9:13pm May 9 2011 (last edited on 7:37pm May 12 2011)
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NOTE: This is my first time doing a hybrid rp. Please don't let that put you off and give me a chance. ^^; I felt that you, the faithful reader, have a right to know. Plot: On a faraway island west (to the left) of Australia, a remote one, a man has taken shelter after being stranded there. A flood and odd circumstances have led him to the tropical island. There, he ponders his life, since besides surviving, there's little to do. The man remembers his collection of containers, and the ones that he had had with him at the moment. And his brother, who loved cats. The man personally preferred birds. His brother had always teased him about that, since cats "always dominate birds," the brother said. So the stranded man, who just happened to be a smart guy, a scientist, in fact, decided to do something about it. There was so much on the island for him to use for whatever. He built a shelter, which was going to be his laboratory. Years later, he managed to find a way to turn himself into a bird. A life-risking process, but since he had worked on it for so long... The man had created a few solutions. One kind (purple coloured, by the way) turned the drinker into a bird (the species depended on the bird feather placed into the liquid). Another (blue) turned the drinker into a cat (a few strands of fur were needed). Yet another (red) turned the drinker into a dog or wild canine (claws were needed). The last one (orange) turned the drinker into a reptile (a scale was needed). The scientist was going to make more, though his excitement peaked and he downed a vial of purple liquid. He didn't survive the transformation. About a month after the man died, a group of teens crash landed on the island after a hot air ballooning accident. I won't go into specifics, but let's just say that a ceramic giraffe was involved in the incident. The teens, before long, discovered the man's laboratory. It had been well-made, and was still standing. They entered the hut to find rocks. And on the rocks, containers of colourful fluids. One of the boys, a brave kid, gulped down some blue liquid, the one that turned one into a cat. However, it didn't have the strands of fur needed in it, so he only transformed halfway. The teens were scared, but amazed. A girl tried a bit of orange liquid. There was, oddly enough, no change. Still, she felt an odd sensation and gave in to whatever it was. She transformed into a black mamba. Her thoughts were still there, and she could understand the others speak. When she tried to talk to them, only the boy-cat understood her. Then she changed back into her human form. She was transformed halfway, too. But differently. What will happen to the teens? A Little Bit More Information The Purple Liquid changes the drinker into a bird. If they place an adult's feather from a certain species of bird into the fluid, they will turn into that species of bird (of their own gender). If not, they may transform halfway, looking like a half bird half person, or become like a shapeshifter, being able to change into that species at will (but not to stay a bird for too long). There's a possibility that their body will not be able to handle the transformation (if they don't add a feather), causing them to die. They will also be able to influence plants a bit (ex. their growth). The Blue Liquid changes the drinker into a cat. If they place a bit of an adult cat's fur from a certain species of bird into the fluid, they will turn into that species of cat (of their own gender). If not, they may transform halfway, looking like a half cat half person, or become like a shapeshifter, being able to change into that species at will (but not to stay a cat for too long). There's a possibility that their body will not be able to handle the transformation (if they don't add some fur), causing them to die. They will also be able to spit out some small flames. The Red Liquid changes the drinker into a dog (domestic or wild, ex. wolf). If they place a claw from a certain species of dog into the fluid, they will turn into that species of dog (of their own gender). If not, they may transform halfway, looking like a halfdog half person, or become like a shapeshifter, being able to change into that species at will (but not to stay a dog for too long). There's a possibility that their body will not be able to handle the transformation (if they don't add a claw), causing them to die. They will also be able to manipulate shadows. The Orange Liquid changes the drinker into a reptile (ex. snake). If they place a scale from a certain species of reptile into the fluid, they will turn into that species of reptile (of their own gender). If not, they may transform halfway, looking like a half reptile half person, or become like a shapeshifter, being able to change into that species at will (but not to stay a reptile for too long). There's a possibility that their body will not be able to handle the transformation (if they don't add a scale), causing them to die. They will also be able to generate a bit of electricity. Also, the drinker may transform into an amphibian. If so, they will need to add, instead of a scale, a bit of skin from the amphibian (the poison, if any, will immediately be neutralized by the solution) into the liquid. They may transform into an amphibian instead, but only the full transformation is possible. Surprise, surprise! There is also some yellow-coloured liquid. Perhaps it can change someone back to normal? Or to an insect? Perhaps a horse? Who knows! If your character is the first to drink the yellow liquid, then you may choose what they turn into or if it reverses the transformation!! Be broad, not specific if you choose a species (ex. insects, not Monarch butterflies