3:26pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 4:04pm Dec 5 2010)
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Posts: 731
.:: Stonewall Grammar School for boys ::. In the English country side, there is a private boarders grammar school, Stonewall Grammar School for boys. Only the richest kids get into Stonewall, no matter how smart you are, if you don't have the cash you can't go. Though you can't be an idiot if you want in to Stonewall via the entrance exam, some perents have been know to... ehem... bribe school officials to let their children in, so by no means is Stonewall for the poor. Perents all over the world pay ridiculous amounts of mney just for their kids to go there. At Stonewall you're either to smart for your own good or too rich to care ----
Rules No spamming
No Mary-sues No god modding
Be literate Post at least a pharagraph Fill out all the form in detail Romance and violnce is encoraged Keep it PG16 please This is Shonen-ai/Yaoi so if you don't like don't join You must be aged 14-19 Use some form of OOC My co-onner is Bunbunnychan so she can kick you out too ---- Bio Skelly Name: Gender: Age: Looks: (If you use a picture take this section out and put it above the form.) Personality: Background:
Crush: Sexual orientation: (Gay, Bi or confused) Other: ---- Have fun! ^w^ ----  Name: Mail Jeevas (Call him Matt or die)
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen Personality: Matt is your typical begoggled gamer. He thinks more about Legend of Zelda and Pokemon than his grades. He insists on having his DSi or PSP on him at all times, even in clas$es. He's very smart but tends not to show that side of his personality as he's normally playing Tertris rather than answering questions in clas$. He's a really sweet guy if you can get him to put down his games for a second to chat and he will defend his friends until the end. He's quite possesive and has possible abandonment issues, so be prepared for clingy-ness if you do befriend him. Most people look on Matt as a freak or a nerd, it's not sprising really, due to this and his abanonment issues, he really is quite a loner.
Background: Matt's perents never really gave a toss about him. Sure, they fed him, clothed him and gave him an edcation but they never really loved him. They bought him games and all sorts of material things but they never really even spoke to him. As soon as he turned fourteen they shipped him off to Stonewall just to get him out of the way. He was really just a huge inconvinience to them, hence the abandonment issues. He's been going to Stonewall for three years now and recently realised he was gay.
Crush: None... yet.
Sexual orientation: Gay
Other: Yes, yes, I know. It's Matt from Death Note. I'm a lazy, lazy person. Beat me with the lazy stick. xD
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
3:36pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: Bump.
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
3:37pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 5:54pm Dec 5 2010)
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Posts: 411
Name: Vanity Gender: Male Age: Nineteen Looks: His hair is in a black shaggy cut, and he has bangs covering his right eye. The bangs covering his eye are actually dyed a bright blue color, and take up most of that part of his hair, plus there is a few blue streaks here and there in his hair. His eyes, speaking of which; are a glittering gold color. His skin is the color of fresh milk, and he stands at about 6'1", and wears a tube top that shows his belly; and is striped red and black. His pants are black, but they have a red flame pattern that start from the bottom of the pants and stop at about the knees. The pants are kind of baggy, have tight leather belt loops with studs on them, and tight around the end too. He also wears a red jacket with white ends and has no sleeves, but it is opened and kept together by two silver binds that cross over at the end of the jacket. He wears black leather boots that are hard to see by the fact his pants barely fit him. he wears three silver bracelets on his right arm and one large silver bracelet with gold studs on his left one. His tongue and left eyebrow are pierced. He has three piercings in each ear and snake bites. Plus his navel (belly button) and nipples are pierced too. Personality: He's very friendly and kind; but is also eccentric and therefore does not have many friends. Vanity is really clueless and oblivious because of his ADD, and easily amused. He is also nocturnal, and has the attitude of a child when he does not get his way. The male is also easily distracted, usually by animals or video games; but can be serious when angered. His favorite thing... is dressing up in frills, skirts; you name it. (Contrary to belief, Vanity is more of a Seme than Uke usually) Background: From day one, he has always been... strange in most's eyes. He would always ask for dresses and video games; not action figures or footballs. Vanity ended up in the school because his parents just wanted him out of the house; and needed him to actually get a life so that they would have have least one successful child. He has been here for four years now, and truthfully has no idea why. His parents only told him that it was 'paradise for special kids like him.' Crush: None/Open Sexual orientation: Gay(er then a rainbow throwing rainbow sparkles at people) Other: He likes pocky, is a fan of cats, a gamer, cosplays from time to time, drinks tea a lot, fan of anime and manga, yaoi obsessed (kind of ironic), and used to work at a pet store until he came to the school.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:41pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: Finally B! You took your time! xD
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
3:44pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 411
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:47pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 3:50pm Dec 5 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: Okay B. Chill. I'm trying to convince Hershey to join. She's sure she'll be a fail though. XD
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
3:50pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 411
OOC: Maybe Tiggy can join too! XD
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:53pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: She doesn't want to join a new pet site. Hershey's already on here. 8P
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
3:55pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 1:28pm Dec 10 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
 Name: Alex Kingsley Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: He's happy go lucky and always looks at the bright side of things, even when there isn't really a bright side to it. He's like his own ball of sunshine and is very fun to be around though you can easily get tired of all the cheerfulness. He lives in his own world were everything is good and nice and everything is right and nothing goes wrong. But whats wrong with that? He's loyal and protective of those he cares about. Background: He was abandoned at birth and dropped off at the police station one night. A cop took him to the orphanage where he stayed until he was about ten and he got adopted by a nice family. But when they realized they were going to have a baby of their own they set him to the orphanage. After that he was in and out of homes and families constantly.
Sexual orientation: Thought he was straight, but realized he was Very Gay <33 Other: hmmm
Name: Nicholas "Nikki" Sander Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: He's a good friend if you ever get that far with him, trust me, you must really need a friend if you turn to him for one. He's a flirt and a bit of a troublemaker. Background: His father is a strong, silent type that doesn't show his emotions other than yelling or throwing things around. Theres no one to balance out his father's rage seeing as Nikki's mother died while giving birth to him. His father looks at Nikki as the one who took the love of his life away, if he had never been born then she wouldn't have had to die.
Sexual orientation: Gay
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:58pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 3:58pm Dec 5 2010)
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Posts: 411
OOC: Roxaslovesme joined. I'm asking her to come as well. XD Oooh and accepted. He seems fabulous. XD
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:01pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: Yup! Alex seems fabulous. Are you sure Roxas is Lit enough?
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
4:03pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 411
OOC: Not actually sure. We will have to put her through a test.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:04pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: A patented B and Iris test. Muahaha.
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
4:18pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: Bump.
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
4:30pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: Bump.
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
4:44pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: Bump.
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
4:46pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 411
OOC: Hmm... so whose gonna start? Or are we gonna wait?
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
5:10pm Dec 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
OOC: We shall wait a little. xD
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
11:18am Dec 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
(I'll join. Will post my bio(s) later. Stressing out right now over World History and English 10. ;c)
11:21am Dec 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 411
OOC: Awww... well okay dear. ^^ Remember, English is just big words. XD
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;