I'm going to bed. It's almost 2:30 a.m. here. -Dies- I've been up since 5:30 yesterday to yard-sale. -Fail- x3 Night!))
5:35am May 1 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ I guess my characters can stick to their clothes :D Sanae shall be wearing traditional Japanese stuff :u Night, Shay :3 ]]
12:47pm May 1 2011
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((Legit, legit. :3 Any-who, When I find it fit, mostly need to think right now, about what they will be wearing, I shall let you know!))
10:10pm May 1 2011
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[[ Alright then. When shall we start? o-o ]]
12:16am May 2 2011
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((Whenever! I'm up for now, if you're even here.... xD))
12:21am May 2 2011
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[[ I am here :u I'll start... Hrmmm... How SHALL we start? xD With Cain sending out Leo and the other three somehow meeting up? ]]
12:22am May 2 2011
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((Perhaps, just perhaps, Cain is meeting with Leo, and he sends out... Letters, that are saying their mission and to save everyone, they need to kill Cain and everything, but it's just his plot to murder them? -Fail- xD))
12:36am May 2 2011
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[[ This sure is confusing xD ]]
12:38am May 2 2011
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((Was it? -Goes back and reads- Holy jeez, that is confusing....! Wow, I fail. xD Well, let's go with your idea. xD
Say, they all recieve a letter that basically says 'Meet at the big Oak' or something stupid like that? o-o))
12:40am May 2 2011
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[[ Hrm maybe Cain could go like 'HAY LEO JUST TRY AND DESTROY THEM' and then Leo goes 'HMM I SHALL GATHER THEM'. ... Sorry if I sound weird. Been skyping with my friends o-o ]]
12:42am May 2 2011
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((That's pretty legit too! xDD hahaha It's all good. :3 My parents and I just finished celebrating the Death of Osama Bin Laden. |D Yay us!))
12:44am May 2 2011
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[[ He's gone? o-o I've really got to catch up on the news xD Well shall we start? I'm a bit busy >_> ]]
12:45am May 2 2011
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((Yupp! Obama announced it an hour or so ago. :3 Anyways! We can start later if you want. ^-^))
12:49am May 2 2011
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[[ Go Obama :u I'll try and write up a start. ]] -well we all know what Cain wants Leo to do- --- Sanae wandered through the woods, smiling and just feeling happy to be alive. It was a wonderful day, blue skies with a few clouds in the sky. The forest was lush green and animated, and not even Cain could dampen Sanae's mood today. Her black crow wings stuck out from a pair of slits in Sanae's robes, something she had done herself to make room for her wings. Sanae had never shown those wings or her powers to anyone, knowing what Cain would do if the tyrant every found out. --- Marco trotted along in the streets, bouncing a bright red apple in his hand. He was accompanied by a large black dog with somber eyes. The dog had been summoned by Marco, made up of nothing but shadows. It resembled a wolf, and stuck close to Marco, careful to not touch anyone else.
12:59am May 2 2011
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"Do you understand?" The voice was deep, demanding. The large man glared down at the teen in front of him. He had crossed his arms, awaiting the answer.
"Yes, Cain, Sir... I understand," Leo said, bowing his head to his new 'master'. "Gather the rest, bring them to you... Then it will be all mine?"
"All yours, Leo," Cain said; the corners of his mouth curled into a small smirk of a smile. How easy, he thought, it is to manipulate the minds of these foolish children... The boy finished bowing down to Cain, and walked back out of the cave. This was the only place he had ever seen or met Cain, for it was the only place Cain permitted him to see him. Leo soon found himself walking into the lush forests. He had forgotten how beautiful the land was, how gorgeous the day was: The sun was out, and skies were blue, and clouds weren't even there. Unusual weather for the timebeing.
A rather large rock stood in Leo's way, as he was walking back to his house. He stopped and closed his eyes. A moment later, the ground under the rock shot up, thrusting the rock to fly upwards. A smirk appeared on the boy's face. He loved that he had his powers. And thank god he was in the forest, for no one else was there; or so he thought.
((Gah!! I got to go. :c I'll post Ange's thingie tomorrow. :3))
3:57am May 3 2011
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[[ Bump come on Shay :u ]]