After The Bloodshed...{.:Warriors:.} After The War..

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6:58pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 12:11pm Aug 2 2010)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137


The beautiful white queen turned and gave the tom an icy stare.

"I am sorry, Rainstar. We've gone too far. You know this is forbidden by Clan law."

The brown tom just looked at her.

"But.. We had so much.."


Droughts. Fires. Famine.


All spur the four Clans to create a new clan.


Each Clan sends over one tom, one queen, and two kits.

EarthClan started out weak, but has grown into a true part of the forest.

However, there are few who believe that EarthClan should never have come into existance.


No PP, GM, etc

I would like at least the major positions of the clans filled before we start, therefore we have no character limit.

No killing without permission. :D Makes things nicer.

Please be at least Semi-lit.

1st or 3rd person, your choice.

The only Clans that will be taking a major part in this are Shadow, Thunder, and EartClans.

Don't ask why ShadowClan and ThunderClan. I honestly have no clue.



Leader - Pantherstar - {Stray}

Deputy - Bloodmask - {Dodomon}

Medicine Cat - Fawnfoot - {Alice111}

Warriors - Emeraldfrost - {MooMooMoo}

Silentheart - {Stray}

Solarlight - {Candrasa}

Wind-Dance - {Alice111}

Foxfoot - {Alice111}

Rainflower - {Tld}

Queens - Oakcloud - {Alice111}

Apprentices - Starpaw - {Stray}

Gras.spaw - {Ssather}

 Ladypaw - {Ssather}

Coalpaw - {Tld}




Leader - Thistlestar - {Dodomon}

Deputy - Flamecloud - {MooMooMoo}

Medicine Cat - Brightgaze - {MooMooMoo}

Warriors - Sunfur - {Alice111}

Queens - Jadetail - {Alice111}

Apprentices - Owlpaw - {Dodomon}




Leader - Soulstar - {Twintkitty}

Deputy - Embereyes - {Alice111}

Medicine Cat - Puredew - {MooMooMoo}

Warriors - Ghostfur - {Dodomon}

Sunflare - {Tld}

Rainheart - {Twintkitty}

Falconwing - {Stray}


Apprentices - Dreampaw - {Tld}

Kits - Whisperkit - {Stray}












Name - Bloodmask

Age - 17 Moons

Gender - Tom

Looks - A very thin tom with a brown/black pelt. Has a russet-colored marking that goes from the bottom tips of his eyes to his chin and spreads all across to his cheeks. He has startlingly blue eyes and extremely long legs.

Clan/Rank - EarthClan/Deputy

Mate/Crush - None, Open

Kits - None

Other - None


Name - Ghostfur

Age - 20 Moons

Gender - Queen

Looks - A cream-colored queen with lilac tips. (Siamese) Curious amber eyes.

Clan/Rank - ThunderClan/Warrior

Mate/Crush - None, Open

Kits - None

Other - None


Name - Owlpaw

Age - 6 1/2 Moons

Gender - Queen

Looks - Owlpaw has scraggly brown tabby fur and yellow eyes. Whiskers are unusually short

Clan/Rank - ShadowClan/Medicine Cat Apprentice

Mate/Crush - None

Kits - None

Other - None


Name - Thistlestar

Age - 25 Moons {On her third life}

Gender - Queen

Looks - Black she-cat with pink nose and white ear-tips. Yellow eyes

Clan/Rank - ShadowClan/Leader

Mate/Crush - None

Kits - None

Other - None



7:03pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 302
Ooc:// May I join? Kit-boom made me laugh for some reason. :)


7:04pm Jul 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((Lol, yes. XD And yeh. In retrospect, it was not a good choice of words.))


7:19pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
((May I join as Earthclan leader?))


7:25pm Jul 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Of course!))


7:33pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 9:38am Aug 2 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 302

Ooc:// T-T I accidently clicked out of the tab with my characters info in it! D:



Name: EmeraldFrost

Age: Just turned 14 moons

Gender: She-Cat


Clan/Rank: Warrior/EarthClan (Helps with Medicine Cat <-see other->)

Mate/Crush: None/open

Kits: None

Other: Recently encountered a blow to her right hip, fracturing a plate. This causes her leg to go limp and she can't hunt or fight until it's better. So she hobbles around helps with the Medicine Cat duties and Apprentice jobs.


Name: FlameCloud


Age: 23 moons

Gender: Tom


Clan/Rank: Deputy//ShadowClan

Mate/Crush: None 

Kits: None

Other: Nope





 Name: PureDew

Age: 25 moons

Gender: Tom


Clan/Rank: Medicine Cat//Thunder Clan

Mate/Crush: None, not aloud

Kits: None

Other: Nope




 Name: BrightGaze

Age: 20 Moons

Gender: She-Cat


Clan/Rank: Medicine Cat//Shadow Clan

Mate/Crush: None

Kits: None

Other: Nope


7:38pm Jul 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((Accepted. :D))


7:42pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((May I join?))


