8:48pm Apr 17 2011 (last edited on 9:02pm Apr 18 2011)
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Posts: 4,355
*Remake of my beloved first Roleplay that died in October*  (The blue line = River. Blue blobs = Pond. Big gray humps = Sleeping cave. Little gray humps = Alpha's den. Brown blobs = Prey area. Black line = Border.) ~ Plot: Long ago, Werewolves owned all of the land in a small part of the world, intill the Vampires came. They fought and fought, then they finally decided to devide the area for both of them to share. Though every now and then, they will cross the borders and...well, you decide that part. ~ Bios: Name: Age: Gender: Werewolf or Vampire: Pack position (Alpha, deputy, kid, prey hunters, and fighters/attackers): Deion/picture: Attack: Defense: Speed: Mate/crush: History (Optional): Personality: Other: Long bios, I know. ~ Rules: No swearing No powerplaying No killing unless they say you can You can have a mate, but dont go over board I can ban you from my RP If you get hurt, act like it Only 3-5 people per pack (so only about 10 may join altogether) Not all stars can be perfect unless your alpha or alpha female. You make a male, make a female! Only 4 charries each person max. If your a Vampire, sleep in human form. If your a Werewolf, sleep in wolf form. Be atleast semi-lit. Use Ooc. Make a human and wolf/bat form of your charrie, please.

11:17am Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 9:09pm Apr 18 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
  Name: Jade Shadowstalker Age: Adult Gender: Female Werewolf or Vampire: Werewolf Pack position (Alpha, deputy, kid, prey hunters, and fighters/attackers): Alpha Female Deion/picture: Above Attack: 7 Defense: 5 Speed: 9 Mate/crush: Open but must earn it History (Optional): Rp it out Personality: She is a proud person, unwilling to step down from a problem concerning the safety of others. Yet as stubborn as she can be, she still knows when she should fight and when to retreat. She acts tough and stands tall, demanding the obediance of lower pack members but still has an air about her that suggests at her caring nature. Other: None currently ~~~~  
Name: Jake Nightblade Age: Uknown but appears 17 Gender: Male Werewolf or Vampire: Vampire Pack position (Alpha, deputy, kid, prey hunters, and fighters/attackers): Prey Hunter Deion/picture: Above Name Attack: 8 Defense: 4 Speed: 10 Mate/crush: Open History (Optional): Rp it out Personality: He is cruel and cares for no one but himself and those very close to him. He is an obediant servant of his lord but if he senses danger he is willing to go against orders for self preservation. Other: None currently.
11:20am Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Join as Leader of the Vampires, and a few others? ]]
6:26pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 7:47pm Apr 18 2011)
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Posts: 4,355
((Yus. To both of you. EDIT: I edited the bios and added a rule))
7:53pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 4,355
7:53pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Whatever do you mean by 'attack, defense, and speed'. I am a little confused of what you are looking for there...))
8:23pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((Ah, like "How fast can ____ go?" and so on. "If it was on a scale from 1-10, how fast would _____ be able to go?"))
8:33pm Apr 18 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,258
((Oh, ok thanks for clearing that up.))
8:42pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((Here's my charries.)) Name: Dusk Midnight. Age: Young adult, around 21. Gender: Male. Vampire or Werewolf: Werewolf. Pack position (Alpha, deputy, kid, prey hunters, and fighters/attackers): Deputy, if that's okay. Deion/picture: Werewolf: 
(He has no rubberbands, though) Attack (use * from 1 to 10) : ********* Defense: ******** Speed: ****** History (Optional): His history is pretty heartbreaking, his Mom and Dad died in "The Great War", when he was three. He lived by himself since. Perhaos this is whar turned him cold? Personality: Has a strong greed for power. Hate's the pups, and any flowers that happen to grow. Feels love is stupid. Speaks his mind, (which is usally not very nice) and is very fierce and protective of his Pack. Much like Hawkfrost. Mate/crush: He's open. Other: Nope. ~ Name: Lilly Hawkins. Age: Older teen. Around 16 in human years, but is 1623 Vampire years old. Gender: Female. Werewolf or Vampire: Vampire. Pack position (Alpha, deputy, kid, prey hunters, and fighters/attackers): Prey hunter. Deion/picture: 

Attack: **** Defense: ******* Speed: ********** Mate/crush: Open. History (Optional): Nothing special. Still has parents, only kid in her family. Personality: Sweet, gentle, kind, determined, and can get fierce, but it never gets bad. Other: Nope. ~ Name: Moona Shiimer. (Sheemer) Age: 4. Gender: Female. Werewolf or Vampire: Werewolf. Pack position (Alpha, deputy, kid, prey hunters, and fighters/attackers): Kid. Is training to be a prey hunter. Deion/picture:

Attack: **** Defense: ** Speed: ***** Mate/crush: SHE'S TOO YOUNG FUUUU. History (Optional): Normal little kid history. Nothing special. Personality: Pretty sweet, likes to giggle, is more shy then others, and fights lightly. Other: Nope. ~ Name: Ash Dawn. Age: 12. Gender: Male. Werewolf or Vampire: Vampire. Pack position (Alpha, deputy, kid, prey hunters, and fighters/attackers): Kid. Going to be an attacker soon. Deion/picture: 

Attack: ****** Defense: ***** Speed: ***** Mate/crush: Open, but he's too young to do anything serious. History (Optional): He had a fine life untill his parents died in the war, much like Dusk. He was left in so much shock when his parents both died, so he speaks lightly. (Quietly and not many words) Personality: Very, very shy. Because of this, his personality is unknown. Other: Nope.

