|:|The Call|:|

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9:17pm May 27 2011 (last edited on 7:21pm Jun 6 2011)

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Posts: 2,962
|:|The Call|:|
A Dragon Rider roleplay. 
It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too 
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye 
-"The Call" by Regina Spektor 
For thousands of years, the land of Asiallia has thrived on the ancient pact made between man and beast.  Together, they can hear the earth's voices, and stop natural disasters and magical conflict.
But these "beasts" are not just your ordinary cats and dogs.  No, the Asialli have bonded themselves to one of the greatest, most powerful beasts in their world: the dragons.
Dragon magic is rash and unpredictable, though, however strong and earth-bound it is.  Asialli need their power to protect their land from flood, drought, and fire, but only a special few can handle and connect with the magic that flows in dragon veins.
That is how the Pacts were created.
At the beginning of the Asialli and dragon alliance, the dragons bestowed their magic upon the lowlier humans.  It is carried in ever Asialli's veins, but only a rare few ever have the magic activated.  Those who do receive The Call.  It is a strange gift, apparent from birth, that little is known about.  The Asialli do not question it, however, and The Call has not failed them yet.
When a child receives The Call, it is like a fire burning in their blood.  It is a need to connect with something, a constant longing for something that they do not know, but need to find.  This is a calling for their dragon.  Technically speaking, any dragon with magic could connect with a child who has The Call, but some magic types are more compatible with others.  This compatibility is so specialized, though, that a child knows to which dragon their Calling is to.  The dragon knows as well, and when they meet, they form a pair bond so complete it is painful to be apart.  This bond is where the magic of the Pacts come in.  Each child who receives The Call is immediately enlisted into the Asiallian government's Pact Council.  This 'orientation'  at the capital city of Asial takes over a year, so that these children--generally from the uneducated villages of the far reaches of Asiallia--may learn to be dignified and be educated both in basic subjects, as well as draconic diplomacy, history, and behavior.  This time away from their bonded dragon is a test within itself, and is very painful for them, even only after the first meeting.  When the year is over, they are allowed to return to their dragon, where they begin their training over the next seven years in both the Asiallian and draconic lands.  The pairs are guided by a mentor Pact pair--an Asialli and a dragon who have already completed their training, and serve on the Pact Council as a full-fledged Pact bond--through their training in magic.
The two years of training focus on one more aspect of the Pact bond relationship: flying.  Though a pair may fly casually once or twice, true flying is taught during a pair's final years in training.  The dragon receives a harness hand made by their Asialli, and allows them to climb aboard onto their back.  They learn battle flight, aerial tricks, as well as the basic flight techniques.  It is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a Pact pair.
Once a pair has completed training, they are ready to begin manipulating the earth lines.  This prevents natural disasters and preserves prosperity in both draconic and Asialli lands.  Their duty is harrowing and dangerous.
Are you up to the challenge? 
The land of Asiallia.  It is a land roughly the size of France, with no borders to the sea except a sparse stretch to the most extreme south for about twenty miles (roughly 32 kilometers).  Most of the land is dominated by grasslands (most of these have been converted in crop fields or grazing) and forest (While most of this is still intact, some has been cut down).  Villages are common but small, and spring up along the main traveling road and the three frequented ones that spring off of it.  Asiallia is a moderately well-populated country, so there are no "Forbidden Forests" or anything of the like, though no villages are located in the dense trees of their woodland.
To the west and north fringes of Asiallia are more sparse areas, less abundance in plants and more brown, clay-like dirt.  This is more desert-like, with hills, sagebrush, and a few trees.  These are almost like pre-foothills to the high, ragged mountains that tower over the northern, half of the western, and a third of the eastern borders.  They are a tall range, carved by prehistoric glaciers, and have various caves and tunnels carved into them.  This, and the rocky country on the other side is home to the dragons.  They like the high altitude and thin air, as well as the tunnels and caves, where they make their home.  The dragon's "capital city" is a vast network of caves located in Mount Draco, a tall and wide mountain to the east, and sprawls into the surrounding three mountains.  Towards the base of this range there is some forest of pine trees and the like.  Only the most hardy of Asialli can made a home in this area, though most prefer to stay in the more populated areas.
There are three main cities in Asiallia.  One of them is the capital city of Asial, where the kind and queen rule.  It is also headquarters for the army, whose housing is just beyond the city walls.  It is the market hotspot for high fashion and anything rare or expensive.  The capital city is located to the southwest, and is surrounded for miles by crops to feed the swelling population, as well as hunting forests and courtier estates.
Estian is the second main city.  It is the harbor city, located on the southern coast, and is known for the foreign commodities and strange citizens.  Estian has a high crime rate, and lots of gambling dens, but for some is viewed as a place to make a lot of money in a little amount of time.  Crime aside, however, Estian is breathtakingly beautiful.  It is surrounded by green coastal cliffs and coastal grasslands, and a coastal forest farther east.  Its waters are warm and tranquil, save for the yearly violent monsoons, and are rich in sea life.
The last city is known as Lisidar.  This city is located close to the eastern mountains, and was literally carved out of the forest.  It sits on the wide river Erilan, which is frequented by boats and cargo ships.  It is the city of storytellers and artists, a place frequented by travelers and craftsmen.  It is on the fringes of the Laembo forest, and yearly festivals are held within the trees at various clearings.  It is dubbed the Lanturn Festival, because the trees are strung with lanterns ever year, and gives the appearance of a fae celebration.
|:|Race Deions|:| 
The Asialli are the same as what we consider "humans," though a slight amount of draconic magic runs in their veins.  Only Pact bonds can control this magic, however, and all else are left as "normal."  The Asialli that do form a bond with a dragon, however, can control earthen magic through earthlines, which they access through their dragon.  This feat has years of training behind it, though, and is generally a group effort.
Asialli live slightly longer than the humans we know--about 110 years.  Asialli who form draconic bonds live to be between 200 and 250 years, since dragon magic strengthens their bodies and reduces aging.
The dragons in Assiallia are modeled after the European dragons of Earth mythology.  Slight modifications to their appearance will be allowed, though.  Dragons are essentially immortal, because by human records, they extend too far into time to be kept track of on a calendar.  They will not only die, though, by being killed--dragons do, eventually, die of old age.  When a dragon bonds with a human, the two meld life forces, and the dragon gives their Asialli an extended life span.  However, the dragon will die within fifty years of their bond's death, since their connection makes them immensely closer to mortality.
Dragons mate for life, but do not actually become mates for a long time into their relationship.  They can be together for thousands of years before even considering it--matehood is a very serious thing to consider, since that dragon will be with you for eons of time.  They are also ridiculously loyal, whether to family, friends, mates, or Pact bonds.  They take stewardship of the earth very seriously.
Pact Bonds
Children who recieve The Call usually venture to draconic lands when they are between the ages of 15 and 19.  The dragons are generally older than their pact bonds, since they age much more slowly than a human might (they reach adolescence at around 50 years), and are usually young adults by the time they create pacts--if ever.  People or dragons of ranks almost never receive The Call, due to some discretionary magic that was placed in the Asialli's blood--its symbolism reminds the rulers that they are nothing without their people.  Bonds between the dragon and Asialli are immediate, and at times of great stress, fear, or other strong emotions, they can sometimes feel their bond's heartbeat racing, or phantom pains if the other is injured.  One of the last spells a pact bond will ever learn is a spell to temporarily link one's mind with their bond.
My apologies--I know no one likes them.  But they are necessary, and I think it's clear why.
Dragonstar is my co-owner.  Her word goes. 
1.| No powerplaying or godmodding.
2.| You don't have to ask to join!!!
3.| Keep gender ratios even.  Always.
4.| No special powers, wings or supernatural creatures.
5.| Most ranks of power will be NPCs, controlled by me or Dragonstar.
6.| Romance, violence, etc. is encouraged, but keep it site-appropriate.
7.| No instant-mates or instant-crushes.
8.| This is a literate roleplay.  I will be looking into who asks to join, and will only let those who are do so.
9.| If I don't allow you to join, no whining.  Just leave.  You are welcome to lurk, and please don't take it personally.  But I'm through with being charitable to people who will ruin the roleplay.
10.| You actually must ask to join.
11.| Don't bother asking if you're just going to leave.  You must be active.
12.| Also post three animals cooler than wolves to join.
13.| You do not have to be your own Pact bond.  Ask another user before claiming their character, though.
14.| You may have as many characters as you can handle, but all must have a Pact pair.
15.| I will be strictly controlling who joins this.  Currently, there are three slots open, but possibly more depending on what level of literacy those interested are. 
16.| If you do not comply with proper joining requirements the first time, very possibly you can't join at all.  I am done with people who assume they can join any fun-sounding roleplaying and not bother to read what the owners asks of you.  Sorry, but I'm done. 
17.|  Hm.  I think that's it.  But note that I have the power to change, add, edit, etc. all rules.
|:|Character Sheets|:|
 Fill out all areas completely and thoroughly.
Name: |Full name|
Aliases/Nicknames: |List all| 
Gender: |Male or female--keep it balanced!|
Age: |See race deions|
Race: |Dragon or Asialli|
Personality: |Deive, but leave room for learning more in the roleplay.  At least a paragraph.|
History: |See personality requirements.|
Pact bond: |Name and user|
Lover/Crush: |Optional.  Delete if not in use.|
Weapons: |Optional.  Delete if not in use.|
Appearance: |Deions are highly preferred.  At least a paragraph.|
Other: |Anything else we might need to know.|
Listed as Asialli:Dragon Pact Bond 
Marim S'Nipsrap: Ari
Zakeru Tokage: Jake
Arewn Madelia: Aries
Jadaria Katanna: Aeseli
Humans- Males; 2 Females;2
Dragons- Males; 2 Females; 2 
lolalover6 (Owner)- Marim S'Nipsrap
Dragonstar (Co-Owner)- Zakeru Tokage, Ari
LadyNightfyre- Arewn Madelina, Aries
emeraldwing- Jadaria Katanna, Jake
A Note on Roleplaying: We will be roleplaying the dragons and their pact bonds of the newest generation.  Please make your charactersin the age range of one who would journey to draconic lands.  This is where we will begin.
Hm...I think that's all!  Thanks for looking through this, and I hope it sparked your interest!  A map of Asiallia may be coming soon. 