7:43pm Jul 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((You may))


7:43pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 7:55pm Jul 28 2010)

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Posts: 2,092


 Name: Pantherstar
Age: 46 Moons
Gender: Tom
Looks: Pantherstar is a fairly large tom, though not exactly muscular. He has long legs and large paws with long, hooked, black claws. His tail is almost the length of his body, helping him with balance. Pantherstar's fur is short, though sleek, black that shines almost a blue tint in the sun. His eyes are a gentle green, though when angry they become as hard as jade. All-in-all he looks a lot like the panther he received his name from. 
Clan/Rank: Earthclan / Leader
Mate/Crush: None at the moment
Kits: Nope
Other: Nope


 Name: Falconwing
Age: 34 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Looks: She is a small cat, with a lithe frame and hidden muscles under her fur. She has long legs with tiny paws, and even though she may seem small she is extremely fast. Her fur is long and smooth, under coat a dark brown with splotches of tan, white, black, and orange mingling through out it. Her eyes are a deep, forest green.
Clan/Rank: Earthclan
Mate/Crush: None
Kits: None of her own, but she raised Whisperkit
Other: Nope


 Name: Whisperkit
Age: 6 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Looks: She is fairly average sized for a kit her age, with little muscle at the moment but she is strong. Her legs are short but skinny, with large paw's for a she-cat and thorn sharp kit claws. Her fur is long and thick, a pain for Falconwing to groom. It's silver through and through, with lighter silver wisps around her eyes and tail. Her eyes are a deep curious amber. 
Clan/Rank: Thunderclan / Kit
Mate/Crush: To young
Kits: Too young
Other: She was not born a clan kit, though Falconwing treats her as one. No one knows really where she came from. 


Name: Silentheart
Age: 23 Moons
Gender: Tom
Looks: He is a tall cat, with thick muscles and broad shoulders. His legs are short with large paws, all of this making in a superior fighter, but a bad hunter. His fur is a dark, deep brown, with darker tabby stripes around his shoulders and tail. SA white spot lies on his chest and the tip of his long tail. Silentheart's eyes are a cold amber.
Clan/Rank: Warrior / Earthclan
Mate/Crush: None at the moment
Kits: Nope
Other: His brother is Starpaw. 


Age: 16 Moons'
Gender: Tom
Looks: Starpaw is a very awkward cat to explain. He has abnormally long legs with small paws, his legs are skinny to the point that most of the bones show and are extremely fragile. He is unusually skinny, no matter how much he eats and most of his bones show drastically, especially his rips and hip bones. He looks underfed, sickly, and fragile. Which he is actually. He would make a better medicine cat then a warrior, because he is so weak and frail, but he refuses. His fur is silver and patchy, matted on his stomach and tail, making him look even more pathetic. His eyes look blind, a light blue with no pupil, but's he's not. He is also about the size of a six moon old kit, tiny.
Clan/Rank: Earthclan / Apprentice
Mate/Crush: None
Kits: Nope
Other: Silentheart is his older brother. He was also born with a birth defect making his bones weak and him to small and skinny. 


7:53pm Jul 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((I'm confused as to where to put Whisperkit. You say she was born in Thunderclan but came to Earthclan?))


7:57pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 2,092
((Whisperkit is a kit of Thunderclan, but Falconwing found her alone in the forest. Whisperkit was born a rouges kit but her mother left her alone to die. Falconwing raised her from then on. I normally create a more in depth bio but i'm slightly lazy today, sorry. (: ))


8:07pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 8:32pm Jul 28 2010)

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Posts: 5,835


Age:7 moons


Looks:Above.(DON'T STEAL!!! This is my real kitty Oreo.XD))




Other:Ladypaw is his sister.




Age:7 moons








8:26pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 8:28pm Jul 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 236

Ooc:Rofl kitboom? xD 


Age;[not needed?]





Looks:[Whatever i feel like typing it too] Beautiful white she-cat w/ green eyes and an unusually black nose

Ɯσℓғƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ нʋмαиƨ > Ħʋмαиƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ ωσℓғƨ. Ɩғ ʏσʋ ℓσʌɛ ωσℓғƨ мακɛ тнιƨ ʏσʋя ƨιɢɢʏ. Ƴσʋ cαи мακɛ α ∂ιғғɛяɛиcɛ

8:28pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
((Falconwing and Whisperkit are both Thunderclan, I think you have Falconwing on Earthclan.))


9:05pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 302
Ooc:// If I need to make more characters, I would be happy too. Just tell me and I will. :)


9:23pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,966
[Join? I'll put up my bio later, though. I'll put atleast one in each Clan.]

Adopted from Archaeus.


3:01pm Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 302
Ooc://   Bump  >


8:11pm Jul 29 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((You can join. :3

Hokai, gotta put everyone up.. This'll be fun..))


8:16pm Jul 29 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((Stray, beside Falconwing's Clan it says "Earthclan". :/

That's why I asked.))

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