10:37pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 11:14pm Apr 25 2011)
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Posts: 145
Brookelle sat idly as the teacher explained their *censored*ignment. She sat up when she had finished talking and searched for something to write with, but couldn't seem to find anything. "Shoot, I don't have a pen," she said under her breath. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a pen sitting on the corner of a desk. Aha! she thought. There's one. Her eyes rose a little to see the boy that was sitting there. It's that one arrogant kid... She stood up and walked over, snatching the pen from his desk, and hoped he hadn't seen her. A new *censored*ignment. Well, that was just fine. They still had a lot of time left in cl*censored*, so Andy was sure he'd be able to get it done. He waited in his seat for a minute, looking around absentmindedly. He didn't notice when Brookelle stood from her seat, but he did notice when she snatched his pen. Andy turned in his seat quickly. "Did you just steal my pen?" he asked accusingly. Brookelle stopped. He had noticed, damn. "No," she said to him, "that's ignorant. I got this from Staples." Andy made a sort of 'What the *censored*?' face, and reached for his pen. "I just saw you. You took my pen," he said. As he reached for his pen, Brookelle tore her hand away, "I did not," she insisted. "This is my pen." "Are you kidding me?" Andy laughed, as if this was a joke. "That's my pen. You took it right off my desk, so give. It. Back." "No!" Brookelle exclaimed. "I-" "Andy, Brookelle," the teacher called them, and the teenager turned to look at her. "Come here, you two." Brookelle rolled her eyes, sighed, and headed over to the teacher's desk. Andy stood up, glaring at the back of Brookelle's head as he did so. He followed her to the teacher's desk, stalking towards it in an angry manner. "What are you two doing?" the teacher asked, crossing her arms. "He's being a di-!" Brookelle stopped herself before she completed that sentence. Clearing ehr throat, she said, "He is being unmannerly." Andy crossed his own arms, glaring right at the teacher. I'm not a dick, he thought angrily. "She's being a *censored*," he said coolly. Both the teacher and Brookelle looked at him, exasperated. "Andrew!" Ms. Jones said. "That language is strictly prohibited in school." "Yeah, Andrew," Brookelle said. "Don't be such an *censored*hole." Ms. Jones looked at her. "You're not allowed to swear, either, missy." "She stole my pen!" Andy exclaimed, completely ignoring the use of his full name and stabbing a finger in her face. "Liar!" Brookelle said, grabbing ahold of Andy's finger. She stabbed his arm with the stolen pen. "This is mine, fool." "She's a liar!" Andy cried, looking at the teacher with wide eyes. He then proceeded to jab at Brookelle's nose with his finger, glaring at her hard. "No I'm not!" Brookelle insisted. By that time, the entire cl*censored* was watching them. When Andy jabbed her nose, she pulled her rface away and bit his finger. Andy recoiled, making yet another face. "Ugh!" He wiped his finger on her shirt, then held it out to the teacher. "See what she did!? She bit me! And took my pen!" He snatched it out of her hand. "This is mine!" Brookelle frowned. "That's not cool, mate," she said, and grimaced. She hadn't quite grown out of her Australian accent or terms, despite being here for nearly a year. Just as she went to reach for the pen, the teacher said, "That's it! I'm sick of your bickering. You two will be spending the rest of the day in detention." She snatched the pen out of Andy's hand. "And this is mine now." Andy's jaw dropped. "You can't do that! That's stealing! I'll... I'll sue you!" He shot a glare at Brookelle. "This is your fault, Aussie." The cl*censored* had begun chuckling and giggling. Brookelle returned Andy's glare, but remained quiet and turned a little red because of what he called her. "I'd say that I would give it back at the end of the year, but I can't be sure who's it is," Ms. Jones said. "Now, go. Get your things and report to the office." Brookelle sighed and turned, heading back to her desk. Andy let out a loud sigh, making it so he could be sure Brookelle heard him. "Fine," he breathed out, and went to his own desk to gather his things, shoving Brookelle lightly with his hip as he walked past her. Brookelle's abdomen hit the desk when Andy hit her. "Ow... fat*censored*," she whispered. Which, of course, wasn't true; the boy was a *censored*ing skeleton. She quickly got her stuff and tried to rush out of the cl*censored*room, but the teacher