7:09pm Jun 23 2010
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My new Warrior's Role Play :D I want lots of people to join! Rules -Please be active, I don't want anyone joining then not role playing. If you do not post for more than a week, I will remove your cat from the Character Post. - Please no one liners. Nothing spams up a board more than a single post with a single line. - No Mary-Sues. No Cat is perfect, everyone has their flaws. - NO Powerplaying or God Moding. - Romance and Violence is allowed, but please keep it below a minimum. - Please do not control another person's charrie, especially killing without permission as well. - No being rude to any members role playing in this board. It will not be tolerated. Take it to Rmail. - If I tell you to leave, please leave. - If you would like to be leader/Deputy/Medicine Cat, please write a small paragraph as to why you would like to be this position. - Throw me a "Warrior's Squishy" To join
Plot For Moons, the two clans Fireclan and Waterclan, have lived peacefully together, except now. A mysterious creature, or creatures have moved into the forest, stealing prey and taking cats as hostages. But both clans do not know this and start to blame each other for the chaos happening in the clans. Will the clans find out and solve the problem or will they continue to fight between each other until the destruction of both.
FireClan Fireclan's territory consists of thick forest, of pine, birch, maple and elm trees. Their prey consists of rabbits, voles, mice, and birds. To the north of the FireClan territory is a large range of mountains cutting off the cats from moving their territory farther north. To the east of the Fireclan territory there is two-leg place where no clan cat dare venture. Separating the two clans is a large yet shallow river that both clans access for water and prey, but mostly Waterclan uses this source for prey. To the south is marsh, where there is not much to offer. The FireClan camp rests in the middle of the territory in a small yet dangerous gully surrounded by rocks and cliffs.
WaterClan WaterClan's Territory is almost exactly like FireClan's consisting of thick forest, but to the west the forest thins out to a small plains where the clan catches rabbits and at the end of the small plains that is the end of the border. WaterClan catches rabbits, mice, voles, but mostly fish in the river that separates the two clans. To the south of the border is marsh and to the North is Mountains. A small stream cuts away from the main river running into the WaterClan territory and a small island in the middle of the stream is where WaterClan's camp rests.
Other The Moon Cave, where the two clans go to share tongues with their ancestors is in the mountains. Both clans are able to access the Moon Cave from their own territories. They follow the river north into the mountains to find the Moon Cave. The gathering place for the two clans resides on a small island in the middle of the river that separates the two clans. Each full moon both clans gather here. Bio Information Here is the form that you must fill out for your cat.
Name: Clan/Rank: Age: Gender: Deion: Personality: History: (Optional) Family Members: (Optional) M@te: (Optional)

7:10pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 1:56pm Jul 23 2010)
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Posts: 87
Fireclan Leader Fallowstar (Shallowcloud) Deputy (None Yet) Medicine Cat Shadefire (Dragonstar) Medicine Cat Apprentice (None Yet) Elders (None Yet) Warriors Thunderstrike (Dragonstar) SpiritFlame (Dragonstar) Flamestripe (Dragonstar) Fallenwind (Stray) Queens (None Yet) Apprentices Duskpaw/Duskwing (Feyth) Mistpaw (Shallowcloud) Hawkpaw (Shallowcloud) Kits (None Yet) NOTE: Names in Light Gray Are Chosen Warrior Names for the Character Until made a Warrior.
7:11pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 1:56pm Jul 23 2010)
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Posts: 87
WaterClan Leader Eaglestar (Feyth) Deputy (None Yet) Medicine Cat (None Yet) Medicine Cat Apprentice Starpaw/Starwalker (Stray) Elders (None Yet) Warriors Falonwing (Stray) Nightowl (Tld) Sunflare (Tld) Rainflower (Tld) Queens (None Yet) Apprentices Silentpaw/Silentheart (Stray) Secretpaw/Secretflight (Feyth) Coalpaw/Coalfire (Tld) Dreampaw/Dreamstone (Tld) Kits (None Yet)
NOTE: Names in Light Gray Are Chosen Warrior Names for the Character Until made a Warrior.
