One hundred years ago, Avatar Aang of the Air Nomads, revived the peace that was destroyed when the Fire Nation hungered for power. Though all was well until Aang grew old with age, soon he died. It didn't take long for opposer to start acting on this, they gathered small rallies, and even sent searches to the Northern and Southern Water Tribe to capture the next Avatar to be reincarnated. Now people want to fight back but they are too afraid of the Master Benders behind this. Though with the new Avatar's help I believe we can save the world.
1, Follow all Rescreatu Rules
2. Air Benders are a very small population, so only 2-3
3. Romance at PG-13, don't have your characters fall madly in love so soon.
4. Violence is what will keep this Rp interesting, so bending fights and regular fights are aloud just don't spontaneously punch someone unless it's for reason.
5. I will play the Waterbender Avatar because He/She will make an appearance later in the role-play.
6. We will need a bender from each nation and they will travel to the northern Water Tribe together.
7. We need non-benders too, so only maybe 3-4 benders and then a couple of non-benders in the group searching for the Avatar for good.
8. Someone needs to be evil and chase down the Avatar.
9. Thankkkss.
***There can be more than one Waterbender in the Northern Water Tribe that helps with the Avatar though only 1-2 can travel to the other nations.
Character Spots:;;
Searching for the Avatar(Good):
Airbender: Enye (MooMooMoo)
Waterbender: (Not Avatar) Ellie (Elainie) Akila (TriBecka)
Firebender: Rakoren (wolf18834)
Earthbender: Rel (Feyth)
Non-Bender: (any-age)
Non-Bender: (any-age)
Searching for the Avatar(Evil):
Leader: Dinwei Saugh (Up for grabs)
Supporter: (Elainie) Halle Jay
Team: (Optional 2 spots) (Around the Age of the Supporter)
Redeeming Honor: (Zuko's position, traveling to capture the Avatar for his own reasons. Has the option for support) (16-25)
Support: (Optional 1 spot) (28-48)
(Any spots that are not up here please tell me and I'll add them)
Character Skeleton:;;
Bender: (Yes and what kind, No--just leave it as that)
Spot: (Good/Evil and which slot)
Other: (Only one or two animal guides per group: Momo, Appa, etc.)
My Characters:;;:
Name: Enye (Eye-nn-yah)
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Female
My personality is one with a strong sense of right and wrong, who despises discord and confrontation. I am a person who approaches life with a bit of sugar-coating to make the ride less bumpy for themselves and for those around me. I am innately and often unconsciously strive for balance and serenity in my life, sometimes going to extremes to maintain the peace despite the ups and downs inherent in everyday living. I am generally well-liked in my social circles and function best in situations in which I am surrounded by admiring friends and family. I am able to see both sides of an issue, but in my need to please everyone all the time, I may often be perceived as uncommitted or indecisive. I appreciate beauty, and will usually have top quality possessions and a tasteful wardrobe and hair style. In my quest to be all things to all people, I may come off as somewhat flirtatious in some instances, and may have a tendency towards gossip, as I can't get enough of learning all about the people around me. I tend to be the peace keeper, and when trouble arises, you can count on me to help smooth ruffled feathers.

Bender: Yes, Airbender but didn't learn the way of the Monks.
Spot: Good//Is an Airbender
Location: Traveling in the Earth Kingdom, looking for people to join her on the search for the Avatar.
Other: None
Name: 'Earth King' Denwei Saugh
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm and decisive, Denwei plans delicately. He goes over everything he does four times to make sure it is perfect. His demands for power is too great for a little over looking. Denwei is stealthy, quick, and his reflexes are non but the best. He trains everyday to improve his Technic and skill of Earthbending. He believes that is not far for only one to be deemed Avatar, through hard work and accomplishing many thing in your life this is how he sees the way power should be bestowed. Denwei is not interested in useless chatter that clouds the mind, if something is important...speak and then have nothing else to add. He finds that Earth is the strongest of the elements, sturdy and able to be build upon. His mind is set to become the ruler of the four nations for nothing seems to have any affect on his element.

Bender: Earthbender
Spot: Evil and he is the Leader of the Oppression.
Location: Getting his fleet ready in Ba Sing Se to head for both North and South pole.
Other: He is blind in one eye.
I will post the Avatar's character Bio when we get to it. :)