said, "No. You're walking down together." Brookelle growled. "Fine." Andy gave Brookelle a look over his shoulder, as if he were trying to drill holes into her head. He sighed, clearly annoyed. He had to walk to the office with an Australian *censored*. Cool. "Let's go," Brookelle said to him when Andy had come. She headed out the door, walking by the walls as her arm brushed the concrete. "Fine," Andy said again, and walked after her. He walked a few paces behind her, but more in the middle of the hallway, and eyed her suspiciously. Why was she walking so close to the wall? The boy was walking behind her, but she could still sense his eyes on her. "Take a picture," Brookelle said without looking back. "It'll last longer." "I don't want a picture of a kangaroo," Andy muttered, rolling his eyes. Where he got that comment, he wasn't sure. But he was sure she'd think it was stupid. Brookelle stifled a laugh. "Have you ever seen a kangaroo?" she asked, turning around to face him. "They're adorable." She walked backwards as he got closer. Andy raised an eyebrow. "Only in pictures and in zoos," he said, and almost rolled his eyes. Of course he had! "Up close, though?" she asked. "In the wild?" She smirked. "Those 'roos are feisty." Andy shook his head. "Nope," he said, a small frown pulling down the corners of his mouth. "So, you've seen 'em in the wild?" She nodded. "Yes'm," Brookelle replied. "They're nice to look at, but they can get mean if you annoy them. Back in Australia, me and a few mates would go out and bother some." She began to kind of forget she was angry at him. "Actually, every summer my family and I would go to the Outback. Fun times." Andy raised his eyebrows. "Sounds pretty cool," he commented. "Why'd you guys move if it was so fun over there?" "It is," Brookelle told him, and frowned. "Good question. I'll... have to get back to you on that." She looked over her shoulder, and nearly tripped over herself. Regaining her balance, she blushed a little, slightly embarr*censored*ed. "Anyway, we're here." She looked through the gl*censored*. She couldn't tell him now? Andy looked around. The hallways were empty. He began to answer her when she suddenly tripped, and he reached out for her. "You okay?" he asked, walking up next to her. "I'm fine," she said simply. Brookelle pulled open the door and walked in, taking a seat in one of the chairs. "Sure?" Andy asked, sitting down in the seat next to Brookelle. The office was pretty much dead quiet, so the secretaries gave him glares from where they were sitting for disrupting the silence. Brookelle nodded. She stuck her tongue out at the secretaries when they weren't looking. About ten or so minutes p*censored*ed before the principal, a tall-middle aged man, came. "Let's go, kids," Brookelle stood up and followed as he led the two to the detention room. As soon as they reached it, the man said, "No talking, no phones, or anything." And left. Brookelle glanced at Andy, and then sat down. Andy groaned softly when the principal came. He disliked this man. When they got to the room, Andy said loudly, "Okay," and then sat down next to Brookelle. "No talking." he told her loudly. "Okay, I won't," she answered, also loudly. Brookelle laughed, and glanced around the otherwise empty room. "I'm bored." she said.
People really have no idea what they're talking about. Seriously?
11:33pm Jan 16 2011
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( Nooo, that's ignorant. ) "And we're in an empty cl*censored*room that probably has a ton of supplies," Andy said, gesturing around the room. He was bored, too, but in an empty cl*censored*room, what could you not do to entertain yourself? Especially with no teacher around. "What do you think we're gonna do?" He stood up, pulling out one of a few tan boxes on a shelf. "Look, markers." He held out the box, which contained dozens of Crayola markers.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:41pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 11:43pm Jan 16 2011)
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Posts: 145
(You're being ignorant~ "He was bored, too, but in an empty cl*censored*room, what could you not do to entertain yourself? Especially with no teacher around." teehee.) Brookelle shrugged. "Well, you've got a point there," she said, standing up and following him. She looked at the markers and pulled out a black one, eyeing it as if wondering what to do with it. Well, she was. Finally, she looked up at Andy, uncapped the marker and raised it to his face. She drew one of those curly-cue moustaches on him. She giggled. "You look handsome," she told him.