7:21pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 12:44am Jun 24 2010)
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Posts: 87
Name: Fallowstar Clan/Rank: Clan Leader of Fireclan Age: 24 Moons Gender: She-cat Deion: Small long haired pale white and dark gray she-cat, with Icy blue eyes. Personality: She is usually quiet and tends to keep to herself, but when her clan is in need she is always there to stand up and fight to protect her clan. Mate: Eaglestar (When she was a Warrior) Family: Duskpaw, Mistpaw, Hawkpaw
7:23pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((May I join as Waterclan medicine cat apprentice? I'd like to have this position because I have a new-ish character that i'v taken a liking to and he cannot become a warrior because of a defect (he's not blind). I am also decent, though probably not the best, at remembering herbs and the uses for them. Thanks! Also, *throws a squishy* there (: ))
7:24pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 7:24pm Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 87
ooc:// Sure, sounds good :D Post your deion and I'll add it right away :)
7:24pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 7:25pm Jun 23 2010)
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(Chucks Yellowfang at you!)) Name: Duskpaw Clan/Rank: FireClan, but will be a hostage/Apprentice Age: 12 moons Gender: Female Deion: She is blind with purple eyes. She has dark black fur and small white markings on her shoulders that trail down her back and to her tail in a 'v' formation. Personality: She is loyal to her last breath, but shows no emotion. She thinks of emotions as a disease, a weakness that should be hidden. History: (Optional) Hisssssss... Family Members: (Optional) Fallowstar? M@te: (Optional)None
 <-- Click me
7:25pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 87
ooc:// @Feyth Awesome :D I'dd add her right away. And sure she can be a family member to Fallowstar.
7:31pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 7:33pm Jun 23 2010)
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Name: Eaglestar (?)
Clan/Rank: WaterClan/Leader (?) Age: 24 moons Gender: Male Deion: (Wil come) Personality: (Coming) History: Hisss... Family Members: (Optional) (Maybe Fallowstar and him mated without anybody kowing?)) M@te: (Optional) (Fallowstar?) ((I am good at being leader because I have read all of the books and know how to act. I would not have a leadre that acted like a kit, nor one that acted like an all powerful god or something. Like you said, everybody has a weakness.))
 <-- Click me
7:32pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 7:33pm Jun 23 2010)
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Posts: 87
ooc:// @Feyth Fallowstar is a female as well XD And Sure, you can be leader ^^
7:34pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Fixed, Eaglestar was going to be male anyway. So can they have mated?))
 <-- Click me
7:35pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 87
ooc:// Sure, but this would have to be before she became leader if that's alright?
Is Duskpaw one of her kits because I will make a couple as well.
7:40pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 87
ooc:// I have to go for a bit. Gotta go buy some grad shoes. I Should be back later. And to anyone who joins while I am gone, post your deions and I'll add you when I get back :D
7:41pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Join as FireClan medicine cat and a few of its warriors? -tosses Lionblaze at you- The reason why I have chosen to be FireClan's medicine cat is because I know all the herbs needed and their uses. -smiles broadly-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:42pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 6,948
ooc: Shallow: alright and yes, that would have been when he was Eagleheart. Yes, Duskpaw is Fallowstar and Eaglstar's kit.))
 <-- Click me
7:45pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 87
ooc:// I've come back for a moment :D
Dragonstar, sounds good I'll put you as the Fireclan Medicine Cat :)
And sounds good Feyth.
