9:59am Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 4:12pm Jan 2 2010)
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Posts: 6,511
< Note to all the people who were in the last "greatest show unearthed" roleplay: Yeah, since the roleplay randomly died when Dashz quit Res, let's just preten Darius disappeared. 'Kay? :3 > Welcome to the greatest show unearthed!
The dark carnival is in town, You’d better be ready: Just follow the parade Of dancing skeletons; Full of ghoulish delights Around every corner - Don't tell your parents you're here, They will soon be mourners
Welcome to the lower birth, The greatest show unearthed: We appear without a sound, The darkest show around, We will leave you in a daze - Madness, murder, dismay! We will disappear at night, With blood on the concrete
I will be your ticket taker - Come inside, it's a dream! Enter the fun house of mirrors, No one can hear you scream. We can supply anything That your heart desires, But the consequences Will surely be dire.
Welcome to the lower birth, The greatest show unearthed: We appear without a sound, The darkest show around, We will leave you in a daze - Madness, murder, dismay! We will disappear at night, With blood on the concrete
Come inside For the ride, Your deepest darkest fears
The best night Of your life, You're never leaving here
The unknown, The unseen, Is what you're gonna find
Witness this, Witness that, Until you lose your mind!
Welcome to the lower birth, The greatest show unearthed: We appear without a sound, The darkest show around, We will leave you in a daze - Madness, murder, dismay! We will disappear at night, With blood on the concrete Three years ago, when Darius first came to Mercin, he disappeared randomly, leaving without a trace. It was like he had never been there, though he was still seen in other places. He completely avoided coming back to the quiet little town, like there was something that kept him away. But finally, after three years, he has returned. - No powerplaying.
- No godmodding.
- Not much violence is needed, though Circus Gothica does corrupt the teenagers that come to it, so violence is allowed.
- Romance is encouraged.
- Darius doesn't date much. He does have boyfriends and girlfriends, but only if they are eighteen years or older. You can try to make him love your character, but I'm not saying you'll succeed.
- Don't kill someone's character without permission.
- Ask permission before you join Circus Gothica. I mean, you can't just suddenly become part of a circus. Ask Darius, mkay? ...Well, if you're just posting your bios, and you want one of your characters to be in the circus, say that they're in it. o3o
- Post, "And behind the curtain lies our dreams come true." if you have read the rules. ^-^
- No one sentence posts.
- Please, make sure that you put in the character's name in each post. I hate when it just says, ""Yes." He said, blinking once." Who the hell is "he?!" By the way, this is mostly required for people who have more than one character.
- Ask before you join. o.o You can post your bios and ask to join at the same time, though.
- No insta-crushes or insta-loves.
- No mary-sues or pity-sues.
- Do NOT drag all of the attention to your character. I HATE when people do that. If no one's talking to your character, don't make someone shoot him/her right in front of someone else just so someone will interact with your character. Go talk to people, dudes!
- I will choose two (or maybe just one) co-owner(s) later. They will have as much power as I do.
- Don't copy my plot, please! D: Not that its much of a plot, but still.
- Don't make someone's character love yours, okay? Thanks.
- Yes, male and male and female and female releationships are allowed.
- School does exist, guys! You still have to go to it. ...Unless, you've ditched to go to Circus Gothica. :3
- For every girl there must be a boy. And for every boy there must be a girl. Unless he or she doesn't like boys/girls. o.o
- For every person in the circus there must be a regular person. Mkay? Mkay.
- Cussing is allowed, but please don't go overboard.
- Heh. My characters have barely changed. o3o
♂My bios♀ Name: Nathan Gender: Male Age: Twenty S.O.: ... Looks: Below. :o Grade: Well, he's not in highschool anymore... xD Part of the circus?: No. Personality: Though he's still hyper and childish, he's grown a bit more mature. Crush: No one. Love: None. Other: He still calls Nathaniel "Nath." o3o Name: Nathaniel Gender: Male Age: Twenty S.O.: Bisexual. Looks: Below. Grade: o3o Part of the circus?: Nope. Personality: Still quiet and antisocial. o-o Crush: None. Love: None. Other: He's Nathan's twin brother. 
Nathan being the one with the necklace. And Nathaniel's hair is often poofed up slightly like Nathan's, but never spiked at the back. Just a little at the top. 
Name: Darius. His real name is Christopher Arden, but no one really knows that. The people who do keep their mouths shut, and some of them don't even recognize Darius. Gender: Male Age: Twenty-four.Yippee, now I'm older. T.T S.O.: Bisexual Looks: Above Grade: He hasn't been in school for a while now... Part of the circus?: I'm the ringmaster. What do you think? Personality: Why don't you come and find out for yourselves, dearies? Crush: Oh, nonono. You know all those guys and girls you see me kissing? Yeah, I don't have a crush on any of them! They're just really...hot. Love: Nah. Other: I'm still the ringmaster! 
Name: Ryo Gender: Male Age: Twenty S.O.: *stays quiet* Looks: I'm going to change it in a bit. o3o Grade: I'm in the circus...thingy. Part of the circus?: Yes. Personality: I think you already have a pretty good idea. Crush: None. Love: None. Other: None. Name: Espen Gender: Male Age: Twenty-one S.O.: Rather not say, if you don't mind... Looks: http://www.emoboyfriend.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/emo-scene-boy.jpg Ignore the ear thingies. e.e Grade: O>O Part of the circus?: Yeah. Personality: Heck no. Crush: :o Love: ...:O Other: His tigers: http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/254/9/3/ yin_yang_tigers_by_ChartreuseBoots.png Obviously, the black one is Kuro, and the white one is Shiro. u.u
♂Bios♀ ( Insert picture here ) Name: Gender: Age: S.O.: Looks: ( If you don't have a picture. ) Grade: Part of the circus?: ( Yes or no ) Personality: ( Optional, but I'd appreciate it if you did it. :D ) Crush: Love: Other:
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:24am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 950
((And behind the curtain lies our dreams come true. May I join even though I wasn't in the last one?))
10:29am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
( Sure. o-o It doesn't really matter if you were in the last one or not, so... u.u *sits* Are you going to be bumping your other roleplays? )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:35am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,931
"And behind the curtain lies our dreams come true." ((Join?))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
10:37am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 40
"And behind the curtain lies our dreams come true." ((Join? My sister, Dashz, was in your old one as Kya and Keanu!))
10:37am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
( Sure. ^^ )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:39am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 950
((I can't find any of the others I was in.... >_<))
10:39am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
( Oh, really, CG? o-o What ever happened to her, anyway? And you can join. ^^ )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:41am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
( What do you mean, Neko? o-o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:46am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,931
Name: Solarus Hanson/Jacob Hanson Gender: Female/Male Age: Twenty/Twenty S.O.: Straight/Straight Looks: / Grade:Both out of highschool. Part of the circus?: Nope/Nope Personality:Solarus is drawn back from everyone else because she is very different. She is always writing or singing, or drawing. She is very good with words, and is kind of looked down on by others because she talks like she wasn't from this century sometimes. She is actually very smart and loving once you get to know her. Jake is also very good with words. But he is more accepted by others than Solarus. He is also different though. He is always daydreaming, and sometimes acts like he can't see you, like he is somewhere else. Crush:None yet/None Yet Love: None Yet/ None Yet Other: None/ None
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
10:49am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 40
((she got banned))
10:50am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 950
((I mean every time I go and look for any of the rps I was in, inclkuding the ones I made, I can't find them... I found like three, and that was it....
Bio in shortly.))
10:51am Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 10:52am Dec 29 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
( O.o Really? I wonder why. e.o She told everyone that she was leaving Res for...whatever her reason may be. Neko~ Want me to help? Accepted, Katniss. :3 )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:55am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 40
Name: Morgan Savior (Momo) Gender: Female Age: 16 S.O.: Straight Looks: ( If you don't have a picture. ) Grade: 11 Part of the circus?: No Personality: Hyper, random, fun, everyone's friend. Loves to be surrounded by people, mainly those who love her. Life of the Party. Theme song is Tik Tok, and as it says in the song, the party don't start til she walks in! If you want a fun time, it'll happen with her! Crush: None Love: None Other:
10:56am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 40
((Now I feel all guilty cause my sister killed your old RP :( ))
10:59am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,511
( xD S'fine. Though I really enjoyed it. ;o Accepted. The girl in the picture looks an awful lot like a girl I know. o_o I may add another girl, but since I've got five boys [I blame the last roleplay and the lack of males in it], I probably won't. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:04am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 40
((Lol. Yeah))
11:05am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 40
((Gotta go. Be back later))
11:06am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
( o3o Right then. As soon as someone asks to start, we'll start. xD )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:12am Dec 29 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,931
((Can we start?))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?