7:11pm Apr 15 2010
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I wanna RP that'll last more than 24 hours. Modern days, normal people, board rules, free-form or bio. 1 2 3 go! "Pick one."
The words seemed to float over our heads forever, my mother and me on one side of a room, my da on the other. A man overhead, looking out over a balcony. He was wearing the stereotypical black of a bad guy, looming over us from the balcony in a frightening way. My da was looking, turning his anguished face from his wife of twenty years to his eldest daughter, me. I was sixteen. His hair is graying at the temples, creeping farther upward. Mom pushes me forward. I look back at her. There are unshed tears in her light blue eyes. My eyes. She nods and steps back, moving her arms as if to hold me one last time. Her hair falls into her face as she looks down. Dark blond hair. My hair. My figure. I could be her clone. She looks at my da and the tears jump over the dam, overflowing. She holds her hand up and clenches it into a fist, squaring her jaw. He does the same. His brown eyes are steeled. One tear escapes. Mom makes up his mind, turning and taking a step. A step that went on forever. Down she went. Down down down. Splash. No one could survive that. Maya jerked awake, her cheeks wet. "No! Mom!" she shuddered and looked around her room, blue gray in the light of early morning, the peeling wallpaper casting shadows. Sounds of birds waking up found her ears and she shivered, getting out of bed, taking the too-small quilt with her as she rummaged through her drawers for a pair of clean pants and shirt. Unable to find one, she cast around the floor and found a semi-clean pair of Wranglers by the foot of the bed. They were warm. Dog must have slept on them. She shrugged and slung them over her shoulder, picked up her school bag, and left the house. The school was quiet, few sane people awake at this hour, let alone willing enough to traverse in the freezing weather of December unlit they had a good reason. The heat was just kicking in, blowing gusts of cold air straight down onto Mayas blond head and down the collar of her shirt, making her twitch. She frowned, wishing that wouldn't happen so very often.
She made her way to the boys locker room. Why the boys'? Why not the boys'? She had to get a shower some way or another. She looked around, up and down the hall. It was deserted. For now. If she was going to do this, she'd have to do it fast. Five minutes in and out.
Resident mounted archer
7:13pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Join? -Tiltd Head-
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:20pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Haha. *dont care* XD))
Resident mounted archer
7:27pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,361
So um...whats the plot?
7:27pm Apr 15 2010
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Name || Alyx Wolfe Age || 18 Gender || Male
Appearance || Alyx has spiky black hair and mismatched eyes. The left eye is yellow and the right blue. He has a lanky frame, and an angular face with slanted eyes. He could be called handsome, with his long eylashes and thick lips. He has a bit of a reputation, and everyone steers clear of him, owing to his appearence. He has an eyebrow ring, two studs in each brow, a nose stuc, two lip rings, bars in his left ear, and a tounge stud. His hair could be described as emo, as it flops over one eye. He wears a black shirt with strped sleeves and a white skull on the chest. He wears a checkered wrist band, and a few silver rings on his right wrist. Other || None
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:30pm Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 7:35pm Apr 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
((Oh whatever...join?)) Name: Shadow Gender:female Age:17 Looks:does it matter? Personality:Shadow never talks,never has.Though her thoughts are clear and strong.Talking is something she feels no need to have.Nothing to say.To her body language counts for all.Shimmering eyes staring back speaks words thats cant be descirbed by tongue.She is a shadow to study to watch.Homeless and grey
7:35pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Alyx sat in the locker room, on his back on one of the short, woooden banches in between the ugle orange lockers, He gazed at the chipped and flaking ceiling, his hands behind his head. He liked this time of morning, where he could be alone, in utter silence. He sighed, sat straight up, chewing on his lip ring. He better get out into the halls and to his loclker before anyone else showed up. He flicked his black hair out of his yellow eye and picked up his red and black checkered messenger bag, his rings clicking in the still morning air. The skull on his shirt grinned at the lockers as he sat with his bag in his lap, drumming his long fingers on the surface. He unscrewed one of his ear bars and turned it over in his hands, slipping it back in. Getting to his feet, Alyxander Wolfe walked to the door and piushed it open, his eyes on the floor. He prompty collided with someone, falling to the floor with his bag popping open and spilling fountain pens and mechanical pencils everywhere. He was flat on his back, rubbing his head. "I'm sorry," He said, looking up to see a girl. What was girl doing at the entrance to the bay's locker room. Alyx stayed parylazed on the floor, looking up at the blonde girl.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:41pm Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 7:42pm Apr 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Shadow walked the sullen halls of the school.She was a tiny girl probably only 5'2 at the most.But she had a full frame,walking fast as if being followed her small tanned face painted in a realaxed face.She heard a bang it echoed by the boys locker room.She stopped dead her almost white silver eyes raced through the hall.She sleek black hair fell against her face she slowly walked into the boys bathroom.seeing what had happened when she saw the two.She rolled her eyes in distaste "boyfriend and girlfreind"Scanned through her head she stayed glued to the door.Silent hoping to be unseen.She bit her lip feeling the two metal spiderbites on the left of her lip.Her olive complexion glowed almost.She looked down to her barefeet and up again.Watching.
