11:11pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 5,310
Plot:> At a certian academy, humans and vampires live side-by-side even though they have different cl*censored* hours. Vampires during the night and humans during the day. So they only have a few hours to mingle with the other cl*censored*. But what happens when a vampire male falls inlove with a human female? Time has yet to tell. Settings:> At Cross Academy Rules:> You should now 'em. Character Sheet:> [Name] [Age] [Gender] [Species] [Power] Vampire only. [Appearance] [Personality] [Other] My Character:> Kaiyo's Character:>
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:15pm Dec 20 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 345
[Name] Damian Cortly [Age] Approx. 17 [Gender] Male [Species] Vampire [Power] He can control shadows as if they were really people. Ex. He can use a shadow to actually touch someone without being anywhere near them. [Appearance]  [Personality] In the roleplay [Other] Vampire god ^^ Very sexy :P
11:18pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// -drools- Hot, smexy vampire!
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:20pm Dec 20 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 345
(( I know right? He's a rebel and he is mai boiiii :DDDD Now post your awesome caharacter and we can get this bloodsucking party started! KYAAAAA ))
11:30pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 5,310
[Name] Denthe Sorrow [Age] Seventeen [Gender] Female [Species] Human
[Power] Vampire only. [Appearance]
 [Personality] TBA [Other] Before she came to Cross Academy, she recieved her Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:33pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian Cortly, most wanted by the girls of the school for his quiet but terrifying presence. He was not interested in them, but was annoyed by their activities. If only they knew about what he and the others really were, maybe they wouldn't be so careless. He stuck his hands in his pockets and strode outside, where the cool breeze and lowering sun would be his only sanctuary of the day time.
11:41pm Dec 20 2009
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Denthe sat away from the other daytime students. Her dark brown eyes were on the picture she was sketching. She was dressed in a red kimono that reached down to the middle of her thighs and black combat boots that reached her kness. A white lock of hair fell in front of her eyes as she removed the pencil from the paper pad to get a better look at her drawing. She smiled slightly. The drawing was an ornate chinese dragon curved around the symbol of the yin-yang with a bengal tiger near the top. Signing her name near the bottom, she also dated it before flipping through the last remaining pages. Sighing once, she muttered to herself; "I need to get another sketch pad in the near future." Placing the pad inside a sling bag, she rubbed her tired eyes before standing up and wrapping a black scarf around her neck. As she picked up the bag by its strap, her stomach growled. "Man. Forgot to get dinner."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:58pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 345
"Damian! Damian we love you!" the girls shouted as he came out the door. He didn't react to them, only kept walking. "Dude, come on wave to them." His best friend Tony laughed, waving at them and blowing kisses. "Tony stop flirting with the humans. You'll end up killing them with the control you have," Damian answered, a sneer on his lips. He never once smiled at any human, and it was rare that a vampire would see a smile. The sneer was probably the closest thing it would come to. Tony rolled his eyes. "You are such an a&&hole," he laughed. Damian merely shrugged and kept walking.
12:06am Dec 21 2009
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Denthe hurried to the cafeteria before dinner could be over. In her rush, she didn't watch were she was going and accidentally ran into Damion. She fell down with a gasp as she landed on her butt. "Ow," she said. Her knees were touching, but her lower legs were spread out. Her sketch pad had also came free of her sling bag and lay on the ground at Damion's feet. She kept her eyes closed as she rubbed her now sore backside.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:09am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian looked down and actually smiled. "This is very good, miss." He smiled at her, ignoring the gasps and looks of death at the poor girl in front of him. He reached out his hand for her to grab. "Help miss?"
12:16am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 5,310
Denthe glanced at Damian's outstreatched hand and grasped it. "Thank-you," she said as she used it to pull herself to her feet. "And I'm sorry for running into you. I should've paid more attention to where I was going." She smiled before picking up her sketch pad. But she didn't notice a page fall out. The one that had fallen out was a very detailed drawing of a vampire drinking from an ornate goblet of blood. The being was against a black background and was shaded to match the dark theme. It was one of Denthe's favourite. She placed the sketch pad in her slingbag and this time made sure that it was closed.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:18am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian snatched up the drawing before she could see that she had dropped it. "Its no problem. Not everyday you get pretty girls running into you," he laughed grabbing her hand and giving it a soft kiss. The girls screamed in outrage in the back ground. He was about to scream at them.
12:22am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 5,310
Denthe blushed slightly and she diverted her eyes to the ground. Her mouth was open, but no words came out. To tell the truth, she was utterly speachless.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:26am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
He chuckled and gave her another smile. "Please, accept this as..a thank you," he said, taking off one of the bracelets on his wrist and putting it on hers. "Maybe I'll see you around little chick," he laughed and gave her a swift kiss on the cheek before walking to the school again. (( LOL sorry got Little chick from my favorite manga Moe Kare hehe or its little Hiyoko I think xD ))
12:32am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 5,310
Denthe glanced at the black bracelet around her wrist. She nodded. "Maybe," she said as she turned towards cafeteria.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:33am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
He pulled the drawing out of his pocket and froze. It was a vampire. Did she know? Or was it merely a drawing? He could ask her? Then make her forget later with the help of Sabi.
12:44am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 5,310
When Denthe had finally gotten her dinner, she walked to an empty table to eat. But before she did, she pulled out her sketch pad to start another drawing. But as she flipped through the pictures, she didn't see the vampire one. Denthe frowned. "Come on! That one was my favourite!" she complained to herself. Of course, she knew that vampires weren't real. They were just some ubran legend, but she had taken a fascination in them ever since she read Dracula. Denthe sighed and rubbed her temples before finishing her dinner. She'd look for it tomorrow before clas$ess.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:46am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 345
Damian sighed, but kept the drawing, knowing she would want it back. He put it in his jacket pocket as to not forget and smiled to himself, lying down on the couch.
12:52am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 5,310
As Denthe walked back to her dorm, she noticed the setting sun. The night clas$ would be starting soon. She snickered to herself as she thought; It's full of those kids who are almost nocturnal in nature. Chuckling, she soon found her way to her dorm. She was in a room by herself and the walls were just covered with different drawings she felt inspired to make. Setting down her slingbag at the foot of her bed, she collasped back first on the soft matress.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:52am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 2,671
[[ May I lurk? :o ]]
Taking a long break from Res due to Stress levels. Will pop in and out. If you wish to contact me, RMAIL ONLY. I WILL NOT BE ROLEPLAYING. I WILL NOT COME BACK NOT MATTER THE AMOUNT OF BEGGING.