10:31pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 5,279
They say that there is a bright pokemon that brings good fortune, Many fools go and seek it. And when they find it, they are to stunned to make chase, And that split second is all it takes. After the light comes the shadow. And any trainer who finds it is cursed, yet has the power of the world at their expense. ~ You are an aspiring pokemon trainer (not contests please). You start with a team of three pokemon and go from there. Unlike in the shows and games, you can carry and unlimited amount of pokemon with you. You can control your own pokemon, or control those of others. Each trainer has the chance to attempt to breed their pokemon, evolve them, or release them. ~ I play random wild pokemon which I have the power to make appear at any time. If you want a specific wild pokemon, simply ask and make it appear, or ask me to make it for you. ~ There will be no legendaries, spam, mary-sueing, ect. ~ Each trainer can have only one shiny pokemon, no more. ~ Bio Skelly: Trainer: Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Pokemon (List species): Persona: History: Other: ~ Pokemon: Name: Gender: Species: Looks: Persona: History(?): Other: ~ My bios will come soon as an example. :)

10:44pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 7:15pm Mar 18 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
Trainer: Name: Kevi Age: 17 Gender: Female Looks:  Pokemon : Staraptor, Fearow, Pidgeot Persona: SPunky and charismatic, she is very outgoing, but also tomboyish. History: She was once involved wiith Team Rocket, but left when they tried to take her beloved Staraptor. Not knowing where to go from here, she wanders around on the streets and battles aspiring trainers like herself, always carrying a specific hate for team rocket in the back of her mind. Other: Nup ~ Name: Valarie Gender: Female Species: Staraptor Looks: Persona: Very defiant, even though she was Kevi's first pokemon, she never quite forgave her for joining Team Rocket. She often disobeys orders. History(?): Was Kevi's first pokemon. Other: ~ Name: Cyclone Gender: Male Species: Pidgeot Looks:  Persona: Very dominant over Kevi's other pokemon. History(?): He was captured as a pidgeotto from the wild, and was Kevi's second pokemon. Valarie gave him a long scar accross his wing using aerial ace. Other:Nup ~ Name: Adrian Gender: Male Species: Fearow Looks:  Persona: Very flat and uncaring, submissive to everyone and quick to obey orders History(?): Was one of Kevi's first steals from TR. He was a newborn spearow, so he didn't kow what was happening. He quickly befriended Kevi and the others. Other: Nope ~~ALL CREDIT TO ORIGINAL ARTISTS~~

11:23pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 11:27pm Mar 12 2010)
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Posts: 867
Trainer: Name:Ruka Age:18 Gender:female Looks: Pokemon:glaceon,nidorina,swellow Persona:She's sweet and loves her pokemon very much to the extent of risking her own life to save theirs History:Ruka was very happy with her glaceon when she first got her and went everywhere with her.She always took Yuki out for strolls in the park outside her pokeball. Other:nope ~ Name:Yuki Gender:female Species:glaceon Looks: Persona:She's sweet towards other pokemon,but mostly to her teammates and Ruka History:The same as Ruka's except she would do anything in favor of Ruka Other:nope ~ Name:Blue Gender:female Species:nidorina Looks: Persona:She's mostly nice,but gets really defensive when it comes to other pokemon bullying her teammates History:She was a lonely nidoran,until she got caught by Ruka.Afterwards,she was sweeter and happier,and still is,though she evolved. Other:nope ~ Name:Saoran Gender:male Species:swellow Looks: Persona:He is usually like the older brother of the team and likes to boss others around History:He was caught and trained by Ruka,then formed a close bomd with the other pokemon Other: nope
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
11:23pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 10:45pm Mar 18 2010)
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Posts: 1,597
((Join?)) Name: Felan Age: 16 Gender: Male Looks: Pokemon (List species): Arcanine, Marshstomp, and Pikachu Persona: Kind and caring, but can also be mean and fierce. He prefers to be with his pokemon than in a place where there are a lot of people, but sometimes he just has to be in that situation. History: Felan's first pokemon was his Arcanine. He had found the Arcanine as a wounded Growlithe around an abandoned house and took care of him. Shortly after the Growlithe got better, his parents had died in an accident. Felan ran away from his home with the Growlithe and eventually he had found a firestone to make him evolve. Other: Nothing I can think of.. ~~~ Name: Lucian Gender: Male Species: Arcanine Looks: Persona: Loyal but fierce and protective