People really have no idea what they're talking about. Seriously?
11:46pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 11:47pm Jan 16 2011)
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( xD I knew you'd think that. ) Andy cocked an eyebrow. Normally he would've grabbed another marker and attacked the person who had done that, but then again, this girl was a...a girl. So, instead, he took the uncapped marker from her hand and drew a line above her eyebrow, and then said, "You look intrigued." in a somewhat serious tone. He stifled a chuckle. ( Mark's all *censored*gy for coco puff boy. Just sayin'. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:52pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 145
(Hmm? o_o Who's Mark?) Her jaw dropped, and Brookelle snatched the marker back from him. She drew a tongue as if it were sticking out of his mouth. "You look funny," she replied, brushing her hair away from her eyes.
People really have no idea what they're talking about. Seriously?
11:56pm Jan 16 2011
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( I don't know. ) "That's a compliment," Andy said, grinning now. He took her hand and peeled her fingers off of it, then proceeded to draw a circle, a line come out from the bottom of it on her left cheek. Then, he wrote, "Andy is SOO hot!" in the middle of it. "Thank you." he added, chuckling.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:03am Jan 17 2011 (last edited on 12:03am Jan 17 2011)
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Posts: 145
Brookelle raised an eyebrow. "What the-" she said, and pulled a pocket mirror out of her...well, pocket. "Oh, you did not just do that. You are so not!" Actually, he was pretty fine. She put her hands on her hips, then grabbed a red marker out of the box. Taking off the cap, she wrote on his right cheek "Brookelle is" and on his left, "SEXY!" "Take that, pretty boy," Brookelle said, smirking.
People really have no idea what they're talking about. Seriously?
12:18am Jan 17 2011
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Andy shrugged. "I am pretty pretty, aren't I?" he asked, and took the red marker from her. He rubbed it over both his right and left cheek, then drew a heart under what he'd written on Brookelle's cheek. He laughed, and drew a heart in the air with the marker. "Nahh, you love me. You so love me."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:28am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 145
"No, you aren't pretty," Brookelle replied, and stole the markers from him. Using the black one, she scribbled out what Andy had written. Using the red marker, she brushed away the hair from the boy's forehead and wrote 'I LOVE BROOKELLE!' She then proceeded to drop the markers back into the box. Picking it up, she hugged it and turned away from him. "These are mine now. And you can't have them."
People really have no idea what they're talking about. Seriously?
12:38am Jan 17 2011
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"Whatever you did," Andy started, rubbing two fingers on his forehead. "it probably makes me look like I have a red unibrow." He turned around and pulled another box out. Score, paint! he thought, and grabbed a brush from on top of the shelf. Squeezing out some of the paint onto the palm of his hand, Andy dabbed his paintbrush in it, then smiled mischievously at Brokelle's back. He lifted her hair up and painted her shoulder orange. "There, now it looks like you got a spray tan on your shoulder." he started, placing his hands on his hips and grinning triumphantly.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:45am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 145
"Nope, it doesn't," she told him. Brookelle kept the the box held close to her chest when she felt something wet on her shoulder. She looked at the orange paint on it, and gasped. "You bastard!" she exclaimed. She grabbed a brush from the shelf and dipped it into a container filled with red paint. Raising the brush, she coloured in Andy's cheeks. "There. Now you have rosy cheeks."
People really have no idea what they're talking about. Seriously?
12:59am Jan 17 2011
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Andy laughed when Brookelle called him a bastard, but stopped dead when he felt her painting his cheeks. "I just hope this doesn't make me look like a drag queen or something." he commented, puffing out his cheeks a little and rolling his eyes. He dipped his orange-tipped paint brush into purple, then leaned close to Brookelle, squinting as if he were trying hard not to mess up. "There," he said finally, painting her lips. "now you have purple and orange lips. It's totally in fashion to wear two different lipsticks at the same time."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:04am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 145
Doing a little hair-flip, Brookelle shook her head. "You already are a drag queen," she told him. She closed her eyes when he began to paint her lips. "Oh, dammit. I can taste it. And, yes, it is." She dipped her brush into the red paint again, leaned close to him and painted his lips. "There," she said. "Now your lips match your cheeks. Quite the masterpiece, if I do say so myself.
