4:26pm Dec 22 2010 (last edited on 5:22pm Dec 22 2010)
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Posts: 411
Creativity can be expressed in many, many ways... Have you ever wanted to express yourself in some way, but couldn't find a way how? Well this is the school for you. We help our students find their true creativity... and help their dreams become reality Rules... every school needs them of course... The Golden(more like Rainbow) Rule OF course as everyone knows, as people who roleplay, we need to follow rescreatu's ToS and rules. If you disobey them, I will punish you by kicking you out and or reporting you.
The Romance Rule Cybering is not permitted here, as in most roleplays. Since this is shonen-ai, things should stay PG-13 (Up to kissing and hand holding basically)
The Real Rule Ahem... I will say this once. THIS IS A YAOI. THERE CANNOT BE ANY FEMALE CHARACTERS! Yes, girls can roleplay as guys, but no girl characters. If you don't know what yaoi is, then why'd you come look at this roleplay in the first place? Also, if you are going to leave, or want to quit, Rmail me to tell me so.
The Race Rule and its Friends You may be any race, but cannot be any races like 'a god' for example. That's just poppycock. Which reminds me, no godmodding or powerplaying. This means don't control other people's characters, do not time-skip without my permission, do not auto-dodge or auto-hit if you do get in a fight (which is unlikely), and do not kill other people's characters!
The Literacy Rule Posts must be at least ONE paragraph. (3-5 sentences) No text talk unless OOCing, no one liners unless you have writer's block (but if I see a lot of writers block coming from you I'll know you're just being lazy.),
Finally, the Friend Rule Please include everyone. I don't want to get Rmail from people telling me that they aren't being included in anything. I want everyone to enjoy this roleplay and have fun. School Application... because how would we recruit the students? What the Mirror Shows Me: (appearance) The True Marionette: (username) The Wind Whispers This Name: (name) The Number of Colors In My Rainbow: (age. Range is 18-29) What I am: (race) Sexual Orientation: (not sure why I should put this) Long Forgottened Past: (biography) What People Judge Me By: (personality) Wittle Companions: (pets; optional) Should I Tell You This?: (other) Teacher or student?: (as it says)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:33pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Join as a neko, a human, and a toramimi? (Tiger person. ouo)))
4:37pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 411
(I dun care watcha join as. If you'd prefer to join as a teacher, I'll adjust the form XD)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:45pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Drawn to the RP O______O Must join... Join as a Demon? And Human X3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:02pm Dec 22 2010 (last edited on 6:27pm Dec 22 2010)
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Posts: 87
What the Mirror Shows Me: Small, short and tanned, changes his hair color all the time on dares by friends, It's around just past shoulder length shaggy hair, wears it down his lighttan ears sticking up out of it, his tail is darker than his ears and ends with a lighter patch on the end of it., He wears baggy punk band shirts to spite his extremely conservative parents, and skinny jeans that are always a bit to loose and long to fit him, he has trouble wearing clothing that fits him really well due to his lack of fitting clothing through out his younger childhood, when people pester him enough he will wear skirts and dresses, but he doesn't like to show himself off, he wears brightly colored converse and likes fedora hats. His eyes are a deep blue-gray color with almost metallic silver flecks in them, heavy eyelashes and a really round face, nicely shaped lips with snake bite piercing over them with spiked studs, that get him mistaken as a girl on a regular basis.. The True Marionette: Killerkirara The Wind Whispers This Name: Charity songs The Number of Colors In My Rainbow: What age range is this for? What I am: Neko Sexual Orientation: Gay... So freaking gay. Long Forgottened Past:Raised by super conservative and homophobic parents, they adopted him after fostering him and his sister Laural for two years, not wanting his sister they just adopted him and Laural went to a different family and was soon after pronounced dead of starvation and it was said that she was extremely beaten up as well. Charity stopped talking for a long while after that, not answering when he was spoken to and ignoring everything that was going on around him, during this period he started to notice something, in his silence he listened only to the words his mind spoke to him, he realized that he had started feeling attracted to boys, he asked his parents about this and they changed his school to make sure he wouldn't be 'corrupted' by whomever had given him these ideas, after that he never saw his adopted parents the same again, he started to notice little things, like how they didn't let him talk to other boys and whenever he got dressed they had to inspect his outfit, more than once they told him he couldn't wear something because his shirt was to baggy, or his pants were to tight. He started to rebel, listening to music that other boys at school listened to, rock and punk music started to fill the silence of his mind, and he started smoking not long after, everything to spite his parents, causing them to change his school yet again, this on was a more guarded and conservative school, one with a strict uniform dress code, they took away his music, they hadn't yet found out about his smoking though, he was left with no way to rebel now, until he saw one of the boys at school getting scolded for his bleached hair, Charity had found his new rebellion, he started dying his hair, starting easy, just a light brown chestnut, then he started getting crazier, reds and blues. That got him kicked out of his school. What People Judge Me By: Really closeted and shy, he doesn't talk very much, but when you get on a subject that interests him he'll never shut up. He'll nevr admit it but he LOVES being dressed up.
Wittle Companions: A light chestnut colored bunny named Honey Should I Tell You This?: I'm sorry for the emptynessof my form... but I SHALL fix that and add everything in due time.
Fantasy is my Reality
Deranged is my Gatorade
P.S. Encendre I love you.