only). Although the half-transformed and shapeshifters can communicate with humans (shapeshifters when they're in their human forms), what about the fully transformed people? They still think like people, but bear the instinct and knowledge of their species. So, in a way, they have an advantage over other creatures of nature! They can communicate with animals of their species if their species have a way of communication, though with humans, they can understand every word. They can utter some human words, and the volume depends on their size. Something similar to vocal chords grows inside their body, using what little space can be given. So far, there is no known cure for the transformation, half or full. As far as we know, it could be anything. Unfortunately, the cure might even be fatal, rendering it useless. But who knows... Rules No PPing or GMing. No spam. I will accept LITERATES. If you're semi-lit and your main issue is spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation, send me a sample of your roleplaying that has gone through Spellcheck. Romance is encouraged. Violence is alright, too, though it might be a little difficult to incorporate it. XD To join, post a BIO and read the rules. I'll know that you read the rules if you post slinkysnakes in your post somewhere. No mary-sues or gary-sues. I may appoint a co-owner. The first to ask to be the first drinker of the yellow fluid may rp that person. I'll try not to add more. BIO Name: Nicknames can be included, too! Gender: Age: 14 yrs.-19 yrs. old Personality: Fill out! History: Fill out! Will they drink any of the liquids?: Yes/no If so, which colour: Purple, blue, red, orange, yellow Transformation style?: Full, hybrid-looking, shapeshifter Appearance: Other: You may join~ :3
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:13pm May 9 2011 (last edited on 7:25pm May 12 2011)
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Characters (Roleplayer, character name 'nickname', gender, BIO page) DjMan12545: Amanda Louis (female, pg. 1), Matthew Louis (male, pg. 1) NessieChiky13: Anna 'Trance' Elliot (female, pg. 1) Graveyardfox: Benjamin Davidson (male, pg. 1) RikaTheFallen: Elias 'Ellie' Peterson (male, pg. 1), Apollo 'Shadow' Wilds (male, pg. 1) Kate978: Jade (female, pg. 1) GENDER BALANCE: Females~ 3 - Males~ 4 (Female characters recommended for now) -------------------------- My Characters~ :3 Name: Amanda Louis Gender: Female Age: 17 yrs. Personality: Intelligent, stubborn, creative, has a temper, kind, sarcastic. History: She and her brother were born into a somewhat poor family, so they could barely afford an education. Still, growing up the way they didn't make them pompous, as some of the people at their school were. Some said that Amanda, although younger, was smarter and better-looking. Matthew was a little hurt, and as his friends whispered to each other how they wanted to ask her out, his calm personality developed. Still, the two were great together. Sure, at school they didn't talk much, but apart from that, they rarely argued. Amanda had convinced Matthew to go on the hot air balloon ride with her and some other students, and it wasn't long before they crashed on the island... Will they drink any of the liquids?: Yes If so, which colour: Blue Transformation style?: Shapeshifter Appearance: Bottom Other: She's Matthew's younger sister. Also, Amanda dyes her hair red. Some say she looks older than her brother. Name: Matthew Louis Gender: Male Age: 18 yrs. old Personality: Relaxed, calm, leader-like, stubborn (runs in the family XD), can be flirtatious, easily offended. History: It's pretty much the same as Amanda's, since they're siblings. XD Will they drink any of the liquids?: Yes If so, which colour: Blue Transformation style?: Shapeshifter (same as Amanda, since their genetic structures, being similar, are altered similarly) Appearance: Bottom Other: He's Amanda's older brother. 

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:54pm May 9 2011 (last edited on 10:01pm May 9 2011)
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Posts: 314
(Sounds cool!) Name: Anna 'Trance' Elliot Gender: female Age: 17 Personality: She's headstrong and often barges into situtions without thinking. Usually argumentative, she'll negotiate until the other person just gives up. She's sarcastic and snappy. History: Parents died in a car accident when she was little, and she was passed around foster families most of her life. Will they drink any of the liquids?: Yes If so, which colour: Purple Transformation style?: Full Appearance:  Other: (slinkysnakes)
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
9:59pm May 9 2011 (last edited on 10:03pm May 9 2011)
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BIO Name: Benjamin Davidson Nicknames: Ben, Benji Gender: Male Age: 16 Personality: Ben is rather adventurous. He's always one to take risks and doesn't exactly care if it gets him hurt or not. He's typically calm and quiet despite his risk taking, and usually just stands by when it comes to social interactions. He can usually be seen with a gentle smile on his face, and his attitude towards others matches that. History: Nothing too important. Will they drink any of the liquids?: Yes If so, which colour: Blue Transformation style?: Hybrid (Ears, Tail, Claws, Fangs, etc.) Other: He doesn't seem to show much interest in girls... o3o 'slinkysnakes'
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:26pm May 10 2011 (last edited on 7:32pm May 12 2011)
