4:29pm Jul 29 2011
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Katrina Envy is one of the most highly trained vampire assassins in the world. She was hired by a secret branch in the government when she was only thirteen years old and now she stands at the top. She's killed more vampires in her lifetime than almost any other, but now things are changing. In light of recent events -killing of assassins by vampires- the government has decided to take up a new rule. All assassins, no matter their status, are to have at least one bodyguard by their side. The vampires have begun to fight back and the assassins are being told to lie low and strike when only they see fit. ---- Basically, I want a vampire to be Katrina's body guard. At first, she probably won't know. (Your boy better be a pretty good actor...) As the story progresses, I want some type of love to form between the two and when she finally realizes he's a vampire, what'll happen? ;D Open to anyone literate. <3 Don't kill me if I say no. :c
hello my name is elder price
4:31pm Jul 29 2011
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Hoe about giving me a go?
4:40pm Jul 29 2011
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Sure thing, Ru. Post a bio for your boy? Know that I'm pretty lax with them. xD
hello my name is elder price
4:42pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Alright then. I'm using my ipod so it may take a while.
4:42pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; I'll be patient. <3
hello my name is elder price
4:50pm Jul 29 2011
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Name: Kentaro
Age: 18(been for a while)
Personality: Kentaro takes his job pretty seriously. But he is a really sweet guy when you get to know him. He likes to paint and play instruments. He has a kind personality most of the time. He is also lax when he just hangs around.
Looks: he stands about 5'11". His muscle build is fair but not too much, just enough for a six pack. XD. His skin is fair and unblemished except for a scar that runs diagonally across his chest from anther vampire. He has dark green eyes and chestnut colored hair. As for clothes, he usually wears some jeans and a shirt. Unless someone tells him otherwise.
Other: he's a vampire protecting a vampire killer. Dangerous? Nah. He's a good actor. :p
4:51pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc: tell me if i missed something.
4:58pm Jul 29 2011
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Name: Katrina Envy Aliases/Nicknames: Kat or Katri (Pronounced Kay-tree) Gender: Female Age: Eighteen Personality: Katrina is the type of girl who will do anything to admire the earth around her, going through life slowly instead of rushing through everything like most others seem to do. She tries to see the beauty in all things. When it comes to her favorites, the sky has her love. Other than nature, she tends to not express her love of things. Her ti tle of one of the highest ranked assassins was hard-earned and she's not exactly ready to lose the name to being known as a 'softie.' She can be harsh, but she can also be sweet. //shrugs History: She is a fairly new character so I don't exactly have one for her. One will probably form in the role-play. D: Appearance: Katrina's most prominent feature is something you tend to notice after getting to know her. The girl's movements are never swift nor quirky; instead, they are controlled and graceful. Her straw blonde hair has natural copper highlights in them and her typical cut is a side swepped bang followed by layers in her hair. As for her body type, she doesn't have much prominent muscle to her. Katrina can often be described as frail looking, her thin arms and legs making her seem garishly skinny. Though she lacks physical strength, Katrina has a quick wit that can come out sharply on her tongue. Other: She's beast when it comes to hang-gliding. b:
No, that looks good, Ru. I'll start? c:
hello my name is elder price
5:02pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc: okay. I'm going to get some food real quick as well, so i'll reply soon.
5:13pm Jul 29 2011
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She grasped the hilt of her hand and a half sword, the silver blade glinting in the twilight. With a graceful turn, a swivel of her feet, she turned with the deadly sword in hand and struck with the speed of a cobra. The sword cut cleanly through the bark of the tree and she held her stance for a moment after the initial cut. She twirled the handle of the raptor between her fingers, admiring the near lopsided look of the sword, yet the effortless, frightening beauty it surpassed. It was the weapon she prized above all others because the steel branded into the intital shape of the sword had bits of wood flecks strewn masterfully throughout the blade. It was a special design, idea voiced by none other than herself, and had killed more vampires than could count. She sheathed the sword and felt the familiar weight of it resting against her hip. She kicked dust over the fire she had lit earlier in the afternoon to cook her food and grabbed her pack. She slipped the leather backpack over her shoulders, the straps fitting comfortably to her lithe frame. She headed down from the outskirts of the forest and into the nearby town, senses alert, brown eyes capturing every trace of movement. The sun sank lower with every minute and she walked through the town with a purpose. The blaring light of a nearby bar sparked her interest for a moment, the obnoxious sign actually a landmark to her. She entered the small diner next to the bar. The waitress offered to seat her, but Katrina waved her off. "I'm supposed to be meeting someone?" she asked in a low voice and the waitress shook her head. "We haven't had anyone come in saying they were waiting on someone," she said and Katrina frowned. "I guess he's late," she remarked. "If someone mentions meeting you, I'll bring them over," she promised and Katrina nodded as she grabbed a menu herself and sat in one of the booths nearest the back corner of the building. Another waitress came over and took her order for a Coke. After the slight annoyance with having to deal with other people, Katrina sat down to wait. Ooc; Alrighty.
hello my name is elder price
5:29pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((can he be out in the sun??))
