Academy for the Supenatural

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2:31pm Dec 14 2013 (last edited on 3:12pm Dec 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((I am deeply sorry Dragonstar it was such a good idea so I had to make a supernatural thing to. Again I'm sorry please forgive me. Hey at least I'm not copying you.))

You were walking along a road when an exhausted man runs up to you. "Miss/Sir... Here's a message from Bright Wall Academy." He says panting handing you a letter you open t and it reads... 

Miss/Sir, you have been invited to be enrolled in Bright Wall Academy. At Bright Wall Academy you will be offered a variety of excellent classes. Each one has to do with every supernatural being in this dimension. You must bring a laptop of any kind with you. You must also bring a sufficient amount of clothes with you also. I hope you enjoy Bright Wall Academy...

-Principal Lenora Spurlock-

You packed up your bags and walked your way to the school

Classes and Students attending

Alchemy(12 Spots in each)
Combat(12 Spots in each)
Axe and Dagger-
Morning Star
Riding(12 Spots in each)
((If you have any ideas tell me))

Elebhits(My name for elementals)- Elebhits can control an element of nature such as Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and their subcategories. These Elebhits are born from gems found at the core of the Supernatural World. Elebhits are raised by dragons or weredragons. The dragons can control elements too.

Werecreatures- They can change into creatures of the evil. Powerful teen wherecreatures can maintain their human body but keep their human body when night comes to pass. 

Demons-All demons are evil. The strive for the human body or anything to do with it. They are truly evil but they can maintain up to a life long relationship just not with other demons.

Nymphs- These creatures are beautiful nature ladies. They are completely against technology that kills nature. They are sweet innocent creatures that can't stand fighting.

Vampires- Do I really have to?!


Girls Dorms
Boys Dorms
Dining Hall


Madrid- Pegasus-Male
Baka-Asena(Blue maned Wolf)-Female
Mecca-Bakeneko(magical cat)-Male
Crest-Caladruis(Pure White Bird that can for tell sickness)-Female
Blanco- Zlatorog(Golden Deer)-Male
Blush-Abada(Small unicorn)-Female
Blue-Amarok(Giant Wolf)-Male
Saben-Pixiu(Winged Lion)-Male
Lex-Alce(Wingless Gryphon)-Female
Lush-Kesaran (White Fluffy Creature it has magical powers)Male
Verona-Chakora(Lunar Bird)-Female
Hippo- Carbuncle(Small creature with magical jewel on head)-Male

((Whew that took a ton of work...))


Dorm Rooms

Room A-

Room B-

Room C-

Room D-

(All of the white is black or grey)

Male Dorms-

Room E-
Room F-
Room G-
Room H-


Name-Akisa Aderna
Dorm-Room C
Pet-Blanco the Zlatorog
History-Akisa was born from a clover. She is an absolute nature lover and is offended by anyone who disproves.  She is very sweet and harmless. She wouldn't even hurt a fly. Her home was burned down by an evil dragon that wanted to kill her from some unknown reason. She had no idea why anyone would want to kill a nymph. She has had many boyfriends and they all take advantage of her. If only she could find someone that would treat her right and not take advantage of her all of the time, maybe she would open up more to everyone. She might be more social. She is a daughter of the forest. That means she is connected to the forest. Which also means anyone who hurts the forest physically hurts her too. She is a delicate creature that needs kindness... nothing more nothing less....

Personality-Akisa is a soft and gentle little nymph. She has a soft little voice that makes everyone melt like snow. Sometimes she makes references that have to do with the forest. She has a fear of people staring at her all of the time. She also has a fear of hurting animals. She is too nice to hurt anyone's feelings. But when she does she cries. She never means to do it it just comes out sometimes and when it does it's monstrous.

Classes-  Potion, Archery(She skips it A LOT)), AND English Style Riding

Crush/BF/GF/Best Friend-No one YET!!! DEE DOO DEE

8:53pm Dec 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 54
[Okay, I might not be available all the time, and this is my first time doing this. So bare with me.]

