Doki Doki High School ❤ ♬ ✩

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1:03pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 1:06pm May 9 2014)

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Posts: 1,372

inspiration: the sb, and every bad, cliche roleplay ever made
genre: wolf, cat, shifter, powers, high school, romance, japanese
literacy level: any

 ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩


1:04pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 1:14pm May 9 2014)

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Posts: 1,372

Dear Student,

You have been formally invited to join us at Doki Doki High School--
School for unique and gifted individuals like yourself! We are located
in the remote mountains of Japan, and will be providing your air fare. 
We genuinely hope to see you soon!

Doki Doki High School is a boarding school located in Japan. 
The students are like any other high schoolers...well, mostly.
There's just one minor difference: they have powers!! Each student
is either a wolf shifter or a cat shifter. Some of them even have wings
or colored eyes and fur, or spikes or can
control different elements! The possibilities are endless!
The wolf shifters refer to themselves
as "Packmates" and the cat shifters are known as "Warrior Cats."  There is a
bit of friendly competition between the two, both in school activities and after
hours, off the record. So what are you waiting for? Class is in session !

 ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩


1:04pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 1:36pm May 9 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,372
Roleplay Rules !

Be nice to everyone

Make sure everyone feels included

No killing other people without their permission

Romance and violence and drama encouraged !!

Please type third person past tense, and be able to do a minimum 5 sentences. 
Although more is definitely accepted and encouraged 

You can have as many characters as you can handle

School Rules

No girls in the boys dorms and vice-versa !!!

No teacher x student relationships

Everyone be in their dorms by 10 PM

No wandering off of school grounds! There could be demons in the woods!!


Post your profiles or Rmail them to me!

Student or Teacher: 
Age & Class: (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior; OR what class you teach )
Species: (cat or wolf shifter!)
Anything else: 

 ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩


1:04pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 10:01am May 10 2014)

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Posts: 1,372

( will add more if needed!)


Room 1: Miyu//Alex

Room 2: Charolette //open

Room 3: open//open

Room 4: open//open

Room 5: open//open

Room 6: open//open

Room 1:open//open

Room 2: open//open

Room 3: open//open

Room 4: open//open

Room 5: open//open

Room 6: open//open

( will add more if needed!)

Room 1: Mako Yami

Room 2: Noki Aiyama

Room 3: open

Room 4: open

Room 5: open

Room 6: open

 ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩ ❤ ♬ ✩


1:19pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 9:59am May 10 2014)

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Posts: 1,372
Profiles will be posted Here!

Username:  Requiem
Name:  Mako Yami
Nickname: Mr Yami
Student or Teacher:  Teacher
Age & Class: 25, teaches Literature 
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf shifter
Powers: Can shift from a human to a wolf, as well as control fire and darkness
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush: shhh it's a secret !
Personality: Mako gets along well with his students, probably because he is still kind of a kid inside. He likes to joke around and throw sarcastic remarks while in class. He is very smart, but also has a dark and mysterious side to him. Whenever he starts to get close to someone, he gets nervous and puts up walls around himself to keep from getting hurt. But really all he wants is to be close to someone. 
Biography: Not much is known about his past. He doesn't talk about it very much, but rumors say that he used to be in a special branch of the Japanese military since age 10.  That is because of his very powerful abilities to shift and control elements of fire and darkness. However, that is just a rumor. 
Anything else: He has the tattoo "65" on his left cheek, but he never talks about what it means. His eyes are silver, but change to red when he uses his powers. 

Name Miyu Akami
Gender Female
Age, Class 17, Senior
Species Wolf Shifter
Sexuality Bisexual
Powers Almost unlimited regeneration - though larger wounds take much longer to heal than scrapes.
Crush Throws pointed glances in [NAME REDACTED]'s way
Personality Quiet, somewhat timid, enjoys animals more than people.
Biography Sent away to Doki Doki by her dad's aunt or something. She has no idea how they're related. Other than that, boom. Normal wolfchild life.

Username: RikaTheFallen
Name: Noki Aiyama
Nickname: Mr. Aiyama, Nokia (yes like the phone)
Student or Teacher: Teacher
Age & Class: 26, teaches History
Gender: Male
Species: Cat ;o
Powers: He can harden his skin to make himself nearly a Nokia phone. Hence the nickname Nokia. HOWEVER he has to concentrate really hard so usually he only does it to keep from, you know, dying needlessly.
Sexuality: Bisexual with a heavy leaning towards other men. ;o
Crush: His esteemed colleague Mr. Yami though it's pretty light and he could possibly be coerced out of it ;o
Personality: Quiet and...well, okay, he's a lot like a cat. When he wants affection he REALLY wants affection but otherwise he's fine on his own. He thinks he's pretty good at being a teacher but he doesn't tolerate too much tomfoolery. Especially yelling. Any form of really loud noises really hurts his ears and he hates it.
Biography: Eh he was born and lived a normal life and went to college and became  teacher blah blah blah discovered his sexuality one drunken night with his best friend at the time who wasn't into it at all afterwards. The usual. 8)
Anything else: He's a sexy cat ;o

