Name: Chelsea
Age: 16 almost 17
Grade: (11th or 12th to participate in Prom) 11th
Gender: Female
Orientation(sp?): Straight
Likes: Cats, swimming, swimming with cats...(XD) also likes to collect... very odd things
Dislikes: pretty much everything else she hasn't gotten used to yet
Group: (Prep, Jock, Goth, Free-Thinker, Goody-two-shoes etc) i guess you could say she's a bit of a goth, but amore fitting one would be evil >:D
Crush/BF-Gf: Open
Other: None
Name: Jacoby
Age: 18
Grade: (11th or 12th to participate in Prom) 12th
Gender: Male
Orientation(sp?): straight
Likes: Getting himself into trouble, skateboarding, watching people hurt themselves at skatparks and whatnot
Dislikes: Being the ne getting hurt at skateparks and whatnot
Group: (Prep, Jock, Goth, Free-Thinker, Goody-two-shoes etc) Skater... thing (mostly ya)
Crush/BF-Gf: Open
Other: none really
Name: Reverend Strytchning Twitch
Age: 18
Grade: (11th or 12th to participate in Prom) 12th
Gender: Male
Orientation(sp?): Bi (leans toward girls though)
Likes: Drinking, eating, skateing (but very little), causing trouble, being entertaining
Dislikes: not drinking, not eating, being locked up inside
Group: (Prep, Jock, Goth, Free-Thinker, Goody-two-shoes etc) sort of a punk/ could be consider a prep, but he isn't mean, just a lot of people like hanging out with him =3
Crush/BF-Gf: open
Other: not his real name, but he got everyone to call him by this one
(( i think thats it XD *not my pics* ))