10:47am Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 12:16pm Aug 3 2010)
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In the year 2121, to deal with the over-population on Earth, a raffle was drawn. Every living persons name was thrown into a computer and tossed around. At 0100, 20 thousand families were chosen for the prize; transport to one of the newly discovered and civilized planets the seemed to have the same atmosphere, gravity, and seasons/weather of Earth. The technology is more advanced by far... Houses in transparent orbs that floated in the air (Solid walls within)-anchor.ed to the ground by a complex system that also allowed the dwelling to be pulled down based on the inhabitants wishes. Buses like bouncy houses; built for comfort and fun, not speed. There are three areas you may use: The sleeping area, the main travel area, and the deck. But dont be overwhelmed. When you first step foot from the ship, you see is a green and forested span of ground with the bubble houses far in the distance. The settlers have tamed a few of the local...animals for riding and working. A large dog-lizard greets you with a bell-like roar. But thats not all. Your school is planning a field trip to the capital city, Liliuthia! Whether youve wanted to go there since you arrived or not, you have to admit that you would like to see the floating city, with its gl*censored* building and bridges, the large crystal fountain in the middle of the city...and the summer masquerade coming up. Only question is, who are you and what are you doing in my brain? ------------------------------------------------ Im serious. I had a dream about all this stuff-which may explain why it's so scattered. Reminds me of Anne McCafreys 'DragonsDawn' (Which is a great boot, BTW). My dream also had a gauntlet obstical course thingy that looked like a McDonalds Playland for some reason, but we'll forget about that. *Sigh* Almost got to the climax of my dream before my husband and Piff woke me up to go outside. :( :Rules: Age limit. 15-18 (Highschool age pretty much) Keep it squeaky clean Freeform or bio 5 sentences Post some random fact to join Meh heh
Resident mounted archer
11:02am Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 11:02am Aug 3 2010)
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<-(Random Fact)-> |<->| (Health is only the slowest rate at which one can die) |<->| Name: -James Alexander- Age: -17- Gender: -Male- Personality: -He is kind and understanding and he always puts others before himself. He's considerate of others and can be shy at times, but once you get to know him he can get a little hyper thought not too much. He's polite and doesn't like taking advantage of people even if they put themselves out there- History: -He was raised the normal old fashioned way, with a mother that taught him manners and a father that taught him respect. He had older brothers that were the best you could ever have, they fought constantly and hardly got along but he loves them- Crush: -[Open]- Likes: -Music, Kind People, Hanging out with his friends. He's creative so he likes drawing or doodling and playing his guitar. He likes singing but not in front of other people. Animals, having fun, making others happy. The little details in things that no one else seems to notice- Dislikes: -Loud noises, rude people, taking advantage of others, others taking advantage of people. People that think they should get things or think that they are special. People that are just spiteful and being ridiculed- Other: -He's gay-
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:24am Aug 3 2010
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((I didnt know that! :O I didnt think anyone would join. XD)) Shy walked around the shadow her adoptive parents' house made; The circle was enough to fill her attention at that time. She blew a whisp of white blonde hair from her eyes, which stood out most of the time because of their coloring, brown. As if to spit her, the breeze blew again, blowing even more hair into her face. She decided it was best to ignore it. This place never ceased to amaze her. She had asked herself time and time again how the settling scientist had managed to make the spherical houses and the buses float, when the gravity here was the same as that of Earth. The air was noticeably lighter though. Maybe that had something to do with it. Shylo's musings were interrupted when her favorite dog barked. He was a medium sized mutt, a mixture of chow and labrador, just starting to reach thirteen. His muzzle, once the same pale color of her hair, was solid white. The dog continued barking until she walked over and knelt down, grabbing the extra skin on his neck and pulling lightly. golden hair shed into her hands and she wiped them on her jeans before she turned to see what was so important he had had to interrupt her boredom.
