3:25pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 12:40pm Jun 24 2011)
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Posts: 496
For most kids, life is pretty normal. They get up early in the week, go to school, try to understand what their teachers are saying, come home, groan about their homework, and then do whatever. On the weekends, they might go over to a friends house, go to a movie, or even a party. CHERUB kids, are not normal kids. They are spies. Trained in espionage, weaponry, deception, they go on under cover missions, trying to unearth some of the most top secret crimes in history. CHERUBs have saved millions of lives before, and they save more and more, each passing day.
Ok, I'd better give everyone a run-down on CHERUBs. They were created because children can get away with a lot more than adults. If an adult man came up to your house threatening to kill you if you didn't fess up the truth, then you'd slam the door in his/her face. But, if a child came up to your front door crying and telling you that his/her father's car had been in an accident, and his/her father was dead, then you'd open your door right away. Then, it was easy for the child to plant bugs in you house, and put camera's and microphones everywhere, and you wouldn't even know it.
CHERUBs are children from the age 10 to 17. They have all gone through rigorous training which challenged them, physically, mentally, and emotionally. They are not, easy to break. There is a system of colored T-Shirts which gives light to ranks.
ORANGE; for visitors only. These are only worn by children who have been invited (or at least drugged and brought) to campuss, to see if they would like to join CHERUB. CHERUB will not invite children over the age of sixteen, as they would provide little use to CHERUB.
RED; for CHERUBs that are too young, or failed to pass the 100 Day Basic Training. To qualify for the Training, a CHERUB must be three months past their tenth birthday.
BLUE; for CHERUBs that are going through the 100 Day Basic Training. This Training is known for its harshness and vigorous routines, and cruel and unusual punishments.
GRAY; for CHERUBs that have completed Training, but still have to earn their NAVY shirt. These CHERUBs are able to go on missions, but they are not always as appreciated as NAVY shirt CHERUBs.
NAVY; for CHERUBs who have shown excellence in several missions or one exceedingly difficult one. These CHERUBs are appreciated and respected more for their talents and skills.
BLACK; for CHERUBs who have shown excellence and skill on several missions after receiving their NAVY shirt. These CHERUBs are highly respecter for their talents and skills. CHERUBs hope to end their career with a BLACK shirt.
WHITE; for Staff and Retired CHERUBs. Sometimes they end up being both.
CHERUBs are able to turn down any mission, and even quit should they feel not up to the challenge. When not on missions, CHERUBs must attend school, and are expected to keep up with their lessons. Punishments are given out regularly.
NAME: [a name, obviously :P ] AGE: [all agents must be 10-17. Please ask for the Staff Bio] GENDER: [male or female] LANGUAGE/FLUENCY: [English is mandatory, but all agents must also speak another language, but depending on the character, they may be fluent, beginner, or average.] FIGHTING SKILLS: [This is levelled with: Master, Average, Intermediate, and Beginner. There are no Pro fighters except staff.] SHIRT COLOR: [No reds unless with permission from the owner. Please pick, GRAY, NAVY, BLACK or BLUE.] LOOKS: [general looks. Pictures are allowed, but they must be reasonable (i.e. they have to look like kids)] PERSONALITY: [personality goes here, Lol] FRIENDS: [friends of your character. You may "team-up" with another member and have you characters be friends. It works best if there's groups of friends, although loners and stray-ers (people who seemingly float from group to group) are allowed. this can be optional too.] FAMILY: [totally optional, but CHERUBs must have no living ties (only brothers or sisters are allowed)] HISTORY: [totally optional.]
RULES //No Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues// //No Power-playing// //Please rMail me if you'd like to be a CHERUB staff (your character, not you)// //I, Nomenaitrel, am the owner (not the official writer of the CHERUB series), and __________ is my co-owner. Please do not ask for this position. You will not get it. I will decide who is to be my co-owner. Our word is law.// //Please ask to join. You may be asked to send me some of your previous RPs if I have not RPed with you before.// //Post "Toys" if you have read through the whole thing.// //When posting, no one-liners. Be at least semi-literate, if not, literate. Don't post if you know you are short on time, or have a valid excuse. Simply rMail me with those cases.//
Mara Philson - GRAY - Nomenaitrel Kirsty N/A - BLACK - foxwolf Jacob Everson - BLUE - Nomenaitrel Eric Mackerman - BLACK - Nomenaitrel Shay Peyel - GRAY - Iceheart46 Jade Katanna - NAVY - emeraldwing Jake Katanna - NAVY - emeraldwing MY CHARACTERS:
NAME: Mara Philson AGE: 13 GENDER: female LANGUAGE/FLUENCY: Her second language is Greek. She is still a Beginner. FIGHTING SKILLS: Average SHIRT COLOR: GRAY LOOKS: http://msnbcmedia2.msn.com/j/ap/missing%20girl%20arranged%20marriage-580686527_v2.grid-4x2.jpg PERSONALITY: Mara is a generally shy individual. She hates being new, and is socially insecure. The big question for her is, "What will they think of me?". She asks herself this almost everyday, and yet, she can never find the right answer. Mara is timid and shy, not willing to be first. This excludes her ability to fight fairly well.
