3:11pm Dec 25 2010 (last edited on 9:38pm Dec 25 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
I really feel like doing one, and right now, I'm bored. I haven't seen many at all, and, if I have, they're either already at one million posts or boring or I'm uninterested. :P I would like this to be a small group, too. I'm also only truly on Res on weekends and Friday afternoon, due to school. Sometimes, on weekdays, I'll be on. But not much. If you're active when I am, I think it'll work fine. I only ask that you be at least semi-lit and that you won't only be one cat and everyone else has five. AND, I still need a plot..... SOOOOOOOOO. Do you wanna rp with me? :D
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:43pm Dec 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:07pm Dec 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
Bump! Come on....Please???
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:00pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
Bumpeteh bump. Willing to do 1x1!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:00pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,371
3:02pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
Yay! Well....waht plot? Or should we talk it out together(literally)?
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:02pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,371
3:21pm Dec 26 2010 (last edited on 4:08pm Dec 26 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
Kay. Here 'tis summary and bios: Three shall save the Clans, from the shadow that lurks the forest. If the shadow is left alone, if the three fail, if the three die, then the shadow shall grow and engulf the forest in darkness, and the Clans shall no longer exist. So everything's explained there. ~~~~~ Bio- Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Appearance: Personality: History: Crush/Mate: Other: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Bios- Name: Spottedstar Age: 4 3/4 years Gender: Female Rank: Leader Appearance: Personality: She is caring, kind, and an overall great cat. But, she can be fierce in battle. And if you mess with her, you'll leave with your pelt clawed clean off. History: Normalness. Crush/Mate: None. Open. Other: Nopesh. --- Name: Poolpaw Age: 1 1/2 years Gender: Female Rank: Med. Cat Apprentice Appearance: Personality: She's kind and gentle, and loves to care for her Clan. She's just a bit shy. History: Normal. Crush/Mate:None. Not allowed, either. Other: Nope. ------- Name:Songfern Age: 2 years Gender: Female Rank: Warrior Appearance: Personality:Songfern is calm, sweet, and hums a tune often. She loves the sound of birdsong best, and will perk her ears to listen whenever she can. History: Normal. Crush/Mate:None; OPEN Other: Nope. ------- Name: Dawnfrost Age: 2 3/4 years Gender: Female Rank: Warrior Appearance: Personality: Sweet,yet quiet sometimes. She's bad around males that flirt with her, though. History: Normal. Crush/Mate: None. OPEN! Other: Is one of the prophecy cats ------- Name: Hailfoot Age: 3 years Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Appearance: Personality: Nice but sometimes mean. History: Normal Crush/Mate: None. OPEN Other: Nope. ----- Name: Smokefur Age: 3 years Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Appearance: ta:image/jpg;base64,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" alt="" width="125" height="187" /> Personality: rp it out History: Normal Crush/Mate:None OPEN Other: Nope ---- Name: Hawkpaw Age: 4 months Gender:Male Rank: Apprentice Appearance: Personality: to be rped History: Normal Crush/Mate: None OPEN Other: nope ---- Name: Sparrowpaw Age: 5 months Gender: Male Rank: Apprentice Appearance: 
Personality: to be rped History: Normal Crush/Mate: None OPEN Other: Nope
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:42pm Dec 26 2010 (last edited on 3:57pm Dec 26 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,371
Name:Swiftstep Age:1 year Gender:female Rank:medicine cat Appearance: Personality:you'll see History:umm...became a medicine cat Crush/Mate: wants but can't have Name:Foxblaze Age:5 years Gender:male Rank:warrior Appearance: Personality:you'll see History:to be rped Crush/Mate: has a crush on spottedstar Other:none Name:Sandblaze Age:3 years Gender:female Rank:Deputy Appearance: Personality:will be rped History:normal Crush/Mate: looking Other:none Name:Stormfeather Age:2 years Gender:male Rank: Warrior Appearance: Personality: History: Mate/crush: Has a crush on Dawnfrost Other:none to be edited.
