Halloween Dread

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9:07pm Jul 17 2011 (last edited on 4:36pm Jul 18 2011)

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A time for make-up, costumes, trick-or-treating, candy, and the usual Halloween scare.

It is Halloween night, in the small town of Alberton (Population 483), and the streets are alive: Kids and their parents, travelling place to place for sweets, unruley teens, scaring those that are alone, houses, decorated to intensify the holiday.

But, there is one house... One house that never needs to be decorated; one house that looks like it's decorated for Halloween every year. A single house... Where the inhabitants are rarely seen, but once a year. The black shutters are closed, the windows are boarded shut, and the door is bolt-locked. The old swingset creaks as the wind rushes through it's rusty chains.

It is said that six people live in this house. No. Five monsters: 2 vampires, 2 werewolves, and 2 witches/wizards. Though, those are just rumors.

Well, it is Halloween night after all. And what would be more fun than 10 stupid teens, risking their safety. Each, bet to run to the house, and enter. Once all 10 of them were in, the one that stayed the longest, won the bet. 

Little did each of them know, as soon as you went in that house... You were never coming out.


Well, it's Halloween and there are 10 teens, 5 girls and 5 boys, that go into the 'haunted' house. They get stuck there by the six creatures that dwell within. What will happen to them? Who knows.... As of now, the kids are pressumed missing. Or... Dead. But, there is one man.... The town detective that won't let the case drop.... Will he figure out what has happened, or will he be too late?

Character: Vampire (Girl)
Status [Taken by Toshiro]

Character: Vampire (Boy)
Status [Taken by Shaste]

Character: Werewolf (Girl)
Status [Open]

Character: Werewolf (Boy)
Status [Open]

Character: Witch
Status [Taken by Reina]

Character: Wizard
Status [Taken by Loki]

Character: Detective (Boy)
Status [Taken by Rika]

Humans (Female):
Girl 1: [Taken by Shaste]
Girl 2: [Taken by Toshiro]
Girl 3: [Open]
Girl 4: [Open]
Girl 5: [Open]

Humans (Male):
Boy 1: [Taken by Loki]
Boy 2: [Taken by Reina]
Boy 3: [Open]
Boy 4: [Open]
Boy 5: [Open]

Okay, rule time! xD

There are a limited amount of spots open. Because of this, I would like you to have a max of two characters. If not enough people join, you may have more.

Ask to join. 

I am very picky about that Detective, so only a semi-literate/literate Rper may play him. I'm sorry, but he's special....

No PP, GM, Mary sues, etc~

Listen to the rules, m'kay?

This is a semi-lit to literate Rp.
(Meaning, 2 paragraphs per character. If you have writers block, I'm sure you can salvage only one 5 sentence paragraph. It's not difficult. ^^)

Have fun! :D

Bio Skeleton:

Name: [First and Last. Nicknames included]
Age: [16-18 for then ten teens. 20-25 for the other characters.]
Gender: [Boy? Girl?]
Role: [Human? Detective? Vampire? Etc~]
Personality: [A few sentences at least...]
Other: [Anything else?
Looks/Deion: [Anime pictures prefered. ^^]

-Ahahaha... Get my bio 'skeleton' pun? xD *Is Lame* I know. :c -


Human Girl (Ella Miller)
Vampire Boy (Lyle Dawson)

Human Boy (Rosario -Rose- Timewell)
Wizard (Senerio -Soren or Sen- Tormund)

Detective (Noah Green)

Human Boy (Benjamani Dante Borghese -Benny-)
Witch (Cecilia Elizabeth Hemlock -Cece-)

 Vampire girl (Vynessa “Vyn” Holland)   
Human Girl (
Merit Walter)


10:39pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338

Okay, so.... If anyone wants to join now... They can. o.o


10:56pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 3,426
((Join as the Wizard and a human boy??? :3))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

10:58pm Jul 17 2011

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((Yay! A person! xD Haha....