Resident mounted archer
11:48am Aug 3 2010
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12:02pm Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 12:04pm Aug 3 2010)
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Name: -Scott Hastings- Age: -17- Gender: -Male- Personality: -In a word, strange. He's never been normal by anyone's standards, and coming out as being bisexual only amped the effect. He's a very soft, very comp*censored*ionate boy, and his emotions sway quite easily. He has a dazzling wit, always quick to think of some snarky response, and his sense of humor is... unique. Still, he stands up for what he truly believes in, and nothing can change him once he's set in his ways.- History: -The boy's past is what make his so different. His father used his mother, and, backed by the rest of their small Welsh town that could only be called a village, kicked her out, throwing stones at her and her 6-year-old son. The reason for this was simple. She was Wicca in a time and place where, despite all the modern advances and new ways of thinking they still condemned witches to burning at a stake. So they fled, and Scott was raised into his mother's pagan beliefs, worshipping the Great Mother, Danu, his only true home the woods near his house.- Crush: -[Open]- Song:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xn7rjlOxfc Isle of Inisfree - Orla Fallon
Looks: -http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/15/l_ffb5f87c723d4870802ac35d268a6f12.jpg Likes: -Music, being in nature, and animals. He loves his mother, and his artwork, which is his greatest escape.- Dislikes: -Being in crowdy, dirty spaces, and those who would force him to anything he wasn't willing to do.- Other: -He's Wicca, and a Goddess worshipper.-
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12:09pm Aug 3 2010
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((Thats a great song. Always catch myself singin to it when the track rolls by. ^^))
Resident mounted archer
12:18pm Aug 3 2010
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With a ringing laugh Scott burst onto the scene, running at top speeds. The lovely golden-haired girl didn't even register, as Scott tore through. A puppy barked at his heels, her coat shimmering pale gold. She was pure wolfhound, and at three months her shoulders already reached Scott's knees. It was quite a feat, considering his height, but Scott loved his big rowdy bundle of fur. She barked happily, the perfect harmony to his light laughter.Warm brown eyes sang with it, long limbs pumping to gain further speed in an attemt to outrun his hound. When he did finally notice the girl in the shadow of her home he lost balance, tripping over his own rather large feet. The result was comical, and Scott knew it well as he was flung to the earth in a tangle of flailing limbs. He bounced a few times, skidding to a stop. Just like that Grace was on top of him, licked and barking to say, "Ha ha! You fell and I caught you!" Despite the pain in his knees -which he could tell without having to look were fairly torn up and probably bleeding heavily- Scott laughed, hugging the pup to him and tussling her wiry blonde fur. "You silly beast. I'll have you for that..."
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12:26pm Aug 3 2010
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Furbur, Shylos dog, scooted back, breaking from her light hold. Shy rolled her eyes and muttered "Big ol' scardy-cat," But she stood up and dusted the seat of her pants off and rubbing them together absently. Her dog looked around the back of her legs. "Are you alright?" Shylo called. Furbur stumbled to regain his balance as his mistress took a step away from him and stood still yet again. If she was going to be like that...he had a road to lie in. He meandered to the street, much like the one at the other place, and lie down, pointedly facing the opposite direction.
Resident mounted archer
12:33pm Aug 3 2010
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[[ Whuts stretching the page? DX ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:37pm Aug 3 2010
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He turned to the girl's voice, eyes widening. Here was the true test of his mettle: talking to another human being. Dogs, cats, deer, mice, rabbits, the odd ferret... He had no trouble talking to them. It was people that were his trouble. He stood, wincing at the sharp pain shooting through his legs. For a moment he gave himself a once-over, taking inventory of the new cuts and scrapes. His knees had been hit, as well as the heel of his hands. From the reaction of throwing his hands out to stop, no doubt. Thus *censored*ured that he was still alive Scott drew his attention to the girl. Standing still in the street he looked like he'd been sent forward in time from the Victorian era, dressed in an old-fashioned suit with a vest of deep red brocade, the rest all black escarlette. His pocket watch lay a few feet away, and he nabbed it, trying to stall. Of course, that could only go on for so long before he was forced be propriety to answer her. "I'm fine. Just... Took a little spill."He blushed a deep rose, gaze dropping to the ground. 'Thank you, Captian Obvious.'
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12:43pm Aug 3 2010
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(It might be Reins bio...maybe?)) Shylo smirked. "Well duh you did. Next time you try to fly, I suggest you gain a pair of wings." Her smirk turned into a much kinder smile as she watched. "Do you need anythin'? Bandages, anit-whatevers? Sommat." She blinked and looked up the road and looked at Furbur, making missing sounds. He looked back over his shoulder and wagged his tail, his purple tongue lolling out. Shy laughed; she was forgiven.
