I walked through the Ghost Forest, carefully avoiding the illusions that the saplings caused. They would make you think that there was somebody watching you, hence the name Ghost Forest. I soon approached the large rock, Echo Cave. We, the Echo Pack, go to the Echo Cave when we are sorrowful, sad, or just need to talk.
When I reached the entrance, I could see the crystals that suspended from all sides of the walls and ceilings. They glowed with a bluish green glow at night. None of us have figured out why they glow though. Our ancestors reside there in that cave. They aren’t residing there physically, but spiritually. I approached the large, shimmering stone in the center of the cave. The pond behind the rock made it shimmer even more.
I examined the paw print mark on the top of the rock. That’s how we communicated. We placed our paw on top of that paw mark and it was like we were psychically connected, allowing us to speak to our ancestors and for them to speak to us. I gently put my paw on top of the paw mark and closed my eyes as I prepared to talk to my grandmother about me being the alpha and having to choose a mate.
The Echo Pack lives in a very large section of forest and clearings. The alphas’ daughter, Zoria, has been left on her own when her parents died. Now she has to chose a mate to be the alpha male. All of the wolves can go to Echo Cave and speak to their ancestors. Sometimes they need to talk; sometimes they need help with decisions. Their pack grounds are in the left corner of their territory. All sorts of wolves are in Echo Forest. From maned wolves to regular timber wolves. Now Zoria, the new alpha female must choose a mate to be the alpha male.
Alpha Female: Zoria played by WolfieBelle
Alpha Male: (He has to win the heart of Zoria.)
Betess: Open
Beta: Open
Regular Pack Members: Infinitely Many
Loners: Infinitely Many
1. Ask to join.
2. Please o’ please, ask to join.
3. No gay/bi/lesbian wolves.
4. Keep everything PG-13.
5. Keep cussing to a minimum.
6. No fighting in OOC.
7. Be semi-literate, meaning at least three sentences per post.
8. Have fun!
-Bio Skeleton-
(You must fill in the ones with this, *, beside it.)
((My bio is coming soon~))