Anyways, sure, Loki. c:))


11:48pm Jul 17 2011

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((Am I literate enough for the detective...?))


12:02am Jul 18 2011

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((Oh, Rika. I secretly hoped that you would ask for that position.... xD -No creeper- 

I think you'd be great at that Character, so yes. c:))


12:03am Jul 18 2011

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ooc:// May I please be the witch, plus a male and female reckless teenager oh please oh please?

Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁

12:06am Jul 18 2011

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((Reina, -points to rules- Sorry, only two characters for now.... :c But, if there are open spots later, you may have one of them? ^^))


12:48am Jul 18 2011

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ooc:// Then... The witch and a male teenager?

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12:51am Jul 18 2011

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((Yupp. ^^ Just post your bios up. c:))


1:21am Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 1:33pm Jul 18 2011)

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Name: Cecelia Elizabeth Hemlock (Cece)
Age: 21
Gender: Girl
Role: Witch
Personality: Cecelia is, in a word, feisty. No matter whether the mood is positive or negative it is always portrayed with energy and enthusiasm. She loves being around people, even if her intentions are less than savory. Tending towards a certain kind of warmth and charismatic presence, people seem to just believe her. This has proven to be a valuable tool with her housemates, though she suspects that they've started catching on.
Other: She loves Disney movies, and, ironically enough, always cheers for the good guys, especially when the villain is a witch/sorceress.

For what you can't see, she's about 5'3, and rather curvacious.


Name: Benjamani Dante Borghese (Benny)
Age: 18
Gender: Boy
Role: Reckless Teenager
Personality: Benny is... Bright. A lot of this comes from his upbringing, which was typically Southern Italian in that family and friends are the most important thing, above money or honor or what have you. So he is a warm, happy, social person. He loves to be the center of attention, regardless of whether that attention is good or bad. It's usually good, though, as his relaxed and sunny disposition makes it very hard for people to stay mad at him for any period of time. He has an odd gift for uping the mood of a room with his presence, something which he uses quite often. If Benny isn't smiling in some shape or form, then something is seriously amiss.
Other: He sings like an angel.

He stands about 6'3. And in case you can't see, his eyes are very bright blue.

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1:54am Jul 18 2011

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Shaaaaste. ouo Can our charries be bi/gay/les, etc? ouo -wants to make suuuure-)) 


1:55am Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 2:20am Jul 18 2011)

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((Rika, yes. xD My vampire is gay... Bi, actually. o.o))

Name: Lyle Dawson

Age: 24
Gender: BOY. D<
Role: Vampire. 
Personality: Lyle is.... A bit of a player, to say the least. He will flirt with anyone, boy and girl, even if they aren't bi like him. Lyle isn't afraid to be turned down, in fact, he prefers the 'hunt' of it. That's how he gets by in his daily life. Lyle plays the 'flirt' charade to hide his true feelings, his hurt-pride, his bad self conscious, etc~ Fat chance of getting Lyle to really show his true colors.
Other: Lyle is Bi. c:



Name: Ella Miller
Age: 17
Gender: Girly
Role: Human
Personality: Ella is... Blunt, to say the least. If she doesn't like you, she will walk straight up to your face and say 'You know what, I don't like you.' Ella never hides what she's feeling, and never will. Even if you don't ask her opinion, you will get it. So, make sure you don't ask any questions around her, or you will be getting a rude, blunt, and usually funny reply.
Other: Nope. c:
Looks/Deion: She dyes her hair that bright red color. c:



2:38am Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 1:48pm Jul 18 2011)

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Name: Noah Green
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Role: Detective~!

Personality: Noah is a very relaxed, laid back kind of guy. He likes it when things go smoothly and absolutely hates when things end up chaotic. He likes younger people well enough as long at they aren't cocky and rude. He's also a very polite guy and will bow and tip his hat to anyone he meets for the first time and is always the first one to crack a smile to make someone feel more comfortable.