Mara is smart, and intelligent, but given a pressuring situation, and she will forget almost anything in a flash. This sometimes gives her a bad reputation. Mara loves music and literature, but she loves hanging out with her friends more than anything else. She likes going to the movies, although parties tend to be a little awkward for her. This is completely average for a girl her age, although she may not realize that.
She can be witty and funny, but never sarcastic. She hates Strawberry Ice cream, although she loves strawberries. Her perfect romance scene would be gazing up at the stars on a clear night, laughing and asking each other questions. Mara would be utterly normal, if it weren't for the fact that she is a spy.
When it comes to her work, school wise or other, she can be serious. She strives to get high grades, and will always ask for help. She's not brilliant in maths, but she is amazing in English. History and Art are her two favorite subjects. She hasn't been on a mission yet, but, she hopes she will soon! FRIENDS: None yet as she is still fairly new and has just gotten out of training.
I will probably create more charries as the RP continues, but as of now, this is all I have. There is no real given plot, but every now and then, I will post a new mission and who's characters will be participating. Make of the mission what you want, but don't make it last longer than four months actual time.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:33pm Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 5,406
3:37pm Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 496
((Sure! Just create a character.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:36pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 5:49pm Jun 19 2011)
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Posts: 5,406
NAME:Kirsty (her last name is hidden for protection reasons) AGE: 17 GENDER: Female LANGUAGE/FLUENCY: Fluent in about 5 launguages that include. Japaneese, German, Latin, Dutch and Greek. She always speaks english but the others she has learned while moving around the world. (i can't personaly speak any of those but i will add what they are meant to mean XD so don't shout at me if i make a mistake haha) FIGHTING SKILLS: She is a level 3 Master in all forms of fighting. She doesn't have friends so she trains herself to get better and better. Once she finishes her homework that is. SHIRT COLOR: Black and she has been for a number of years. LOOKS:  (is this ok?) PERSONALITY:Kirsty is friendly, nice and polite she will hide what she thinks to others so she doesn't hurt them, She keeps most of her feelings inside bottled up just so she doesn't let those know what is wrong when everything seems right. Kirsty would rather help others then to let them help her and if she could she would give everything she had to those that needed it. When Kirsty is on a mission though she is a different person. She gets rid off all emotions and is very serious some people would say that she has a split personality but it is just her mission style so that no one gets hurt. FRIENDS:She is a loner. She feels that a team wuld hold her back from completeing her missions. She will help some of the others if they need it but she doesn't like anyone helping her. FAMILY: Kirsty doesn't know if she has a family or not. She was found outside the main building by one of the staff and was raised there and trained as soon as she was old enough.

5:14pm Jun 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((Fox, OK, for the languages thing, CHERUBs in the series never really spoke more than two, although three here is fine, but make them unique? Please don't do Spanish AND French as those are common, taught-in-school languages. Also, can you just change the Family thing. Most CHERUBs are orphans that are picked from Orphan Houses. Other than that, she's fine.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:15pm Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 496
((Forgot to mention. CHERUBs always take on a different name during a mission. Just so you know! :) ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:30pm Jun 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,406
((as for the family thing if you think about it she is orphaned XDa nd i will get rid of french and spanish but can i keep the rest?))
5:38pm Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 496
((Ok, I just took a real hard look at your languages, and Irish isn't a language! xD It's a type of people from Ireland. So that counts three off, leaving you with five. Can you get rid of just one more? Then I'll accept you, and sorry about the Family thing. I was confuzled xD... ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:50pm Jun 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,406
((ok i edited it XD i took away 4 launguages XD but i found out i mis counted lol there where 9 there haha))
5:51pm Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Toys are amazing. Did you know that? Haha, anyway... May I please join with a set of twins with Navy?))