when it comes to other pokemon and people he dosen't know. But he can be kind and caring like his trainer. Lucian tends to boss Felan's other pokemon around once in a while. History(?): Lucian had been owned by a member of team magma, but when he had lost a battle his trainer had abandoned him, thinking of him as worthless. Other: He has a scar across his right eye from a fight when he was a growlithe still owned by a member of team magma. ~~ Name: Jakiro Gender: Male Species: Marshstomp Looks: Persona: Usualy lazy, but when it comes to fighting he does his best. He is also loyal to Felan, and is more friendly than Lucian. History(?): Nothing much to say besides he was caught as a mudkip. Other: Nothing ~~ Name: Accalia Gender: Female Species: Pikachu Looks: Persona: Caring and is probably the most friendly from Felan's three pokemon. History(?): She was just recently captured by Lucian. Other: None
1:20am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Trainer: Name: Rika Age: 15 Gender: Female Looks:  Pokemon : Lucario, Tsukaiga, Diga (I-if that's alright. >W< Just tell me if it isn't. I'll change it to something else. :D) Persona: Kind to a fault, generous, friedly, yet also slightly shy. Very affectionate and loves to give hugs. C: History: Nothing too interesting, really. Her mother was a Pokemon Breeder that specialized in Lucario, though, so that's how she received her first Pokemon. :D Other: Is the daughter of a Lucario Breeder and has known Rulan his entire life. Was even there when he hatched. ~ Name: Rulan Gender: MAle Species: Lucario Looks Persona: Very loyal and very protective of Rika, who has raised him with careful guidance from her mother. He is willing to do anything for Rika, though her kindness prevents her from taking advantage of this. History(?): Was Rika's first Pokemon, and was given to her by her mother. Her mother helped her raise him from an egg, which made their bond strong at the start. From then, Rika has raised Rulan from a young Riolu to a Lucario, and he will always be by her side. Other: ....Smurfs and Lucarios are both bluuuue. owo ~ Name: Night Gender: Male Species: Tsukaiga Looks: He is just a little smaller than Arcanine. He has long, Sabertooth fangs that reach a full foot past his lower jaw and his fur is silver, his stripes a dark blue while his wings are now colored white with red stripes. His eyes are soft, kind, yet at the same time ferocious, and are colored to match the ocean. Persona: He has a kind heart, but he will kill to protect his precious daughter. So, I suggest not so much as making her cry. History(?): Was born at the Starter Center and had a Trainer for a while,but then he ran away to find adventure. He soon found and mated with a female Tsukaiga, while he was still only a Tirak. They had a Shiny Diga for a daughter, but his mate died soon after when a Tauros decided they were in hi territory. Since then, Night has been leading his daughter to where he believed the Starter Center still was. Being unable to find it, he and his daughter wandered in the wild, battling against many Trainers who wanted to capture them and separate them. But Rika had defeated them and captured them both, keeping them together. For that, Night has been grateful. Other: Dawne's daddy. :D ~ Name: Dawne Gender: Female Species: Shiny Diga (There goes my ONE shiny. xDDD) Looks: She's the size of a five-month-old tiger cub...And basically is a tiger cub, with a few differences. Her fur is a stunning silvery-blue and her stripes are a beautiful shade of light violet. She has a pair of feathered, black wings and has big, innocent honey-colored eyes that are flecked with gold and silver. Persona: She is absolutely the SWEETEST little critter you will eer come across. She refuses to belive that anyone is totally evil and will always look for the good in others. History(?): Look up at Night's. xD Other: Night's daughter. c: And loves the traveling she's been doing. xD ((Rulan is an actual Riolu on my Platinum game that I hatched myself. <3 And my name is RIka on there. xD))

10:05pm Mar 13 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,279
((All accepted! I'll wait for one or two more people to join before starting. :) ))
12:00pm Mar 14 2010 (last edited on 2:31pm Mar 16 2010)
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Posts: 6,165
Name:Angel Age:17 Gender:Female Looks:click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Pokemon (List species):Shiny patchirisu, espeon,charizard and an eevee Persona:Rp it out? History:Meh.... Other:Not much Name:Marina Gender:Female Species:Shiny patchurisu Looks:coming Persona:meh History(?):none Other:none Pokemon: Name:Kalia Gender:Female Species:Espeon Looks:espeon Persona:hem History(?):none Other:none (( will add others later))
12:19pm Mar 14 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,835