People really have no idea what they're talking about. Seriously?
7:33pm Jan 17 2011 (last edited on 8:14pm Jan 17 2011)
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"I'm a drag queen?" Andy asked incredulously,. "Take a look in the mi-" He was interrupted by Brookelle's painting his lips, and he closed his own eyes. "Well then," he said, and then pressed his painted lips to hers. Brookelle was laughing, and about to say something, too, when suddenly Andy kissed her. It felt right, but... she hated him! What the hell was wrong with him? She pulled away and stared into his eyes, trying to search for some answer as to why he did what he did. When Brookelle pulled away, Andy opened his blue eyes slowly, as if he were sleepy. He could tell that Brookelle was looking for something in his eyes, and he could bet he knew that. Actually, he wanted to know why, too. Didn't they dislike each other? Continuing to stare at him, she asked, "Why did you do that?" But before Andy could even answer, one of the secretaries stepped in. "You may go now," she told them. "Thank God," Brookelle muttered as she pushed past her. The secretary looked at Andy. "What uh... what happened?" she asked. Andy sighed, and put the things away. "We got bored," he said, as if that enough would suffice as an explanation. The next day, Brookelle avoided Andy like the plague. The few cl*censored*es they had together, she made sure to sit as far away from him as possible. However, she sat in the same seat as she had the day before. Andy had woke up in the morning feeling indifferent, and went through the day feeling indifferent. The only change was when sixth period came around, which jogged his memory. He'd kissed Brookelle yesterday; mostly because he'd thought they could make a moment that way. It completely backfired. At least she sat in the same seat. "Okay, cl*censored*, we will be starting a new project today," Ms. Jones told her students. "You will be choosing a cl*censored*ic piece of literature, and acting it out with a partner." The entire cl*censored* began chattering, deciding who they would work with. "Now hold it — you will not be choosing yourself. I'll be pairing you up, boy and girl." The students groaned. "You can either partner up with another pair, or do it only with your partner, or do it with someone who isn't even in this cl*censored*. Whichever. Now..." The teacher began. "Ryan and Sasa, Kyle and Lexi, Eric and Frannie, Andy and Brookelle.." Brookelle's head shot up when she heard her name. When the teacher had finished, Brookelle ran up to her. "Ms. Jones," she began, "I can't work with Andy." This project sounds like a total pain in the *censored*, Andy thought, messing with his pen. His new pen. He'd gone out after school and bought a new one, a better one. It looked better than the one he had before. "Wait, I'm doing my project with who?" he asked from his seat, realizing that his and Brookelle's name jad been called with only an "and" seperating them. "You two are doing it together," Ms. Jones told them. "No ifs, ands or buts. Your constant arguing is annoying, and hopefully this project will help you get along, or at least tolerate each other." Brookelle shook her head. "But teacher-" "I said no buts. Now go back to your seat and discuss your plans with Andy." Sighing, Brookelle went back to her seat and glowered at Andy. Andy returned with a dirty look, and clicked his pen, taking out some notebook paper and holding his pen poised over it. "What do you want to do?" he asked. Getting settled, Brookelle looked at Andy and shrugged. "I don't know," she told him simply. "The only thing I can think of is Romeo & Juliet. Got any other ideas?" Andy shrugged, too, and then sighed softly. "Well, we have to take it from a book, don't we?" he asked, and wrote a few book titles down. "And, isn't Romeo & Juliet a play?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:21pm Mar 8 2011
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( He's not the brightest, I suppose. xD Brookelle can be the smart one. BUMP. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:12pm Apr 25 2011