Username: ChocoChippies
Name:  (Can it be American?) Alex Deringer
Nickname: Feather, Fern
Student or Teacher: Student
Age & Class: 17/Junior
Gender: Female
Species: Cat Species
Powers: Besides Shifting, you mean? She is quiet. Almost unnaturally quiet. She only makes sounds when she talks or laughs- basically any sounds that come out of her mouth. Other than that; silent.
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Open
Personality: Aside from being a daredevil, Alex is probably a wacky cool friend. She enjoys being a cat more than a human, and has a weird preference for laser tag and blue snow-cones.
Biography: Is a huge nerd, but always tends to stay in her cat form than her regular form. Her parents never really minded, though had fun teasing her about it with cat treats and the occasional litter-box. Once Alex got the letter, they were excited and sent her off right away.
Appearance:  But her cat-form has the same purple/blue eyes. It's practically the only was you can recognize her.
Anything else: As I said before, tends to stay like a cat more than a human.

Username: Headache
Name: Charlotte Iflamage
Nickname: Charlie, Ms Iflamage
Student or Teacher: Student
Age & Class: 17//Junior
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Powers: Due to her tendency to whip her tail around, Charlotte's tail lengthens and the fur recedes until her tail can be used as a whip. As a human, also due to her whip-like movements, she has slight control over the element of wind; she's able to manipulate it, but not in massive quantities. She cannot change it into huge tornadoes that destroy a country in minutes, unless that country is tiny. She can create small tornadoes; her tallest being the size of a 15 storey building, her smallest being a little bigger than herself.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Crush: N/A
Personality: Loud and obnoxious, she tends to be blunt and hates sugar-coating things. She'd rather crush your soul with the truth, then 'keep you in a bubble' using a white lie. She tends to get on people's nerves quite easily, so has mastered the art of soothing massages, and always has a stack of calming candles on hand.
Biography: Charlotte hasn't had a troubled history at all. Her mother and father are still together, her younger brother is still annoying. The only difference is is that she's at a boarding school. She is a regular student at school, pulling straight C's, with occasional C+'s, or B-'s.
Appearance: With crazy, unruly auburn hair (Similar to what Book Hermione would look like), dark brown eyes, and a pointy chin; Charlotte isn't entirely pretty, but she isn't eye-blinding. She's skinny, lanky, and reaches a height of around 6"1. She's average in the chest, waist, and bum department; she's a little too proud of her long tan legs, even if they look mismatched with her pale arms and face.
When she shifts, her wolf is also an auburn colour. Most wolves have sleek coats, and a soft tail, Charlotte doesn't. She has a messy, impossible to neaten up, auburn fur. Her tail is the worst, as it is longer and she tends to whip it around a lot; generally into trees, building, people, other animals, dirt etc. She has hazel eyes, instead of the normal dark brown eyes that she has as a human.
Anything else: I'll most likely create another character soon.


2:06pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 2:06pm May 9 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Name Miyu Akami
Gender Female
Age, Class 17, Senior
Species Wolf Shifter
Sexuality Bisexual
Powers Almost unlimited regeneration - though larger wounds take much longer to heal than scrapes.
Crush Throws pointed glances in [NAME REDACTED]'s way
Personality Quiet, somewhat timid, enjoys animals more than people.
Biography Sent away to Doki Doki by her dad's aunt or something. She has no idea how they're related. Other than that, boom. Normal wolfchild life.


3:06pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,372
Accepted !!!!!


4:14pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 4:15pm May 9 2014)

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Posts: 11,785
Username: RikaTheFallen
Name: Noki Aiyama
Nickname: Mr. Aiyama, Nokia (yes like the phone)
Student or Teacher: Teacher
Age & Class: 26, teaches History
Gender: Male
Species: Cat ;o
Powers: He can harden his skin to make himself nearly a Nokia phone. Hence the nickname Nokia. HOWEVER he has to concentrate really hard so usually he only does it to keep from, you know, dying needlessly.
Sexuality: Bisexual with a heavy leaning towards other men. ;o
Crush: His esteemed colleague Mr. Yami though it's pretty light and he could possibly be coerced out of it ;o
Personality: Quiet and...well, okay, he's a lot like a cat. When he wants affection he REALLY wants affection but otherwise he's fine on his own. He thinks he's pretty good at being a teacher but he doesn't tolerate too much tomfoolery. Especially yelling. Any form of really loud noises really hurts his ears and he hates it.
Biography: Eh he was born and lived a normal life and went to college and became  teacher blah blah blah discovered his sexuality one drunken night with his best friend at the time who wasn't into it at all afterwards. The usual. 8)
Anything else: He's a sexy cat ;o