He walked out of the bushes, the sun already low enough for him to be able to roam about. His shoes clicking on the pavement as he walked down the streets. Girls looking and talking and whispering about the stranger they haven't seen. The men looking and glaring at all his attention. He didn't mind any of this though, he had one thing to do and one thing only.
He walked down a couple of streets and saw the lamps flicker on. It was already getting dark which meant he was going to be late. He sighed and shrugged off the comments from girls and men about where he was from. He couldn't exactly tell them anyways.
He pushed open the door to a bar and strode in. His dark green eyes searching for who he was looking for. He spotted her and walked to her booth. He slid in on the opposite side. He brushed back his chestnut hair and let it fall again.
"Are you Katrina?" His voice smooth and nonchalent. He hoped she was the one he had to meet.
5:36pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; That's up to you. You could go by Vampire Diaries vamp, Cirque Du Freak, or whatever floats your boat. xD Bic; Katrina looked up from the man and her gaze slid past his face to eye the waitress. She gave Katrina a shrug, didn't see him, and Kat focused back on him. She leaned back against the booth and grabbed the Coke from the hand of another waitress, all the while inspecting him. He was nonchalant, obviously hoping he'd gotten the right girl, and there was something else. The boy held a secret, but of course, everyone did these days. She took a sip of her Coke before resting it down on the table top, her fingers tucking a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. "If I'm here, it must be me, Kentaro," she said smoothly. "So do you really want to get yourself into this? Before we go any further, that is," she said as she interlaced her fingers and set her chin on her hands.
hello my name is elder price
5:48pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((okay. Never mind, he'll have a ring that allows him to walk in the sun..))
He looked at her with a serious look on his face. He asked one waitress passing i he could have a Dr Pepper. He turned his attention back to Katrina.
"Of course. I've come here to meet you haven't I? And I'm sure I want to continue."
He leaned back slightly and looked down at the gold ring around his ring finger. He looked back up at her and smiled slightly, not wanting to keep the tension so high. He knew she could tell he had a secret, then again, who didn't these days?
6:34pm Jul 29 2011
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9:37pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 11:04am Jul 30 2011)
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Ooc; Sorry, I'm babysitting and it took me a while to figure out how to get Res to cooperate with the iPad e_e Bic; "You'd be surprised at the amount of people who have second thoughts when it comes to killing vampires," Katrina replied sarcastically. She ran her thumb down the side of the soda glass and watched him for a moment. "You look like someone who could do this. Tell me, would you be able to kill a bloodsucker?" she asked.
hello my name is elder price
11:04am Jul 30 2011
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hello my name is elder price
2:53pm Jul 30 2011
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Kill his own kind? He would have thought this woman was mad if he hadn't done it already. A sly smile crept across his face. "Of course I can. I've already done it once. It snapped my katana in half and I had to finish it with my bare hands. Not fun I'd have to say.." He smiled at her and took his soda from the waitress. He sipped it never leaving her gaze.
6:05pm Jul 30 2011
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Strong enough to kill a vampire with his bare hands, eh? Katrina thought to herself with a small smile on her face. She stopped spinning the straw of her Coke around with her thumbs and instead, stuck out her hand. "Welcome to the service," she said with a sly grin.
hello my name is elder price
6:37pm Jul 30 2011
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Kentaro smiled and took Katrina's hand. He shook it firmly and nodded. "I'm glad to be at your service. Well, shoukd we head on out or are you staying in the town?" He smiled and finished uo his Dr Pepper quickly.
6:44pm Jul 30 2011
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Katrina pushed her empty Coke away and pulled out a few ones from her pocket. After slapping the money on the table, she stood up and slung her jacket over her shoulders. "I'm supposed to lie low, but I hear talk of a vampire moving south of here," she said as she nodded to the waitress in the corner. "Coming?" she asked as she walked out of the diner door, her blonde curls blowing slightly in the warm summer breeze.
hello my name is elder price