2:42am Aug 5 2010 (last edited on 2:43am Aug 5 2010)
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Alright, listen up yall. Pirates are awesome. I wanna RP as what Im about to dress up as. Ask me why, I dare ya. XD Soooo...almost everyone has seen or heard of Pirates of the Caribbean, a personal love of mine. This dont gotta follow the same plot line-maybe the pirates dont even leave port-I just wanna do sommat. Alright, ya yellow-bellied sea slugs. Rule time No OOC duels No GMing or PPing Nothin you wouldnt say/do front of your mam or da (RomanceViolenceswearingetc) Keep it PG Dont get caught Post Scurvy Dogs to join Be nice Pintel an Ragetti are NOT gay! D= Follow the Code Freeform or Bio Male>female, preferably. Time period: The buccaneering period of roughly 1650-80. The Golden Age of Piracy. Savy? Ill introduce my character/s if and when someone joins. 
(Copyright http://bri-chan.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d14hvqs)
Resident mounted archer
2:46am Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 3,141
OoC; Ok, I gotta ask. Why are you dressing up as a pirate? xDD Scurvy Dog
2:49am Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Its Dress like a Pirate day at the library tomorrow. ^^ Total awesomeness. They're showing all three PotC movies. *yay!*))
Resident mounted archer
3:51am Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 959
Scurvy dog :3 sounds like fun, wish my library did that
Embrynn is : Offline :(

10:09am Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Hehe. Is a Late Nite event the library does. In this small town libraries are just about the only source of fun when there aint no rodeos or whatnot. XD Welcome Em!))
Resident mounted archer
3:05am Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 959
(aaah I see! :3 thanks for welcoming me!! :D mind if i make a female pirate? I'l make her authentic, I swear ^^ )
Embrynn is : Offline :(

3:38am Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 853
[[Pirates, eh? Such an unfriendly word, that be. Aye, though a scurvy dog I may be.]]
10:21am Aug 6 2010
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((I guess Em. Make er good. ^^ Yay Chewie!! :D))
Resident mounted archer
2:54am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 959
(X3) Shiza the Bloody, the captain of the Red Star, terror of the seas. As her ship sailed away from the burning remains of what used to be the island harbor of Torango (random name), the fires painting the sky orange, Shiza cradled a bottle of looted rum in her palm, drinking heartily from it. As she sat on her perch, the head of her prized ship, Shiza twiddled with a strand of her raven-black hair, a smile on her lips. Green eyes flashing in the burning night, the blood-sated captain sang, rather dunkenly, "On a night o' full bellies an' a good deey o' raids, 'ow wonderful i' is zat today's mai birthdeeeeey!" At 26, Shiza was very young to be a captain, even of a small, but speedy, vessel such as the Red Star, a ship she had won after defeating the previous captain in combat seven years ago. over those years, Shiza had earned herself quite the name, her and her crew raiding and pillaging all along the islands of the southern seas. All of this reputation was put to waste, though, as Shiza, her ship, and her crew of scurvy dogs, in thier drunkeness, sailed towards one of the biggest storms to brew in several years. A few days later, washed as*censored* some shabby port, Shiza found herself reduced to a single pirate, young, female, with only her skilled blade, her name, and a killer hangover to work with. Dragging herself towards the nearest inn, Shiza painfully considered her future, a forlorn look to her face. (if that's too much to read, Shiza was a pretty well-known pirate and her ship and crew were just lost to a storm. She's 26, and has long black hair and green eyes. After writing this, I'm tempted to start up a short story X3 Oh, and just a warning, she's a seductress :P)
Embrynn is : Offline :(

