6:18pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 4:10pm May 3 2010)
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You’re a normal human being living in a normal city leading a normal life. Or at least, that’s what you thought. What you didn’t realize was that you were being targeted by dark creatures living in a place called the DreamWorld. The fabric of earth and the DreamWorld are intricately interwoven together– so intricately, in fact, that rumors of their world seep into ours – vampires, werewolves – and rumors of our world seep into theirs. There are no humans in DreamWorld, of course. We’re legendary creatures, there. Mythical beasts.
It just so happens that the so called normal city you’re living in is so intricately connected to the Dreamworld that those with powerful magic have been able to walk between the worlds, a pathway that has been open for centuries. Of course, no human being has magic, let alone the powerful stuff. That’s absurd. So naturally, the only people who manage to use this walkway are the nightmarish creatures living in that so called dreamplace…
But it’s not like they can do it whenever they please. Oh no. It takes a lot of energy to walk between worlds, after all. They need to make a blood pact with a member of the other side if they want to gain the ability and the powers that come with it – oh, and this person just so happens to be you. Although, Blood Pact is a misleading term. You don’t actually have to agree to it, so long as they get your blood. And let’s face it; a vampire is going to have no problems with taking you by surprise.
There’s just a slight problem. The blood pact has to be completed in the DreamWorld for it to be valid – Earth’s energy is not as strong, after all, since it has so many plants and animals and what not on it. That means your contractor needs to drag you into their world… and keep you there, for a time. Problem is, the DreamWorld has a lot of spare energy drifting about the place – that’s why the creatures here are so “magical”. It wouldn’t be surprising if you gained some nifty tricks and your contractor had a fight on their hands… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: 1.) No godmodding or Powerplaying, will not be accepted... 2.) Please be at least semi-literate with good grammar 3.) Please be some-what active, if your going away for a bit please tell me 4.) Do not kill a character unless you have their permission 5.) Cussing is okay, really bad words bleep out. 6.) Post 'Shadow of Who I was' in your bio post 7.) Romance is accepted, keep it pg, and so is violence, keep it pg-14 9.) If I tell you to leave, please do without arguing (but I doubt I will) 9.) As many Characters as you can handle 10.) Keep gender ratio's and human/mythical creature ratio's even ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bio's Human Form Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Ability to be learned: Other: PLEASE NOTE: this ability will be learnt in Dreamworld. That means it starts off small and gets bigger with time. Not three posts and then full-blown ninja abilities Nightmare Form Name: Age: Gender: Race: Race information: Appearance: Personality: Other: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Current Blood Pacts None Gender Ratio's (at the moment) - 5 / 4 Nightmare to Human Ratio's (at the moment)- 5 / 4 Note Pink = Girls Blue = Boys Red = Nighmares Purple = Humans

6:22pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 7:32pm Apr 30 2010)
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Name: Taylor Sommers Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: She has long, brown hair that, in the sun will obtain blonde streaks in it. She usually wears jeans and stylish t-shirts. She doesn't really like the tight stuff because she doesn't like the feeling of it. she is supermodel pretty. Long, angled face, and silver eyes. Personality: She is bubbly and fierce. When someone angers her, she tells them off. When she loves someone dearly, she will do anything to protect them. Ability to be learned: Telekenesis all the way....can she get wings way later, too? and maybe develop wolf ears and a tail XD. that's how all my powered charries are. Other: Taylor makes a friend in the dream land named Shadow. He is a jet black....i'll post the bio. Nightmare Form Name: Shadow Age: um...teen Gender: Male Race: Winged wolf Race information: He is a winged wolf. He can um...fly. He had left his pack because he was kicked out for befriending a human from the human world. He did not want to make a blood pact with her because he did not want to ruin her life. He wanted her to lead a normal life...haha didn't happen. Appearance: Jet black wolf. He is about the size of the werewolves in New Moon. His wings are jet black, but they are just like angel wings, not devil. He does not have any scars even though he has been in a lot of battles. Personality: He is very protective of Taylor. He is a fierce fighter and never gives up. He is always doing what he thinks is right and always trying to help others. Other: Controls ice Shadow of Who I Was
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
6:34pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 4:09pm May 3 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
((Accepted! And yes, she can have a winged wolf friend. 