Plot: It is mating season. Wolves are looking for their partners, a neverending quest. Some wolves will find love, others will wait until next year. Some wolves are going after Alpha, the new leader. Others are seeking out their true love elsewhere. Where will love meet you?
Rules- Everyone must make a girl AND a guy, to keep numbers even.
Romance is allowed, but should be PG-14.
Violence is allowed.
Name- Alpha
Age- Teen
Mate- None
Personality- Romantic, Strong, Handsome, Fierce, Basically who most of the females hope for as a mate.
History- Alpha is about to become the head of the pack. Once he chooses his mate during mating season, the honor is his. Meanwhile, women try to seduce him, so the may become his.

Other- Alpha will not be wooed, at least not right away. Alpha needs his mate to be pretty, strong, romantic, and kind. Do you have what it takes to impress him?
Themesong (Optional)- I'm Yours be Jason Mraz