Goodbye is never easy.

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5:12pm Apr 5 2012 (last edited on 5:52pm Apr 9 2012)

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Posts: 5,211

Goodbye is never easy. Private for LilMissCamouflage,MandK and LilWolfPaw5501 only. Haunted mansion,Teen role play,






Places to go



Be nice to others, No fighting.

No details, Kissings fine but it it goes furter. Fades to black applies

If I ask you to do something, Please do.

Make even genders, If you make 2 girls please make two boys

Couples must be girl/guy

No god modeling.

Only real teen pictures, No anime please

If you read to rules please put Damon Salvatore on your fourm some where.



Bio/Skelly [For teens]

Name [Full name]:





Bf/Gf[Dont come with one]:

Finacee[Dont come with one]:

Husband/Wife[Dont come with one]:





Other[Tattoos,Peircings etc]:

Pet[s] {Optional}:



Bio/Skelly [For kids]

If you make a kid you have to make a teen to go with it.

Name[Full name]:


Age(Newborn-5yrs old):









Places to go[May add more later.]





Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

5:12pm Apr 5 2012 (last edited on 7:37pm Apr 8 2012)

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Posts: 5,211
Name [Full name]: Lashay Lynn Chandler
Nickname: Shay
Age(15-19): 16
Gender: Girl duh
Crush; Impress her
Bf/Gf[Dont come with one]: Not yet
Finacee[Dont come with one]: Not yet
Husband/Wife[Dont come with one]: Not yet
Siblings: Logan and her twin Cheyenne
Kids: Nope yet yet
Pregnant?: Nope
Personality: Shes funny and flirty. Most of the time shes always flirting with a guy. Shes bubbly and sweet when shes around a guy she likes, She thinks her brother is to protective but she loves him any way.
Other[Tattoos,Peircings etc]:

Belly button ring:

Tattoo on her left shoulder:

Tattoo on her lower back:

Pet[s] {Optional}: Rebel male Pit bull


(She has this tattoo to)

Name [Full name]: Cheyenne Victoria Chandler
Nickname: Chey
Age(15-19): 16
Gender: Girl
Crush; Not yet
Bf/Gf[Dont come with one]: Not yet
Finacee[Dont come with one]: Not yet
Husband/Wife[Dont come with one]: Not yet
Siblings: Lashay[Twin] and Logan
Kids: Nope
Pregnant?: Nope
Personality: Shes flirty and smart. Shes bubbly around guys that she thinks is cute. She thinks her brother is to protective
Other[Tattoos,Peircings etc]: Belly button ring, Blue butterfly tattoo on her left shoulder and a white tiger tattoo like Lashays on her lower back.

Pet[s] {Optional}: Bullet male pit bull


Name [Full name]: Logan Lee Chandler
Nickname: Give him one
Age(15-19): 18
Gender: Guy
Crush; Not yet
Bf/Gf[Dont come with one]: Nope
Finacee[Dont come with one]: Nope
Husband/Wife[Dont come with one]: Nope
Siblings: Lashay and Cheyenne
Kids: Nope
Pregnant?: Nope
Personality: Very protective over his sister, Hes flirty and is definitly a ladys boy
Other[Tattoos,Peircings etc]:

Tattoo on his left arm:


Pet[s] {Optional}: Pit bull named Tank


Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

5:57pm Apr 5 2012

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Posts: 5,211
Anybody? :)

Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

5:21pm Apr 6 2012

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Posts: 5,211

Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

12:03am Apr 8 2012

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Posts: 5,211

Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

1:25am Apr 8 2012 (last edited on 1:40am Apr 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 480
Name [Full name]: Rayna Michelle Valence
Nickname: None 
Age(15-19): 17
Gender: Female 
Crush: None yet 
Bf/Gf[Dont come with one]: Not yet 
Finacee[Dont come with one]: Not yet 
Husband/Wife[Dont come with one]: Not yet 
Siblings: Jamie
Kids: None
Pregnant?: No 
Personality: Rayna is a quiet, uncomfortable girl around people she doesn't know, but is always talkative and always laughing with her friends. She can usually control her temper, but I wouldn't push her too far. It's the quiet one you have to watch out for. ;) 
Other[Tattoos,Peircings etc]: None
This is what she looks like

Chico & Maria
(My real dogs :])


Name [Full name]: Jamie Vincent Valence
Nickname: None 
Age(15-19): 18
Gender: Male 
Crush: None yet 
Bf/Gf[Dont come with one]: Not yet 
Finacee[Dont come with one]: Not yet 
Husband/Wife[Dont come with one]: Not yet 
Siblings: Rayna
Kids: None
Pregnant?: No 
Personality: Not sure yet
Other[Tattoos,Peircings etc]: None
This is what he looks like

Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)

1:26am Apr 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,211
[ You mind makin a guy to? I seem to do better when I do both.]

Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

1:39am Apr 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 480
Edited my last post

Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)

1:41am Apr 8 2012 (last edited on 2:14am Apr 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 5,211
[ Oooh hes hot ;) ]

Lashay smiled and looked back at Logan. "Would you come on and shut up you big baby" She laughed. "C'mon Rebel..Your a big boy and your not afraid of a little "haunted" mansion are you" She giggled when Rebel barked and wagged his tail.

Logan rolled his eyes. "Shut up Shay" He looked back at his mostly all white Pit bull. "You just dont want to admit your scared,And trying to make me out to be like i'm scared." He took Tanks leash.

Lashay rolled her eyes. "Yeah,,Yeah,Yeah come on you big chicken" She laughed petting Rebel. "Aint no boy as brave as my little man" She smiled when Rebel likced her hand.

Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

2:25am Apr 8 2012

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Posts: 5,211
[Gtg be on tomorrow idk what time,But I will be on.]

Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

3:20am Apr 8 2012

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Posts: 781
Bio/Skelly [For teens]

Name [Full name]: Jace Johnson

Nickname: Ace, J.J

Age(15-19): 18

Gender: Male

Crush: None yet

Bf/Gf[Dont come with one]: N/A

Finacee[Dont come with one]: N/A

Husband/Wife[Dont come with one]: N/A

Siblings: none

Kids: none

Pregnant?: no

Personality: Jace is really nice and the type of guy a girl really wants, but the kind who if you get on his bad side it's almost impossible to get off. He's always been the big brother type to little kids and loves to socialize. He's the "love-hate" type of guy, but most people love his generosity and his compassion and affection for all he meet.

Other[Tattoos,Peircings etc]:
Tattoo 1

Pet[s] {Optional}:



Okami Signature Pictures, Images and Photos

3:20am Apr 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 781
Bio/Skelly [For teens]

Name [Full name]: Jace Johnson

Nickname: Ace, J.J

Age(15-19): 18

Gender: Male

Crush: None yet

Bf/Gf[Dont come with one]: N/A

Finacee[Dont come with one]: N/A

Husband/Wife[Dont come with one]: N/A

Siblings: none

Kids: none

Pregnant?: no

Personality: Jace is really nice and the type of guy a girl really wants, but the kind who if you get on his bad side it's almost impossible to get off. He's always been the big brother type to little kids and loves to socialize. He's the "love-hate" type of guy, but most people love his generosity and his compassion and affection for all he meet.

Other[Tattoos,Peircings etc]:
Tattoo 1

Pet[s] {Optional}:



Okami Signature Pictures, Images and Photos

3:24am Apr 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 781
omg sorry for double post x.x i hate that o3o

Okami Signature Pictures, Images and Photos

11:52am Apr 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 480
(He is hot, isn't he? Hahah, ;]
They're all friends already, right? If not I'll change it.
And LilWolf! :D)

   Rayna jumped as her foot landed on a dry twig, causing a loud crack under her feet. "Man, this is messed up. Who wanted us to do this again?" she asked her brother Jamie, who walked slowly beside her up towards the mansion.
   "I don't know. And why are you asking me? You asked me to come with you," Jamie said in an agitated voice. He kicked a rock and sent it flying down hill. Chico pulled on his leash and yipped at something in the bushes closest to them.
   "I wanted you to come and protect me from the ghosts, Jamie!" Rayna punched his shoulder lightly and smiled. "You know, it is your job. Being my big brother and all." 
   Jamie chuckled beside her and nodded in agreement. "Okay, you've got a point, but it's not my job all the time. I have my own life, remember?" He looked down and their two chihuahuas, Chico and Maria, and sighed. "And why did we bring the rats?"
   Rayna gasped at her brothers use of the word "rats" and snatched Maria up from the ground. "Do not call them rats!" She turned her eyes to the puppy in her arms and made a kissy face. "You're not a rat, are you? You're my baby!" Rayna snuggled Maria and then turned back towards the house. "Where is everybody anyways?"

Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)

12:25pm Apr 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,873

{Aww, it's already prevate... >:(}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

5:59pm Apr 8 2012

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Posts: 5,211
Lashay ran up behind Jamie and grabbed him. "Your not scared are ya" She giggled as Rebel barked.

Logan laughed. "Sisters...What are we gonna do with them."

Lashay smiled. "But you love us!"

[ Yeah gets it less awkward lol]

Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

6:24pm Apr 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 480
((Can we let LilWolf join?))

Jamie turned to grin at Lashay. "Yeah, you wish you could scare me. We'll see who's the real scaredy cat when we get in there!" Jamie pointed at the decrepit looking old house and looked at Logan. "I say we leave the girls and see which one survives." He could keep himself from laughing at the horrified look on Rayna's face.
"You think you're so funny, Jamie." Rayna turned her eyes to Lashay and Logan with their dogs at their sides. Maria barked at the pit bulls from the comfort of Rayna's arm. "Oh, shush," she scolded the puppy, setting her down on the ground. "So, who else is coming?"

Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)

6:27pm Apr 8 2012

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Posts: 5,211
Lashay laughed. "Mmmhm sure what ever.. You boys just dont want to admit..Were braver then y'all" She smiled,And lightly punched Jamies arm teasing him. Rebel sat at Lashays feet and wagged his tail.

Logan smiled at Jamie. "I think so two. I bet they would come out withen two minutes" He smiled.

[Sure. I could make another girl and guy if she would want.]

Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3

6:30pm Apr 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 781
Jace walked out of his room to see Chief and Mayhem waiting for him. "Bright and early again huh boys?", he questioned, scratching them both on each of their ears. He walked downstairs in his typical Joe boxer sleeping pants and shirtless of course. He grabbed an apple, threw it behind his back, and caught it. "Show off", he thought to himself. He laughed a bit, then walked over to the dryer. He pulled out his sweat pants and put both Chief and Mayhem on their leashes. He closed his door and began his daily exercise with the boys. Both dogs barked in unison almost to agree with his thoughts.

Okami Signature Pictures, Images and Photos

6:32pm Apr 8 2012

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Posts: 5,211
Cheyenne walked up behind Lashay and Logan. "So.. How long we staying in this place?"

[Makin her bio in a sec]

Team Damon cuz hes sexy <3
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