10 RP's...wow. )) Name: Faythe Sanders Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: bout 5’6 feet tall with slightly tanned skin. She has a slight build and fairly muscular, but not bulkily so. She has a pretty face with a soft mouth but a stubborn chin. Her eyes are a dark brown that can seem hard as steel. Her hair reaches a few inches below her shoulders and has a slight natural curl. It is a deep chestnut with lighter natural highlights. She always wears hip hugger jeans and a tank top shirt normally dark green, blue or black. She has a necklace she always wears that is the black half of the yin and yang symbol. Personality: Faythe is very outgoing and aggressive, if she does not like you or you do something to anger her, you'll know. She can hold a grudge from this life time to the next or become your best friend the next day. She loves to fight because its, to her, a adrenaline rush. Not one to speak when spoken to or even look in your direction unless provoked, she see's little in gaining friends except someone besides yourself to look after. But deep down she is slightly lonely, because after her brother was killed she had no one else, even if she does push everyone away. Even worth all the faults in her personality, if she cars to get to know you, she can be a friend and will support you till the very end, just don't expect her to be someone you can come and talk to when problems arise. Ability to be learned: Ability to see the dead Other: Nothing of importance Name: Dimitri Ramos Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Shape-shifter Race information: He cannot change into any animal he wants, though thats what most think. The only creature he can shift into is a huge black wolf with crimson eyes. This wolves shoulders tend to reach a mans mid-torso. His other form is a cat, either a small black house cat or a large panther looking cat. This is considered one form because their the same, only different sizes. Appearance: Dimitri is not a person you would want to meet in a dark alley. He looks sorta like a guy who would slit your throat without a backwards glance. He is extremely tall, standing about 6’5 in height. He has a strong, distant face with dark brown eyes that seem to grow black when he’s angry. His hair is dark brown that reaches his neck and is slightly wavy. He wears comfortable dark jeans and a black shirt. A long black cloak covers him.A scar goes over his left eye brown and he has a tattoo around his right arm that goes down his shoulder. Personality: He’s a little gruff, blunt and straight to the point. To those he dislikes he will tell you about it and will try to keep his temper in check. But if he likes you, he’s your best friend and would do anything in the world for you. He has a quick sharp temper and when provoked can become very violent, he tends to be sorry after words, but that does no good to either a corpse or someone ready to take a swing back at you. Other: Nope Name: Viktor Conner (goes by Vic) Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Chronokenesis Race information: He can, to a point, control time. Such as slow it down or speed it up while he, or someone he wants, is not affected. At times he can even create a worm hole or time warps, but using it to much can kill him or paralyze him permanently. Appearance: Vic is one of those people who's looks say 'I don't bite, you can ask me anything.' His hair reaches slightly past his ears and is a thick sandy blonde with side sweeping bangs that always tend to flop over his eyes. The tips of his hair, including his bangs, are dyed black. He stand abouts 6'3 and has a normal build for any guy that is athletic. His shoulders are broad and he is some-what muscular, but not so much that he looks bulky. He has a cheery face with high cheek bones and almost is always smiling a razor blade of a smile. His eyes are a dark sapphire blue that tends to get darker around the iris. Vic wears normal dark washed jeans and a tight black shirt covered by a black jacket. Personality: He is normally very cheerful and easy going, some one who is not afraid to flirt with the ladies or stand up to a over-protective boyfriend. But he is not very loyal at heart, preferring to lead someone on top believing he's their friend then casting them aside just as quick. He can be very aggressive if he does not like you and is not afraid to kill you on the spot and blame someone else. Other: Nope

6:40pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( i know DX. i like writing XD. is that okay? i ♥ shadow. he is in most of my rp's...i always find a way to get him into them lol. 'cept for romance rp's.))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
6:43pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((I love to write to, it's so relaxing (: And yes, Shadow is fine and he may control ice.))
7:17pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 7:25pm Apr 30 2010)
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OOC: Shadow of who I was. Can I has joinage? xD Human form Name: Rachel Fountain Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Rachel has beautiful silky brunnette hair with natural red highlights in it. It falls to about her mid-back. Her skin complection is fair-- not pale as death, but she's usually one of the more paler people in the room. Her eyes are a striking, shocking blue that catches one's eyes immedietly. In some lighting some would say that they were almost violet. Her figure is extremely curvy. Her waist is extremely tiny, giving what I like to call "the hour-glas.s effect". It makes her look very pretty. She wears a pare of dark flare jeans and a navy blue form fitting short sleaved t-shirt with a picture of a raven on it. Personality: In one word: spunky. She is quite smart, but she likes to be led instead of taking the lead, though she'll gladly open her mouth and give advice when need be. She also has a somewhat shy side. Forgive me, I'm terrible at personalities. >.< Ability to be learned: How to bend... light for a change. Other: She has a talent and ear for music, but this has nothing at all to do with the roleplay. ^^ -x-x-x- Nightmare Form: Name: Squall Egnisity Age: 18 Race: Luck Stealer [if I may] Race information: Luck stealers are uncommon, but not unheard of in the so called dreamworld. They have the ability to steal somebody's luck if they have physical contact with something/somebody. This can cause the person to either just be a little unlucky... Or in a worst case scenario if nearly to all their luck is stolen the person could die or get seriously injured. A Luck Stealer also, when having recently stolen luck get a little luckier themselves or use the luck to create a visible sort of silver bullet which they can "shoot" at people. Appearance: Like all Luck Stealers, Squall has bleached white hair, fair, fair skin and is pretty darn tall. He has a good build. One eye of his is golden (not yellow, golden), the other emerald green, like moss. He wears black pants and a loose white t-shirt. Personlity: Forgive me. Please let me roleplay it out. D; Other: Notta.