8:45pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((I'm sorry. I would post with the '*' But it is really hard for me to count them. I can change it if you need me to but I would prefer to keep them that way.))
9:02pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 9:23pm Apr 18 2011)
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Posts: 6,409
Name: Freya "Fang" Lendrain Age: 15, almost 16 Gender: Female Werewolf or Vampire: Werewolf Pack position (Alpha, deputy, kid, prey hunters, and fighters/attackers): Fighter Deion/picture: 

((Without the blue mark under her cheek.)) Attack: 7 Defense: 6 Speed: 7 Mate/crush: Open History (Optional): Urm, I'd rather not discuss that... Personality: Cold and distant, Freya doesn't have any friends. She has a soft spot for animals, and will help someone when they are in trouble. She usually stays clear of people, but if she finds you to be overly interesting, she'll come up to you and talk. However, if she likes you, she will avoid you at all costs to make it seem like she hates you. She has a temper, and will randomly shift into her werewolf form when she is overly emotional. Once you get to know her, though, Freya can be very nice. Other: Urm... No ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: River Thorne Age: 18 Gender: Male Werewolf or Vampire: Vampire Pack position (Alpha, deputy, kid, prey hunters, and fighters/attackers): Fighter Deion/picture:

Attack: 6 Defense: 7 Speed: 6 Mate/crush: Open History (Optional): Urm... Personality: River is a bit aggressive. He can be overly protective of some people. Other: No
Love is all we need~
9:07pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((Emer: That's perfectly fine, but there is no pictures. Wolfie: Thank you! But I asked if you could put your bat and wolf forms. Everyone: This starts tomorrow, probably.))
9:19pm Apr 18 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
((My bad, Sona. My brain is kinda fried right now. *Goes to edit.*))
Love is all we need~
9:24pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 200
[Oohhh I would like to join ^.^ However... I'll have my bios up tomorrow :]
7:44am Apr 19 2011
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Name: Natsume Tsuyoi Gender: Male Age: 18, Senior Species: Vampire Appearance: Personality: Natsume is more of a knight than anything else. He has the stereotypical air of nobility and loyalty, and he never backs down from a challenge or a promise. Despite his all-around bishounen features, Natsume doesn't mind tormenting other people who he is not acquainted with. Because of this, he comes off as an arrogant jerk most of the time, and doesn't mind sticking with that ti tle. He's a bit cold, stiff and formal, and really dislikes childish people. [seriously, if you join with a girl that's a punk or anything, he's not gonna like her and never really will :x ] Crush: Open Speed: 9 Attack: 7 Defense: 9 Other: He's the Alpha :x --- Name: Sanae Aoi Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Werewolf Appearance: note: This was drawn for me by the lovely Gerychi [cos she loves me :U] I paid for this, and if I see anyone else using this... then face my wraith ._. Personality: Sanae, overall, has a gentle and generally kind nature. She's fiercely competitive, and always wants to be in first-place, however, and Sanae is also terribly dense, unable to figure out if she's in trouble or not. She believes in her own version of justice, and does anything she could to have it delivered. She's rather adventurous, and overly curious. Sanae's rather stubborn, and has a one-track mind. If she has her mind set on something, it will be incredibly hard to stop her. Speed: 9 Attack: 7 Defense: 7 [she trains lots o-o] Crush: Nup Other: None

8:27am Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( What's with the bats. o.o ))
8:59am Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ -shruggeth- Creeps me the -bleep- out xD I don't like bats :c Not ever since a fruit bat slammed into my arm for no reason when I was a kid. Natsume's a black bat. 'Nuff said. ]]
5:13pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 200
Name: Jenna Age: Fourteen Gender: Female Werewolf or Vampire: Werewolf Pack position: Fighter Deion:  Attack: Medium Defense: Low Speed: High Mate//Crush: Open History (Optional): Jenna had a pretty normal life. When she was twelve her mother and father divorced. She lived with her mother most of the time, but occasionally she would visit her father. One night while at her mother's house, her mom's boyfriend took advantage of her. She was too afraid to tell her mother, but eventually lived with her father full time. She was never really the same. She would stay out too late partying, or doing other things. One night, her friends left without her, giving her no way home. She was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and forever immortalized. Personality: Jenna can be anything really. She can be shy and sweet, or loud and obnoxious. She is quite naive, and very stubborn. Even when she knows she is wrong she will still fight. She has a very good sense of humor. She is super flirty, especially at the wrong times. She has the gift of being able to read people. Other:  Name: Liam Age: Twenty-seven Gender: Male Werewolf or Vampire: Vampire Pack position: Deputy Deion:
Attack: High Defense: Medium Speed: Medium Mate//Crush: Open History: Liam was a quiet boy. He didn't really have any friends; no one would talk to him. Everyone gossiped about how weird he was. He never caused any trouble, and he even felt sometimes that his parents didn't even notice him. He went to a university, and found himself in a dark alley. He wasn't scared when the tall, pale, and beyond perfect man approached him. He felt more eager than scared. Personality: Liam is hard to describe. He is loyal, determined, and fun to be around. However, he can also be quiet and reserved. He is very intelligent, but has a low tolerance for others. Other: 

6:09pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((Everyone: I love your bios! All accepted. Tld: It's okay that you don't like bats, so you don't have to post a bat pic. But if you could do a werewolf pic, that would be awweessooommmeeee.))
9:04pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 4,355
((Up. Someone can start :U))