3:43pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,371

heres your pic
3:44pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,355
3 On three?
3:58pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
Sorry, it's a 1x1....D:
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:02pm Dec 26 2010 (last edited on 4:03pm Dec 26 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,371

another pic 
5:46pm Dec 26 2010 (last edited on 6:01pm Dec 26 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
LIST OF CATS: Leader: Spottedstar Deputy: Sandblaze Medicine Cat: Swiftstep Medicine Cat Apprentice: Poolpaw Warriors: Stormfeather, Foxblaze, Smokefur, Hailfoot, Songfern, Dawnfrost, Brightwish, Onestrike Apprentices: Hawkpaw, Sparrowpaw Queens: NONE Kits: NONE Prophecy Cats: Dawnfrost, Brightwish, Onestrike Who's Whose Apprentice: Sandblaze is Hawkpaw's mentor Foxblaze is Sparrowpaw's mentor Gender Ratio: 7-7 ; 7 males, 7 females My Cats: Spottedstar, Dawnfrost, Hawkpaw, Sparrowpaw, Poolpaw, Smokefur, Hailfoot, Songfern Your Cats: Brightwish, Onestrike, Sandblaze, Foxblaze, Stormfeather, Swiftstep
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:53pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,371
and here are my two prophecy cats: Name:Brightwish Age:2 years Gender:female Rank:warrior Appearance: tle="Cat" /> Personality:will be rped History:to be rped, she doesn't talk about it Crush/Mate:looking Other:none Name:Onestrike Age:2 years Gender:male Rank:warrior Appearance: Personality: you'll see History:to be rped Crush/Mate: has a crush on spottedstar, foxblaze isn't the only cat who likes her... Other:
5:55pm Dec 26 2010 (last edited on 5:58pm Dec 26 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
('Kay. We'll start later[AKA when I get home :P ].)
(Nvm. We have a bit of time. Let's start! 8D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:07pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,371
Brightwish stretched out in camp. She stood up and heard yowling from across the camp. Foxblaze and Onestripe arguing again... She thought, they get annoying. "Oh yeah?" Onestrike hissed at Foxblaze, "Well she hates you!" Foxblaze hissed. Sandblaze rolled her eyes as she padded through the camp and saw the two cats quarreling. "What the fox-dung is going on here?!?" Stormfeather laughed. Why do Foxblaze and Onestrike always have to act like kits? Swiftstep was organizing herbs. She could hear the fight, but was ignoring it.
6:09pm Dec 26 2010 (last edited on 6:37pm Dec 26 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
Spottedstar heard the commotion. Could they be quiet for 5 seconds? Apparently not! She growled lowly, and padded out of her den. "Be quiet, you mouse-brains!" she hissed. "I'm trying to get some sleep!" She then laid down on the Ledge, the place where she had Clan meetings. It was nice and sunny there. She started to sun herself. Songfern sat outside her den, while some of her denmates were lazily still sleeping. "Lazy furballs," she mumbled. "I agree," a voice behind Songfern sounded. Songfern whipped around to see Dawnfrost beside her. "They truly are lazy furballs." Dawnfrost said. Songfern purred and nodded. (All of my other warriors 'tis sleeping. O.O ) Sparrowpaw looked at Foxblaze and Onestrike. "They could achieve greater enlightenment without fighting." he said calmly. "There is truly no reason to bicker." "Aw, c'mon, Sparrowpaw." Hawkpaw teased. "You're so weird that way! Don't you wanna wrestle?" he said, getting in a playful fighting stance. "No. Not truly," Sparrowpaw said. "I'd rather enjoy what Nature has to offer." "You're no fun!" Hawkpaw said, partially pouting, partially teasing. Poolpaw went over to her mentor. "We're getting short on poppy seeds." she meowed. "Do you want me to fetch some?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:49pm Dec 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,371
Swiftstep smiled. "That would be great, Poolpaw, thank you." Brightwish saw the arguing cats. Foxblaze ignored Sandblaze. He slashed Onestripe's ear, hissing. Onestripe winced, then looked back at Sandblaze. "There is no reason to fight." Sandblaze hissed. Stormfeather saw Dawnfrost and Songfern a few fox-lengths away. He padded over to the she-cats and sat down.
7:01pm Dec 26 2010 (last edited on 7:02pm Dec 26 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
"Stormfeather," Dawnfrost acknowledged him. "What brings you here?" (Time to flirt with her, Stormfeather! >:D ) Spottedstar growled at the commotion once again. She leapt down from the ledge-a hefty 11 feet-and landed inbetween the two. She hissed loudly at them. "Shut up, you mouse-brains!" she hissed. "Or I'll claw both your ears off." Poolpaw purred, then left camp to look for poppy seeds. Catching a whiff of it on the air soon, she bolted towards the area. Poolpaw then started to scoop out the seeds from the flower. After getting a bunch, she headed back towards camp. (By the way, you keep calling Onestrike Onestripe. O.o Probably should not do that...)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -