[Semi-Lit Rp] Royal Magic [Fail at Title]

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1:52am May 1 2011 (last edited on 10:42pm May 1 2011)

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Long ago in the village of Dueo when it was the year of the Firebird and the lands only spoke of myths and legends, there was a boy about 15 or 16. He was sorcerer, whos apprentice just happened to be a Clairvoyant. They worked together for the better. And for years they stopped wars from happening or curing the ill, but now something was about to change. In the year of the Songbird disaster was coming and the Clairvoyant could feel it. She told the middle aged sorcerer that disaster was on its way and there was nothing to do to stop it. She told him of the heat that was soon to come and the water that will cover the planet. That people will be extinct, but will come back centurys later when the earth was once again equally balanced. She told him he had a year. The sorcerer didnt know what to do and spent many months trying to figure out what to do until the year of the Crybird. The sorcerer thought of a plan that would take both himself and his apprenice's life. Knowing there wouldnt be any magic in this new world that was to come, he was willing to sacrafice the two of them, one with powers and the other with super human sences. He would split a part their magic into 4 pieces and send them off into space and when the time was right the pieces would come down and bring magic to the world once again. The only catch was that these pieces of the two of them were to start new live. They were their own magic being and the sourcere and the clairvoyant were to only exist in these legends and the new magic beings dreams. And so as the heat came and every one on Earth died the two magical being were now stars waiting for the time to come.
In the year of the Newbird, when the civilization was coming back and the number of people on earth matched the number of people there were in the year of th Crybird, the 4 stars fell from the sky. People thought that the legend was happening over again and the world would dissapear, but little did they know that this was the begining. The stars now on earth, started to transform into children. They were magic and as years pas.sed and the children got adopted parents. The parents were of royalty and each of the beings were adopted by a diffrent royal families. These magical beings knew they had magic, but they also knew that they werent suppose to tell anyone. The dreams they had of the sorcerer and the clairvoyant tought them how to use their powers and the good of them. Now in the year of the Forgottenbird when the children turn 17 they have to try to hide their power. The power they have will be uncontrolled and it will stand out the most it has ever. Their apperance will change. Their eye color or hair color will either brighten or fade. For 17 years they could control it but suddenly because the 4 families were now at war and the 4 children were no longer at peace.




1. No PP or GM or any of those things.
2. Violence and Romance (If any) stays at Pg 14
3. Just post your bios. Don’t ask, but I will either approve or disapprove.
4. Use Ooc; when you are talking out of character
6. This is a semi-literate/Literate RP. Writers block is forgiven to an extent
7. Write rule 5 in the color brown
8. Try to keep gender ratio even.
. I will add what I feel necessary when I need to.


Bio skeleton:

Name: (First, Last)


(You dont have to be one of the 4 magic ones)
(you can be like a servent or another part in the Royal family)

Powered: *Sam Syun ~ Manipulate Light ~ Me
Others: *Natsume Syun ~ Knight ~ Tld
*Isabell(Bella) Byrd ~ Servent ~ Shaste

Powered: *Marco Dueo ~ Controll Darkness ~ Tld 
Others: *Leonardo(Leo) Russo ~ Knight ~ Shaste
*Linnia Denon ~ Jester ~ Me

Powered: *Sanae Auin ~ Nature ~ Tld
Others: *Annetta(Ace) Lasko ~ Servant ~ Me
*Kyaan Ramano ~ Servant ~ Shaste

Powered: *Scarlett Feyoth ~ Talk to animals ~ Nessie 
Others: *Arana Venus ~ Servant ~ Tld
*Arron Denon ~ Jester ~ Me


2:09am May 1 2011 (last edited on 6:54pm May 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

Bio skeleton:

Name: Annetta Lasko
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Family: Auin