4:40pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 9:24am May 10 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 53
Username: ChocoChippies
Name:  (Can it be American?) Alex Deringer
Nickname: Feather, Fern
Student or Teacher: Student
Age & Class: 17/Junior
Gender: Female
Species: Cat Species
Powers: Besides Shifting, you mean? She is quiet. Almost unnaturally quiet. She only makes sounds when she talks or laughs- basically any sounds that come out of her mouth. Other than that; silent.
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Open
Personality: Aside from being a daredevil, Alex is probably a wacky cool friend. She enjoys being a cat more than a human, and has a weird preference for laser tag and blue snow-cones.
Biography: Is a huge nerd, but always tends to stay in her cat form than her regular form. Her parents never really minded, though had fun teasing her about it with cat treats and the occasional litter-box. Once Alex got the letter, they were excited and sent her off right away.
Appearance:  But her cat-form has the same purple/blue eyes. It's practically the only was you can recognize her.
Anything else: As I said before, tends to stay like a cat more than a human.


5:53pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 5:54pm May 9 2014)

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Posts: 2,131
Username: Headache
Name: Charlotte Iflamage
Nickname: Charlie, Ms Iflamage
Student or Teacher: Student
Age & Class: 17//Junior
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Powers: Due to her tendency to whip her tail around, Charlotte's tail lengthens and the fur recedes until her tail can be used as a whip. As a human, also due to her whip-like movements, she has slight control over the element of wind; she's able to manipulate it, but not in massive quantities. She cannot change it into huge tornadoes that destroy a country in minutes, unless that country is tiny. She can create small tornadoes; her tallest being the size of a 15 storey building, her smallest being a little bigger than herself.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Crush: N/A
Personality: Loud and obnoxious, she tends to be blunt and hates sugar-coating things. She'd rather crush your soul with the truth, then 'keep you in a bubble' using a white lie. She tends to get on people's nerves quite easily, so has mastered the art of soothing massages, and always has a stack of calming candles on hand.
Biography: Charlotte hasn't had a troubled history at all. Her mother and father are still together, her younger brother is still annoying. The only difference is is that she's at a boarding school. She is a regular student at school, pulling straight C's, with occasional C+'s, or B-'s.
Appearance: With crazy, unruly auburn hair (Similar to what Book Hermione would look like), dark brown eyes, and a pointy chin; Charlotte isn't entirely pretty, but she isn't eye-blinding. She's skinny, lanky, and reaches a height of around 6"1. She's average in the chest, waist, and bum department; she's a little too proud of her long tan legs, even if they look mismatched with her pale arms and face.
When she shifts, her wolf is also an auburn colour. Most wolves have sleek coats, and a soft tail, Charlotte doesn't. She has a messy, impossible to neaten up, auburn fur. Her tail is the worst, as it is longer and she tends to whip it around a lot; generally into trees, building, people, other animals, dirt etc. She has hazel eyes, instead of the normal dark brown eyes that she has as a human.
Anything else: I'll most likely create another character soon.

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

7:11pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Joining this whenever I get a moment to make up a bio <3


9:58am May 10 2014 (last edited on 10:02am May 10 2014)

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Posts: 1,372
I love you guys omg

Everyone accepted, we'll start soon


5:01pm May 13 2014 (last edited on 4:02pm May 18 2014)

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Posts: 970

Username: WiseBlueFox01
Name: Ace DaVinci 
Nickname: Just goes by Ace most of a time. But her little sister calls her Winnie
Student or Teacher: Student
Age & Class: (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior; OR what class you teach )17//Junior
Gender: Female
Species: (cat or wolf shifter!)Cat shifter
Powers: Unnaturally assicted to meat. Even raw meat, so she gets gross looks from other people when she eats stuff raw most of the time.
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Open
Personality: WIP
Biography: WIP
Appearance: WIP
Anything else: WIP

I'll get finished with the other things once I'm at home.

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12:53am May 17 2014 (last edited on 12:53am May 17 2014)

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Posts: 1,324

Username: tinkytasha
Name: Lauren Towers
Nickname: LT
Student or Teacher: student
Age & Class: (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior; OR what class you teach ) 17 junior
Gender: female
Species: (cat or wolf shifter!) cat
Powers: LT sees the future in random times, so she could be doing eating and then she suddenly sees the future. She can read minds, but prefers not to.
Sexuality: Strictly straight
Crush: No one needs to know....
Personality: LT is calm and collected, well, most of the time. Okay, I lie. Not all the time. She is loud, REALLY LOUD and usually shouts random things at random times. She may be 17 but she acts like a kid! She usually has to get people to tell he to use her inside voice, which she doesn't like. She gets over-excited and easily forgives and forgets. She also has plenty of pranks and tricks up her sleeve, so, watch out!
Biography: She was in a care home and got adopted when she was 15. She was grateful but didn't like her other school where she got bullied because she went to a care home.
Appearance: Human form:

Cat form:


ta:image/jpeg;base64,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data-sz="f">

Anything else: I had to pot this picture for a laugh!



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