Other:  None. ouo Well, except that he's gaaay. :U

He stands at 6'1". ouo Forgot to mention that. :U 


2:47am Jul 18 2011

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((Good. c: Oh yes, everyone is accepted! ^^))


10:45am Jul 18 2011

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Posts: 736
(( Please may I nab the female vampire? Is there a gender rule to this role play, Because I would wish to play another female, But a male would eb cool too.))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
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11:42am Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 11:46am Jul 18 2011)

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Name: Senerio (Soren or Sen) Tormund 
Age: 20
Gender: Boy
Role: Wizard
Personality: Soren is often considered cold and borderline rude. Despite his cute looks, which should never be mentioned to him as well as his height, he's got a fiery temper and doesn't really like to be around others. He can often be found reading, ignoring anyone else in the room until they talk to him directly. He is also a sadist, and wont hesitate to say something creepy to freak people out if the opportunity presents itself. Possibly inside him he's got a little bit of compassion, but it'd only be a bit... very deep inside him... encased in magic... and guarded by a scary monster...
Other: He prefers to wear more traditional clothing: dark wizard robes and such. He only wears normal clothes to sleep, and always dresses back into his robes before leaving his room, which everyone else is forbidden to enter "unless they want terrors more horrible than hell upon them." He also has a Tiger Owl named Lahlon as a companion. Lahlon doesn't like anyone but Soren touching him, unless he's the one to land or perch on them.

Senerio is about 4'8" and is sensitive about his height. He claims placing too many curses on people stunted his growth and he won't mind stunting it more to silence a smartass.


Name: Rosario (Rose) Timewell
Age: 16
Gender: Boy
Role: Human
Personality: Rose is typically quiet, and has a curious and gentle nature. Although he can get kind of nervous at times, he's friendly and always looking for excitement. It's not uncommon for him to try to go off on some "adventure" and end up falling into a ditch and needing someone's help. Although he can sometimes look a bit sulky, he tries his best to keep negative emotions hidden away inside him and always put on a smile for others, even if it's a sad one. Yes, he has been bullied, and he never did or will do anything about it.
Other: He dyes his hair pink and wears colored contacts. And he's gayy. ;3
Looks/Deion: Rose is about 5'2".

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

12:25pm Jul 18 2011

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ooc:// Well, since we're gonna go all rainbow up in this joint, might as well make the scrumdiddlyumptious Benny bi. And Cece. Maybe Cece and Ella...?

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12:43pm Jul 18 2011

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((Might I request one of the werewolves as well? C: Hmm, shall I be daring and play a female or relax with a male?))


12:46pm Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 12:47pm Jul 18 2011)

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Posts: 736

((Subject to change))

Name: Vynessa “Vyn” Holland
Age: 22
Gender: Girl
Role: Vampire

Vyn is rebellious, spunky, head on tom-boy who is incredibly persistent; and will never give up... ever. In the past It has caused her great injury, however she tries to look past the bad (even if it hurts) and pursue the future. She tends to smile alot to hide her feelings as she feels she needs to be strong. Like may girls, she will cry, however she does silently and tends to leave nail imprints on the soles of her hands. She jokes about her misfortune and won’t comfort others as she doesn’t know how to compensate. She feels that those who can’t hold their own should get stronger, this can cause arguments and she will stand by her opinion.
Other: Dislikes her first name. Has a thing for her male counterpart (Lyle).



Name: Merit Walter
Age: 16

Gender: Girl
Role: Human

Merit, is blunt, sarcastic, and often talks to herself. Because of this, others tend to steer away from her as they think she is a bit, strange. She tries to give people the benefit of the doubt and won’t hold grudges however will tell them straight out what she thinks of their actions. Not that she is trying to be mean, it is just in her nature. She enjoys cooking, camping, climbing and will eat almost anything. You will never catch this tomboy in a dress, she finds them too revealing and not appropriate for the things she does. 


Mizu.png picture by crazymonkey982 

Knightly Lord of Paor.
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