7:49pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Plot? What is the word of which you speak? C'mon! Ish random, born out of having absolutely nothing to do. XD I gotta go. See yas later))
Resident mounted archer
10:54pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Okay. Back. And the story picks up 2 years after the cause of Mayas dream, so she's 18 now...*had a brain fart*)) Maya stepped back, nearly dropping her own stuff. "'s fine," she mumbled. In her haste to keep her stuff from falling, she dropped a small bottle of shampoo, the kind you get in motels. She bent to pick it up, placing the rest of her stuff on the floor beside her. She slid a pencil over to the boy and stood up and rubbing her shoulder, shifting undecidedly before holding a hand down to the black haired boy that had run into her.
Resident mounted archer
8:21am Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Alyx shook his head and gathered up all the pencils, dropping them back into the bag, his pale face red. He looked up at the hand the girl offered him, and took it, pulling himself up. "Thank you," He said, his eyes on the floor. "I wasn't looking. What are you doing here so early?" He asked, rubbing the back of his spiky hair. Part of it ran down his face, hiding the freaky yellow eye from view. Alyx sighed and picked up a pad of paper, the cover wrinkled and other sheets of paper sticking out at odd angles.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:07am Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Sorry gunna be gone all day.))
Resident mounted archer
1:47am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Whoa people. Slow down. XD Thanks for waitin. I got 2nd place in art at a state wide district convention thingy.)) Maya looked at the boy and down the hall as if checking to make sure no one was around, then she looked at the floor. Looked at her shoes, covered in mud. Back at him. Past his head, actually... "I need to take a shower..." She answered awkwardly. ((Thats such a fun word. XD Awkward. Awkwardly. Awwwwkraaaard.))
Resident mounted archer
7:10pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Shadow turned away,venom pierced through her as she felt jealousy she hated and never quite understood but accepted.As she walked away the large canvas bag she held that practically carried her hom snagged on the oped door handle causing her to get yanked backwards.She yelped in pain as her bottom hit on the tile floor.Remebering the two people in the locker room that could see her in plain sight she tried to get up and slipped back down.Her icy blue eyes widened in horror.
9:46pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Alyx raised a studded eyebrow and looked past Maya, at the girl on her butt with a canvas strap caught on a door handle. "Go ahead." He said to Maya, moving so she could slip past his frame into the locker room. He was taller than her, at six feet four inches, and his cold blue eye gazed down at Maya.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
9:54pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Shadow gulped she slowly got up and pulled her bag off the door handle.She gulped shadow had never talked but she felt so embarr*censored*ed a explianation needed to be in order"um i uh was just um..."She had never heard her own voice before it was high and quite raspy probably from living with her abusive father who smoked liked a chimney.She stood there frozen
11:02pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Maya met the boys gaze. His eyes were kind of pretty. She nodded and went to move inside the room, but stopped and looked back at the girl. After an undisicive moment, she turned and walked, taking long steps toward the girl to help her up as well. She attempted a smile and offered her hand. "'s okay. Everybody does that. What matters is if you decide to get back up again."
Resident mounted archer
11:06pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,361
Shadow got up and smiled"thanks"she choked out.SHe dusted herself off and checked her bag she frowned when she saw a large tear in it."um...im...shadow" ((sorry i blanked))
11:09pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Haha. A brain fart you had. XD)) "No problem." Maya smiled back, shifting her load. She looked at the tear in Shadows bag. "Do you know how to sew? I've got needle and thread, and I know how to if you dont. My mom taught me..." The last four words were mumbled.
Resident mounted archer
11:12pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 11:13pm Apr 17 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Shadow felt supicous of the girl being so nice but answered."no"Her raspy voice choked out."and um...thanks."She turned slowly looking at the boy trying to look eyes with him to figure what he was maybe thinking.She looked down at her feet and up to the girls.She saw pain in her eyes and looked away feeling her pain somehow.The one look told her what she now knew"sorry"SHe mumbled not knowing what to do in the akward moment. ((haha jesh!))