11:34pm Mar 8 2015 (last edited on 8:30am Aug 10 2015)
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Welcome to the Falconius Shapeshifting Institute! Here, young shapeshifters from all over the world come to learn how to fully understand what causes their shapeshifting and how Hrasa, Goddess of the Hunt, blessed you with the abilities you have. Now, Hrasa blessed the shapeshifters with the ability to change into six animals maximum and two animals minimum, two of the earth, two of the sky, and two of the water; extinct, extant, and mythical.
We of the Falconius Shapeshifting Institute are a secret schooling institute, located in London. Meaning you have to be a shapeshifter to get a letter. Or, if you are far removed from civilization, we will come find you.
For this one, it is a shapeshifter boarding school. Obviously. I’m thinking that your characters are already students at the Institute and some will receive the letter later.
New shapeshifters to the Institute can be shown and the ropes of the school by you character.
Bit of random information: Hrasa is a goddess I made up. She is Goddess of the Hunt, the Moon, and Plague. She created the werebeasts/beastweres, therianthropes, and shapeshifters, according to my lore. She is also part of the Malues branch of the First pantheon (first-pantheon.weebly.com).
All credit goes to Dragonstar.
11:55pm Mar 8 2015 (last edited on 1:24am Aug 2 2015)
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Name ≡ ŀ Age ≡ ŀ Gender ≡ŀ Species ≡ ŀ Animal Forms ≡ ŀ Base Form ≡ ŀ Appearance ≡ ŀ Personality ≡ ŀ History ≡ ŀ Family ≡ ŀ Other ≡ ŀ
3:58am Mar 15 2015
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Name ≡ ŀ Ginger Cadathi Age ≡ ŀ 15 Gender ≡ŀ Female Species ≡ ŀ Shape shifter Animal Forms ≡ ŀ Fox, rabbit, octopus, horse, mouse, giraffe. Base Form ≡ ŀ Human Appearance ≡ ŀ peculiar dull, grey eyes, long orange flowy hair with random freckles around her nose, a tan skin tone with a small blotch on her back as a birth mark. Her nails are short and stubby, and her ears are a little pointed at the tips. Personality ≡ ŀ Mysterious, quiet, creepy, but a geek when it comes to science and math! History ≡ ŀ Ginger went from riches to rags. She lives in a beautiful mansion with her mother, father and 11 year old brother. One night, their town was under attack, and the threats thought their house was the main functioning point to every thing. Ginger was the only one out of the four that had survived. This was two years ago. Family ≡ ŀ All dead except for a missing Uncle somewhere in Asia. Other ≡ ŀ Nope :)
4:01am Mar 15 2015
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9:39am Mar 24 2015
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Do you want to start? Before you start, if you want to, I need to make a letter.
9:40am Mar 24 2015 (last edited on 8:31am Aug 10 2015)
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Dear //your character's name//
Congratulations on your acceptance to 'Falconis Shapeshifting Insititute'. The only school in the world that is for Shaleshifters. This school is situated in London.
We have regular sports and after and during school activities. Our academics and sports are at a very high standard. Only the best of the best are accepted.
During your breaks, after school and on weekends you may got the town by driving, walking or riding one of the school horses or your own. In the town are restaurants, take-always, a cinema and shops for your needs. There is no school uniform.
If you going during breaks or after school make sure you are back in time for class or before ten o'clock at night. This is your responsibility. After six o'clock at night, you may not be alone in the town.
We have many horse trails, running paths and an Olympic sized pool. Which, are free to use whenever. Please note that when you swim there must be a teacher or friend watching or swimming with you. Many horse trails are closed in winter as they tend to get extremely slippery for shapeshifter and horse.
Please let us know of your acceptance by the 22 December by phoning Margrit, our secretary, on //phone number//. For further information contact Margrit or visit our website www.FalconisShapeshiftingInsititute.com/home/page/1.
Mr Edward Richards Principal
12:32pm Mar 26 2015
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Posts: 12
Name ≡ ŀ Jo Goodman Age ≡ ŀ 16 Gender ≡ŀ Female Species ≡ ŀ Shapeshifter Animal Forms ≡ Barn Owl,Honey Badger, Humming Bird, Coyote, Dolphin, Cat
Base Form ≡ ŀ Human Appearance ≡ ŀ Jo has large hazel eyes, messy short brown hair and light brown skin. Her height is 5'4" and has a lean build. On most days, she wears slightly lose fitting jeans and a long-sleeved button up, then rolls up the sleeves. Personality ≡ ŀ Jo can be described as different than most other teen girls. She has her emotions under control, and may even seem almost robotic-like to strangers. She will sometimes use those who aren't as smart as her to get what she wants, this means forming a bond with the person and immediately breaking it once she no longer needs the person. She is honest to a point and isn't afraid to call you out in front of others. Jo is very much introverted and can easily tire out after socializing with a large group. Despite all this, she does have emotions and feelings. Though she might not show it, she very much loves her friends. She has yet to experience true love and does not picture it ever happening to her. Jo can also be very much full of herself and does not take criticism well. History=l Jo was raised by a single mother and was the middle child of three. Her mother was always very annoying to her, as was her siblings. The only reason Jo did not like them was because she thought of them as common sheep with no mind of their own. Once they found out about her ability, they made her an outcast and pretty much ignored her. Family ≡ ŀ A mother, older brother and younger sister. Refuses to speak to them. Other ≡ ŀ She is a lesbian.

10:59pm Mar 26 2015
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11:01am Mar 27 2015
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Posts: 12
Yay :) When do we start?
