Full Name: Willa S. Wang
Age in human years: 13
Gender: Female
Personality: She is shy around new people and people she doesn't know well. But when she is with good friends, she's a little cuckoo in the head. She is random, weird and funny. Willa is also very kind, she loves to share and help anyone in need. But, like Ribunny, she has some anger management issues. :P
History: Coming soon:P
Looks: Tan skin, brown eyes, dark brown hair. She likes to wear all colours of clothing. Her favourite pieces of clothing to wear are mini skirts and mini jacket things. xD
Other:SHe loves horses. And wolves. ;o
Name: Blessings
Age in human years: 4 years old
Gender: Female
Colours/markings/breed: She is all white. No markings (since she is white :P). She is a lippizzaner
Personality:Blessings is very calm. Unlike Willa, she does not have anger mangament issues. (XD) She likes to eat fresh gr*censored* and for a treat, carrots. She has never been a mother before, but has reared a young orphaned goat, which has given her motherly instincts. She loves all living things, except for the ones that hurt others. :S Blessings loves to go on rides with her owner, especially in the peaceful forest. She also loves it when Willa takes her to the lake for a sip and a splash.
History: Coming soon
Looks: She is pure white, which in horse language, is called cremello. Like most cremellos, she has blue eyes.
Other: Coming soon
Extra pet: (optional)
Type of pet:Rabbit
Colours/markings/breed:Black with white belly + feet, dwarf
Personality: ...
History: ...