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:18pm May 27 2011 (last edited on 3:54pm May 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,962
Name: Marim S'Nipsrap
Aliases/Nicknames: Alias/Sparrow Nickname/Called Mar my a few, usually goes by his whole name.
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Asialli
Personality: Marim is quite the charmer, though perhaps it's not apparent at first.  While not an outrageous flirt, he does tend to joke around with the ladies when he can.  Marim, though, has a taut sense of duty and is loyal to Asiallia through and through.  He relishes the idea of becoming a pact bond with a dragon and helping to avert natural disasters.  Marim is not easy to fluster, and is generally strikingly calm in trying situations.  If you get him to lose his head, though, you'll have hell to pay.  Marim will protect his friends, family, and country with his life if it ever comes down to it.
History: Grew up in a small town on the southern coast of Asialli, in a tiny little village that hasn't even earned a place on the map.  There, from childhood, it was apparent he had another gift besides The Call--swordplay.  He was the frequent haunt of the blacksmith, always critiquing the man's balance in his swords, or congratulating him on a job well done.  One of his current sabres is from the blacksmith--also a bit decorative, but sturdy and lethal in his hands.  When he left to pursue The Call, Marim also received the sword of his father.
Pact bond: OPEN
Weapons: A set of two sabres--one a thin, long rapier, and the other a slightly heavier one, its hilt carved into intricate twists that are Celtic-esque.  The latter is from his father.
Appearance: Marim is a handsome young man, but not strikingly beautiful.  He has sandy brown hair, inquisitive green eyes, and sweet smile that will melt your heart.  His skin is a golden tan, and he stands tall and strong, though his manner is not demanding.  His face has high cheekbones and slightly chiseled features--features which are not very skilled at hiding emotions.  His hands are gentle or lethal, depending on which he desires, and though he can move gracefully when concentrating, Marim can also be a bit clumsy.
Other: His last name is "Parsnips" spelled backwards.
Name: Aeseli
Aliases/Nicknames: Nickname/Asa.  No aliases.
Gender: Female
Age: 423
Race: Dragon
Personality: Slightly stubborn and loves to get her way.  Aeseli can come off as a rude or unruly, but while she likes to get her way, she can often be convinced to see sense in some of her more ridiculuos plans.  Asa has an unsatiable curiousity, and is quite michevious.  She hates being told what to do, unless by those who are her betters, and can have a fiery temper.  Her favorite pasttimes are flying and exploring, as she hates chores and studying.
History: Grew up with her parents, and actually traveled a lot in her younger years.  She has been to Asiallia numerous times, which is uncommon for a dragon that hasn't been bonded--at least not yet.  This was because her parents took part in a "visiting dignitaries" project, which eventually failed.  They didn't relinquish their love of the human lands, though, and Aeseli is familiar with both the Asialli and their lands.
Pact bond: OPEN
Weapons: Her teeth, and claws.  Also knows how to use special claw attachments that make her claws longer and sharper.  Is also a good flier.
Appearance: Aeseli is a vision of red, gold, and green.  Her scales are hard and ruby-colored, and glitter in the sunlight.  Her underbelly and the thin fabric of her wings is a pale gold, slightly brighter than old, worn parchment.  Her eyes are glittering, deep green and her claws and a slate gray, almost black.  Small spikes of the same color line her back.  She has a horse-like head, and is roughly the same build as dragons of European mythology--four-legged and fire-breathing.  She is slightly smaller than average, but what she lacks in size, she makes up for in spunk.
Other: Nope.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:22pm May 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((.... I am so going to stalk this Rp. o3o))


9:24pm May 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Can I joins?