Name: Lyrin Iapetus
Gender: female
Species: Elebhit
Dorm: Room A
Pet: Mecca the bakeneko
Age: 15
Lyrin is sort of small for her age, but makes up for it in skills. She has fair skin, golden eyes, and medium long dark blonde hair usually kept in a braid with a feather weaved through it. 
 She was born from a yellow diamond, and raised by fire dragons. You would think she would be a fire elemental, but she feels a deep connection with the air. She was abandoned by the fire dragons for her rejection of the element of fire. She used her air and fire powers (I didn't say that she didn't practice it :P) to survive in a nearby forest, where she met Mecca, a magical cat who seemed to understand what she said (and thought). She got sick of living in the forest after a year, andd was trying to find the nearest town when the letter from the academy was given to her.
Lyrin keeps to herself in most situations and is quiet unless she feels like her opinion is needed. She is very intelligent, and loves her classes at the academy. She carries two daggers with her at all times. Once you get to know her, she is very friendly, and will prove to be very loyal and good in battle. She's not very good on horseback, but does it for fun anyway.
Arcane ( not very good at it, but she insists it sharpens her elemental control)
Axe and Dagger
Crush: undecided
Boyfriend: undecided
Friends: undecided

"The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ~George Carlin

8:53pm Dec 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 54

"The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ~George Carlin

9:12pm Dec 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939

9:56pm Dec 14 2013 (last edited on 10:02pm Dec 14 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 945
Name- Jethro Sempiternal
Dorm-Room G, but he usually lurks about outside
Age- 19? Nobody is really sure. (He's been this age since he was created, a few years ago)
Looks- *Except with red eyes*

History: Jethro was manifested from malicious thoughts, macabre doings and the drops of blood of a virgin onto a pentagram. He was created by a Satanist for her own purposes. She believed she could rid the earth of all things human. Jethro liberated many humans and frequently kills to drink the souls of his victims. He radiates dark magic, and his touch is poisonous. It is as if  hydrofluoric acid is coursing through your veins. Just being near him sets you blood "On fire" and his aura makes you angry and want to start fights.

Personality: He, well, has the personality of a Demon. He is very satanic and kills things just to watch them suffer. He then eats their soul. He doesn't speak much, but instead he screams. Not like a banshee, but more of a lower growl. He once filled the boys dorm pool with blood and sat at the bottom of the pool for days. Nobody went swimming for years after that. He enjoys pulling very harmful pranks of others, especially Nymphs. He hates them. They are so gentle, and loving, and careful... he hates love. If anyone would to show affection for him, or love, or kindness, it would drive him mad, or, if shown an extreme amount - self destruction or total liberation of everything. He hates light, and it burns him on contact. He has to hide in the shadows unless he is possessing a human body, which he now is.

Classes: Jethro Sempiternal just goes from class to class, but he enjoys the combat-based classes because he loves when blood is shed, and loves inflicting pain upon others.

Crush: None


10:03pm Dec 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
((Edited my post a few times because I posted this bio late, so Mecca was taken, and I edited some other things, so you might want to refresh for the new bio. Sorry! Haha))


8:15am Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Ooo Ooo my character and Jethro should like each other... That would be cool!!!))

8:18am Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((On here I'm going to post my new bio AND Im oging to change one of the rooms)

8:32am Dec 15 2013 (last edited on 10:30am Dec 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
Name- Edme Kaiulani
Dorm-Room D
Age- 19

History: Edme is a very "loving" person. She enjoys being around boys. She does not enjoy people protecting her because last time that happened she was almost killed. She is a Dark Elebhit. She loves the dark and anything dark. She was raised by a dark dragon the one who destroyed Akisa's home.

Personality: Edme, like I said, is very "loving". She loves to be around boys. Especially her best friend Jethro. She plays pranks on nymphs with Jethro(She's has a corrupt soul
Classes: She loves fighting classes

Crush: Jethro
(Sorry it's so short)

12:48pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 970

Name:Ti Quilzen

Gender: Female

Species: Demon

Dorm Room: Room C

Pet: Luka

Age: 18

Looks:ta:image/jpeg;base64,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data-sz="f">

History: She was raised by lions and left at 15. After living in the city for about 2 years, she worked on getting her own degree. (Soooooo short.)

Personality: She loves cats and drawing. Ti gets annoyed little by little so the more she gets mad, the more urged she is to attack.

