10:04pm Jul 25 2011
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So, here we go wolfie. <3
Uh, who's going to be the Demon / Angel? c:
10:09pm Jul 25 2011
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I'm here~ So.... My version of demons are people who look regular, but can control shadows, and have wings made out of black feathers. Angels are just like demons, other than they control light and have wings made out of white feathers. Tadaa. Thar u goe. So, I think that we should switch it up. In most roleplays, the girl is the angel, and the boy is the demon. In other words, since you volunteered to be the boy, you could be the angel, and I could be the demon. That okay with you?
Love is all we need~
10:17pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 10:24pm Jul 25 2011)
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Name: Ian Sanchez Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Though I am feeling quite lazy, I will describe him. xD Ian is, well, an Angel. So, he obviously has a good side. Ian likes to socialize with everyone, and trusts everyone right off the bat. He doesn't care if you were arrested for murder or are just a little old lady walking your dog, Ian would be there to give a friendly smile and a wave. He believes everyone has a clean slate the second he meets them, which means, he's very likely to be manipulated and used to do things that aren't like him. Looks:

10:20pm Jul 25 2011
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Yeah. Simple bios. I'll have my bio posted up shortly.
Love is all we need~
10:37pm Jul 25 2011
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Name: She goes by Fenrir White. Age: Eighteen. Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Fenrir can be described as selfish, and even a bit hostile at times. She's got a sharp tongue on her, and can spit out nasty words faster than you can imagine. She's not a girly-girl, and she's not afraid to admit it. She has a bit of a drinking problem... Once you break through her tough exterior, though, she's a nice girl.
Love is all we need~
10:49pm Jul 25 2011
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((Sweet. c: How shall we start off? o.o))
10:59pm Jul 25 2011
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((Setting shall be a random city. I'll start.)) Fenrir sat in the corner of a party that was being held for the modeling agency that she was employed in. They were serving alchoholic drinks without asking for I.D. Well, you know where that led. Fenrir gulped down the last bit of her margarita, a drunk smile upon her face. Most of the people there were humans, but she could tell that there were a few that were inhuman. It wasn't just a party for girl models, but one also for boys. She watched dreamily as several of the Abercrombie male models walked around on the dancefloor, the DJ blasting some popular song. She stood up, and stumbled but got her footing. She sat down on a red leather chair, and crossed her legs. ((I warned you that Fenrir had a drinking problem.))
Love is all we need~
11:14pm Jul 25 2011
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((Hehe. xD I have a feeling that Ian has quite a task ahead of him. c:))
Ian sighed and walked into the building. His 'cousin' was a model, and was going to one of their parties. Ian was invited along, and decided to go since he had nothing more to do. He walked up and noticed a bunch of under age people drinking. Well, he was certainly more than 21, though he didn't look it, but who cares? One small drink wouldn't hurt. "Scotch on the rocks," He mumbled to the bar tender.
He then noticed a girl walking as if she had a few too many drinks for the night. And, she certainly wasn't /normal/ either. Ian made his way up to the girl and smiled. "May I get you another drink?" He asked with a smile.
11:20pm Jul 25 2011
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Fenrir watched as a boy came up to her. He was attractive enough, and he even asked her if she wanted a drink. She let out a drunk smile and said, "Yeah. You may get me another drink." She didn't really need it, but she wanted it. "Grey goose martini," she said, her words a bit longer than they should have been. She twirled a lock of her hair around her finger, and looked at the window. It was dark outside, maybe about eleven. Then it hit her. That boy wasn't normal, either. Her system was so flooded with alchohol that it took her a while to notice. He wasn't a demon, so he must have been an angel. She smirked.
Love is all we need~
12:17am Jul 26 2011
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"Hmm, good choice," Ian said with smile. He winked at the girl and walked away to the bar, getting her drink. "1 Gray Goose Martini, please," Ian said to the bar tender. He flashed the girl with a dazzling grin. That's what 3 years and 4,000 dollars got him when he was human, and had braces.
Ian walked back to the girl, seeing the 'hidden' black wings. "Here's your drink," He said with a smile. "So..." He said, sitting on the chair next to her. "I see you enjoy drinking." A whole hearted laugh followed that statement.
12:29am Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 12:32am Jul 26 2011)
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Fenrir growled when he mentioned her enjoying drinking. "Are you saying that I have a drinking problem?" She raised an eyebrow at the boy, a smile on her face, though it didn't reach her eyes. She grabbed the drink from Cole's hand, and took a sip of it. She hated when people talked about her drinking problem. "Listen, bub. I know you're all angelic and perfect, and all that sh!t, but you better watch what you say around me, got it?" She squeezed the arm of the chair, her fingernails threatening to rip through the fabric.
Love is all we need~
12:31am Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((He had her drink? xD I guess I should have written that better. xD
Posting in a moment~))
12:32am Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((My bad. I'll edit. It shouldn't affect your post, though.))
Love is all we need~
1:41pm Jul 26 2011
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Love is all we need~
8:03pm Jul 26 2011
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((Kink~ Reply, please. I know you're on~))
Love is all we need~
8:05pm Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 2,927
((-Slaps self- sorry. ;c))
Ian looked over at the girl calmly. "Did I ever say anything like that?" He said, his voice innocent. "Why would I ever say that?" Ian's voice was full of concern. "I don't think you have a problem." He paused to give her a smile. "I've only just met you."
((Fail. D|))
11:52pm Jul 26 2011
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When Fenrir was drunk, she couldn't keep an angry mood for long. Soon, her anger melted away when he said he explained. She smiled and said, "Sorry for jumping to conclusions." She took a sip of her drink and continued. "So, I've never seen you at a party before? Do you model?"
Love is all we need~
12:53pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
5:11pm Jul 27 2011
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Ian smiled and swirled the drink in his hands, not really drinking it. "No," He said softly. "My cousin is the one who models. He just wanted me to come along for the ride." A soft chuckle escaped his lips. "How about you?" He then asked. "Are you a model? You look like you are."
((Sorry, I was at my friend's house for the night and she doesn't have internet. ^-^))
10:17pm Jul 27 2011
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Fenrir nodded. "Yes. I'm a model. I normally do modelling for swimsuits and such, but I do other things if the boss wants me to. Maybe you should check into modelling. It's really easy. All you have to do is wear what they want you to wear, and pose for pictures. You get a lot of money, and it requires almost no effort. Other than staying in shape, of course." She finished the last of her drink, and set it down on the floor. However, due to her vision being clouded with the effects of the alchohol, she put it upside down.
Love is all we need~