5:19pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 411
(I said I'm going to edit it XP)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
5:25pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Ilu Zee. <3 Join as a Vampire, an Angel, and a Dragon/Dragon-shifter? :3 I always feel compelled to ask. =A=;))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:30pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 411
(Ilu too Grave XD and go ahead. :3)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
5:52pm Dec 22 2010 (last edited on 6:10pm Dec 22 2010)
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Posts: 3,426
WIP School Application... because how would we recruit the students? What the Mirror Shows Me:
 The True Marionette: Graveyardfox/Loki The Wind Whispers This Name: Sendatsu Aoi The Number of Colors In My Rainbow: Err... doesn't keep track. o3o What I am: Angel Sexual Orientation: Claims to be straight buuuut.... Long Forgottened Past: Too much to say, none of which is anyone's business but his own. What People Judge Me By: Sendatsu tries to act mature and strict, but in actuality, he's rather shy and, if you get to know him, playful. He has a gentle nature and isn't known to lose his temper. Wittle Companions:
 Kibo Should I Tell You This?: None Teacher or student?: Teacher School Application... because how would we recruit the students? What the Mirror Shows Me:
 The True Marionette: Graveyardfox/Loki The Wind Whispers This Name: Kaizo Yuni The Number of Colors In My Rainbow: Frozen at 18 What I am: Vampire Sexual Orientation: Too gay to function. :3 Long Forgottened Past: Touchy subject. However, he was turned and abandoned by his true love, making it hard for him to hold relationships longer than one-night stands. What People Judge Me By: Kaizo is a very... odd guy. He's a total flirt and is incredibly open with is sexuality as well as his species. He's also a sado-masochist and has a rather violent nature on top of that. He could cuddle or kill you... or both if he feels like it. Wittle Companions: None currently... might get one eventually. ;3 Should I Tell You This?: None
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:07pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 7,187
What the Mirror Shows Me:
 The True Marionette: LadyTsunade The Wind Whispers This Name: Malice The Number of Colors In My Rainbow: He kinda stopped counting after a while o.o What I am: I am whatever you say I am >:O Demon Sexual Orientation: Bi Long Forgotten Past: Bloody~<3What People Judge Me By: Ah.. He's strange. Sometimes he can be a ball of energy and at other times he'll want to bite your head off. And then he'll want to cuddle ~< Should I Tell You This?
He has no last name. Its like Cher ;D Hims be famous I like Piercings, Dyed hair, Tight Jeans ;3 Ice Cream, Bright eye catching things, and I love it when you bite me ;D French kissing~ :O I especially like lips rings o3o Razors... Cuss words but don't over do it cause I'll knock you out. Tattoos~ I don't like Fakes, being labeled. Baggy jeans! Makes me want to step on them and trip the you ^3^ I don't like spicy food or when people take advantage of my kinks and take a chuck out of my skin ;( Stupid tattoos like... puppies on your butt Teacher or Student: Student ;3 iiiMy Song!!!: Wack - Mindless Self Indulgence Most interesting video with the song too <33
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:29pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 87
OOC: I edited Charity, he's now up there completely.
Fantasy is my Reality
Deranged is my Gatorade
P.S. Encendre I love you.
7:03pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 12,418
(Join as two shapeshifters?)
 (Banner made by Kina)
8:53pm Dec 22 2010 (last edited on 8:54pm Dec 22 2010)
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Posts: 411
OOC: Juu dun has to ask to join as a certain character XD AND OMG TSUNADE I LOVE THAT SONG. XD
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
9:11pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 7,187
[[ OMG I've fallen in love with the song!! XD Love love love Mindless Self Indulgence <33 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:15pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 411
OOC: I'm going to molest you o-e XD Joking, but yaoi goddess approves :3
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
9:22pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 7,187
[[ ~3~ I'm glad she approves! <33 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:39pm Dec 22 2010 (last edited on 9:59pm Dec 22 2010)
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Posts: 411
What the Mirror Shows Me: The True Marionette: Bunbunnychan The Wind Whispers This Name: Taz Epsilon (People call him Oracle) The Number of Colors In My Rainbow: Who knows? He appears in his 20's. What I am: Part wood Saytr, part human. Sexual Orientation: Gay as gay can get. Long Forgotten Past: I'll edit this sooner or later XD What People Judge Me By: He's, very eccentric. Taz has a habit of doing things without knowing he is doing. If he doesn't no the person, he'll just kiss them without consent! Although he seems loving, kind, and giddy; he also has a dark side filled with rage and hatred, thanks to the satyr side of him. But, this satyr side is also gentle and nature loving, plus quiet. Should I Tell You This?: He's as klutzy as can be, but extremely skilled with a violin. He also loves painting his nails. Don't ask about the odd markings under his eye though. Taz is also good with pipes, because of the satyr blood in him. Sometimes, his tail, bottom half (hooves and fur), and horns appear during certain moods.
Teacher or Student: Student.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
9:54pm Dec 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 87
Are we starting then? *Ears perk up*
Fantasy is my Reality
Deranged is my Gatorade
P.S. Encendre I love you.
9:55pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 411
OOC: Yup, go ahead.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
10:15pm Dec 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 87
OOC: I dun wanna be the first post. Posting first is scary...... *points* See, charity's cowering in the corner out of fear!
Fantasy is my Reality
Deranged is my Gatorade
P.S. Encendre I love you.