Annetta is a very Observant girl. She loves adventue and doesn't mind getting hr hands dirty when is needed. Ace is also unusually stubborn and loves to laugh, wich only happens when she is nervious. Also when she is nervious she tends to ramble. She is a Klutz. Though you wouldn’t think so. Open is another way to put her, Open to new experience though Curiousity gets the best of her. Since she is curious some times you would find her wandering off. She is Smart and determined to do what others doubt or what’s on her mind. Some might say that she dreams to big and hardly lives.
Looks: Ace's has Red hair. It is kind of a crimson color with orange and pink thrown into it. Her hair would remind most of a sunset. Her hair goes down to her upper back. Any ways her face shape is sort of like a strawberry, with chubby cheeks and stuff like that, though she is 17. Her eyes are big and round. And a dull grey. She has light freckls that dot her face. She wears a off white corset top with black design on it, topped off with black velvet gloves and dark jeans.
Crush: Later on... Marco
Other: Likes to be called Ace


Name: Sam Syun
Gender: Male
Family: Syun
Sam is a very ambitious; a very bright person. He Never quits imagining or trying new things. He can do anything if he puts his mind to it.He likes to get into trubble and likes to have fun, in a twisted determined way. When sam gets in troubble he can easily wiggle himself out of it and be pretty persuasive.
Power: Can Manipulate Light
Crush: None/Open



Name: Linnia Denon
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Family: Dueo ~ Jester

Personality: Linnia is a troubbled girl. She thinks every thing is a game and that she has to win some ones affection by doing tricks. When she is doing tricks for the king and queen she is nice and at ease. She has a short attention spand and alway have to do something active. She cannot sit in silence or behave. She gets into a lot of troubble but since she entertains the Queen and King of Dueo so well she keeps her postion as a jester.
Crush: None/Open
Other: None


Name: Arron Denon
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Family: Feyoth
Personality:  Arron is a quiet and mysterious guy. He doesnt talk much and is hardly seen. He is good at sneaking around and lurks in the shadows. His postion or rank in the palace has been tossed around. Some think him to be a good spy but others want him to be a jester. See he is a funny and sensitive guy, but only when he wants to be. Most of the time he is cold, and silent. He has a lot of patients, probably because of his sister he hasnt seen since he was 8.
Crush: None/Open
Other: None


2:24am May 1 2011 (last edited on 2:25am May 1 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 314

Name: Scarlett Feyoth

Gender: female

Personality: Scarlett's kind of a rebel. She wears black, red, and purple more than anything else and plays guitar. She's extremely stubborn and likes to get her way, though she's not whiney if she doesn't. She detests anything princessy. She has a bad temper and a short fuse, and can be nasty when she's either mad or doesn't like someone.

Looks: Scarlett was born with blond hair, but when she got older she started dying it with henna to make it REALLY red. It's wavy, thick, and goes down almost to her waist, with long side-swept bangs. She has a black streaks in it. She's naturally pale but it looks good on her, and she's skinny and tall but pretty, just barely past twig kind of skinny and tall. Her eyes are blue but brightened to a purple-y color. She has a dark-purple velvet choker that she never takes off.

Power: Can speak to and influence animals

Crush: open

Other: Nicname is Patches because she's been in a lot of fights



I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

2:48am May 1 2011 (last edited on 3:05am May 1 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
ilu chocolate 
Name: Sanae Auin
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Family: Auin 
note: This was drawn for me by the lovely Gerychi [cos she loves me :U] I paid for this, and if I see anyone else using this... then face my wraith ._. 
 Personality: Sanae, overall, has a gentle and generally kind nature. She's fiercely competitive, and always wants to be in first-place, however, and Sanae is also terribly dense, unable to figure out if she's in trouble or not. She believes in her own version of justice, and does anything she could to have it delivered. She's rather adventurous, and overly curious. Sanae's rather stubborn, and has a one-track mind. If she has her mind set on something, it will be incredibly hard to stop her.
Power: Sanae has the ability to grow whatever part of any animal on any part of her body to any size. She can only do it one at a time, and mainly sticks to crow wings. [was this worded funny? I think it was o.o]
Other: None
Name: Natsume Syun
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Family: Syun 
 Personality: Natsume is more of a knight than anything else. He has the stereotypical air of nobility and loyalty, and he never backs down from a challenge or a promise. Despite his all-around bishounen features, Natsume doesn't mind tormenting other people who he is not acquainted with. Because of this, he comes off as an arrogant jerk most of the time, and doesn't mind sticking with that ti
tle. He's a bit cold, stiff and formal, and really dislikes childish people. [seriously, if you join with a girl that's a punk or anything, he's not gonna like her and never really will :x ]
Rank: Knight
Other: None