12:58am Mar 28 2015
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I'll tell you.
12:13am Apr 11 2015 (last edited on 11:24pm Dec 25 2015)
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We need 3 males to start. I made one. So, 2.
Name ≡ ŀ Asher Kyle Austin Age ≡ ŀ Just turned 17 Gender ≡ŀ Male Species ≡ ŀ Shapeshifter Animal Forms ≡ Falcon, (African) Leopard, Wolf, Freshwater Crocodile, Great White Shark and a swallow.
Base Form ≡ ŀ Human Appearance ≡ ŀ  Asher has short brown hair with natrual blonde highlights and blue eyes. He's well built from his training, that he does as a rebel, and his long legs allow him to run and walk faster than average. Personality ≡ ŀ Asher is an easy to get along guy. He is willing to listen people, and he's also willing to give advice to people who are struggling. He's positive when that's needed, and he's serious in a dire situation. He's very adaptable to his surroundings and easily keeps his negative emotions inside him. He's an athletic and sporty guy, a rebel and a ladies man. He loves to party. When he is hurt, he will be stupid and get drunk.
History ≡ ŀ A secret. Family ≡ ŀ His Dad, his older brother, his younger sister and his ex-girlfriend. Other ≡ ŀ No
12:33am Apr 11 2015
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Posts: 1,324
Letter is up.
12:33am Apr 11 2015
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Posts: 1,324
Letter is up.
5:01am Jul 20 2015 (last edited on 2:50pm Jul 31 2015)
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Name ≡ ŀ Xavier Tristan Age ≡ ŀ 18 Gender ≡ŀ Male Species ≡ ŀ Shape shifter Animal Forms ≡ ŀ Wolf, horse, black faced hawk, turquoise-browed motmot, Australian water dragon, great hammer head shark. Base Form ≡ ŀ Human Appearance ≡ ŀ Unusually electric-blue eyes (quite large) with short, black hair that is swished to one side. He has 'white' skin, not quite a six-pack, but is slightly muscular beneath his - what appears to be - skinny figure with his long legs. His large, blue eyes create the effect in peoples' minds as 'puppy eyes'. The horrific part is the large whip mark that is scarred, on his back, a deep crimson stripe. Personality ≡ ŀ Xavier is a dark, reserved young man who would rather stay quiet than get into a conversation. He is always hanging back in the shadows; unsocial and burdened. Xavier sometimes gets defensive over people in the weirdest ways, even if he doesn't know them, and is willing to fight anyone and everyone. Many stay away from him due to his heated attitude, yet are grateful when he steps in to help. He really warms up to friends. History ≡ ŀ Xavier knows nothing of his family. He always grew up in a Home. Nobody wanted him because he was so unsocial, emotionless: they didn't know what hard times he was going through. One day, though, the Home's seemingly lovely Carer turned on him in a flare of anger, whipping him several times in the same place on his back. After that he never trusted anyone. Family ≡ ŀ He's an orphan. He doesn't know of any proper family, since nobody adopted him. He is now living in his own house, though. Other ≡ ŀ He has a deep, gruff voice (random =P).
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
9:44am Jul 20 2015
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Accepted! :)) Anyone can post, I will post later! :)
6:31am Jul 22 2015
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I was thinking of starting, but considering it's your RP... idk. :3 might post in a few mins, though
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
9:12am Jul 22 2015
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I am quite busy, please excuse me until the weekend or further notice.
10:08am Jul 22 2015 (last edited on 3:56am Jul 25 2015)
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Okay. I'm in England, so school is finished and we have no homework. I apologize if I post at odd times! ^-^ By the way, is the Institute like a boarding school? I don't mind if you can't answer this until the weekend. Thx!
Xavier was awoken by the sound of his alarm, causimg him to groan as he flung his fist out to hault the irritable wail. Standing and stumbling in his fatigue, he cautiously walked over to his wardrobe. On the door, a post-it-note was hanging:
~Remember, free first period. Induction for new-comers late this year.
Instead of being over-joyed, Xavier just groaned. He had never been one to be happy but, anyway, he opened his wardrobe and snatched out his swimming trunks. If I won't lie in, I might as well make some use of the time... Xavier thought. Confirming that his room-mate Asher was still asleep, he swiftly changed into his trunks; the swimming pool was bound to have a teacher around somewhere. Slipping on his school clothes over his trunks and packing them, he set off.
After a few minutes of jogging, Xavier took the route to the swimming-pool - perfect! Before him was the large, lavish Olympic-sized pool. Changing again and packing, he walked down to the water's edge, before clambering down the ladder. A few minutes went by before he felt the urge to swim in a different form; his great hammer-head took over. Xavier could feel his muscles retracting and expanding, his bones cracking and re-shaping to accommodate itself for its new form. Finally the almost nauseating feeling came to a stop.
He dived as far as he could into the water, enjoying the feeling of his muscular body thrusting against the offending liquid, it rippling along his flanks. The pulse of his breath nearly covered the adrenaline-pumped beating sound of his heart - life couldn't be better in this care-free form.
Sorry if it seems too long!
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:36am Jul 22 2015
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There is a boarding bourse, but you can be a day boarder if you want.
My Auntie just moved to England and told me about it. I am just having a break from studying for a test that is for tomorrow that my friends didn't tell me about it because I was at music. e_e
1:01pm Jul 22 2015
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Posts: 1,667
Oh. Gotta love last-minute studying... -.-
Anyway, thx again! XD I'll edit my other post, so I can start off. It's good that someone understands.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (: