For the Best ╰☆╮ Pokémon RP

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10:01am May 28 2011

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Posts: 5,998
This is a remade RP >(o3o)>
Team Rocket is at it again. Wait, is it Team Rocket?
Recently, Pokémon have been disappearing. From the youngest Pichu to the most experienced Salamence, these Pokémon have been snatched from their trainers at the dead of the night in all the regions. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova. None are excluded.
Apparently, the beloved Pokémon weren't enough for Team ???. They have harassed the Legendary Pokémon, eager to capture them to use their powers. Each individual Legendary was able to hold them off, until the team finally was smart enough to gang up against the ultimate Pokémon, Arceus.
Angered, the Legendaries have joined in an attempt to release Arceus. But obviously human technology has surpassed the power of the Legendaries. They need the help of trainers. A lot of trainers.
Each Legendary has found a trainer that seems to feel... Special to them. Together, they must team up to defeat this team, and restore order to this world. 
 you must read this or else ihu forever D<
- No shiny Pokémon. -cough- I find them annoying -cough-
- Only ONE Legendary Pokémon per character
-Post aldsfjkladsf to prove you have read the rules // I ran out of ideas xD 
 jkjk. don't post that xD
- I would prefer it if you RP with a boy and a girl. But I shall enforce my old rule: If you RP two girls, make a guy. It's alright if you want to RP one male. 
-FYI, -pokes rule above- If you do make a girl, then ihu c: 
 - You are starting off with 0 Pokémon. Team ??? has snatched them 
-Try and stick to regular Pokémon rules, e.g. No wild Eevees everywhere, they don't grow on trees, no sob stories, etc.
-Highlight the rules
- Your character/s CANNOT be the Champion, or some descendant/relation of a canon character
- Be active. I will rMail you if you're not. 
-Nobody below the age of 15
-Appropriate pictures. i.e. I don't want teenagers looking like 35 year olds or 7 year olds. 
 post 'I have nuo shiny pokémon :c' instead >D
-Romance is encouraged ^^ 
- Human Bios-
Legendary Partner:
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: [legendary Pokémon have no nicknames]
note: Every time a new Pokémon is caught, you must post this bio for them 


10:01am May 28 2011 (last edited on 10:10am May 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Characters & Partner Legendaries
Sanae Katana - Rayquaza
Natsume Tsuyoi - Darkrai 
Miles Yokai - Latios
Maya Cathers - Suicune 
Mizu Hayashi - Toshiro
Ichigo Honda - Toshiro 
Everyone shall meet up in Sinnoh //somehow >_>'' 
[Bios to be edited in later posts]
Name: Sanae Katana
Gender: Female
Age: 16
note: This picture does belong to me. This was drawn for me by Gerychi. If I see someone else using this, I shall not be happy D< 
Sanae, overall, has a gentle and generally kind nature. She's fiercely competitive, and always wants to be in first-place, however, and Sanae is also terribly dense, unable to figure out if she's in trouble or not. She believes in her own version of justice, and does anything she could to have it delivered. She's rather adventurous, and overly curious. Sanae's rather stubborn, and has a one-track mind. If she has her mind set on something, it will be incredibly hard to stop her.
 Sanae's also a horrible liar, and has strange 'face twitches' when she attempts to lie.
Legendary Partner: Rayquaza
Crush: Open
Other: None
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Rayquaza -legendaries have no nicknames-
Species: Rayquaza
Gender: ...woof.
Nature: Adamant
Other: None
Name: Natsume Tsuyoi
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Natsume is more of a knight than anything else. He has the stereotypical air of nobility and loyalty, and he never backs down from a challenge or a promise. Despite his all-around bishounen features, Natsume doesn't mind tormenting other people who he is not acquainted with. Because of this, he comes off as an arrogant jerk most of the time, and doesn't mind sticking with that ti
tle. He doesn't like childish or loud people, and he doubts he'll ever get used to them. [seriously, if you join with a weird punky girl or something, he's not going to like her :x]
Legendary Partner: Darkrai
Crush: Open
Other: None
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Darkrai
Species: Darkrai
Gender: ...
Nature: Serious
Other: None
Name: Miles Yokai
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Miles is the guy that generally radiates the 'easily annoyed' air. He's quick to the point and blunt, mainly because he's a horrible liar. Miles loves simplicity, and prefers a nice and easy friendship/relationship. He can't stand secrets, and is quite an open book.
 He hates being mistaken as the 'tough on the outside, sweet on the inside' stereotype, and never has any special feelings reserved for anyone
Legendary Partner: Latios
Crush: He won't crush first, but open
Other: None
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Latios
Species: Latios
Gender: Male
Nature: Docile
Other: None

Name: Maya Cathers
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Maya's got a curious personality, like a cat. She loves being the trickster in the group, and always crosses the line, never knowing where it is in the first place. She tests things till they break, she never likes apologizing and paying for the damages. She can't stand to see someone fall behind her, for some reason, though. Maya would usually offer her hand to someone in need, unless that someone happens to be a person she doesn't like.
Legendary Partner: Suicune
Crush: Won't crush first
Other: None
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Suicune
Species: Suicune
Gender: ...
Nature: Lonely
Other: None


10:09am May 28 2011 (last edited on 10:10am May 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 736

(( I have nuo shiny pokémon :c' naww.

heh heh))



 Name: Mizu Hayashi

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Mizu.png picture by crazymonkey982 
((By Grayvs)) 
Mizu, is blunt, sarcastic, and often talks to herself. Because of this, others tend to steer away from her as they think she is a bit, strange. She tries to give people the benefit of the doubt and won’t hold grudges however will tell them straight out what she thinks of their actions. Not that she is trying to be mean, it is just in her nature. She enjoys cooking, camping, climbing and will eat almost anything. You will never catch this tomboy in a dress, she finds them too revealing and not appropriate for the things she does. Despite her preferred hobbies, she knows a thing or two about technical equipment via her mother being a researcher. 
Legendary Partner: Raikou
Crush: N/A
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Raikou
Species: Raikou
Gender: Legendarys don't have genders.
Nature: Modest
Other: N/A
Name: Ichigo 'berry' Honda
Gender: Male
Age: 17
((By Draco)) 
Ichigo is generally rather a laid back lad, however sometimes he does before he thinks so can get into trouble. He is polite to his elders (Adults) and won’t answer back if he disagrees with what they say. He is short for a boy his age but doesn’t let that bother him; rather, he thrives on it. He likes to socialize with others and makes friends with them in seconds; even if they aren’t friendly to him. He likes listening to music and bursts into fits of laughter often. Un-natural things confuse him, and he can widen his eyes to look like a startled fox. He was given the nickname berry because of the pink highlights at the tips of his blonde hair... and because of his name. (He’s literally, strawberry blonde). 
Legendary Partner: Celebi
Crush: Open
Other: hmm, nope.
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Celebi
Species: Celebi
Gender: Legendarys don't have genders.
Nature: Timid
Other: N/A
-all pictures belong to me-

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

10:28am May 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(I'ma go ahead and claim Giratina and Kyurem. My bios wil come after I'm no longer starving. X.x)


6:37pm May 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 736

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

6:41pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 6:41pm May 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 411
(I claim Shaymin. Because I love Shaymin. XD And I'd also like Meloetta)

YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;

7:43pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 7:45pm May 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,422

((I claim Cobalion and somthing else.))

((I have nou shiny pokemon))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

9:18pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 9:24pm May 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 509
((I claim Groudon and Cresselia cuz they're awsome :D))


10:02pm May 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
((Can I claim Reshiram and Victini? *is a fire lover*))

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


10:15pm May 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Post your bios, everyone o3o ]]


11:24pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 5:51pm May 29 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 411
( I have nuo shiny pokémon :c )
- Human Bios-
Name: Lucius Dravenport
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty
Personality: He is basically the pinnacle.. the definition of chilvary. Lucius always puts females before him, and even males ocassionally. He makes sure to keep himself (and his soon to be owned Pokemon) well feed and very content.  The way he speaks, and acts; you'd think he was ripped straight from the Renassiance Era.
 Like a grass type, he is very gentle. At times he can get pretty playful, causing others to think of him as extremely niave. Some of the time his niave personality gets the best of him, and he can get very distracting... to others.
Or when he sees something pretty.
Oh yes, something very pretty. He becomes as egotistic as a vain Roselia; complimenting himself like there's no tomorrow. 'Oh what a gorgeous rose, if I put it in my hat, it'll look even more beautiful thanks to my presence~'
Legendary Partner: Shaymin
Crush: None
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Shaymin
Species: Shaymin
Gender: None
Nature: Bashful
Other: Tends to hide
 - Human Bios-
Name: Lillium Velvety
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Personality: Lillium is quite calm and her carriage (posture) is very composed, just like a psychic type. She usually focuses on calming her emotions when around others, making sure she doesn't bother others. Lillium has that 'soothing' aura about her being, and seems to be graceful most of the time.
This also makes her a good liar, because you can never tell when she is lying. Of course, she would never lie. That would be rude of her. And as they say, 'do to others as they do unto you.'
Yet with every calm personality comes a major flaw: How long they can stay calm. Unlike others who come off as a calm and collected character, her fuse is as short as an apple's stick. Once it snaps, she goes a bit... well 'odd' to say the least. Talking to herself as if others are around, speaking to things that don't exist. Sometimes lashing out on others for simple reasons.
It's not that she has MPD or anything, its just that she spends so much time being calm (or trying at least) that her body can't handle it.
Legendary Partner: Meloetta
Crush: None
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Meloetta
Species: Meloetta
Gender: Genderless
Nature: Quirky
Other: Tends sing a lot

YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;

11:26pm May 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Bunbunny, both of your characters are Mary Sues. They have no flaws. Please edit them ^^ ]]


11:27pm May 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 411
(They are? Oh my... I couldn't tell. Alright hold on.)

YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;

4:11am May 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 736

((Why don't people -stares- post their bio's instead of 'I'm having this character?' 


Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

10:33am May 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 411
(I had to go after I said that D: )

YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;

10:36am May 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 736
((Tis fine. It is hard to get accross saying things without sounding violent ^^' Its just that you have many people who hold specific characters, then never get round to doing things. Me thinks thats why tld prefers it when people post their bios.))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

10:38am May 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 411
(Oh ._. Well most people are just lazy and decide 'oh, my character is still held for me, I guess I'll just post my bio when the RPs already 8 PAGES IN and make a grand entrance. It's not like that'll ruin anything.')

YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;

11:49am May 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((I had to go get food, then went swimming nd hd an allergic reaction to who knwos what. By the time I got back home I was dead tired. :U -gets bios-))


12:14pm May 29 2011 (last edited on 3:26pm May 29 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((I have nuo shiny pokémon :c))


Name: Elias Ravei
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality: Elias is a very lonely kind of person. He likes to be by himself with nothing but his Pokemon, so, needless to say, this whole mess making him have to work with other trainers is pretty...upsetting to him. He'll do it for the Pokemon, but he's not gonna like it.
He also has a deeply mysterious aura around him because so little is actually known about him by someoen other than his mother and his personal Pokemon. He is very quiet and prefers directign his Pokemon through hand signals rather than by shouting out his moves, which also gives him an advantage in battle because his signals are very slight.
Legendary Partner: Giratina
Crush: None. And he doesn't crush first. O.O
Other: None. P:
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Giratina
Species: Giratina
Gender: Giratina is genderless, but I always refer to him as a male. :U
Nature: Lonely
Other: HAtes to lose. :D
Name: Aileen Meryl
Gender: Female (I know, right? Rika's playing a girl of her own free will! o:)
Age: 17
IGNORE THE GUN AND THE ARMOR. The uniform she wears because it's cool. xD
Personality: She has a very...cold personality towards all living things besides her own Pokemon. She has a tongue sharper than an icecicle blade and an air colder than the mountain peaks. She hates the people who took her Pokemonw ith everything she has, and is willing to sdo anythign to get them back, even if it costs her life.
However, she is still not goin to be very...well...nice, which is one of her msny flaws. She hates people, and her hatred is only strengthened each time a new evil team steals one or all of her Pokemon. She can't trust anyone.
Legendary Partner: Kyurem
Crush: None. She doesn't crush first, either. :U
Other: None
- Pokémon Bios-
Nickname: Kyurem (I wanted to call him Himanada, too. xD It means Glacier in Hindi and it's what I named my Kyurem. c:)
Species: Kurem
Gender: Kyurem is genderless...and I refer to him as male, too. xD;
Nature: Jolly
Other: Hates to lose.
((These two are based off of my actual Pokemon. Yes, Kyurem's nature really is Jolly. xD))


1:50pm May 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Rika: What's hotlinking? o-o ]]

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