 Name: Marco Dueo

Gender: Male

Age: 17 

Family: Dueo 



Personality Marco is a very playful and energetic boy. He's rather outgoing and doesn't like silence or sitting still. He has a short attention span and easily trails off. Marco adores food and sleeping, and he doesn't like responsibility. He is sweet, but comes off looking like a child instead of a teen.

Power: Marco has the ability to control darkness and morph it into whatever he wants, be it a physical or transparent ob
ject [e.g. a wolf with a mind of its own or a sword]

Crush: Open

Other: None. 


Name: Arana Venus

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Family: Feyoth




PersonalityArana is very quiet, giving off a mysterious aura. However, beneath the icy exterior, she's a very short-tempered and sharp-eyed girl. Arana, despite her looks, is quite docile and gentle, especially around animals. 


Rank: Servant


 She's not a true Feyoth





2:48am May 1 2011 (last edited on 2:51am May 1 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

<< @Nessie- Accepted... Remeber that her hair changed color naturally not by dye. >>


2:53am May 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

[[ Are my characters accepted? And may I know other positions for non-powered people? Excuse Arana and Marco's messed up bios. Chrome doesn't like me posting on Res.

And I hope Marco won't be the only powered male :/ ]] 


2:54am May 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 314
((I thought it was hair or eyes?? Her eyes turned brighter blue-purpley))

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

2:55am May 1 2011

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Posts: 1,329

<< Sorry I didnt make it clear... There are 4 magic royals. One in each family and if yours isnt magical then they could be either a duke, knight, brother sister, servent  >>


3:02am May 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

<< Arugh Sorry my computer is being slow... And sorry Nessie I didnt understand and yes Tld you are accepted and I believe Marco and Sanae are powered? :D >>


3:04am May 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Alright, I understand now ^^ I'll go edit my bios accordingly. And yes, Marco and Sanae are powered. I'll stop posting now to avoid spamming up your board. ]]


3:07am May 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 314
((Cool, we got the four powered...That was fast.))

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

3:09am May 1 2011

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Posts: 1,329

<< Its fine Your not spaming. And I will be making a guy soon, Tld can the guy I make be Marco's brother? >>


3:10am May 1 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Meh... So... So tempted to join... |D -Fail- Joining in a moment~ I'll join as twin slaves. xD Hehe))


3:12am May 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

[[ Hmf. Oops. Marco really is the only powered guy. Sure, Leo. 

Join Shay join 8D This RP really needs more guys, since I'm the only one with males so far. Any crushes for my chars? But uh... I don't accept crushes from people who only RP girls ._.  ]]


3:16am May 1 2011

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Posts: 314
((What if I suck at RPing guys? They end up like chicks with guy names.))

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

3:16am May 1 2011 (last edited on 3:17am May 1 2011)

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Posts: 1,338

((I shall make Isabell crush on Natsume? :D And then I shall make human-ized version of Kyaan... Hehe -Chuckles Evily- Alrighty, I'm joining! :D

Oh, I guess I'll have another dood as well. |D So, I will join with Isabell, Kyaan and Leo. >3)) 


3:20am May 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

<< Since There is only one powered guy I am swiching my characters around a little. >>


3:22am May 1 2011

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Posts: 5,998

[[ Who's Isabell o-o I'm picky with the girls, especially with Natsume xD I like personalities that clash, but Natsume shall never pair with a childish girl.

Nessie - Everyone's entitled to their own choice. Yours is to RP only girls, but mine will be to RP with both genders and never accept crushes from people who only RP girls :3 I have a good reason, too. ]] 


3:24am May 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 314
((Okay. Whatever tickles your peach.))

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

3:27am May 1 2011 (last edited on 4:01am May 1 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

<< One of shay's characters is named after me! Cool! haha... Tempted to make a Jester Dude >>

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