6:50am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((Stop acting like a scurvy dog and let me join. Savy?))
9:18am Aug 9 2010
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((LOL. Of course Chance! LOL Em. That was great! :D *irish accent*)) The afternoon sun glinted off of Abra's dark hair as she wrapped her duster around her body. Though the sun was warm, the wind was cold she turned to look back at her brother. He was roughly the same hight, six foot something, with long limbs. The same as Abra. Twins. "Abe, are ya sure this is the place?" He asked, coming to stand up beside her. Abcde had sandy blonde hair and light brown eyes. Except for their shared hight and history you never would guess their blood relation. Abra sighed. "'Course Dee. Where else would we find work? Anythin' to get us away from this place." Abe arranged her belt, rather needlessly, and opened the door to the Stuck Pig Inn, holding it for her brother. "Ladies first," she smirked. Abcde shook his head and walked in, muttering under his breath as they entered the inn, glad to be out of the wind. ((Abcde=Ab-si-dee Abra=Ai-bruh Uhg. Mornin. ><))
Resident mounted archer
3:01pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 959
(lol morning, Shiza doesn't really have that heavy of an accent, it was just because she was drunk) The Stuck Pig Inn, a ramshackle place if there ever was one, but at least they didn't water down thier drinks. Shiza cradled one from her seat at the bar, mourning the loss of... well, everything she had. Despite her initial intention in entering the inn-to get drunk while mourning- Shiza's drink from fifteen minutes ago was the one still in her hand. The barkeep kept giving Shiza curious looks, and he wasn't the only one. Most of the men in the common area of the inn were eyeing the undeniably beautiful woman. She had tied her hair into a braid, its thick length dropping to the small of her back. Luckily the storm hadn't washed away Shiza's heavy purse of looted gold, allowing her to purchase new clothing to replace those tarnished by her watery journey. She now wore a lacy white blouse that lay loose around the shoulders but was tight around the abdomen due to a (Gah, I don't know what they're called!! Those really tight rib things that are common for old english noblewomen wear, Elizabeth Swan almost suffocated from one in the first movie). A pair of dark, almost black leather trousers hugged the curves of her body while her knee-high boots completed the stunning outfit. There was, however, one last article to consider, Shiza's belt. The leather dyed a deep, bloody red, the pirate's belt held several similarly colored pouches as well as the scabbard for Shiza's sword, the hilt of which was gold and carved into the liking of a roaring dragon head, its eye a bloody ruby. Beautiful and deadly; that was the aura that radiated from Shiza even as she sipped from her drink, a heavy air around her. She was hardly even aware of the door opening as two more people entered the inn, momentarily drawing everyone else's attention.
Embrynn is : Offline :(

3:04pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((scurvy dogs....i shouldn't be doing this but ima do it anyway because i love pirates of the carribean))
3:07pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 3:11pm Aug 9 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
{~ Yarr harr! I ish joining, Todie :P ~} Scurvy Dogs
3:57pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((Scurvy Dogs. ;D Todeoo<3 I has so join.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

8:11pm Aug 9 2010
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((Yus! Yall can has joinage!! :D Corset, Em. ^^ Used to make the waist look longer and the hips broader. Also for disabling lung capacity. XD)) Abra strode to a table, Abcde close behind. They sat in a secluded corner, where it was warmest. Their skin was thin and pale, making it hard for them to retain warmth. They were usually the only ones wearing long overcoats in the summer and spring and didnt seem to exist in the colder months. Abe's eyes roved around the room as she drank her warm drink (Cause thats the only thing you can do with that stuff. XD). This was a new place to her.
Resident mounted archer
8:26pm Aug 9 2010
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Niamh's ship glided into the port gracefully, with her standing at the prow. She lifted a hand to her forehead as she searched for the tavern, a bright smile lighting up her face when she saw it. "Listen up crew!" she called her crew, all female. "It's time to take a break. Take a couple of dubloons each and go make merry!" She herself leaped off the gangplank gracefully, striding up to the Stuck Pig Inn, a shining cutl*censored* in one hand. She opened the door and strode in, heading for the bar. She could hear a few of her crew behind her, laughing and joking while they relaxed, but she knew that most would be scouting the stores for the new fashions. No one on Niamh's ship went poorly clothed. {~ She wears a black corset with white ribbons tying it up, and a short black skirt that is slightly crimped. On her head is a large black pirate hat. She has slightly curly black hair and bright blue eyes. ~}
8:52pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 2,963
The volume in the Inn grew louder as the new group of women. "Women of cl*censored* and wenches of ill repute," Dee muttered behind his hand, trying to hide his smile. Abe stared at him. "An' what's the difference, since ya know so much," she wanted to know, punching him in the arm. He hissed and leaned over, biting his lip. "Wuss," she muttered, taking another drink. "There's got to be someone in need of hands round here somewhere," The girl spoke to herself as she swirled the contents in her tankard.
Resident mounted archer
11:43pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Arr, you scurvy dawg. -Makes hook with finger- Join?))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:23am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Niamh turned to face Dee and lifted an eyebrow before slipping back into the crowd. She managed to find a stool by the bar and ordered a mug of strong beer, flipping a bronze coin at the bartender. She rested her elbows on the table as she waited for her drink, her guard never relaxinhg.