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"Well, she said literature," Brookelle said. "I think plays count as literature, too." For a moment, she stayed quiet, then she commented, "Nice pen." "Good point," Andy murmured and then glanced down at his pen, which he'd set down a second before. "Thanks..." he said quietly. "Yeah, well..." Brookelle shrugged. "You're welcome." She leaned closer and asked, "You have any ideas?" Andy's eyes flicked over to look at Brookelle through his hair for a second, but he quickly returned his attention to his notebook paper. "What else counts as literature?" he asked. "Books... I guess that's it," Brookelle said. "We could–" She stopped because the bell had rung. Standing, she grabbed her things and told him, "Meet me outside this classroom at the end of the day, okay?" Andy cocked an eyebrow. He was about to supply another option when the bell suddenly rung. "All right, sounds good," he said, gathering his own things. "See you later?" Nodding, Brookelle said, "Yep," and left. The next two periods passed, and Brookelle had gathered her stuff and was waiting by the door for Andy. When she left, Andy only shrugged and followed her example. What was there to look forward to in a school project? Not much. "There you are," Andy said, coming up from another hallway with a smile. "So, should we get workin' on this project?" "Yo," Brookelle said, nodding her head at Andy as a greeting. "Yeah, I guess so, just... You want to go to your house and do it?" she asked. Andy chuckled at her last comment. "Oh, sure, that would be great," he said, and pushed his stuff more under his arm. Brookelle raised an eyebrow at his laugh, but said nothing. "Well, yeah..." she murmured. "My car broke down, and I took the bus, so I'm going with you in your car." She took a few steps then stopped and turned around. "You do have a car, don't you?" Andy blinked. "Of course," he said, a smile breaking across his face. "Not many eighteen year olds don't have a car." "That's true," Brookelle said, offering him a little smile, too. "Let's go, then." She began to skip down the hallway. "All right, then," Andy said, grinning and walking after her. "This is my car," Andy announced, patting the hood. He unlocked the doors and then opened Brookelle's for her. "M'lady," he said. "Nice ride," Brookelle said, sliding her hand along the hood. She stopped at the door and told him, "Why, thank you," and entered the car. Andy chuckled. "I know, it's pretty awesome." He gave her a polite nod when she thanked him, smiling a bit, and shut the door behind her. He sat down in his seat not too long later and started his car. Putting her seatbelt on, Brookelle remarked, "Take me away." She watched as the car began to drive along the roads. Andy eyed her through the corner of his eye. "Oh...kay," he said. "So, got any homework?" he asked with a grin. Brookelle narrowed her eyes at him. He likes small talk, eh?... she thought, and smirked. "Nope," she told him. "So, got a girlfriend?" His face flushed a bright pink. What a thing to ask so randomly. At least, that's what he thought. "Nope," he said, mocking her, and some of the color drained from his face. "Got a boyfriend?" She chuckled, shaking her head. "Nope," she repeated. "I'm a free *censored*~" Brookelle looked at Andy. "What about you, do you have a boyfriend?" Andy chuckled at her comment. "Yeah, you are a *censored*," he said, and then gave her a funny look. "Nope," he said. He couldn't help a smile. That was pretty funny. "Were you hoping to see some hot boy-boy make out sessions or what?" Brookelle stared at him for a moment before reaching over and hitting him on the back of the head. "Don't. Call me a *censored*." she growled. Then, she chuckled again, however. "Actually, no. I'm not into that kind of stuff. But I bet you are."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:38pm Apr 25 2011
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Rolling his eyes, Andy commented, "Oh, sure, sure," and waved his hand at her. His car slowed down as he pressed down on the brakes, and he turned it into the driveway of his home. "Here we are!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "Welcome to my home!"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:14pm May 2 2011
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She didn't move. Not even a little. She waited as he stood outside the car, seemingly waiting for her, too. "Ahem," Brookelle said, clearing her throat. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
People really have no idea what they're talking about. Seriously?
9:47pm May 2 2011
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Andy's eyes flickered from side to side, trying to figure out what he was missing. "Er..." His eyes settled on the other door. "Oh! Oh, right!" he exclaimed, shoving his car door shut and then hurrying to Brookelle's. He opened that door, trying a smile. "Sorry about that?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:41pm May 17 2011
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Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.