Trainer: Name:Aurora Age:14 Gender:female Looks:coming... Pokemon (List species):Blastoise, Charmander, Clefable Persona:Aurora is very tomboyish. She loves to do sports and swim. Aurora can be shy around new people sometimes but once she gets to know them she is outgoing and fun. History:She didn't tell me. Other:Nope Pokemon: Name:Jayra Gender:Male Species:Blastoise Looks:coming... Persona:You will see. History(?):Nothingreal important...He has been trained by Aurora his whole life. Other:Nope Pokemon: Name:Fireball Gender:Male Species:Charmander Looks:coming... Persona:You will see. History(?):He was just cought by Aurora not that long ago. Other:Nope Pokemon: Name:Giggles Gender:Female Species:Clefable Looks:coming... Persona:rping it out. History(?):Nothing much. Other:Nope
9:14am Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 1,597
10:37am Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 7:19pm Mar 16 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
Trainer:Name: Erin. Age: 14. Gender: Female. Looks: Erin. ALL CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST! Except her hair has electric blue streaks running through it, and the ends are tipped ice blue. Quick physical deion of body; Erin is petite; a bit shorter than average, and slender. She's pale with deep black hair in the style you see above. Yes, she does wear a little black dress with frills, with some dark blue jeans underneath. She goes barefoot. Pokemon: Vaporeon, Absol, Typhlosion Persona: Erin can be blunt, rude, and harsh, but she has a kind side too. She hates being without company and is very accepting of others; she'll make a friend out of anyone. She loves a challenge and is very energetic. She's fiercely loyal and trusting in her friends, but can be wary of any stranger. Uhm, Rp the rest out. History: Erin is the only daughter of the current Elite Four Champion; her mother became the champion when she was six years old. Her father died from a sickness, but she was too young to remember. She found her first pokémon, an Eevee (which later turned into a Vaporeon) floating around as an egg when their village was flooded. Other: She's blind. :D ~ Pokemon: Name: Coming. Gender: Male. Species: Absol. Looks: Absol Persona: Rp it out? History: Erin stole his egg from a day care. ;o Other: Nope.
~ Name: Aoi. Gender: Male. Species: Vaporeon. Looks: Vaporeon (ALL CREDIT TO PURPLEKECLEON ON DEVIANTART FOR THIS PIECE) Persona: Rp it out? History: He was seperated from his nest when the village flooded, and was found by Erin, who took care of him. Other: Nope.
~ Name: Coming. Gender: Male. Species: Typhlosion. Looks: Typhlosion (ALL CREDIT TO ELOKOIN ON DEVIANTART) Persona: Rp it out? History: A somewhat recent gift from Erin's mother, the Elite Four Champion. He was caught as a Cyndaquil on a mountain and trained so that he could be given to Erin for her birthday. Erin's second Pokémon. Other: Nope.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:06am Mar 16 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,279
((All accepted. :) Are we ready to start?))
12:15pm Mar 16 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,165
(( Wait, let me find pictyures, do the rest of the bios, and I'll be ready. ))
12:19pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 2:26pm Mar 16 2010)
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Posts: 6,165
Pokemon: Name:Aroki Gender:Male Species:Charizard Looks: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Persona History(?):Was Angel's first pokemon Other:
2:21pm Mar 16 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
(( Whatever said three Pokémon to start, Mercy. :/ ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:24pm Mar 16 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,165
(( Edited))
2:25pm Mar 16 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,279
((She only has three. Dust. She has her trainer, Marina, Kalia and Aroki.))
2:29pm Mar 16 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
(( She had another one called Star but she edited it out, Whatever. :p ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:44pm Mar 16 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,279
((Oh, okay. :) ))
2:51pm Mar 16 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
(( Well, I'm ready to start whenever. :D ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
3:08pm Mar 16 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,279
((Okay, I suppose I'll start)) Kevi sat on a bench in the woods behind her house, her three bird pokemon pecking around in front of her as she threw them bread crumbs and pokemon food. She looked around at the trees towering above her and smiled when she saw a beautifly soaring above her and into the dense foliage several yards off. For a second she thought about finding it and hinting it down with her birds, but she decided she had no use for bug pokemon. To tell the truth, they always irked her if they got too close.