7:19pm Apr 30 2010
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7:24pm Apr 30 2010
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OOC: Sorry. Took a sec to decide if I wanted him to be a vampire or one of my own things... I decided for him to be one of my own things.. :3
7:28pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Hey, Strayfais, haven't spoken in like forever. Join?)) Human Form Name: Aaron Evans Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: He has black, long, staright hair, with a few erratic blonde highlights. He is muscular, but skinny. He has high cheekbones and full lips, a straight, handsome nose, and deep blue eyes. He has a diamond peircing in his right ear, and sanke bites piercings on either side of his lips. He is tall and handsome, universally considered. He usually wears Hollister hoodies, graphic polo shirts, skinny, ripped jeans, and rocketdog shoes. Personality: He is popular, and has some bad habits. Despite his muscular build, he is not especially strong, but very vry fast, which helps him in fights. He is fun, though, and a "bad boy". He is easy to get along with, but has some bad habits- smoking underaged, hot wiring cars, stealing, drinking, and, er, some other things not to be mentioned... Ability to be learned: He will be able to see the future. Other: Was abused as a child, which explains his habits. He is quick into relatioships. PLEASE NOTE: this ability will be learnt in Dreamworld. That means it starts off small and gets bigger with time. Not three posts and then full-blown ninja abilities. Nightmare Form Name: Courtney Banks Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: Vampire. <3 Race information: She drinks blood guiltlessly, at least once a week. She is absolutely gorgeous, and isn't able to turn others into vampires, contrary to popular belief. Her eyes are red when she is thirsty, but an appealing blue when she is not. Her skin is rather cold and pale. Her species is friendly to other species, and only drinks human blood to survive. She is incredibly fast and strong. Appearance: Gorgeous, layered black hair down to her chest, inhumanly beautiful figure, pale ski, blue eyes when well fed, red eyes when hungry. Medium height, high cheekbones, skinny. So gorgeous that human beings and nightmares have trouble keeping their eyes off of her, despite gender. Makes females feel jealous, and males infactuated. Personality: She is rather kind, actually, and flirty. She doesn't like to kill, unlike most of her species, and makes deat painless for her victims. She is easy to befriend. She uses her appearances against her victims. Other: Actually enjoys being a vampire.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:28pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((BY the way, Shadow of who I was>))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:40pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Thats fine Nightmare Dream ^^ iheartyou919: Of course you may join Heart! It's been to long, good to see you again! Accepted))
7:42pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( can someone rmail me when we start? i am veryyy busy DX))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:44pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 7:45pm Apr 30 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
((I will Shadowwolf96. We'll start once we have one more Nightmare so everything will be even (preferably male by-the-way).))
7:54pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((May I join? Shadow of Who I Was.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:00pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Of course SerenitySorrow! Go ahead and post your bio/bio's.))
8:34pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Awesome. We're starting sometime tomorrow, I guess, then? -is excited-
8:38pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 8:49pm Apr 30 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
((Edit: Guess I'll start.)) Sitting at the entrance of the portal, which looked more like a strip missing out of the air, a black wolf watched as a hazy city slumbered through the night. He scowled over his shoulder at the dark and some-what dreary world behind him, hating that he was forced to live in the dank place rather then the beautiful world outside of Dreamworld. Lifting a paw he let it sink through the portal part way, flinching as he felt a little of his power drain away to allow himself to manifest in the new world. Dragging the limb back out, Dimitri called himself seven kinds of stupid for trying something like this, something idiotic yet powerful. Huffing through his nose, he paced back and forth in front of the missing air strip, eyes trained on the small park in the distance, knowing that when he decided to travel, thats where he would land. Among the tree's and foliage that was the human realm he was out of place and a oddity, a feeling that was amazing yet terrifying to the young shape-shifter who had always been nothing more then a normal creature all of his life. Padding forward to stand nose to open-strip with the portal, he braced himself for the odd power drain that would come with the dimensional exchange.

8:40pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((I'm so sorry, Im gonna drop out. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed with my roleplays I'm in like 13, or more. I'm really sorry, this is such a good plot too.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:40pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Thats okay SerenitySorrow, I understand.))
8:47pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((eh...i think i should drop out, but....i would feel bad DX))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.