Dragons, basilisks, and phoenixes are cooler than wolves.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:27pm May 27 2011

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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// @Shaste: Stalking, yay.  |D
@Dragon: Sure.  ;D  And I love phoenixes.  <3 

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:41pm May 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Sweet. But I'm going to wait to put my chars up until you do, Lola. My mind isn't working at the moment... ^^;

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:50pm May 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Sounds good~  Mine probably won't be up until tomorrow, possibly later tonight.  <3

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:53pm May 27 2011

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Posts: 5,310


Alright. Let's see if I can last that long. So if I poof, I probably when to bed.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:50am May 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Giving this a small bump.  Adding my characters momentarily, though more may be on the way.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

10:58am May 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
((I shall join. And for the record, no animal is cooler than wolves. But, I have to fill it out to join so, dragons, pheonixes, and pegacorns 8D.))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:23am May 28 2011

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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// @Bloodrose: Can you rMail me some examples of your roleplaying?  I don't believe we ever Rp'ed together before.  .-.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

11:26am May 28 2011

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Posts: 2,422
((I'm sure we have but its been a while. Urmm...I've got a few active 1x1's and such. Would you like a link to those instead?))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:29am May 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Sounds fine~
On another note, I'll be adding some other things to the first post, so please don't add any characters yet, everyone.  Gotta go for now, but I'll be back soon.  <3 

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

8:12pm May 28 2011

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Posts: 5,310


-waits because Lola said to-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


11:35am May 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Thanks Dragon.  <3  I added a section on Pact bonds, and quick note at the end.  Characters can now be added.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

11:40am May 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Awesome. Though I am still stuck about the sheets... Though I might be able to figure it out on my own..

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


11:43am May 29 2011

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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Don't worry too much about them.  x3  If you have any questions, feel free to ask~

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

2:26pm May 29 2011 (last edited on 6:23pm Jun 5 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Name: Zakeru Tokage
Nickname(s): Lizard
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Race: Asialli
Personality: Zakeru is basically quiet unless he needs to say something of somewhat importance. He has a calm temperament and a slow fuse, but when that fuse snaps, he is rather dangerous to be around. Though, he his easy to calm down through being blind folded. Despite some anger issues, he is very protective and will sometimes get himself hurt to save those he cares about.
History: Zakeru was born and raised in a medium-sized town built around a large lake. He spent his time with his father, plowing the fields a little ways away. But in his spare time, he sparred with traveling warriors and grew rather good at the art. He could even incorporate daggers and swords into it when the warriors let him. When he found out about his Call, the warriors gave him three daggers and a sword.
Pact bond: Jake - emeraldwing
He has three daggers and a sword. [And yes I am too lazy to describe them at the moment, so just click on the links. Also, the daggers and the sword are not mine.]
Appearance: Zakeru has light gray hair that looks white in certain lights and the locks have two black stripes that fram his face. His hair ends at his jawline. His eyes are somewhat strange. Light orange irises with a dark red circle around his black pupils. And people often make fun of him for them. Zakeru is tall, standing at six foot three, has dark tawney skin, and can move quietly as the wind, despite his frame. He is also muscular, if that counts for anything.
Other: None


Name: Ari
Aliases/Nicknames: None
Gender: Female
Age: 254
Race: Dragon
Personality: Ari is basically a very viscous dragon that has a blood lust deep within her genes. She is fierce, aggressive, and very apathetic. Ari doesn't know any other emotion aside from the ones she already knows.
Pact bond: Marim S'Nipsrap - Lolalover6
Appearance: As far as dragons go, Ari is very serpentine. Like an Oriental. Angular features make her head very triangular and have a very pointed muzzle. Two horns – one on each side of her head – sprout from the back of her head and curve slightly as they extend high over her long neck. Dark, alien crimson orbs are mounted on the front of her scaled face and are slanted at an angle as the backs curve to the side of her face. When she gets any kind of strong emotion, black pupils will start to become visible; whether they are circular or slitted. Inside her maw are long, sharp teeth that curve towards the back of her throat. Her canines are slightly longer though. Behind the serrated teeth, is a forked barbed tongue that lays in acidic saliva. Sprouting around the horns are dark crimson feathers that surround the first third of her neck before following down her spine to her narrow shoulders, down her back, and tail. The wings are dark crimson – closer to black – and carry the five fingers of a dragon. The wingspan is around fifty feet since this form is longer than the length of a football field. Her legs are long, muscled, and each paw sports five, curved silver talons. Her tail is half the length of her body and neck together and it is tipped by a tuff of dark crimson feathers that help steer when she is flying. The right side of her maw is pierced with three golden hoops while the left is pierce with three silver studs. She stands five foot at the shoulder.
Other: Nope.


[[ I will get Ari's history up when I can think of it. ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:17pm May 29 2011

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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Accepted so far, Dragon--but could Ari possibly more on the European dragon side?  /pokes race deion
And I'll be sure to put her up with Marim~ 

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

8:22pm May 29 2011

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Posts: 5,310


She is the only draconic diion I have that doesn't match a picture I found of the interwebs. Plus, I got her appearance from another character I have, and I had to edit out a part because the part had a second set of wings and that would be kind of wierd in this roleplay.

Plus, this.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.

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