7:47pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Thanks, Shallowcloud. I'll get my bios up in a sec. I have to do some major editing to get them in the right profile.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:50pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Thanks!)) Name: Starpaw Warrior Name: Starwalker Rank//Clan: Medicine Cat apprentice // Waterclan Gender: Male Age: 13 Moons Personality: Starpaw is generally a easy-going cat when among friends or those he knows, talking and cracking jokes just as any other apprentice would. But when he watches Silentpaw going out on patrols and battle training he is often jealous that that was the life he could have had if he was not so weak in structure. When asked why he's so small or why he looked to odd among all the other cats he is not afraid to slash at ears or call out insults. He hates to be reminded of his life as a medicine cat apprentice. But the upside to everything is that he enjoys to heal, particularity kits. He likes to save them so they can grow up and do the things he will never be able to. But Starpaw always worries over his brother, even though he tends to get hurt when around Silentpaw. He see's the pain his brother hides so well and wants to help but never can, and he hates it when other cats sympathize him because of his origins. Crush/Mate: Forbidden History: He was nursed almost from death by Falconwing, who he considers his mother, along with his older brother Silentpaw. He started out as a warrior apprentice, but being as weak as he is he was forced to become a medicine cat apprentice. Family: Fallenwind (father), Shimmer (deceased mother), Silentpaw (brother), unnamed she-kit (deceased sister) Looks: Starpaw is a very small cat, being the runt of his litter. He has little muscle m*censored* and is often teased of of being skinny enough to be a under-fed rouge. His back bone shows slightly and so do his ribs, but they are fairly hidden behind his long fur. His legs are very long and thing, looking almost as if they could be broken by a gentle smack. His face is normal in proportion to most cats, but his eyes are large and soulful. Starpaw's fur is a light silver almost white with a solid white chest and under belly and a white tipped muzzle. His fur is semi-long and tends to stay slightly matted at the bottom, and his tail is very long and seems like a plum that likes to drag the ground. His eyes are a crystal blue that makes him look blind. Other: He was the runt of his litter, the one who nearly died at birth along with his mother and sister. He is slightly deformed in the sense that he has little to no muscle and very weak bones. -- Name: Silentpaw Warrior Name: Silentheart Rank//Clan: Apprentice // Waterclan Gender: Male Age: 13 Moons Personality: Silentpaw, like his name suggests is a very quiet cat, and is also anti-social. He prefers to be in the back ground of things and watch to calculate what would be a good plan for him to do to gain the attention of senior warriors. He is always trying to outshine the others because he feels everyone looks down on him for being the son of a rouge, even if they do not. He trains as much as he can and tries to stay out of the camp so he does no attract unwanted attention, especially from his brother. He loves Starpaw as a sibling, but wont hesitate to cuff him along the ears if pestered to share what he's always so upset about. He wishes he could confine in Starpaw that he feels unworthy of a warrior apprentice name because he will never be as good as clan born cats. Silentpaw also hates Fallenwind, blaming him for everything, his life in a clan that he thinks will never accept him, and his brothers defects that stop him from becoming what he truly wants. Crush/Mate: None History: He, like Starpaw, was nursed and raised by Falconwing and considers her as his true mother. He knows his mother was a rouge, and that his father betrayed the warrior code by loving a rouge. He ignores it though, and also ignores Fallenwind. Family: Fallenwind (father), Shimmer (deceased Mother), Starpaw (brother), unnamed she-kit (deceased sister) Looks: Silentpaw is the complete opposite of his brother. He is a large cat, though about right in proportions to a apprentice his age. He has thick muscles and is well built due to his excessive training with or without his mentor, yet this is hidden by his semi-in length fur. His legs are long, but unlike Starpaw they are well in proportion to the rest of him and are strong with large paws and sharp black claws. His face is slightly long, and his main downfall is that he does not have a strong jaw or bite, making it hard to bite another in battle. This was caused by a birth defect that also destroyed his brothers life as a warrior. His fur is semi-long and is a dark brown with darker tabby stripes running from a main dorsal on his back and getting more paced out and lighter as they go down. His eyes are a cold brown. Other: Nope -- Name: Fallenwind Warrior Name: N/A Gender: Male Rank//Clan: Warrior // Fireclan Age: 47 Moons Personality: Fallenwind is a very socially backwards cat, unsure how to truly talk to a cat without saying the wrong things or making himself look like a fool. He is deeply loyal to his clan anymore, even if he was not as a young warrior, and would die to protect it just to show he was still loyal. His past and what he did still pains him constantly, and he sometimes dreams of the beautiful silver she-cat that captured his heart. He watched his sons grow up and itch to be part of their lives. But when he gains the courage to speak with them Falconwing stops him with snarls. He cannot truly blame her. The one mistake of his life cost him everything, and as he tries to correct his wrong doings, they always seem to come back and bite him in the tail, so anymore he's given up on gaining respect from any cat again. Crush/Mate: Shimmer (deceased rouge) History: He was always a good apprentice and very strong, but only a few moons after gaining his warrior status and doing the best he possibly could he saved a young rouge called Shimmer from a fox. It was almost like love at first sight, even though he never believed in it, and went out as often as he could to see her. Together they had three kits, but during her birthing she died along with the only she-kit. The two remaining toms were small and one was seriously defected and dying. He left the two dead cats there as he rushed the remaining kits to Waterclan camp where he knew they would not be treated like rouge kits. Falconwing agreed to raise them. He had to tell every cat the truth, because most noticed his strange behavior. He, along with a patrol, went out to bury the bodies. He had told his kits the truth as soon as they became apprentices and came to their first gathering not beveling it when Silentpaw snarled at him in hatred and Starpaw turned his back on him. Family: Starpaw (son), Silentpaw (son), Unnamed she-kit (daughter) Looks: He is a large-ish cat with what used to be thick muscles and a strong frame. Any more he is slightly thinner with a look of hollow gauntness about him that outline the shadows on his face and the haunted look in his eyes. His legs are long with m*censored*ive paws and blunt claws. His fur is a dark russet, looking almost blood red in the sun-light with darker spots like jaguar markings along his back. A white spot adorns his muzzle and his front right paw. Fallenwind's eyes are a cold amber. Other: Nope -- Name: Falconwing Warrior Name: N/a Rank//Clan: Warrior // Waterclan Gender: Female
Age: 31 Moons Personality: Falconwing is generally a very easy going cat, very sweet and kind to just about any cat she meets. But only if their a clan cat. She tends to be overly shy when in groups or with new cats, even if she is nice to them. She hates to be put forward or in the spot light, not feeling like she deserves to be there. Falconwing is very protective of apprentices and kits, though she can be a little blunt and commanding to her apprentice if they disobey. But she never criticizes them if they make honest mistakes. She is overly protective of Silentpaw and Starpaw, snarling at any cat who looks at them like their a burden and she refuses to let Fallenwind, their father, have any contact with them. Crush/Mate: Nope History : She knew something was wrong with Fallenwind after he started disappearing often, but she payed no attention to it and refused to tell any cat she thought something was wrong. But when he came into camp with two tiny kits on the brink of death she agreed to take care of them and nurse them seeing as she had milk left after her own kit died of green cough. Though she looked down on Fallenwind for his choices she looked at Silentpaw and Starpaw as her own. Family: Whisperkit (deceased daughter), Shadetear (deceased father), Russettwind (deceased mother) Looks: She is a small-ish cat, thought not small enough to be looked at oddly. She has long leg that ripple with muscle and her body is very tiny and lithe, making her a very quick runner. Her fur is extremely long and thick, a delicate calico color. Her fur is a dark brown with orange, black, and white splotches. Her face is mostly white and orange, with a black spot on her nose and a brown one under her right eye. Her eyes are a forest green with odd tiny gold flecks towards the center. Other: Nope

8:04pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 8:38pm Jun 23 2010)
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Name: Shadefire Clan/Rank: FireClan / Medicine Cat Age: 17 Moons Gender: She-Cat Deion: Shadefire has an extremely dark black pelt that has short fur. Though, her paws are a dark, reddish-brown. The same reddish-brown tips her ears and her tail. She has dark yellow eyes that nearly look gold. Personality: Shadefire is always trying to help those in need, in anyway she can. And she will most likely find a way. Calm when around those who are nearly in hysterics and kind towards the ones hurt. She is like the perfect Medicine Cat, but she does have her flaws 'cause not every cat is perfect. Being connected with StarClan, she does not like to see the other Clans fight. History: Clanborn, she had no interest in being a Warrior. She enjoyed being in the Medicine Cat's den so much, she became Newmoon's -- the MC at the time -- apprentice. Now she helps her Clan and takes pride in doing what she does. Family Members: Spiritflame [mother], Thunderstrike [father], and Flamestripe [brother]. M@te: Forbidden. === Name: Flamestripe Clan/Rank: FireClan / Warrior Age: 17 Moons Gender: Tom Deion: Flamestripe takes after his father in appearance; he is a dark orange tabby with lighter orange stripes slicing through his fur. He is relatively short-furred, but his tail has some length to it. Tipping his ears is a faint black. His eyes are different colours. His right is a bright yellow, while the left is a calm blue. Personality: Flamestripe is straight-forward and will sometimes not take "No" as an answer. Stubborn to a fault because of that. He is strangely protective of his family, even though they can take care of themselves. Flamestripe can also be very aggressive and fierce when defending his territory against a rival Clan. History: Clanborn like his sister, he was always interested in fighting and hunting. He even tried to sneak out of the camp to catch a mouse and bring it back to the camp. When apprenticed, he was very adventurous, though that mellowed out now that he is a warrior. Family Members: Spiritflame [mother], Thunderstrike [father], and Shadefire [sister]. M@te: Wants one. === Name: Spiritflame Clan/Rank: FireClan / Warrior Age: 28 Moons Gender: She-Cat Deion: Spiritflame is a regular-sized, light gray tabby with short fur. Though, the gray almost looks white in certain lights. Her head is roughly triangular, as are her pointed ears. She has light green eyes. Speed and stealth are her friends because of her lean body and a longer-than-normal tail that has long fur along the edges that is tipped in a rather rusty-like orange. Personality: Spiritflame is a cat that will always listen before jumping to any conclusions. She also waits and listens before jumping into things. Quick to defend her Clanmates. Spiritflame is more on the quiet side than most. She is careful and loving, but she can turn quite fierce when the occasion arises. History: Spiritflame was born to a rogue and a Clancat. She had two other littermates -- Owl and Tiger -- but they refused to join their father in the Clan. Three moons after she joined, her father was killed by sickness. She had a hard time getting over that fact for a while. Spiritflame was apprenticed like a normal kit at six moons, made into a warrior when ready, sat her silent vigil, and mated with a cat she loved; Thunderstrike. She bore two kits to him -- Shadefire and Flamestripe. Family Members: Shadefire [daughter] and Flamestripe [son]. Stark [mother; fate undetermined] and Hallowheart [deceased father]. Owl and Tiger [littermates; fate undetermined]. M@te: Thunderstrike. === Name: Thunderstrike Clan/Rank: FireClan / Warrior Age: 30 Moons Gender: Tom Deion: Thunderstrike is a dark orange tabby with black stripes that are jagged to resemble lightning bolts. His fur is sleek and short, but on the backs of his legs, the fur as some length. It is the same for his tail. He has a niche in his right ear. And his eyes are a deep, calming blue. Personality: Thunderstrike is mostly vocal when the occasion arises, he stays quiet when he is not needed. But that quietness is not to be mistaken for shy, he would tear some poor cat's ear off for that. Fierce, protective, and slightly aggressive are his other traits. History: Clanborn, his father was a rogue while his mother was part of the Clan. He had a brother -- Sparkkit --- but he died stillborn. Only five moons old when Spiritflame entered the Clan, he loved her immediately and always tried to help her whenever she needed it. Now, they are mates and have to beautiful kits; Shadefire and Flamestripe. Family Members: Shadefire [daughter] and Flamestripe [son]. Kestralwing [deceased mother] and Flicker [father; fate undetermined]. Sparkkit [deceased brother]. M@te: Spiritflame.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:42am Jun 24 2010 (last edited on 12:47am Jun 24 2010)
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Posts: 87
Name: Hawkpaw Clan/Rank: Clan Apprentice of Fireclan Age: 12 Moons Gender: Tom Deion: Large long haired chocolate brown tom, with a white patch on his chest, Light green eyes. Personality: Just like his mother, he is quiet and likes to be by himself most of the time. Family: Fallowstar, Eaglestar, Duskpaw, Mistpaw
Name: Mistpaw Clan/Rank: Clan Apprentice of Fireclan Age: 12 Moons Gender: She-cat Deion: SMall long haired white She-cat with pale patchest, Light green eyes. Personality: Unlike her other two siblings she tends to talk alot and loves to be the center of attention Family: Fallowstar, Eaglestar, Duskpaw, Hawkpaw