6:03pm Jun 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((Sure, just make sure they aren't exactly the same, OK?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:35pm Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 496
NAME: Jacob Everson AGE: eleven GENDER: male LANGUAGE/FLUENCY: Jacob, since he is almost done his training, speaks average German, although he hates it and always uses English normally. FIGHTING SKILLS: Master SHIRT COLOR: BLUE LOOKS: [LOOKS] PERSONALITY: Jacob is the kind of boy who will brag just about anything. His teachers hope that the 100 Day Basic Training will knock this nasty habit straight out of him, but things aren't looking to good. He can be annoying, like all boys, but you always end up loving him, no matter what. Jacob loves weaponry, and he exels in that class. When he lived with his family, he had an Xbox 360 Live, and he would play Call of Duty and Modern Warfare with his friends, although he was banned from Assasin's Creed. To this day his eyes always light up when anyone mentions weapons, and he can now disable and able an actual bomb, so watch out! FRIENDS: He doesn't really have many friends, although there aren't many kids around campus that are his age. The older one's don't want to hang out with him because he's too young, and the younger one's can't participate in his activities. So he's kind of stuck until some more boys his age complete training and join him.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:23pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 11:45am Jun 24 2011)
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Posts: 4,258

PERSONALITY: Jade is a quiet and observant girl, completely independent and self sufficient. She talks to few and prefers solitude over crowds of people. She has alot of pride in herself, maybe too much for she is unwilling to turn to anyone for personal problems and allows only her brother to as.sist her on missions. She holds in all of her emotions, hiding behind a mask of indifference, and blames herself for any failures. You might often hear her crying alone in the dark when she thinks all others are asleep, her only escape in the missions she accepts. There isn't a mission she won't take if it means that she will be too busy to think about personal issues. Other than the fact of being known for her acrobatic fighting style, she is also known for her extremely short temper.
FRIENDS: She sticks to herself and isn't very social. She teaches herself how to accomplish tasks and trains only with her twin brother Jake. Though she has a soft spot for animals and understands younger children better than those her own age. FAMILY: She has a twin brother Jake. HISTORY: Only Jake knows of her past, for she shares it with no one. But if you can stand to stick around long enough, you would be surprised at how much she is willing to share to those who choose to support her in her sorrow. ~~~ NAME: Jake Katanna AGE: 15 GENDER: Male LANGUAGE/FLUENCY: Italian and French FIGHTING SKILLS: Master SHIRT COLOR: Navy LOOKS:  PERSONALITY: Very much unlike his sister, Jake is the partier. He absolutely loves spending time around people, weither he knows them or not. Always up for adventure and full of energy, he is willing to take on any task to boost his reputation. Both he and his sister are known for their unique style of fighting, one of the reasons they usually go on missions alone. They fight as two parts of the same entity, seeming to know each other's thoughts and moves before they even make them. Jake loves his sister very much and feels her pain, always wanting to cheer her up. Even so, he can be a little immature and reckless...Often finding himself in trouble that causes Jade more pain. FRIENDS: Jake is willing to work with anyone, very open to making new friends. But he is kind of socially akward and tends to feel more comfortable when it's just him and his sister. FAMILY: He has a twin sister named Jade. HISTORY: Because of his relation to Jade and her preference to keep their past in the dark, he doesn't share his history with anyone. Though at times he wishes he would.
9:35pm Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Toys. I like them. c: Join with a Gray shirt? Could she be teamed up with Mara, too?)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:06am Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 496
((@emarldwing I can't accept them until you get their looks up. @Ice sure. I'd also be fine with Mara and your character being friends. Maybe they went through training together or something?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:11am Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 243
[To join or not to join... -mental debate-]
7:50am Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 496
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:30pm Jun 20 2011 (last edited on 3:03pm Jun 20 2011)
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Posts: 3,950
(Yeah, sure, that works. ^^ I'll get my bio's up later, just running a quick scan of Res right now. I found time. :u)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:57pm Jun 20 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((@Ice, sure thing ^^ ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:17pm Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 496
NAME: Eric Mackerman AGE: 17 GENDER: Male LANGUAGE/FLUENCY: Although Eric speaks mainly English, he also speaks Russian and German fluently. FIGHTING SKILLS: Eric is a Master. SHIRT COLOR: BLACK LOOKS: [LOOKS] PERSONALITY: Eric is a layed back, seemingly cool guy. He likes to hang out with his mates, and he doesn't really care about much more. He works out regularly, keeping his Fighting Skills in check. Eric is the kind of guy that isn't arrogant or vain, yet you'd think he would be. Eric does strive to do well in a few subjects, but other than that, he doesn't care much for school. This often gets him punished. He was even taken off of a mission because he didn't complete a history assignment in time. Eric loves to go sailing more than anything, and he dreams of being the Captain of a ship when he leaves CHERUB. FRIENDS: He has a lot of mates that he hangs out with, but they not really close to him. He's really looking for a girlfriend currently.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.