Guys? The World Just Went BOOM.

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10:33pm Jul 19 2011 (last edited on 9:38pm Jul 16 2012)

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Posts: 1,391

 This is a 1x1 between queenkira and SugarSnow. Lurkers are welcome and appreciated! The only lurker allowed to post whenever it pleases her is YoursTruly. 


"Quiet!" Seth snarled. "What was that noise?"

"I didn't hear anything!" Lana said indignantly.

"I heard something!" Seth hissed insistently. "Now shush,"

Seth wandered cautiously to the window, looking outside with his heart in his throat. What he saw terrified him. He grabbed Lana and tugged her to the window.

"I... I don't understand!" Lana gasped as she stared at a bright flare coming toward their house, destroying everything in its wake.

"The date today... is December 21st." Seth choked out. "December 21st, 2012,"

"The day the world was supposed to end, right?"

"Yes, Lana. It wasn't supposed to happen. It was just a hoax..."

"Yeah, well, doesn't look like a hoax to me! Just look outside! I mean -"


Seth clawed the air, the ground shaking. A huge explosion followed, heat seared his neck and his entire body. He began to cry, shouting for his parents and shouting Lana's name over and over again. He desperately scrabbled to his feet. He hit his head on a table when there was another tremendous shudder. He blacked out, blood seeping from his head.

The house was on fire. So was every other house that was consumed by the thousands of earthquakes and the brilliant, unexplainable flare thundering throughout the entire world. The end has begun. The world is not the same. No sign of life. No plants, no animals, nothing. There are no survivors. Or... are there?


Male Survivors:

Seth {Knife} - SugarSnow

Damien {Wooden Baseball Bat} - queenkira

Krael {Dagger Blade} - queenkira


Female Survivors:

Lana {Knife} - SugarSnow

Svali {Taser} - queenkira


10:45pm Jul 19 2011 (last edited on 12:37am Jul 20 2011)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
Username: Dodomon

Name: Aidan

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Dark skin, pixie-cut black hair. About 5'7", 112lbs. Teal colored eyes (contacts lol). Loves wearing sunny, bright clothes such as yellows and pinks and Daisy Dukes with gladiator heels.

Personality: Outgoing, artsy. Enjoys meeting new people, but that'll be kinda hard now won't it?

Weapons: Metal softball bat

Other: She has synesthesia; sound is shown as colored stripes in her vision. For example, when the earthquakes hit, she saw the sound of her little sister crying as a sharp, bright silver. Not really important RP wise, but kinda fun to mess with. C:


10:50pm Jul 19 2011 (last edited on 7:58pm Aug 31 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

Username: SugarSnow

Name: Seth

Gender: Male

Age: 17 years

Appearance: Seth has messy, short, dark-brown hair with bangs that hang just above his eyebrows and tan skin. He has brooding, mischievous amber eyes and bold, straight eyebrows. His teeth are straight and white.

Personality: Seth is relaxed, laid-back, and humorous. He tends to overreact at times, but he's usually pretty nice. He's loyal and confident and very proud. He's witty and can sometimes have a sharp tongue. He's one of those "strikes fear into the hearts of evil" types and has a strong sense of justice. He's trustworthy and tells the truth. Usually.

Weapons: Seth salvaged a sharp knife that's 10 inches long with a rectangular blade. The knife is the only weapon he has so far.

Other: Lana is his sister, but they were seperated in the explosion, and neither knows that the other is alive.


Username: SugarSnow

Name: Lana

Gender: Female

Age: 16 years

Appearance: Lana has jet-black hair with dark brown highlights. She has high cheekbones, tan skin, and a button nose. She has Cupid's bow lips and a friendly smile. Her eyes are forest-green with sky-blue streaks.

Personality: Lana's nice and sweet, but can be nasty at times. She loves to be sarcastic, but she's caring. She hides behind a tough, aggresive, overconfident personality because inside, she's actually a huge softie and is caring and sympathetic. At school, she was often bullied because of her strangely colored eyes. She toughened up after being bullied and made fun of, and that's how she got her "other" personality that she shows instead of her sweet, quiet one that's her true self.

Weapons: She found a small, 6 inch knife that can be easily concealed in her sleeve.

Other: Seth is her brother and they were seperated in the disaster.


10:51pm Jul 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((Dodomon, you're accepted. Thanks. ^^))


11:01pm Jul 19 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Awesome. C: Seems a tad bland compared to yours though. I might tidy them up a bit later.))


11:03pm Jul 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((Hey, no, it's fine. =P I don't really mind. As long as people join, you know? We can start as soon as 3-5 more people join.))


11:43pm Jul 19 2011 (last edited on 11:47pm Jul 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 22

(( Ironic how when I read the ti
tle, there was a huge clap of thunder from outside. My heart's still racing. ;-; ))


Username: Anthro

 Name: Tobias

 Gender: Male

 Age: Sixteen

Appearance: Extremely tiny, Tobias only reaches about 5"2, with skinny features to match. He has very child-like features, and this was attributed to a unique medical condition he had-- Which couldn't be fixed, as it was in his genes. He does not look sixteen, but barely ten. Toby as long, messy auburn hair that falls ove rhis forehead, just before the brow, light eyebrows, and darker, more red eyelashes. His eyes are amber colored and often very wide, like a frightened doe. He often wears a baggy green hoodie, a plain white tank top underneath, and Jeans slightly too long for him, so they come out rather torn at the bottom. He wears large, worn down combact boots over the ends of his jeans instead.

Personality: Ever since he was a child, Toby had been very independent. He preferred to care for himself, play by himself, and look out for himself. Toby is fully capacle of caring for himself at such a young age. He is easily angered, easily frustrated, and has a hard time keeping his cool around anyone. He's a tiny, angry fireball, and this doesn't exactly help his medical conditions. Tobias still remains very calculating and logical, and occasionally, he lets out his softer, more paternal side.

Weapons: Mom's perfume and Dad's lighter for a makeshift flamethrower, as well as a dried palm branch, which is stiff and hard but otherwise harmless.

Other: Due to his condition, which leaves him child-like for a majority of his life, Tobias suffers from heart palpitations, fatigue, dizziness, and for some reason, occasional bits of amnesia, in which he may forget small things, such as how he arrived somewhere, where he was going, or why he is there. Before the end of the world-- he had medication. Now he's on his own.

(He also has a very high-pitched voice, like a widdle kid.)


11:50pm Jul 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((Accepted! Thanks for joining.))


12:09am Jul 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 22
((You're welcome! I recently joined and just found time for roleplaying. @-@ ))

12:39am Jul 20 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Tobias sounds awesome. XD I can't wait to RP with these characters, lol. -RPjunkie-


12:47am Jul 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 22
((Thanks! You say rpjunkie like it's a bad thing. ;D ))

1:41am Jul 20 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Only if you're my dad. XD))


1:03pm Jul 20 2011

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Posts: 1,391


9:09pm Jul 20 2011

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Posts: 1,391


9:22pm Jul 21 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Free ups))


9:32pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783
((FFFFF I need to join this xD I swear I'm not stalking you, Sugar. I just like survival type RPs. I'll post bio(s) in a bit if you don't mind me joining?))


10:53pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((=P I know you're not stalking me. And if you were, I would feel flattered. 8D Of course I don't mind you joining! *glomps* You rock!))


1:01pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 5:59pm Jul 24 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 783

((Ahaha thanks, you rock too xD *glomptackles* ))


((By the way, Krael is now the one with the dagger blade. Sorry, being indecisive. I changed a few things, actually.)) 


Username: queenkira. You can call me queen. Or Kira. xD

Name: Damien

Gender: Male

Age: Eighteen 

Appearance:  Damien has blonde hair and light skin. His rich brown eyes are warm and friendly, and have a very intelligent quality to them. Damien stands at about 5'6" and is somewhat muscular. He has a thin scar on his left shoulder that looks like it came from a knife, but he refuses to tell anyone the details of how he got it. 

Personality: Damien is somewhat cold and antisocial when you first meet him, but he will do anything for you once you earn his trust. He is calm, and usually prefers to operate alone. Damien is also quiet a lot of the time, yet he can be very talkative with the right person. He is an extremely loyal friend and has been known to put himself in danger in desperate attempts to help close friends. He has no problem with killing to save the ones he loves. He is highly intelligent and has a tendency to be very quirky.  

Weapons: A wooden baseball bat that belonged to his neighbour's son... he won't be needing it anymore.

Other: N/A


 Name: Svali

Gender: Female

Age: Fifteen

Appearance:  Svali has a small build and stands around 5'6". She has long, straight, caramel brown hair that hangs down almost to her hips. Her bright green eyes have flecks of dark forest green in them.

 Personality: Svali has a very sweet, docile nature. She has an air of child-like innocence, and she much prefers flight to fight. She believes their is good inside everyone and is therefore quick to forgive and allow for second chances. She hates to be alone, but she is shy around people she doesn't know very well.

Weapons: She found a taser that's got one shot. She is unsure if she will be able to bring herself to use it because she hates to hurt others and, more importantly, it's the only weapon she's got so she knows she needs to make that one shot count.

Other: She has a brother named Krael that she hasn't seen for months. She has no idea whether or not he survived the explosion.


 Name: Krael

Gender: Male

Age: Seventeen

Appearance: The first things most people notice about Krael are his eyes, which are a steely shade of grey around his pupils. The colour gradually turns to a darker,  intense silvery blue around the edges of his irises. He is is tall (5'9") and very thin. His hair is jet black, opposite his pale skin, and hangs down to just above his eyebrows.

Personality: Krael has developed a reputation for hating others without reason and being cold towards everyone. He angers very easily and is extremely aggressive. Because he endured so much hardship when he was younger, he has become desensitized, and is now unfazed by even the most terrible things. Perhaps this is a blessing, given his current situation. He is actually fairly smart, though he has a tendency to act now and think later. He prefers to be alone when he can.

Weapons: Krael salvaged a 4 inch piece of metal that was once the blade of a dagger, but must have broken off in the explosion. Krael never found it's original handle. It is still very sharp at the edges and slightly curved at the top, but it was useless to him without something to grip it with, so Krael made it a new handle by wrapping one end in a few layers of scotch tape. Once in a while, when Krael can find branches or sticks, he will use his dagger to whittle other weapons out of the wood. However, the dagger always remains his primary weapon. He occasionally uses it as a throwing knife, though his aim isn't great.

Other: He was sent to a juvenile detention centre when he was younger for a crime he didn't commit. They eventually released him, but his life only got harder. His sister Svali tried desperately to cheer him up, but he pushed her away and one day she stopped trying. Krael hasn't seen her for years and often wonders if she is even still alive.



6:54pm Jul 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((Accepted! Or, accepted whatever's there. :3 I hate making bios as much as the next person. Don't worry! They take so much work and they take so long. ouo))


6:57pm Jul 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((Mrrawr! We can start! 8D As soon as queen is finished with her bios. =P Sorry if I sound like I'm rushing you. Take all the time you need. ;D))

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