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Name: Elias Peterson (His most common nickname is Ellie, but he really doesn't like to be called that. ;c) Gender: Male Age: 18, even though he looks like a little kid. Personality: He is a shy, quiet lad, mostly because of how he's always been picked on for his short stature. He has a big heart, though, and will rush to the aid of anyone he sees that needs it. He wants to become mroe self-confident so he can start to stand up for himself, but...he just doesn't have the willpower. ;c History: Eh. 18 years worth of teasing because he looks like a little kid. Nothing else to say, really. Will they drink any of the liquids?: Yes If so, which colour: Red Transformation style?: Hybrid (Ears, tail, fangs...everything. ouo) Appearance:
 Other: None. He's a black lab, by the way. |D Oh. And he likes boys as well. Just because. P: So does Apollo. xD SLINKYSNAKES. >O Name: Apollo Wilds (Nickname is Shadow. ;D) Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: Apollo may be a quiet person, but that doens't mean he's not formulating some sort of devious scheme in the back of his mind. He's very good at playing people, as he enjoys studying how people react to certain stimuli. He can make you feel sorry for him one minute, or just have you wrapped around your his little finger. Deep, deep down he actually does have a heart, his slightly sadistic nature tends to override it though. He loves it if he can get a good laugh out of something that's happened at someone else's expense. P: History: Nope. P: Will they drink any of the liquids?: Yep. If so, which colour: Yellow Transformation style?: Shapeshifter. Appearance:

tle="lion tamarin" /> (He's a Golden Lion Tamarin. <3) Other: Nope. ((YELLOW LIQUID TURNS THEM INTO DIFFERENT TYPES OF MONKEYS! 8D))

6:41pm May 10 2011 (last edited on 6:42pm May 10 2011)
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((May I join with orange liquid? Almost forgot XD slinkysnakes))
I\'m back.
6:51pm May 11 2011
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((All are accepted and yes you may, Kate. :3))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:45pm May 11 2011
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Name: Umm.... I'm Jade. Gender: I'm a female. Age: I turned sixteen in november. Personality: Me?... Well, I'm often tagged as 'shy', but I think of myself more as quiet. I like making friends, but am easily sadened. I am aslo gullible, but its really not that bad! I mean, its not like I still believe in the Tooth Fairy. She is real though, right? Uh, yeah, and I don't get angry easily and even when I am you can hardly tell. I often don't catch on very quick, like that one person who gets the joke an hour after its told. I enjoy a nice calm night under the stars, but who doesn't? What else? Let's see.... I pretty much go with anything, and often don't vioce out my opinion. I'm not one to argue, even if I know for a fact I am right. Fighting doen't get us far anyway, now does it? History: I actually grew up in a rather wealthy family. Not filthy rich but well off. I lived in a three story house with both my parents. I decided I wanted to ride a hot air balloon one day and... Bam! Done deal. Didn't realize I'd become stranded on an island, though. Oh, well, what can you do? Will they drink any of the liquids?: Yes If so, which colour: Orange Transformation style?: Full, but I wont like that! Quickly, I will search for a cure. Appearance: 
When Transformed:
(A blue poisonous dart frog. Technically an amphibian, but that's okay, right?)) *Image credit goes to owners* Other: My hair is dyed the color green, and my eyes were originally blue. I suffer from a condition where an imbalance in my body's chemicals tinted them purple. Its a common condition where I come from, perhaps its just the water in the area?
I\'m back.
8:53pm May 11 2011
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((Can I join?))
10:04pm May 11 2011 (last edited on 10:06pm May 11 2011)
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((May I join with the yellow liquid? Slinkysnakes))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:16pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 2,097
((Kate, accepted. Cool Bio. You don't see many first person ones out there. :) Has Dart read the rules yet? :o Yes you may, Bloodrose.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:32pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Okay. Yellow liquid turns them into different species of MONKEY! xD)
7:49pm May 12 2011 (last edited on 8:11pm May 12 2011)
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"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:52pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((Rikah-Nope. DJ said I could pick before you did.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:53pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Blood, I was the first to ask about the yellow liquid...so...yeah. ;c))
7:53pm May 12 2011
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((NO. I ASKED IN MY BIO BLOOD. D:< I just now edited it out! I posted my bio YESTERDAY AND ASKED.))
7:54pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 2,097
((So the yellow liquid makes people transform into a maybe Cervidae animal? (deer species, elk, moose, reindeer, etc.) Would it be okay if we added horses? Some people might prefer them.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:55pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((DJJJJJ! D: You said I could be the first to use the yellow liquid! I asked if Apollo could be the first, and I chose monkeys! -gloom-))
7:56pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 2,097
((Arghh. I forgot. D8 I'm so sorry, Rika! But yes, you did ask for it first, now that I remember.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:58pm May 12 2011 (last edited on 7:59pm May 12 2011)
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Posts: 3,426
((*frowns* Rika did ask first... I saw it yesterday.)) ((Edit:// Slow, sorry. xD;))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr