8:54am May 15 2010 (last edited on 9:13am May 15 2010)
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Name- Age-
Other- Rules! You can have legendaries and shinies My Bio! Name-Drake Age-17 Gender-M Looks-  Pokemon-Mightyena,Ninetails,Arcanine,Suicune,Charmander,Umbreon Personality-he's shy when she meets new people but when he gets to know them better he is cool,and fun to be around. Crush-None yet Other-he is an outcast is the sea of trainers Setting-In a city near a forest
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9:06am May 15 2010 (last edited on 6:30pm May 16 2010)
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Name- Dusk Age- 14 Gender- Female
Looks- Drawing.
Pokemon- Shiny eevee with a glowing blue star on her forehead.(will have: Shiny umbreon, Pidgeot, Lugia, Typhlosion, Espeon, Shiny Glaceon (traded from Sinnoh Region) Personality- Rp out
Crush- Open
Other- She looks like an umbreon and hides herself in the shadows, avoiding battling anybody but a gym leader.
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9:13am May 15 2010
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((hey Fey!))
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9:18am May 15 2010
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Hi Koga!))
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9:25am May 15 2010
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((how are you?oh yeah can Drake and Dusk be bffs?))
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9:30am May 15 2010
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(Sure, maybe crushies?)
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9:38am May 15 2010
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((sure fey!!))
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9:41am May 15 2010
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(Its Feyth. Anyway, I am doing well. I about we start? :)))
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9:55am May 15 2010
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((sorry Feyth okay you start please))
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3:05pm May 15 2010
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(( Join? :3 )) Name: Clifton (Cliff) Young Age: 14 Gender: Male Looks: (Wears a black backpack that he uses for his supplies) Pokemon: Charmeleon, Vaporeon, Raichu, Tyranitar, Togetic, Mewtwo (Secret weapon, never uses him) Personality: "Losing" is not an option for Cliff and he has never done so. He is a strong willed individual who wont stop until he is a Pokemon Master. He is tough on his Pokemon, but not cruel. He treats them with love and respect because he believes that was how he will become stronger. He acts more quiet around other humans but he can be quite lighthearted as long as there isn't training to be done. Crush: None yet Other: He's somewhat famous as a Pokemon Trainer due to the fact he has traveled all over and never lost a single battle.
5:23pm May 15 2010
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((sure! :D))
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5:56pm May 15 2010
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((Join?)) Name- Kerey (Can be occasionally be called Kitty) Age- 14
Gender- Female
Pokemon- Espeon, Ampharos, Mew (er... rarely uses), Charizard, Pidgeot, and Dragonite Personality- Kitty doesn't ever accept the fact of losing. If she does lose, she trains and trains and beats the trainer that had originally beaten her in the first place. A tough trainer (drill sergeant tough), Kerey doesn't need to expect the best from her pokemon, they do their best for Kerey. All her pokemon love her, and respect her. Sarcastic around normal people, she rarely opens up to them.
Crush- I'll RP it out?
Other- She was once a sailor. thus her pirate-looking clothes. Carries a blue backpack that her Mew likes to hide in, with all her berries and potions. (( If the picture doesn't show, the link is here: http://UdonNodu.deviantart.com/art/Pokemon-Power-61861271 picture's not mine))

6:02pm May 15 2010
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((sure fluffeh))
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6:04pm May 15 2010
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(( Who's gonna start?))

6:06pm May 15 2010
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((fluffy can you?)))
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6:07pm May 15 2010
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((Sure, but what region are we in? Kanto, Sinnoh, uh... what else?))

6:09pm May 15 2010
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Anzu is-Online^^
6:14pm May 15 2010
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((Sure, shall we all like, meet at a pokemon center somewhere in Kanto? Or make it accidental?))

6:17pm May 15 2010
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((we'll meet at a pokemon center))
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6:26pm May 15 2010
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((Mmk)) Shrugging her backpack to a more comfortable position on her shoulders, Kerey shook out her long, light brown hair. "Come on out guys! Have some fresh air! Later, we'll start a bit of training" She called and tossed 5 pokeballs into the air, letting out her Ampharos, Pidgeot, Charizard, Dragonite, and Espeon. Laughing at her Pidgeot, who was trying to coax some honey from a pas.sing Exeggcute, Kerey leaned back in the gras.s, enjoying the summer breezes. "This is the life" She sighed happily, and called her Espeon over. "Hey Espeon! See that Pidgey over there? The one holding that oran berry? Try getting it to give you the berry without brute force!" After a long hour of training, Kerey recalled her pokemon, but her Pidgeot, and started walking towards the nearby Pokemon center, where the famed Sabrina of Saffron city had her gym.
