Lately boats have mysteriously gone missing while out aat sea. No bad weather was reported and no survivors found. We suspect that the boats did sink but we do not know where they went down. We have lost many divers who went down and never came back up. we are still vigorously searching for the boat and/or survivors. Now on to our next story...
As you can see these boats have mysteriously gone missing along with any bodies. You are a survivor. The boat just suddenly was submereged in the water and you escaped. Others did too and you are all on a deserted island. All you know is that a single crate washes up on sh.ore once every two days and whoever gets to it first gets first pick...
What you saw on the day the boat went down:
That is all and I will post after a few others do.
Looks: She is around 5*4", short for her age and 95 lbs, very skinny, even underweight. She has no parents or siblings that she knows of. Her only sibling ran away and she never really knew her. She short, cropped black hair that hangs down on her shoulders. Her dark purple eyes are unseeing for she is blind. She has a long blue marking that stretches from her forarm, twists around her arm and trails up to her forehead, marking it with a little wave pattern.
Likes:Roleplay out
Dislikes: Roleplay out
Crush: Open
History:Roleplay out
What you saw on the day the boat went down: Nothing, but she did hear someone shouting to someone else about what caused this.
Aria awoke under a tall palm tree. She woke because a coconut had hit her skull and would probably leave a mark. "Darn it" She said already feeling a bump. She knew that tomorrow a crate would come. That was all she knew about this strange place. She grabbed the coconut that had hit her and sat by a rock and tried to break it open. After trying for 10 minutes she threw it across the sand and stood up. Maybe she could find someone else. When she walked around a corner she saw a few other people. She went over to the closest, it was a boy. she shook him with her hand until he would wake up.
Rel rolled over onto me and I yelped. "REL! GER' OFF ME!" I growled, shoving him over to the other side. I stood up and brushed myself off. I felt the vibrations as another girl tried to make up my brother. I sighed and picked up the coconut she had thrown, "You won't get him awake like that. He sleeps like a bear in hibernation." I stood over him and dropped the coconut on his chest. He awoke with the growl. I stepped gingerly on the cocnut and pressed down, it cracked a bit. I geussed this was what the girl wanted...
Aria bent down and picked up the coconut. "Do you want it? I know how to open them now. Just throw them and him and then step on it!" she laughed. "Plus you opened it" she handed the coconut to her, " "Hi I'm Aria who are you two?"
((I just was sitting trying to decide a name on an older rp ,my first one, and thats what came to mind. I use it for everything now! Its easier with just one name to remember! Now its your turn to come in to the story...))
Aria walked over to tjhe last girl and started shaking her. "Wake up now!"