Classes: Archey and Riding Classes

Crush: Open

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

12:58pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Can you make that a lil bit longer please?))

3:07pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
((Omg Ti is hot. .-.))


3:09pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Path she's nothing compared to Edme. Lol)

3:10pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
((LOL I have a thing for Emo/Scene girls/boys :'3 And she's hot!))


3:17pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Oh yeah well... Watch this please look at the link I'm going to put for Edme))

3:20pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Okay okay but demons can't like each other so ha! Heheheheh))

4:57pm Dec 15 2013 (last edited on 6:10pm Dec 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
Name: Lirik Hollens
Nickname: Liri, Rik-rik
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen
Personality: The shy, quiet, but passionate type. She doesn't talk much, but when she does, she is like a walking dictionary; huge words and correct sentences. She loves learning, especially mythology. Blood doesn't bother her, but watching someone get hurt usually gives her nightmares. She prides herself on her knowledge of first aid, although it's really just to hold off the nightmares.
Supernatural Category: Werecreature; hyena
Pet: Madrid
-Western Riding
Dorm: B
Other: She plays the piano, and always seems to smell strongly of oranges. She's bi, but because of bullying and her parents, she lies and says she's straight. On her laptop, she has loads of games and emulators like Minecraft, Slender, Amnesia, and all of the pokemon and mario emulators she could get her hands on. 

Name: Benjamin Hollens
Nickname: Bear, Liri calls him Bells as a joke. He gets extremely angry when called anything but Bear.
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Full of himself, but it's really a farce to cover his childhood abuse and abadonment issues. He's extremely protective of his sister, and almost never leaves her side, even going so far as to sneak in to the girls dorms at night, because when he doesn't, their nightmares get worse. He flirts with everyone, no matter gender, but is terrified of an actual relationship, of scaring whoever it is off. 
Past: When he and Liri were young, their father killed their mother, then took to alcohol and drugs. Bear took most of the brunt from his father's rage, protecting Liri. One afternoon, when they were about fourteen, their father was particularly angry, and lashed out with his claws, gouging out Bear's right eye. He refuses to wear a patch, empty eye socket and torn flesh just... out there, for everyone to see. 
Looks: Stands about 6'3, lean frame and surprisingly strong muscles. Everything about him is sharp and slender, from angular, cat-like face, to thin violinist fingers. His pupil is slitted, like a cat, and he always remains in some state of his were-self. Usually, he retains his ears, tail, fangs, and claws, sometimes growing tufts of fur on his cheeks and chin and throughout his hair. 
Supernatural Category: Werecreature, saber-toothed leopard
Pet: Lex the wingless griffon
-Western Riding
Dorm: H, but he prefers to sneak into Liri's dorm
to Other: His and Liri's parents weren't the same species, his mother was a demon and his father a werecreature (eagle, to be exact), but he got more influence from his mom than Liri did. He's also bi, and plays the violin.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

5:01pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
(Accepted it's wonderful!))

5:02pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
OOC//: Thanks! :D When do we start? ouo ))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

5:17pm Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
Name-Mitch Lucker
Dorm-Room F
Pet- Deezle (Water dragon)
Age- 19
Personality- Mitch is very kind to everybody, even Demons. He is peaceful and doesn't like to scream or yell. He loves to help people, and he is usually the ones who cleans up after the messes that the Demons make, especially Jethro. He doesn't particularly like Jethro, but Mitch is nice to everybody. He smiles at everyone in the hallways and is just a happy-go-lucky person in general.

History- Mitch was born from a water gem, found at the shore of an ocean. He was raised by water dragons, and his brother Deezle lives with Mitch. He controls the element of water, and all sub genres. Anything that has water in it he can control. But the water has to be in liquid form. He can't control say ice. But he can control blood. Once when he was little he was running and he tripped and it cut his lip. He panicked at seeing his blood and that blood drop went up into the sky, along with several thousand gallons of water from a fire hydrant. He is very powerful, but keeps his powers to himself. This power was particularly helpful when Jethro decided to fill the pool with water. Mitch had a dog when he 

Classes- Arcane and Potions Alchemy. He also does sword comabt, just in case he ever needs to defend himself, but he isn't very good at it.


Other- Ignore the dog in the picture, I like that picture of Mitch.

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