Resident mounted archer
12:52pm Aug 3 2010
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ooc:// *shrugs* Idk, my bff Jill? But whatevs. Back to the roleplay... bic:// The blush spread at her words, and he refused to meet her eyes. He focused on Grace, who was whining pitifully for his attention. In spite of the situation he chuckled, crouching to lift her into his arms. It was a miracle that he could still do so, her growing so fast and all... But Scott, focus. He met her gaze with a laugh, shaking his head. "I'll be fine. It happens all the time. Just a shame... I really liked these pants..." Sighing he eyed the rip in his favorite black dress pants, eyebrows knitting together in mild annoyance. How was he going to dress up for the Masquerade now...
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1:19pm Aug 3 2010
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Shylo shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever ya say. Furbs!" She called over her shoulder and snapped her fingers. The dog got up and trotted over, gazing up at Shy with brown eyes. She glared at him. "Stay out of the middle of the road." He sneezed and trotted to the shade of the floating sphere. "Sorry. My dog," Shylo looked at the boys pants. "Yep. Total shame. Looked like good pants. But, why were you wearing them out here?"
Resident mounted archer
1:26pm Aug 3 2010
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Her question surprised him, as he'd never bothered to ask it of himself. Thoroughly stunned he eyed his pants in minor confusion, then looking at the girl, then back to his pants. "Huh. Good question." He wracked his brain for an answer, and found none that made any real sense. All he saw was his mother's face, heard her sigh of resignation, saying, 'Where them if you want, but they're sure to get dirty.'
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1:32pm Aug 3 2010
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Shylo laughed. "Silly. Even I wouldnt wear dress pants if I was runnin' with my dog...dogs...whatever. Runnin'." She looked at the dog in his arms and nodded. "Wolfhound. Excellent dogs. They seem to age real fast though. Largest dog breed. Used to hunt wolves, yadda yadda yadda. What's your name? Im Shylo."
Resident mounted archer
1:39pm Aug 3 2010
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Finally. A topic he could relate to. Dogs. Namely, Grace. "Oh, yeah. She's my baby girl. They don't age fast, they just grow fast. Gracie here is the best I've ever had." He raised an eyebrow at her apparent impatience, tempted to walk away right then. Instead he went against his better judgement, giving a slight bow in lieu of a greeting. "Pleasure to meet you, Shylo. My name is Scott." Smiling warmly he set Grace down, patting her on the head.
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2:02pm Aug 3 2010
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James sat in a tree nearby, drawing sketches of the dogs. He thought it best to draw them when they didn't know you were there and trying to get your attention or showing off. He frowned slightly at the couple, they seemed odd to him. Acting as if the boy wasn't about to p*censored* out from blood lose or anything like that. He found himself sketching them along with their dogs. Something he didn't draw often. He lifted his hand to brushed a stray strand of hair out of his face, his ocean blue eyes darting from the paper to his models below. His wrist flicking skillfully across the page. Creating something out of nothing with barely anything at all.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:19pm Aug 3 2010
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While Scott stood, desperately thinking of a way to end the conversation, Grace smacked him with her tail. He looked down, first in confusion, then in understanding when his eyes met hers. A small smile crept across his lips. Without any further ado he turned away from the blonde, disappearing to the other side of the tree. Using ninja skills that came from years spent sneaking through woods to hide from his mother Scott slipped into the tree, just behind and above James. Hanging down from his perch Scott admired the sketches, grinning. "Very nice. But you know, Grace would've stood still for you. She can be a very calm model."
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2:28pm Aug 3 2010
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Shylo shrugged and returned back to her shadow walking, putting foot infront of foot, her arms spread for balance. She p*censored*ed Furbur and leaned down to pet him, noticing an extremely small dachshund curled up next to him. "Hello Ace, hows my boy?" The six month old dog looked up as she sat down and crawled into her lap. "Where're Piff, Carmen, and Squirt?" She asked, naming his companions as she stroked his fur. There were a lot of animals to her family, but the doxies were her favorites. She guessed the others were in the bubble above her head.
Resident mounted archer
2:38pm Aug 3 2010
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James flinched in surprise, "Shhhhi-" he dropped his pencil and leaned over to watch it hit the ground with silent dismay. He'd have to go get that now. He looked up, resting his head on the trunk of the tree as he did so, meeting the eyes of the boy that had been on the ground but moments ago. "I'd rather them be moving." James responded, his voice calm as he could get it. He had to admit that Scott's actions impressed him. He smiled, for someone to sneak up on him was getting less and less likely as time flew by. "I'm James by the way." He introduced himself.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~